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Obama attacks Bush admin. within first ten seconds of speech!!!!

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posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 10:30 AM
Obama still blaming Bush!

You don't say...

This is not his usual MO.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 10:30 AM
reply to post by haarvik

I do think. I just don't shoot off at the mouth prematurely. That's how bad policy gets backing before anyone gets a chance to think of better solutions. I'd rather put forth something solid than everything that crosses my mind.

That's partly what's wrong with the country. Half a**ing everything.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 10:45 AM
You want jobs? you want new business? Then here is a plan. I have owned businesses before and anyone who has knows the first three years are make it or break it. So, how do you support new business and new jobs? It is really quite easy. This would apply ONLY to a NEW business, not existing.

The business, in it's first three years pays no tax. Zero. Nothing. No unemployment tax, no income tax, no matching tax, nothing. The government picks up the tab. Considering that the U.S. gave $4.46 billion to Pakistan in fiscal 2010, I think we can afford to do this. In addition, the new income tax paid by the employees will offset some of this cost. The business get's to reinvest to grow and become profitable and be able to survive and become a more stable employer. now, having said that one stipulation is that for a period of 15 years, no part of that business may be located outside of US borders. No employees are to be located outside of the US.

This in turn allows more purchasing from the suppliers who must then hire more employees to keep up with the new demand. It will snowball and our economy will recover.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 10:46 AM
everything is bushs fault. everyone knows that.

and how dare those "rich people" keep the money they EARNED while half the country takes government handouts while demanding more and more constantly.

heres an idea. if you want more, go out and work for it.

obama is doing nothing but instigating class warfare with all his BS.

i really dont understand all you "tax the rich, they can afford it and should have to pay it!" people. why are they the bad guys for making money? why are they so bad that they run businesses that are successful? you do realize that whenever you buy something, somebody is probably making money somewhere. thats why you are able to buy it. if it wasnt profitable to sell, they wouldnt sell it, and you couldnt buy it. and you should have money to buy it, because somebody is able to pay you. and they are able to pay you because they are making more money than you probably. you get hired and paid $50,000 a year, because somebody is making $100,000 a year off of your work. if you dont like it, you can start your own business and try to go directly to the $100,000.

it is a very simple concept.

so what do you want? for everyone to just not make more money than you? everyone is supposed to just run businesses and do work for free, just because they want YOU to feel good about your lack of success or something? or maybe everybody makes the exact same amount, and all products cost the same thing no matter what? seriously, what do you even want? how do you think it should work if you think its just so damn evil that the CEO of walmart or something makes a crap load of money? completely ignoring the fact that they employ hundreds of thousands of people and provide a valuable service to even more.

i just cant figure out what all these liberal lefties who support obama and just want to tax the rich more and allow more people to rely on govt handouts think is going to happen. it makes no sense. if you want a better life, go out and work for it. dont try to drag others down to your crappy level, try to drag yourself up to theirs.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 10:49 AM
reply to post by pngxp

Kudos. Benjamin Franklin had this to say:

I am for doing good to the poor, but I differ in opinion of the means. I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. In my youth I traveled much, and I observed in different countries, that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer.

And Benjamin Franklin, On the Price of Corn and Management of the Poor, November 1766

Repeal that [welfare] law, and you will soon see a change in their manners. St. Monday and St. Tuesday, will soon cease to be holidays. Six days shalt thou labor, though one of the old commandments long treated as out of date, will again be looked upon as a respectable precept; industry will increase, and with it plenty among the lower people; their circumstances will mend, and more will be done for their happiness by inuring them to provide for themselves, than could be done by dividing all your estates among them.

And he was a part of our founding fathers. Damn him for allowing us to be a free country!

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 10:50 AM
All of this arguing about which party is right and which is wrong is a total waste of time, they're 2 sides of the same coin. To boil it down this whole crisis is because of the economy, the better the economy the more money going into the government, all this talk about raising the taxes on the rich is just a drop in the ocean. So how do we restart the economy ?

1) Tax Cuts across the board, give people more spendable income.
2) Increase Tariffs on imports
3) Give tax breaks to corporations who increase their US employment
4) Lower Interest Rates

To help the deficit we can start by

1) Bring the troops home and cut military spending
2) Cut Foreign Aid Spending

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 10:58 AM
Of all the sites I would think would be clued into the false Left/Right divide and conquer paradigm of politics in this country, I would have expected this to be a big one. As usual, I seem to have expected too much. Obama is on script, just like Bush was and the Presidents before him. Whoever is elected next, Repub or Dem, will have some superficial differences in the way he or she talks, but the main goal will still be the same; to serve their corporate masters.

