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Obama, Go Home!!

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posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 02:45 AM
As Obama and his clan enjoy themselves on Martha's Vineyard, Hurricane Irene steadily makes her way up the eastern seabord of the US. But this thread isn't about whether Obama will be safe or able to escape the island in time.

It's about the many people that he is inconveniencing with his selfish indulgence. The people who are subjected to extra restrictions at the local airports cannot travel as they want or need to. Property owners are prevented free and normal access to their property, and cannot prepare their homes against the storm, which promises to be a doozy. Seacraft are stranded and must wait for Barry's permission before they are attended to.

Meanwhile, Barry O. slurps on ice cream and Mrs. Soetero waddles from boutique to boutique while frustrated owners and residents are treated like lower class as they need to make way for the messiah.

Barry, GO HOME!!

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 02:56 AM
You know, as long as people keep thinking the President (any President) has something to do with the state of the country, things will never improve.
edit on 26-8-2011 by vexati0n because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 03:03 AM
reply to post by vexati0n

You know, as long as people keep thinking the President (any President) has something to do with the state of the country, things will never improve.

I don't understand what that means in context with this thread. Perhaps you made a wrong turn?

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 03:14 AM
reply to post by mishigas

I could wax poetic on the arrogance of the emperor, but I won't.
Instead, I'll let his own actions define him as a leader, a man, a human being.

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 03:38 AM
reply to post by beezzer

I could wax poetic on the arrogance of the emperor, but I won't.
Instead, I'll let his own actions define him as a leader, a man, a human being.

Is arrogance the right word? I guess so. Arrogance and immaturity make a good combination.

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 08:46 AM
God bless Obama, he's not as good as he could be but I can imagine what it would be like if we had another republican in there for the last three years. The republicans screwed things up so bad with their deregulation and corporate sodomy.

When it comes to Martha's Vinyard remarks can I remind you that no president in history took more vacations than G W Bush.

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 08:48 AM
I notice how the OP fails to give one example of Obama's entourage preventing anyone from preparing for the hurricane. Of course when he travels it always has an impact but that's true of all Presidents.

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 08:59 AM
The Vineyard prides itself on being a Presidential vacation spot. It's great for business and the islanders as well as the tourists get a thrill rubbing elbows with the President and 1st family. I don't think Obama can be blamed for the weather. I love how people think a world leader ever truly gets a vacation anyway, even Bush jr, who I hate and took nearly a year total of vacation in his 8 year term, I never once believed he was actually on vacation except maybe mentally which would actually be an 8 year paid vacation.

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 09:00 AM
Let's not forget how the Obamas participated in voodoo/satanic rituals on the beach to conjure up the hurricane to begin with! They ate small children that they sacrificed in the name of George Soros, and then wiped their bloody lips clean with Obama's long-form Kenyan birth certificate!

I'm sorry, got a little carried away there.

Let's just remember that Obama will be going home if we do our job in the next election. Right along with the entire congress as well. But let's hope that we can put someone in office who is willing to stick to their beliefs and not pander to the opposite party like Obama did. He did the work for the Neocons!

Knowing our luck, the next prez will be another Neocon like Perry....or God help us all.....Bachmann.

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 11:20 AM
reply to post by kro32

I notice how the OP fails to give one example of Obama's entourage preventing anyone from preparing for the hurricane. Of course when he travels it always has an impact but that's true of all Presidents.

Sorry to disappoint you, kro32. Actually I just made all of this up about your messiah.

It's difficult to find print; most of MV is uber-liberal, but listening to regional talk radio gives dozens of stories from frustrated residents/travelers.

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 11:45 AM
reply to post by Kali74

The Vineyard prides itself on being a Presidential vacation spot. It's great for business and the islanders as well as the tourists get a thrill rubbing elbows with the President and 1st family.

