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The No-Kids-Allowed Movement is Spreading

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posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 12:25 PM

edit on 29-7-2011 by Zcustosmorum because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 12:34 PM

Originally posted by tnhiker
A Child laughs and the restaurant laughs with them, a child screams and the patrons do too.

I thought that was full of so much insight and wisdom. This is the point that everyone needs to look at, if a child is having a good time then the adults instinct is that everything is ok. If a child seems to be in distress, and an adult takes care of the situation immediately then adults know that everything is ok. When a child starts throwing a fit and is allowed to continue to do so without restraint, then that is the only sound we as adult focus on. Instinct tells us that we must protect our children to continue the species, thus this includes others children as well.

The problem is, like everyone has been saying, that this generation of parents believe that they and their children have a right to entitlement to be and/or do what they want, where they want. My brother is one of these people and my wife and I refuse to go to eat with them anymore UNLESS they are going to a child friendly place like Chuck E. Cheese. Joy?
edit on 29-7-2011 by Savorrow because: Forgot to make a point or two!

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 12:42 PM
reply to post by Zcustosmorum

ROFLMAO!!! Priceless. Reminds of the comedian who talked about his flight where some brat was screaming and running around the plane the whole 4 hours of flight. Then, just before the plane landed, he fell asleep. As the mother was leaving the plane, he screamed at the kid and woke him up. The entire plane applauded!
edit on 29-7-2011 by haarvik because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 12:45 PM

Originally posted by AussieAmandaC
AND incidentally, IF we're going to spend $30-$40 bucks a head minimum, for a main (at an okay restaurant) the owners can bloody well tolerate all they get from my kids, I've paid for the right, haven't I?

You are paying for the right to eat. Not for the right for your kids to misbehave.

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by haarvik

Bill Hicks absolute legend, a voice sorely missed in todays world.

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 01:09 PM

Originally posted by Miraj
reply to post by Aeons

Im not complaining that there were children.

I'm complaining that children were talking.

I didn't pay 10 dollars to get the 5 year old's view of the world.

I paid 10 dollars to see Captain America.

I so agree with you Miraj. Why is this so hard to understand. Going to a movie is a priviledge, not a right. And anyone there needs to abide by the rules - one of which is no talking. This includes children

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 01:10 PM

Originally posted by joyride0187

The No-Kids-Allowed Movement is Spreading

What's the matter with kids today and why doesn't anyone want them around? In June, Malaysia Airlines banned babies from many of their first class cabins, prompting other major airlines to consider similar policies.

Lately, complaints about screaming kids are being taken seriously, not only by airlines, but by hotels, movie theaters, restaurants, and even grocery stores.

(visit the link for the full news article)

What about having a simple muzzle ... like they do for dogs ..but with a logo saying ' sorry please forgive me'...for both the parents and their noisy kids LOL...(please note - this is a joke response...although!)

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 01:14 PM

Originally posted by Aeons
reply to post by Miraj

A child acted like a child at a movie directed at children.

You find this upsetting and unbelievable.

Have you seen Captain America? How many times do you have to be told it isnt a children's movie. It is rated PG-13, not G. Not PG. It has been stated over and over that it isnt a kids movie. Cars 2 and Bambi are child's movies.

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 01:25 PM

Originally posted by MartyMcFlyJr
Have you seen Captain America? How many times do you have to be told it isnt a children's movie. It is rated PG-13, not G. Not PG. It has been stated over and over that it isnt a kids movie. Cars 2 and Bambi are child's movies.

People would probably still complain in Cars 2 or Bambi. The legality of a business owner refusing service to anybody they please isn't an issue at all. Anybody can refuse service to anybody they please. What irks me is the hypocrisy of so many jumping on the intolerance for children bandwagon, when you can probably find many of the same people in other threads about intolerance, demanding legally mandated tolerance regarding gay rights, racial equality, etc. We live in a society with many other people, many things other people do may or may not offend you, personally. Just funny how hypocritical so many are.
edit on 29-7-2011 by 27jd because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 01:26 PM
I'm not even going to find some political pseudo talk to change the words so others, with right winged leanings understand. I'm going to talk very plain.

