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Female Officer LITERATELY Beats The Shoes Off A Man With Her Baton

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posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 10:40 AM
reply to post by ProphecyPhD

Thats like saying "if i pull a gun on you just give it up and you won't get shot". What if i don't want to give it up because it's mine and i worked hard for it

They are not robbing him. The police have probable cause to arrest the man. When they attempted to arrest him he resisted. The police then used force to overcome that resistence and place the man under arrest.

The fact that you continue to grasp at very vague analogies like this one proves that you are simply trying to illicit some sort of negative reaction towards the police.

Stop trying to paint your own picture and let the video speak for itself. OR at least formulate some sort of relevant arguement to what you view in the video.

Just because you though "wow I am going to get a lot of people to bash the police with this video," and received a lot more who simply saw it as justified police use of force does not mean you need to grasp at straws in an attempt to sway people's opinions.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 10:43 AM
reply to post by ProphecyPhD

Just do what i say or just comply is something a thug or bank robber would say, True or Not

It is different when a police officer has developed probable cause that someone has committed a crime and is attempting to arrest them.

I think you have a misunderstanding of how police officers and criminal law works.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 10:48 AM
reply to post by dubiousone

Smacking someone in the face with a baton, baseball bat, or any other object, is NEVER OK.

you are correct. Which is why this police officer did not hit him in the face and police departments all over the United States train their officers not to strike in the face with a baton.

If you do that, you waive any claim to be considered a respectable member of human race. You have thereby labeled yourself as an irredeemable piece of #.

So you would argue that resisting arrest does not make you an irredeemable piece of #?

Are you seriously saying the police should not be able to use force on anyone? I don't think that will work. Believe it or not, some people that resist arrest are guilty of committing a crime. And they are resisting arrest because they do not want to be held accountable for that crime.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 11:14 AM
She's using an asp to hit him.

Anyone who can take as many blows as that guy took has to be on something.

We've got the act but not the context of the act - therefore it is very hard to call.

Frankly, given the actions of some of the rioters in the uk, I would welcome more aggressive policing where required.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 11:22 AM
reply to post by areyouserious2010

If the police approach you and say, "we are going to beat you, arrest you, hold you indefinitely without trial and probably kill you," then by all means resist. The Supreme Court has even said that a citizen will not be charged with murder if the resistance to an unlawful arrest results in the death of the officer.

This is probably one of the most asinine statements I have ever read on ATS.

Of course the LEOs aren't going to announce this.....but in fact it has happened and you know it.

How is a taxpaying citizen to know?

That is why I call for complete transparency of operations and funding of any entity that receives taxpayer money. A random selection of taxpayers selected to review police protocols in all cases involving controversy.
Citizen oversight committees, not internal affairs that are skewed toward leniency of the officers in question. What a joke.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 11:52 AM
reply to post by whaaa

This is probably one of the most asinine statements I have ever read on ATS.

Explain how it is "asinine." It is the truth.

Of course the LEOs aren't going to announce this.....but in fact it has happened and you know it.

Since when is it the police departments responsibility to educate people on the law?

That is why I call for complete transparency of operations and funding of any entity that receives taxpayer money. A random selection of taxpayers selected to review police protocols in all cases involving controversy.
Citizen oversight committees, not internal affairs that are skewed toward leniency of the officers in question. What a joke.

Actually, many jurisdictions have citizen review boards. And those that do not have an Internal Affairs section that is closely reviewed by the State's Attorney's officer just for that reason.

The reason there is not randomly selected citizens to put on an oversight committee is because if you randomly select people, you may get criminals who would do nothing but find fault in the police officer's actions. Also, they are not randomly selected because those that form citizen review boards must be educated on how criminal law and police department policy works. So instead of making knee-jerk reactions like some do here, they are making educated appraisals of what happened.

