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To all those who blame's the truth..

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posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 10:29 AM
reply to post by PurpleDog UK

Its the one and only thing I do not fault Obama for. Its very plain and very clear cut that the economic MESS began with Bush. No doubt about it. My father, for as long as I can remember has always said..when a republican is in office, our nation is poor. When a democrat is in office, we have money. Talking about the middle man here, not the 1 percent who control the 95 percent. Its the truth. With Clinton, gas was at 96 cents, a high school student could find a job and people could buy houses and cars. Fast forward to Bush you have 9-11 where all the lies came was Osama, but Iraq had weapons, so we go to war with Iraq, and Osama goes missing for 10 years. Gas prices go to an all time high, jobs to an all time low, and no money. Now we have Obama, who wants to fix the debt, but of course the republicans are worried about whats in their pockets, not the middle man's pockets. Its the only thing so far Obama is doing the right way. The problem? he took to long. Is say...let the Americans, you know..We the People, who this actually effects????? put both options out there, let us vote on it.
edit on 29-7-2011 by Nkinga because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 10:29 AM
It is interesting to note that, with all this back and forth, no one has changed their mind.

Which, IMO, renders this thread fairly useless.

Obamanauts attack Bushies, and vice versa.

And the game goes on, without even an inkling of irony.

You want to 'fix' our problems?

Fire ALL 545 squatters and start over.

Dismantle the GOP AND the DNC.

Re-evaluate the situation, because we have not gone broke, ladies and gents, we have been robbed!

The thieves are in the temple.

This is all just a red herring, just as they wanted it to be.

Do any of you realize that the debt ceiling was raised 19 times during the Bush administration? No?

Then the GOP is doing just what they were told to do.

Do you realize that, by and large, Obama is merely continuing the trends of the previous administration? No?

Then the Dems are doing just what they were told to do.

You are all focusing on the tennis match, not realizing that the trophy is cardboard, and the referees have already stole the purse.

Fail on both 'sides.'

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by PurpleDog UK

What makes you think that you have ANY IDEA what's going on here when you aren't even from here as your user name so proudly states?

What makes you think YOU have the RIGHT to tell US what WE should accept or not accept?

Your post is shamelessly divisive and utterly devoid of anything but the usual partisan BS. So congrats on your epic fail at doing anything other than proving you know next to nothing, except what the Beeb and sky TELL YOU TO THINK, about American Politics!

Seriously though maybe you should grow up a little bit, your whole attitude is offensive and laughably naive.

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 10:36 AM

Originally posted by Section31
In order to fix this debt mess, the government has to do the following:
(1) Cut spending.
(2) Reduce the size of government.
(3) Raise taxes slightly.
(4) Put the surplus generated from revenue (taxes) onto the principle of our debt.

Ronald Reagen (r), George Bush (r), and Bill Clinton (d) were centralist politicians.

Even though I didn't like seeing the Clinton scandal, he was one of our last 'centralist' politicians. We are a better nation with a centralist than a loyalist. Everyone wins and everyone loses.

edit on 7/29/2011 by Section31 because: (no reason given)

I love what you said. I wonder though, because this is how I feel. I personally feel that Obama is playing a good middle ground pres. He is trying to be a moderator and often blames both parties in speaches. Do you see it like this too?

He pisses off dems by not being a Lib enough, and he pisses off GOP just because he isn't GOP.

If you don't see it this way, why? I am curious about other peoples thoughts and opinions when they are knowlegable about politics like yourself.
edit on 7/29/2011 by mudbeed because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 10:49 AM
How many of America's traditional allies has Obama has offended. ALL OF THEM.

What other involvements has Obama gotten us into or expanded upon? Pakistan, Yemen and Libya for starters.

Who is listening to the United States on economics/financial policies? No one.

We keep adding TSA people and scanners at all of the airports... and leaving large portions of our border wide open, not to mention practically supplying Mexican drug cartels with weapons.

The president's own economic and job creation advisers are sending jobs in their companies overseas.

Anyways... not much different from Bush. Point is that with Bush, we thought things could not get any worse. Obama has proven to us that it can always get worse. Obama is so repugnant and offensive to so many people, that they will happily accept someone worse than he is - just to get rid of him. That's bad. It's sick. It's fact.

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 10:56 AM
I really wish we could all get on the same page here. It's not a Bush vs Obama issue, or Left vs. Right issue.
It's a Citizens vs. Career Politicans issue.

44% of congress are millionaires compared to 1% of the US population.