1. Freedom has nothing to do with corporations owning and controlling everything from communications, to travels, to housing, to food, to all the land of resources of the planet, to medical, to infastructure.

Freedom means you don't have the right to impose restricting laws curtailing my speech and free movement, I don't stand under you.

However, there is both a social responsibility and an individual rights.

2. Private corps are criminals, they are evil, operating using resources that should be in the people's hands, not in a pyramid structure that is fascism.

All things should be available and there for all people. And the 19 for drinkng laws simply has to do with protecting children from unfit environments, serving children. That environments abusive to them.

There should not be governments running stripes, there are only certain political things that are loving and equalizing to all people, and yet allowing them freedom of movement, thought, expression and activity, providing that activity does not harm others. Citizens counsels with the highest stats, and with an intrinsic, global understanding of human rights and cooperation, need to be running things, with well trained people, way beyond our schooling system, no negatives allowed!!!!!! Period. Jury duty.

Venus system. Why cooperation? Because the choice land, lakefronts and resources of this planet dont get to go to whoever wants to grab it. All these things are shared assets. The beauty and abundance of this planet needs to be shared by ALL, not grabbed by the toughest guy or the corporations.

Children are a part of life. And this is just mean harsh, pryamid system, support the crooks at the top who literally are living off the resources and rights of all people, so its highway robbery from everyone else to support their CORPS.

I don't believe in private ownership ownership of corporations.
edit on 29-7-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 01:38 PM
Private ownership by the rich and powerful and few of resources and industries of this planet, only means the FEW CONTROL THE MANY WHICH = LOSS OF FREEDOM TO THE MANY. That is US brainswashed by the elites, and I've had enough of it being shoved off as if that is what democracy means. It is NOT what freedom means. Its the complete opposite to freedom and what it means to the many. Its complete control of the many by the few.

All business, food, travel, entertainments, shopping malls, everything are SERVICES to people and belong TO THE PEOPLE.
edit on 29-7-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 01:42 PM

Originally posted by LadyGreenEyes
reply to post by mr10k

My guess is whatever parent you have isn't doing a very good job. No kid of mine would EVER post something like you did. Nor come close to getting a hit in. Wise up; your mom/dad/whoever might let you get away with that, but someday, there WILL be someone that won't. They will be bigger, and won't hesitate to knock you out.

Smacking an out-of-line kid, any age, isn't abuse. It's teaching basic survival in the world.

Clearly if you need to hit your kid to learn survival, hes either a retard, or some part of his brain is missing. We all have animal instincts. One of those is to fight back. Did you really need to have your parents around to teach you? I am proud to have been born into a "generattion" that can actually live independantly. Im not some little kid that begs "mom i need breakfast", "mom I need cash". Its perfect because we need more people like that. People who realize we do not need a government to set us straight. That we can do this by ourselves. Think about that

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 01:43 PM
First off, if you don't have children then the most anyone should hear out of you is "They annoy me" and even then I apologize but your opinion holds about as much weight as the crap in my kids diaper. Having a kid, and not having a kid, create two completely different mentalities and mindsets. Parents have to literally sacrifice parts of themselves (personality quirks, club activities, freedom) while the rest of you do not, you are your own and only concern.

When a child cries in a restaurant I am more apt to see people try to help the parents and sooth the child then anyone complaining. That being said planes are VERY different and honestly driving is just better for you and the kids (bathroom breaks, snacks, sight seeing, etc...) unless you have to get some place immediately. Perhaps an airline that caters to just kids and their parents? I think so, maybe i'll start it...

If my child is being horrible I am mortified, but sometimes they just do, they act out no matter how well they were raised. But I promise you this, if you don't have a kid and you comment on mine or my parenting style, I'll use you as an example for my kids as to why they need to keep their mouths shut. That would be a whole different type of spanking lol!

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 01:44 PM

Originally posted by Romekje

Originally posted by mr10k
reply to post by 2012srb

If you were my parent you wouldnt be conscious to think about what happens after the first hit. Im not some little slave that can be thrown around and I dont care that they are my parent I shouldnt have to be forced into doing things I wouldnt want to

You shouldn't but you will be, your entire working life.

Or you actually enjoy paying taxes?

