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Australia protesting - Carbon Tax!

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posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 11:45 PM
reply to post by DevilsApprentice

Right, no middle class citizen is safe. Thats why the Carbon Tax is a big deal. The rich dont care, they have all the miney in the world, the other classes, they will suffer

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 12:39 AM
reply to post by DevilsApprentice

majority of mining industries leasing Australian soil are foreign owned.

Tax them and make them pay for it. They use and abuse Australia so I agree with the Australian Govt...

They have a choice... pay up or change to greener energy sources.

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 12:41 AM
reply to post by Thurisaz

The mining companies may be foreign owned, but Australia owns the coal plants.

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 01:01 AM

Originally posted by Thurisaz

majority of mining industries leasing Australian soil are foreign owned.

Tax them and make them pay for it. They use and abuse Australia so I agree with the Australian Govt...

They have a choice... pay up or change to greener energy sources.

Yes they are foreign owned leases

And indeed the mineral exports from Australia are to foreign countries . Foreign owned industries in turn convert that raw material into products and then export portions of those products back to Australian consumers do they not ? .

So .. you make will them pay and they in turn will make you pay.

Interesting circle

edit on 19-8-2011 by DevilsApprentice because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 03:16 AM
This tax is and has already been costing us. Systems that measure carbon usage have already been installed in the airline and power industries. Go get some of your 12 month old power bills. You may notice (depending on your provider) that it tells you your carbon emissions. Go buy an airline ticket, you'll see the measurement too.

They are just not charging the actual tax yet.

The cost of just about everything has been going up rediculously in the past 2 or 3 years. Just incase you dont pay attention. Go through your old newspapers and have a look at the advertisements for everyday stuff, its all there, food in particular has been going up as well as just about everything else that is not imported from China.

The part of the reason is because new systems have been put in place as preparation for these taxes. To measure and exempt at the very least all usage by customers. How do I know? I installed one, i priced servers that are dedicated to them, i priced maintenance, and i saw the prices being charged for this stuff relative to the cost, i saw literally millions of dollars being spent by publicly listed company with these third party system integration companies.

Who do you people think are paying for this? Not the company's. Not the CEO. Not the government. No, its the end use in increased prices. And now that the customers have paid for their tax measuring and billing and exemption systems to be put in place. The prices will not go down since 'the market will pay' the prices charged into the cost of everything.

Now just add the tax. And the government will say, see the cost isnt that bad, we will exempt you from paying the end cost (for 3 years after which you loose your bonuses) and where does this money go and who will change their ways.

Big business wont change since they just passed the cost onto the end user, it costs them nothing, in fact they get more stuff to claim and more turn over which looks great on spreadsheets, in at least one case i know off. The upper mangement person in charge of selecting provider for the publically listed company was a large shareholder in the integration company

The company's that do the measuring and exemptions are going to be charging through the teeth for ever and you can bet they dont want anybody to stop using fossil fuels since they wont exist anymore.

The government who is getting all this money don't want to stop getting this money, you can be certain about that.

Ive seen the list of 'exempt' company's that I installed on various systems. You would be shocked. Ill put it simply. None of the people sellnig the tax in government or cohorts with them, none of their business or company's they own will be paying this tax. Basically none of fortune 500 will be paying any tax. No mining company's that rhyme with trio pinto will be paying any tax, no political parties that are the same colour as tree's will be paying any carbon tax.

But dont worry, you can trust these people. They want whats best for the Earth. They are not selfish psychopaths willing to do anything to get to the top. They got to the top by being nice caring people who only want whats best for the greater good. The prime minister would never lie rite?

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 03:27 AM
i live in Perth western australia, last friday i got a government carbon tax flyer in my mail, some info explaing how good it was for you.. i went straight to my computer and fired off a few emails to the company... How dare you......who do you think you are........keep you government propaganda to yourself... i says lol.. felt good after i did that.

also i cant believe there are people out there that want this tax.. wow
edit on 19-8-2011 by jazzguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 04:16 AM
Is the world laughing at Gillards Carbon Tax. ,

I have to wonder how anyone can be convinced that this tax is good for you.It redefines the word sheeple.

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 05:02 AM

Originally posted by daaskapital
John Howard went to an election for it, unlike Gillard

She will. When she receives instructions to do so.

As soon as TPTB want Abbott to take the reins for a while.

Don't be fooled into thinking an election will solve this. Abbott is a snake in the grass and they know they can make the Australian people vote him in by making them dislike Juliar more. After all, that's what elections are about. Voting for whoever you dislike the least.

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 05:08 AM
reply to post by LexiconV

What a surprise ! Not... the Rothchild family are involved. Is this not the name behind the United Nations and the Carbon Trading Schemes !