Bullcrap. Ask the residents and workers who are constantly inconvenienced by Obama's 40 car entourage tying up miles of traffic as they transport him to his oh so important golf game. Add that to the fact that his idiot wife insisted on taking a separate jet to Mass., just a few hours earlier than him leaving on AF1. Too snobby to ride together, I guess. Ghetto trying to impress...who cares about the extra expense to the taxpayer?

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 12:13 PM
reply to post by mishigas

Living in Boston, we get local coverage form The Vineyard when the President visits, most stories and articles coming from there about it are positive. I've been to The Vineyard many times and trust me it's a source of pride for the islanders and is good for business. Nice blog link you got there though :/

Vineyard Gazette

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 12:33 PM
reply to post by mishigas

A little salty?

By the way, did you see that Obama is cutting his vacation short to go back to work? Will you give him credit for that?

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 01:24 PM
obama go home indeed!

cant wait for 2012 to get here

nero fiddles while rome burns as we have become rome

rampant corruption and greed and self indulgence and lust for power.

they say history keeps repeating it self for we never learn from history

let us turn a new page in our own history and end the stupidity

of what we all know as washington ec and the current potus.

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 01:28 PM

Originally posted by mishigas

As Obama and his clan enjoy themselves on Martha's Vineyard, Hurricane Irene steadily makes her way up the eastern seabord of the US. But this thread isn't about whether Obama will be safe or able to escape the island in time.

It's about the many people that he is inconveniencing with his selfish indulgence. The people who are subjected to extra restrictions at the local airports cannot travel as they want or need to. Property owners are prevented free and normal access to their property, and cannot prepare their homes against the storm, which promises to be a doozy. Seacraft are stranded and must wait for Barry's permission before they are attended to.

Meanwhile, Barry O. slurps on ice cream and Mrs. Soetero waddles from boutique to boutique while frustrated owners and residents are treated like lower class as they need to make way for the messiah.

Barry, GO HOME!!

I just imagine one fine day Obama gives a speech, "Please forgive me. I'm just a puppet for NWO".

Then, the whole world will accept and bless him. And he becomes the AntiChrist.

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 01:46 PM

Originally posted by mishigas
reply to post by Kali74

The Vineyard prides itself on being a Presidential vacation spot. It's great for business and the islanders as well as the tourists get a thrill rubbing elbows with the President and 1st family.

Bullcrap. Ask the residents and workers who are constantly inconvenienced by Obama's 40 car entourage tying up miles of traffic as they transport him to his oh so important golf game. Add that to the fact that his idiot wife insisted on taking a separate jet to Mass., just a few hours earlier than him leaving on AF1. Too snobby to ride together, I guess. Ghetto trying to impress...who cares about the extra expense to the taxpayer?

Hey, maybe that really is one of those Islamic Shariah law things..they never seem to travel together. Oh wait, no, the women are supposed to travel only in the company of their protector...
edit on 26-8-2011 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by sheepslayer247
reply to post by mishigas

A little salty?

By the way, did you see that Obama is cutting his vacation short to go back to work? Will you give him credit for that?

A Washington Insider says work consists of hanging around his office (not the Oval Office) in his sweats and watching sports games. Maybe he prefers that to hanging out with Michelle.

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 02:32 PM
The responses in this thread really validate the claims that hating Obama isn't a racial issue. I'm convinced.

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 03:02 PM
To be completely fair, the POTUS rarely takes the equivalent of an average American's vacation. For most of us, when we take a vacation away from work, we are truly away from work. That said, the POTUS is on call 24/7 and still has his daily meetings, briefings, and carries on most of the same real business he conducts when at the White House.

I do feel for the good people at Martha's Vineyard and anywhere else a POTUS visits, however. I've been inconvenienced by a presidential visit a couple of times in my lifetime and it's not at all fun or enjoyable unless you are one of those doe-eyed idoliters who fawn all over any brush with celebrity. At least GWB had the decency to vacation at his own ranch or at Camp David, rather than interrupting the daily lives of people in open society.

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