Just one of the lessons good childhood disciplin brings, things won't always (hardly ever) be/go the way YOU want it, live with it.

Taxes? I dont pay taxes. Once Im out of here, Im moving into a house with two of my friends where we will stay to finish college. After that were taking up what we vowed to: to travel around the world. Im not worried about America because I wont be here.

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 01:47 PM

Originally posted by LadyGreenEyes

Originally posted by mr10k
The generation I am in does not like being hit. I want to kill my mom anytime she threatens me or tries to hit me. Sorry, But if you can hit me, B*** i can hit you back.

Originally posted by mr10k
My father is dead.

My mothr works 1 job all day for 3 kids and to feed an extra cousin

She is the only one who pays the taxes and the bills

She constantly tells me that I have to work hard to get a job

At the same time she is currently trying ot finish college.

Before you come and tell me how to act and how I should act, I am not from any genereation "Win". I am disciplined without having to be beat. It doesn't take a hand for a child to realize how harsh the world is. I look down upon anyone who lays hands on tehir children, and I always intervene when my mother tries to hit my little sister. It disgusts me that you have to beat sense into something like it had no mind. I learned the truths of the world by myself, not with the help of a leather belt. say your mother is working very hard, trying to raise several kids, and finish school, but you would call her "b****", and hit her, if she smacked you for getting out of line? Severe lack of appreciation there, or what??? You want "want to kill" her? For raising you, supporting you? THAT disgusts me. Seriously. Are you talking a spanking? Something that's GONE five minutes later? Or actual ABUSE? That means marks there hours later, welts, etc. As for work, she's feeding five, counting herself, and you think she's out of line expecting you to help, if you are old enough for a job? Gee, maybe you should just move out.

Seriously, this is the sort of thing that's started some people here wanting to ban kids.....
edit on 29-7-2011 by LadyGreenEyes because: explanation

I said "IF" something you clearly didnt see. If she hit me I would lose respect, because how I am now, I would NEVER be in a situation where she would have to hit me. Im the first born kid she always tells me she loves me, so if one day she hit me for getting a F or a D I would fill with rage.

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 01:50 PM
I've got young kids and I discipline them daily whenever they get out of hand, yes they even get smacked at times(ooooh arent I a nasty Daddy
), I do however love my kids to death and try to give them everything I think is good for them that I can within reason, but even as a parent who disciplines his kids I have to agree with banning kids from some places, Ist class included as you dont pay excess money to sit in luxury on a plane only to sit there and listen to kids carry on, and it's not always in the parents control, the child may be too young to understand much, the child may be sick and irritable, could be lots of reasons why the kid is carrying on that you cant blame the parent for, and then of course there are occasions when you just get feral parents that couldnt care less what their kids are doing.
edit on 29-7-2011 by Haxsaw because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 02:16 PM
reply to post by Mikemp44

You're funny.

So you sacrifice part of yourself, whatever that may be. So what?

You chose to breed.

That doesn't mean the rest of us have to play second string to your crotch fruit.

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 02:29 PM

Originally posted by haarvik
reply to post by Zcustosmorum

ROFLMAO!!! Priceless. Reminds of the comedian who talked about his flight where some brat was screaming and running around the plane the whole 4 hours of flight. Then, just before the plane landed, he fell asleep. As the mother was leaving the plane, he screamed at the kid and woke him up. The entire plane applauded!
edit on 29-7-2011 by haarvik because: (no reason given)

You do know that whole story
is probably made up>?

I mean it is a comedy skit..

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 02:33 PM
reply to post by joyride0187

Maybe they should banned kids under 5 in libraries. I am sick of mothers bringing loud crying babies in the library and the librarian does nothing, but if I wispier to someone they tell me to be quiet. Loud kids are very annoying and it is worst to hear their screech in the library when I am trying to work on my stuff.

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 02:47 PM
As far as disciplining kids in public, if it attracts so much public attention maybe more homework is what's needed. We could correct the kids without anyone else knowing. Sometimes a whisper gets better results than yelling all the time. It's more respectful and gives them an out while still saving face. They can choose to behave or things could get embarrassing.

The loving discipline of small children is the first step in learning self discipline. If kids can learn that early it sure makes the teen years more pleasant.

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