Do not be so sure of that. You find David Rockefeller (Rothschild New World pawn) who holds private meetings of the IMF and World Bank at his Weschester Estate, The World Bank who is going to GET THE CARBON TAX MONEY and Maurice Strong World Bank Senior Advisor, Big Canadian Oil man and the guy who started the mess at the first earth summit in 1972

Let me see if I can dig out my follow the money....

OH before I start. Shell oil is ROYAL DUTCH Shell as in Queen Beatrix and family and BP is a CROWN company as in the British Royal family. (Bildeburg anyone???

Remember CRU of Climategate e-mail fame???

CRU Funding
British Petroleum (Oil, LNG)
Central Electricity Generating Board
Eastern Electricity
KFA Germany (Nuclear)
Irish Electricity Supply Board (LNG, Nuclear)
National Power
Nuclear Installations Inspectorate (Nuclear)
Shell (Oil, LNG)
Sultanate of Oman (LNG)
UK Nirex Ltd. (Nuclear)

Exxon: “(how about $100 million for Stanford’s Global Climate and Energy Project, and $600 million for Biofuels research).”
“The US government spent $79 billion on climate research and technology since 1989 – to be sure, this funding paid for things like satellites and studies, but it’s 3,500 times as much as anything offered to sceptics.”
“The $79 billion figure does not include money from other western governments, private industry, and is not adjusted for inflation.”
“According to the World Bank, turnover of carbon trading reached $126 billion in 2008. PointCarbon estimates trading in 2009 was about $130 billion.”

In 2005, Pachauri helped set up set up GloriOil, a Texas firm specialising in technology which allows the last remaining reserves to be extracted from oilfields otherwise at the end of their useful life.

“He is an internationally recognized figure in energy and sustainable development, having served on numerous boards and committees including Director of the Oil and Natural Gas Company of India; Director of the Indian Oil Corporation Limited;…

“Our chemical lab in Houston is state of the art, custom built for purpose with one goal in mind – to supply the US oil industry with world class biotechnology to increase oil recovery from mature fields.”

“Our research facility in India focuses primarily on long term R&D projects such as heavy oil degradation, methane biogeneration from coal beds, and other initiatives.”


he United States’ largest electric utilities association and three of the country’s biggest oil companies will endorse the climate proposal Sens. John Kerry et al.
CRU seeks big oil and big business cash
From D1 Oils website”:- (A couple years ago)

“Lord Oxburgh Appointed Non-Executive Director and to become Chairman in 2007
D1 Oils plc (D1), the UK-based global producer of biodiesel, is pleased to announce the appointment of Lord Oxburgh as a Non-Executive Director of the Company with the intention that he becomes Chairman in early 2007. When Lord Oxburgh succeeds to the Chairmanship, the present Chairman, Karl E. Watkin, will remain as a Non-Executive Director of the Company.

Lord Oxburgh is a long-standing public advocate of the need to address climate change issues. He served as the Non-Executive Chairman of Shell Transport and Trading plc from 2004 to 2005, during which time he took a close interest in the company’s environmental technologies. Since then, Lord Oxburgh has been an adviser to Climate Change Capital, a specialist investment banking group focused on companies and financial institutions affected by the policy and capital market responses to climate change.”


Shell Transport and Trading Company PLC

Royal Dutch Shell plc (LSE: RDSA, LSE: RDSB), commonly known as Shell, is a global oil and gas company headquartered in The Hague, Netherlands and with its registered office at the Shell Centre in London, United Kingdom.[2] It is the largest energy company and the second largest company in the world measured by revenues and is one of the six oil and gas "supermajors".[3]


posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 05:16 AM
reply to post by daaskapital

I am carbon trader, i make money with carbon credits.

Carbon credit industry really is evil in its root, masonic, but anyway, i use it to make money.

That industry now is 200 billion dollars worth and it is growing fast. Msg me for more info if you want to make money on global warming and climate changes.
edit on 19-8-2011 by ferumbra because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 05:28 AM
reply to post by crimvelvet

Carbon Tax all ties in with the drive towards "Global Governance" and a "poverty level" society for the serfs, although the Elite do not call it that. They call it "Agenda 21" or "Sustainability"

In the 1973 book “Human Ecology: Problems and Solutions,” John Holdren, Paul Ehrlich and Anne Ehrlich wrote:

“A massive campaign must be launched to restore a high-quality environment in North America and to de-develop the United States. De-development means bringing our economic system (especially patterns of consumption) into line with the realities of ecology and the global resource situation. Resources and energy must be diverted from frivolous and wasteful uses in overdeveloped countries to filling the genuine needs of underdeveloped countries."