These citizen review boards are also privy to much more information. More than just half a video. They hear officer's testimony as well as witness testimony and the testimony of the person making the complaint. That way they are abreast of the full facts and not just half of a video.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 01:23 PM
reply to post by areyouserious2010

Random was the wrong word I used. Selection based on the same way juries are selected that judge their fellow citizens. This is how Law enforcement should be regulated. All video/cam taken by LE and individuals should be accessed by the review board to keep secrets at an absolute minimum. All LEOs should have drug and alcohol testing the same way a bus driver is tested, including steroids. No Preferential treatment for Law Enforcement [blue code] when they are drunk and driving or abusive toward their wives and children.

The siege mentality of law enforcement must end now and become part of the overall community they have sworn to "Protect and Serve" ....End the arrogance toward those that pay your salary. I think this would go a long way into improving the image of the police and in the long run make your job much easier. Respect is borne of respect not intimidation.

I know how the system works as I am a contract crisis intervention trainer for the sheriffs dept. City and State agencies; and I know the LEOs mind set. I know it's a broad generalization but by and large...true.
Many techniques can be used long before force is used to diffuse a situation. Much more training and supervision and over site needs to be implemented. It would also save the taxpayers a lot of money in lawsuits and and under the table payoffs.
edit on 9-8-2011 by whaaa because: code 34

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by areyouserious2010
reply to post by dubiousone

Smacking someone in the face with a baton, baseball bat, or any other object, is NEVER OK.

you are correct. Which is why this police officer did not hit him in the face and police departments all over the United States train their officers not to strike in the face with a baton.

If you do that, you waive any claim to be considered a respectable member of human race. You have thereby labeled yourself as an irredeemable piece of #.

So you would argue that resisting arrest does not make you an irredeemable piece of #?

Are you seriously saying the police should not be able to use force on anyone? I don't think that will work. Believe it or not, some people that resist arrest are guilty of committing a crime. And they are resisting arrest because they do not want to be held accountable for that crime.

No, resisting arrest does not by itself make a person an irredeemable piece of #. What some cops instantly interpret as "resisting arrest" is often nothing more than a natural human reaction to having one's personal space invaded.

I didn't say that police officers should be precluded from using reasonable force. Your inability or unwillingness to distinguish between reasonable force and excessive force is telling. There is a point where the cops should just stop using force against a person due to their personal lack of the requisite skills and physical conditioning. The cops' personal shortcomings do not justify this sort of escalation of the degree of force they may use against an individual on the street.

I'm not going to argue the content of the video or your "police can do no wrong" interpretation of it. I watched it. She hit him in the head numerous times. It looks like she landed one or more blows to his face. She was wailing away with her baton anywhere she was able to land a blow about his head and upper body.

You can argue pointless fine distinctions all day in your efforts to derail people's train of thought about what they see on this video. Going for any point on his head makes her an irredeemable piece of # in my book. I feel the same about her striking him in the elbow and her relentless use of the baton on him.

What crime did he commit that gave these cops license to become the judge, jury, and executioner right there on the spot in a convenience store parking lot? Did he jay walk? Did he steal a $1.00 item from the store? Or was it the crime of failing to instantly submit to a cop's orders? Or was it something else? I look forward to hearing what he did.

Your long winded posts attempting to defend that which is indefensible are not well taken. The day will come when citizens witnessing a scene like that intervene against abusive cops like these. I look forward to that day. It is long overdue. The law must begin to recognize the citizens' right to defend themselves and their fellow citizens against criminals in blue uniforms.

It is cops like those two in the video who bring a bad name and widespread public distrust and hatred upon all the good public servants in blue. Don't get me wrong. I am not a cop hater. I love good cops and wouldn't want to be in a society without them. The good cops are the overwhelming majority of police officers. The good cops know who the bad cops are. The good cops are the ones who need to weed out and eliminate the bad apples among them rather than blindly support the bad cops regardless of the harm they do to citizens and to the reputation of their fellow officers.

Your ill considered defense of what the cops in that video are doing encourages other cops with borderline ethics and doubtful morality to do the same thing. It also brands you as one not to be trusted since your blind bias precludes rational discussion of this topic. When you wrestle with pigs, in concert with the pigs, you can't avoid dirt becoming imbedded deeply in your skin and psyche.
edit on 8/9/2011 by dubiousone because: Spelling and grammar

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 03:59 PM

Originally posted by jude11
This is what happens when you put weapons in the hands of a person that has anger management issues as well as a superiority or maybe an inferiority complex. Then pin a badge on their chest that says you are above the law. Give them weapons and say "Go get 'em!"