In so many forums, people say "Follow the money" to get to the truth. Well there it is. We need to vote every last member of congress out of office. It doesn't matter if you send one good politician to Washington. He'll either stay true to his word, but never get anything done or he'll turn corrupt like the others.

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 11:06 AM
Why do so many of you keep falling for the "bush did this, Obama did that", "democrats", "republicans", left-right bull# kabuki theatre? how many safes need to fall on your collective heads before you realize that bush, obama, democrats, republicans ARE ON THE SAME TEAM. and it's not OUR team. I got all choked up when Obama got elected; but, soon as I saw he put tim geithner at treasury(fox guarding the henhouse) I knew the entire Obama presidency was an oke-doke. And, they use race to protect him from criticism(yeah, you wouldn't say that bout obama if he was white!!), etc..he's proven himself a bad president, but, god help me, having geezer McCain and caribou barbie as VP would have been infinitely worse, just because of her deep level of stupid. Cunning woman, though. If they HAD won, I'm pretty sure President mcCain would have had an "accident" by now. just saying..stupid and dangerous woman.

America is #ed.

edit on 29-7-2011 by dragonseeker because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 11:20 AM
Why do people try to pin all of these issues on one or several previous leaders?! It makes no sense, do you really believe this person makes even half of the decisions about world economies, infrastructure, military, health care, education etc? Obama, Bush are all just the guy who reads of the auto cue, the elected scapegoat nothing else.

Essentially what is going on is people watching a puppet show throwing stones and cursing at the puppets they don’t like while the guy beneath out of view creates the story for the audience to follow. I hate to use the whole sheeple style terminology thing people do here but we really are shouting at the puppets.

By the way blaming republicans, conservatives are even worse because that’s just blaming labels.

*Wow just noticed my post is similar to the post above after posting, I took a while to hit post*

edit on 29-7-2011 by OwenGP185 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 11:21 AM
Obama has been president for years. Why hasn't he stopped the wars? Hypocrite.

This country has 2 problems, and neither of them are Bush or Obama.

- The real elite who are controlling everything
- Brainwashed partisans like you who buy their lies

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 11:31 AM
I love it when Obots try to defend Obama's insanity by point to Bush as a reference. It's like saying, "See, this guy only killed TEN people, and the guy before him killed TWENTY! So, it MUST be okay."

No, it's not okay. Bush spent like a crazed Democrat. Obama IS a crazed Democrat, and a big spender. Neither one had/has ANY regard for what's best for the American people. No, they only care about PARTY, PARTY, PARTY! Screw the people! What part of "WE ARE BROKE" don't these Obots understand? What part of "WE ARE BROKE" don't the rest of the Democrats understand?

I blame Congress, Obama, Bush and everyone else in Washington for this mess. They are ALL at fault, with the exception of maybe Ron Paul and a handful of others. We went from one war, from 1991 in Iraq, to 2 wars under Bush. Now we have at least 5 fronts we're involved in with Obama at the helm. We give millions to build mosques, yet spend tax payer money because of lawsuits from those who give the money to mosques suing over a cross at a 9/11 memorial. Separation of church and state only applies if the "church" has a cross above it apparently.

We feed, educate, house millions of illegal alien criminals and their kids. States are bankrupt and letting violent criminals on the street, in part because of this. Because of NAFTA, companies head south, make a right turn and head to India, Pakistan, China and anywhere else where the labor is dirt cheap and the taxes are low. American corporations (such as American Furniture Warehouse) pay 35% tax and start their employees at $14/hr., meanwhile the left champions Ikea, who pays no U.S. tax, is based in a foreign country due to that country's 10% tax rate, and starts its employees at minimum wage. Which one is better for America? It's pretty obvious. Meanwhile, there are billions of dollars that major tech firms are keeping offshore because they don't want to pay the 35% tax. If the tax is dropped to around 10%, they bring the money back. But, the left would rather have 0% of that money, in hopes of grabbing 35% someday, rather than 10% now.

Both parties are to blame. Democrats, I believe, more so than Republicans, but the Republicans aren't rosy either by any means. In the end though, it's the American people who are to blame. We get what we deserve. When you have people voting that read/write in English, and are illiterate in their own language, you get what we have. I heard a quote that pretty much sums up the problem...

"America failed when people who vote for their paycheck outnumbered those who work for their paycheck." That's about as factual as it can get.

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 11:40 AM

Originally posted by mudbeed

Originally posted by Section31
In order to fix this debt mess, the government has to do the following:
(1) Cut spending.
(2) Reduce the size of government.
(3) Raise taxes slightly.
(4) Put the surplus generated from revenue (taxes) onto the principle of our debt.