The UN First Earth Summit was the launch of the "massive campaign"

“The need for de-development presents our economists with a major challenge,” they wrote. “They must design a stable, low-consumption economy in which there is a much more equitable distribution of wealth than the present one. Redistribution of wealth both within and among nations is absolutely essential, if a decent life is to be provided for every human being.”

Agenda 21 is that economic plan.

The connection between the two is Shell oil company among others (Maurice Strong did a deal with Shell that enabled Shell to take over the only remaining all-Canadian oil company. )

CRU was founded in 1970’s by two Big Oil companies ,Shell and BP.

"Initial sponsors included British Petroleum, the Nuffield Foundation and Royal Dutch Shell.[5] The Rockefeller Foundation was another early benefactor, and the Wolfson Foundation gave the Unit its current building in 1986.[4] "

The two agencies who founded the IPCC are the WMO and UNEP. So who founded the UNEP and who ran it? "During December 1972, the UN General Assembly unanimously elected Maurice Strong to head UNEP."

This Climategate e-mail on Global Governance & Sustainable Development (B1) (code phrase for Agenda 21) shows another connection.

Here is more on the (B1) scenario IPCC Emissions Scenarios

Here is who Ged Davis in the e-mail is (Shell Oil executive and scenario writer with IPCC connection)

Notice Davis started work for Shell in scenario planning, strategy and finance, in 1972 the same year Maurice Strong was whipping up the Global Warming/Environmental Frenzy.

Ged DAVIS has a background in economics and engineering from London and Stanford universities. He joined the Royal Dutch/Shell in 1972 and stayed with that company for 30 years. During his time at Shell, he held positions predominantly in scenario planning, strategy and finance, including Head of Planning (Europe), Head of Energy (Group Planning), Head of Group Investor Relations, Head of Scenario Processes and Applications, Head of the Socio-Politics and Technology Team (Group Planning), and lastly as the company’s Vice-President for Global Business Environment and Head of the Scenarios Team.

For the last three years, he has been Managing Director of the World Economic Forum, responsible for global research, scenario projects, and the design of the annual Forum meeting at Davos. During the late 1990s, he served as Director of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development’s Global Scenarios and as Facilitator and Lead Author of the IPCC’s Emission Scenarios. Currently, he is Co-President of the Global Energy Assessment with the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA); a Director of Low Carbon Accelerator Limited; a Governor of the International Development Research Centre in Ottawa; and a Member of the INDEX Design Awards Jury.

Maurice Strong
Strong started in the oil business in the 1950s working for the Rockefellers in Saudia Arabia. He was president of a major holding company -- the Power Corporation of Canada. in 1975, he was invited by Canada to run the semi-national Petro-Canada. He did another deal with Saudi arms deal, Adnan Khashoggi acquiring AZL, a conglomerate owning feed lots, land, gas and oil interests, and engineering firms. Strong was Vice President of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), until 1981. He is a Senior Adviser to the World Bank and Trustee of the Rockefeller foundation.
I always laugh when some one accuses "Deniers" (Skeptics) of being funded by "big Oil" given all these connections.

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 05:31 AM
It's crazy how some of the people take Gillards word for granted. " Its going to be beneficial for Australia." I don't think so. It is going to negatively impact us

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 05:33 AM
Thanks for posting OP!

This is the latest video on Carbon Tax by Koozzo.
It exposes alot of the disinfo fed to us by the Gillard Government.

Not sure if you've seen this video, but heres the link-

Sorry but I'm new to embedding!
edit on 19-8-2011 by jewells because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 05:36 AM
reply to post by jewells

Thankyou for posting the video, i will definitely watch it.

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 05:44 AM
reply to post by jewells

Just finished watching the video. Very informative and it fleshed out the important aspects that are very well hidden behind the scenes of the carbon tax. Thankyou very much for posting the video

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 06:10 AM
reply to post by crimvelvet

As I said you find the Big Oil Companies, the World Bank, the Rockefeller foundation, Maurice Strong and David Rockefeller all nicely tied to the "Carbon Tax"

So what is the real plan???
Maurice Strong was on the UN "Commission for Global Governance"

In Sept. 14, 1994 David Rockefeller, speaking at the UN Business Council,. Allegedly said:
"This present window of opportunity, during which a truly peaceful and interdependent world order might be built, will not be open for too long - We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order."

Sounds like conspiracy crap doesn't it???

Unfortunately in his Autobiography “Memoirs” on page 405," Mr. Rockefeller writes: “For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents... to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as “internationalists and of conspiring with others around the world ... If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”

Is there any data to back up the alleged “Right Major Crisis” ?