I am waiting for the day when these sick and twisted individuals get their payback.

Not too long now.

edit on 7-8-2011 by jude11 because: (no reason given)

Really, the guy was clearly resisting arrest. If you don't fight with the cops the have no reason to beat you. there are many cases where the go to far or attack for no reason, but in this case the dude was resisting. For god's sake he tried to stand up and fight while the cop was on his back.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 04:16 PM
reply to post by ProphecyPhD

A bank robber is not a police officer. Apples to Oranges, my friend.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 04:23 PM

Originally posted by citizen3273676

Originally posted by chancemusky
reply to post by w3nd1g0

Ever seen a man on PCP? They can break cuffs and are way stronger than normal. And just because they had to use JUSTIFIED FORCE, or pain compliance, doesn't mean they shamed us. They've done us proud by getting him off the streets, hopefully

thats a lie no human has ever broken handcufs in the entire history of handcuffs secondly pcp does not increase strength in any way this is a lie probably generated by cops to excuse their illegal bahavior.think about it how can u increase strength with a drug? the laws of physics simply stop? no need to increase muscle mass?

justified use of force? where is your american spirit and the concept of innocent until proven guilty? shame on you and everyone who thinks like you! stop watching faux news and move to mexico where its guilty untill proven innocent youe kind of place.

the drug allows adrenaline and other chemicals to increase in your body, giving you more strength than you typically have. My american spirits right here: Attack an officer and don't comply, be forced to comply. Innocent until proven guilty? Thats for punishment. The baton is to make him comply, its not punishment for an alleged crime, but nice try. Oh, and because I disagree with you, I watch FOX and hate america? Nice troll tactics. I don't watch FOX, or MSNBC, what have you.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 04:52 PM
And how exactly does hitting someone in the head multiple times helps with the goal of getting their hands restrained? In real world that will just make them fight for their life.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 05:14 PM
reply to post by PsykoOps

To make them quit trying to get up, and the make them put their hands behind their back instead of keeping them away?

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 05:42 PM
Yeah that'll work really well. Like we see in the video. As I said it in real world if you're being assaulted like that you're only going to fight for your life.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 05:49 PM
I remember a video of a female cop that was very trusting and polite to a large male suspect she had pulled over. The video ended much differently than this one, as the man punched her in the face, then continued to punch her in the face until it was mush, right in front of his daughter that was screaming for her dad to stop punching the lady cop in the face.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 06:07 PM

Originally posted by 27jd
I remember a video of a female cop that was very trusting and polite to a large male suspect she had pulled over. The video ended much differently than this one, as the man punched her in the face, then continued to punch her in the face until it was mush, right in front of his daughter that was screaming for her dad to stop punching the lady cop in the face.

So therefore every female officer should react the way this officer did

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 06:09 PM

Originally posted by 27jd
I remember a video of a female cop that was very trusting and polite to a large male suspect she had pulled over. The video ended much differently than this one, as the man punched her in the face, then continued to punch her in the face until it was mush, right in front of his daughter that was screaming for her dad to stop punching the lady cop in the face.

I see. So cops should always use excessive force against everyone because otherwise they might be punched in the face. Nice logic.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 07:49 PM

Originally posted by littletheif203
Really, the guy was clearly resisting arrest. If you don't fight with the cops the have no reason to beat you. there are many cases where the go to far or attack for no reason, but in this case the dude was resisting.

I really can't believe how many people don't comprehend the significance of watching a video from the middle of an interaction.

Did he probably resist arrest? Yes, I agree, he probably did.

But trying to avoid being hit with a baton does not automatically equal resisting arrest.

We don't know how this started.

Originally posted by littletheif203
For god's sake he tried to stand up and fight while the cop was on his back.

Watch the video again.

He never made any attempt to hurt either of them, even though he had opportunity...

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 09:19 PM
Thread closed for staff review.

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