Ronald Reagen (r), George Bush (r), and Bill Clinton (d) were centralist politicians.

Even though I didn't like seeing the Clinton scandal, he was one of our last 'centralist' politicians. We are a better nation with a centralist than a loyalist. Everyone wins and everyone loses.

edit on 7/29/2011 by Section31 because: (no reason given)

I love what you said. I wonder though, because this is how I feel. I personally feel that Obama is playing a good middle ground pres. He is trying to be a moderator and often blames both parties in speaches. Do you see it like this too?

He pisses off dems by not being a Lib enough, and he pisses off GOP just because he isn't GOP.

If you don't see it this way, why? I am curious about other peoples thoughts and opinions when they are knowlegable about politics like yourself.

I think there is an irony to Obama's current swing to center. Before he started to take the middle road, he was interested in creating more social programs. Once he noticed the traction the Republicans were making, through voter polls, Obama started to swing his message to the center.

Even though 'Cap, Cut, and Balance' was partially a horrible idea, Obama and some Democrats did come out and support the measure. Once it actually hit the floor for a vote, the Democrats in the Senate voted the bill down. 'Cap, Cut, and Balance' had bipartisan support in the House, and it was endorsed by the President on television. If Obama pushed his party to the center (and the Tea Party was pushed to the center), I think we would have had a fairly reasonable compromise.

Obama is not leading his party. Although he may be trying to organize an effort, Obama needs to know when to take charge of the Democrats. Obama may tick other Democrats off, but he doesn't know how to lead them towards compromising.

Speaker John Boehner is also having problems. Since the Tea-Party doesn't know how to play poker, they are missing out on opportunities to make compromises.

While Obama sits back watching the debating, without getting involved in leading his party, Senator Boehner is aggressively trying to get his party to do something.

Obama is facing conflicts on his side, for he is more of a Manchurian candidate. Technically, Obama was hired as a car salesmen, so that Democrats can sell their policies to the public. Its all coming back around. Since Obama is too much of a Community Organizer, he lacks the ability to take control over his own party.

See the conundrums on both sides?

edit on 7/29/2011 by Section31 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 11:54 AM
Here's a sobering news story I have only just seen because I have been out all day............

Apple holding more cash than USA

Apple now has more cash to spend than the United States government.

Latest figures from the US Treasury Department show that the country has an operating cash balance of $73.7bn (£45.3bn).

Apple's most recent financial results put its reserves at $76.4bn (£46.9bn).

A Corporation has become so wealthy through Consumerism and Capitalism that it now has MORE CLOUT than the National Governent................that's sort of worrying in a way ??

edit on 29-7-2011 by PurpleDog UK because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 11:56 AM
Both BUSH and OBAMA have the same F^&&in policies.

Who cares which one is worse? It really doesn't matter. They both lie. They both suck about as much as Jenna Jameson. Both don't understand the words "balanced budget," nor do they even know what a deficit is... It doesn't matter who started the wars now or who put us in the most debt, neither will ever be charged with breaking a law.

I bet you if their terms were switched around and Obama did 8 years while Bush is in office now, NOTHING WOULD BE ANY DIFFERENT!!!

These people are/were the CEO's of America. If we were a Fortune 500 company they would have been fired within their first few months for destroying our company's creditability by lying to our faces to start illegal wars, jamming fine print legislation down our throats (Patriot Act, Healthcare Bill), and not to mention our bottom line has been DARK RED for the last ten+ years! Our stock would look like Enron's...

Don't vote Republican or Democrat! They are just two heads connected to the same beast.

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 12:02 PM
Obama just tapped General Electric CEO Jeffery Immelt was tapped to lead a newly created Council on Jobs and Competitiveness.

Remember NO TAX paid in the USA GE????

... “You would have difficulty finding a company that has outsourced more jobs and closed more American factories than GE,” Scott Paul, Executive Director of the Alliance for American Manufacturing writes. “While they have slashed their American workforce to fewer than 150,000, GE has dramatically expanded its global presence, now employing over 300,000 workers worldwide.”

In the past, Immelt was a vocal supporter for China’s entry into the World Trade Organization. He also spoke out against the proposed “buy American” provision.....

GEEZ talk about the Fox being in charge of the hen house!

I rest my case.

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 12:03 PM
reply to post by PurpleDog UK

The name "New York Times" should be enough for most people to discredit this nice little chart.