In1995 we have WTO ratified a move that spelled the death knell for American onshore corporations. The USA starts exporting Jobs and importing cheap Chinese junk racking up a large trade deficit. I am sure the EU and Australia had the same problem.

A year ago, Pascal Lamy, Director, World Trade Organization (WTO) wrote this article for the Global Journal Of What Use is Global Governance?

...the European Union, the very incarnation of an international organization of integration in which Member States have agreed to relinquish sovereignty in order to strengthen the coherence and effectiveness of their actions....

If there is one place on earth where new forms of global governance have been tested since the Second World War, it is in Europe. European integration is the most ambitious supranational governance experience ever undertaken. It is the story of interdependence desired, defined, and organized by the Member States. In no respect is the work complete—neither geographically nor in terms of depth...

The essence of the E.U. is already at the heart of this first initiative: the creation of an area of joint sovereignty, .... One innovation is the primacy of E.U. law over national law; another is the existence of a commission with a monopoly on legislative initiative; a third is the creation of a court whose decisions are binding on national courts; a fourth is the creation of a bicameral parliamentary system with, on one side, the Council that represents member states, and on the other, the European Parliament that represents the citizens. ..... And global governance is not absent from this objective, at least if we are to believe Jean Monnet, chief architect of the Action Committee for the United States of Europe, when he wrote, “The sovereign nations of the past are no longer the framework in which today’s problems can be solved. And the community itself is merely a step toward the organizational forms of tomorrow’s world.”

Our challenge today is to establish a system of global governance that provides a better balance between leadership, effectiveness, and legitimacy on the one hand, and coherence on the other...

More recently there is "Global Governance 2025" by US & EU Intelligence Agencies courtesy of Freedom of Information Act, at

The Atlantic Council has a summary HERE

This report analyzes the gap between current international governance institutions, organizations and norms and the demands for global governance likely to be posed by long-term strategic challenges over the next 15 years. The report is the product of research and analysis by the NIC and EUISS following a series of international dialogues co-organized by the Atlantic Council, TPN, and other partner organizations in Beijing, Tokyo, Dubai, New Delhi, Pretoria, Sao Paulo & Brasilia, Moscow, and Paris. ....

Here is a very small part of the plan

..This past week, the Millennium Summit convened in New York City and has been called the largest assemblage of heads of state under one roof in all of human history.

What is this Summit all about? Where does the New World Order vision stand today? From above document and others on the website we can glean that the following are on the agenda:

1. A global "peacekeeping force," publicly endorsed Wednesday by Bill Clinton. He told the gathered dignitaries that the UN needs "a rapid deployment force of well-trained and well-equipped solders capable of projecting ‘credible force’ into trouble spots." Along these lines, a Republican, Constance Morella (R-MD), has introduced a bill calling for a United Nations Rapid Deployment Force, which would turn 6,000 American soldiers over to the UN, which would mean that Americans would be taking orders from non-Americans. Seven other countries have already signed aboard with similar pledges. The UN is ready to create its own "standing army" of the sort the U.S. Constitution forbids.

2. An International Criminal Court – ostensibly to hold national governments accountable for human rights abuses; an international treaty "would provide for compulsory referral of unresolved disputes to [an] International Court of Justice." U.S. citizens could, in principle, be tried before tribunals of non-Americans.

3. A global system of taxation: [the Forum urges the United Nations] "to introduce binding codes of conduct for transnational companies, and effective tax regulation on the international financial markets, investing this money in programmes for poverty eradication."

4. Global coerced redistribution of wealth and income, combined with global affirmative action: [Governments should] "focus their efforts and policies on addressing the root causes of poverty and providing for the basic needs of all, giving special priority to the needs and rights of disadvantaged and underrepresented."

8. International public education: "provide universal access to ‘education for all,’ prioritizing free basic education and skills training…. We call on governments…to reduce the technology gap, and to restructure educational policy to ensure that all children (girls and boys) receive moral, spiritual, peace and human rights education…. Special attention must be paid to the girl child…."

11. Universal gun registration: the UN should "expand the UN Arms register in order to show production and sale of small arms and light weapons. It should include specific names of their producers and traders." Of course, those implementing this call for arms registration could define "small arms and light weapons" in any way they saw fit.

12. Strengthening UN power generally: "A major task of the world community in the twenty-first century will be to strengthen and greatly enhance the role of the United Nations in the global context. Governments must recommit themselves to the realization of the goals and mandates of the United Nations Charter. A challenging task is to firmly protect the integrity of the United Naitons, counter the erosion of its role and to further strengthen and augment international institutions capable of implementing and enforcing international standards, norms, and law, leading toward the formation of a new political and economic order.

There is, of course, more – much, much more. This is just a sampling; ....

If you think the "Carbon Tax" is all sweetness and light and "For the good of the Environment" you are nuts! It is about another step into the cage of slavery the Elite are slowly weaving around us.

The fact that close to me a company is now growing spermicidal corn that makes men sterile AND the USA just pas a law that will wipe out independent farming, should give you a good clue as to what is really up.

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 06:19 AM
Australians have only themselves to blame for this Carbon Dioxide Tax with our ‘‘she’ll be right’’ attitude and collective complacency. Australians Need to Wake up and realize that we are the proving ground of the N.W.O. Our way of life is slowly being encroached upon, it Doesn’t Matter Left Right Greens it’s all political Collectivism. Follow the money trail 10% of moneys collected ultimately end up at The United Nations , the public is Bombarded with disinformation believing Media Lies ,who are at the Governments beck and call bowing down to prime minister Giliard propaganda spin.
Carbon dioxide is now a dirty word Hey Wait isn’t that what plants need to survive and in turn don’t they then produce oxygen Australians were told it would reduce global warming , Oh wait The world has actually cooled New spin Climate Change .
Stop Watching Tv and turn on your brain, Start Listening to People’s Concerns , Stand up to injustice let your Voice be heard , don’t chain yourselves behind political correctness without wisdom ,is just Political nonsense. The sovereignty of this country is at risk, the Globalist agenda is now removing liberties all for the good of the Australian people.
Wake up to Carbon Tax. Wake up to internet censorship, Wake up to Fluoride.

And the list goes on..............

How Edmund de Rothchild Managed To Let 179 Governments
Pay Him For Grasping Up To 30% Of The Earth

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 06:51 AM
If 80% of us Australians are serious about not wanting the Carbon Tax and wanting an election, we would do something about it. Yet, the majority of us are too afraid, and are 'asleep' to what's going on. I hope you Carbon Tax supporters realise that this is a U.N Agenda trying to get pushed into Australia, even the 'Greens Leader, Bob Brown" called for a "World Governance" as I recall.. Makes you wonder.. "World Governance"

Don't get me started on Abbott either, nor any other politician. They will all introduce some type of "Carbon Tax" but under a different name.


posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 07:18 AM
Ive decided to initiate my own tax against the Government.

Its called "The Oxygen Tax"

About 18 mths or so ago, and expert scientist was quoted in the national papers, that each tree in Australia was worth $480.00 per year, due to the oxygen produced and the carbon stored.

I have an ordinary block with an ordinary house, with a back and front yard, Ive decided that it is time that the government paid what it owes me.

I have 5 mature trees, numerous shrubs, some lawn and 1000s of weeds. At a conservative estimate @ $480.00 per tree + others, the Government owes me around $3000.00 per year.

As the Govt. has allowed high rise condos, McMansions that use all available land, bulldozed parks etc, all producing no oxygen or carbon storage...Iam now instigating the Oxygen tax.

So Juliar, pay up, if you cant afford it, I'll take it out of your super fund.

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 09:10 AM
i once wrote a scientific paper on carbon related tariffs. the topic is closely related to carbon taxes. without a sophisticated analysis i cannot tell whether a carbon tax would reduce carbon emissions in australia in any meaningful way. i did the analysis for canada at that time, the conclusion was that carbon tariffs wont be able to make carbon taxes an effective tool in any meaningfull way.
my guts tell me, that this is also true for australia. regarding environmental and economic effectiveness of carbon taxes one should keep in mind several factors. sector composition of australian industries. how energy intensive are australian products compared to equivalent imports? analysis of import and export composition. elasticities. ... well and many others.
to make it short, in the worst case scenario a carbon tax will raise total global emissions, while reducing australian carbon emissions. a simple example: imagine chairs being produced in australia with the technological level, labor and energy composition typical for australia. the technological level is pretty high, not very labor intensive and the energy is "greener" than abroad. put carbon tax in place. chairs become more expensive. exports decline, imports raise. demand for chairs not from australia raises at home and abroad. lets say the chairs from abroad are produced in china. the production involves "dirtier" energy, worse labor conditions, is more energy intensive due to lower technological capabilities. the consequence is that global carbon emissions raise.
carbon tariffs are ineffective to counter this sideeffect, they only worsen it. the only measure that is partly effective to accompany carbon taxes are export reliefs. but these are very restricted by wto law and would lead to retaliatory trade measures of other nations.

whatsoever: carbon taxes on a national level are very stupid.

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