The New York Slimes are an extremely left leaning, liberal news outlet....but then again so is basically every other so called "reputable" MSM news outlet.

Personally, I dont believe any of this media non-sense, I dont trust the politicians in power, and I dont believe they are making decisions based on whats best for the people.

Both Dems and Repubics are guilty of putting the important issues on the back burner because they're more concerned with poll numbers.

Gross misuse of power, throw them all out of office and lets start over. It all makes me sick

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by civilchallenger
reply to post by PurpleDog UK

Oh my God, you have no idea what you're talking about. Zero. I'm so sick of BS threads like this. No. The president doesn't set the budget. Congress does. The president can veto the US Federal budget but ultimately congress is the one writing it. That is how it works in the USA guys. Learn this simple fact.

Even if the president did control the budget, they are obviously just doing what their handlers tell them to do half the time. Clinton gets zero credit for the budget under him. Bush gets zero credit for the budget under him. And, Obama gets zero credit for the budget under him.

Obama's a particularly complete idiot when it comes to management of the economy in the highest degree, just like *all* Marxists are. Bush, by dumb luck of being raised as a Republican, is smarter on the other hand. But again, that does not matter because they don't do what they want to do. They do what other people tell them to do. Otherwise the first thing Bush Jr did in office wouldn't have been to install steel industry tariffs. Poet1b just got done telling me what a free-market hero Bush Jr was. No! He installed policies contrary to free-market economics.

These people in office are idiots on account they have no incentive to actually learn things or solve problems. They simply do what their economic advisers tell them to do, who in turn say what other people tell them to do. It isn't in their best interest to be smart or they'd turn out like Ron Paul. Obviously right, intelligent, and able to solve problems at the drop of a hat, but yet paradoxically "unelectable" because all his expertise is how to solve problems rather than lure in gullible idiot sheep suckers into voting for them using neat-o 30 second sound bites.
edit on 29-7-2011 by civilchallenger because: (no reason given)


For all your disgust and derision of BS threads like does go to show that people are very entrenched in their party political thinking and in-ability to consider alternatives....

The reason I put the graphic up originally was to, as I mentioned on the first post, to be a little inflammatory for my 100th post......

BUT also at the same time it serves to be a little educational as your post / reply indicates.......

If as you say the Presidents of any party are all impotent then maybe the People, if they focuss alittle more away from TV and fast food and onto more important issues might 'learn' from people like you posting on such BS threads....

I actually....personnally agree with ALL the sentiments on this thread about how futile ALL this is YET it is and WILL affect us all more unless we, the people act.........



posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 12:04 PM
Under those premises.. I should lend my credit card to my sister and let her rank up the dept on it and then inform the company I'm not responsible.

Their all crooks.. it's just a matter of how much they can get out of it during their term.

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 12:07 PM

Originally posted by Observer99
Obama has been president for years. Why hasn't he stopped the wars? Hypocrite.

This country has 2 problems, and neither of them are Bush or Obama.

- The real elite who are controlling everything
- Brainwashed partisans like you who buy their lies

This also has been my view of this mess. Obama for the most part wants to fix the problems but he's overpowered by the real elites. Even a guy like Ron Paul won't be able to do anything about it either.

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 12:08 PM
delete, wrong post
edit on 29-7-2011 by TexasTea because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 12:09 PM

Originally posted by WhiteDevil013
reply to post by PurpleDog UK

The name "New York Times" should be enough for most people to discredit this nice little chart.

The New York Slimes are an extremely left leaning, liberal news outlet....but then again so is basically every other so called "reputable" MSM news outlet.

Personally, I dont believe any of this media non-sense, I dont trust the politicians in power, and I dont believe they are making decisions based on whats best for the people.

Both Dems and Repubics are guilty of putting the important issues on the back burner because they're more concerned with poll numbers.

Gross misuse of power, throw them all out of office and lets start over. It all makes me sick


You might be aware that a newspaper over here, on the little quaint island of the UK has caused a media mogul allsorts of trouble and will continue to do so for a while.............I actually think that the little 'incident' in the UK is actually a turning point for media globally.......and it will become more apparent later on..........

Your right to highlight left or right leanings of news titles in the USA........I do not know, being from the UK but you can rest assured that for every leftie news outlet there will appear to be one from the right as well......

What is interesting is the amount of fury about these grpahics........ it touches a nerve in the American Bi-partisan world........If only we didn't have political parties BUT people in power serving the public who eleceted them...........Hey Maybe we should BAN politics and go with personalities and career experince ????


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