The President is a figurehead. He has very little power without Congress. If you want to get angry, how about realizing that the entire system is broken from its foundation on up. It is corrupt and useless at this point, and nothing is going to repair it short of a complete collapse. Corporations and ultra-rich people own and operate this country now. I don't care who you make President, because it doesn't matter. All of this Left/Right bickering is only serving those who want you distracted while they continue to rape this country for all they can. Rise above it, or remain a part of the problem.
edit on 26-7-2011 by JeepOrDie because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 11:15 AM
I'm neither Dem nor Repub. I am just a pissed off Amercian citizen.

People backing the #ty work Obama has done so far is ludicrous. He has performed no better and actually worse then the Bush administration. Obama stated he will recall our forces from the Middle East, He triples them. He states he will close the prison camps, he keeps them open. He claims he will increase jobs for the American people, unemployment is at a high not seen since the great depression. He has allowed the doubling of the urban black unemployment..

Bush was an a-hole also, his false flag wars that will never end. Him Cheney/Rice/Rumsfeld/etc... all should be tried for crimes against humanity.

This is exactly where TPTB want us. On the brink of civil unrest. Pentagon deploys 20k troops around the states, coincidence? This is playing into their hands to throw a full police state on us.

We should just default on our debt. The American people need to become INDEPENDANT once again, and this will only be attainable once everyone learns they need to work and not expect these bullcrap entitlements. We need to pull our military forces out of the 120 something countries we have bases in. We need to dump the IRS and implment a flat tax rate.

We need to stop sending relief money to nations who's officials just pocket the money. 95% of donations for relief never leave our country.

We need to cut the CIA black ops programs that take tons of tax payer money without being audited. Stop the CIA and others from importing drugs into this nation for the purpose of dumbing the American populace down.

Close our borders to refugees, illegals until the unemployment rate is nearly abolished.

Increase taxes on imports. IF they do not like it we start manufacturing our own products. We did this before.

Remove government involvement with the education/medical fields. This has proven to be nothing short of a failure thus far.

Do not allow frivalous lawsuites. The amount of resources to the tax payers over stupid lawsuites for falling/spilling hot coffee/etc... is absurd. We should not have to pay for stupid.

People who say increase the tax on the rich. Do you understand they do pay higher in taxes then any low/middle class person already. I am middle class at 40k/year. But someone making 250k+/year does pay more into taxes then any lower/middle class, just do the math.
The reason why we are no longer the manufacturing giant we once were, is because we taxed the rich so much they moved to countries that do not tax them for bringing jobs to their communities. Do you think it is a coincidence that the umeployment rate is so high?

This is class warfare at it's best, and sheeple are buying into this notion ravenously.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 11:16 AM
he is a puppet and following orders that is what he is. inside he is a good guy, but nothing he can do

reply to post by jude11

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 11:19 AM
Well I remember when Obama first came on the scene.. I thought that he seemed like he might actually make some change... and things like this one add to my hope that he is not a pawn, or stonemason, illuminati, reptilian, ect... Im not even sure what to believe anymore.. seems our poor world is under some intense pressure in the last few years.. it would be nice to see one or two "good guys" emerge

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 11:28 AM
This whole thing needs to collapse. On August 3rd, I will still have a job. On August 5th I will still get paid. Life will go on. I only owe on my house and have no credit cards. I have a savings I have scrimped to have. I say bring it on. If you have lived within your means, or are unemployed than you have nothing to worry about. And for those of you screaming about hyperinflation, forget it. not a fact just fear mongering. But I venture to say that the ones bashing the super rich are also the ones saying we should not default. If we default we screw the super rich. So if you are against them, then you must be for default. Can't have it both ways.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 11:31 AM

Originally posted by CynicalWabbit
All of this arguing about which party is right and which is wrong is a total waste of time, they're 2 sides of the same coin. To boil it down this whole crisis is because of the economy, the better the economy the more money going into the government, all this talk about raising the taxes on the rich is just a drop in the ocean. So how do we restart the economy ?

1) Tax Cuts across the board, give people more spendable income.
2) Increase Tariffs on imports
3) Give tax breaks to corporations who increase their US employment
4) Lower Interest Rates

To help the deficit we can start by

1) Bring the troops home and cut military spending
2) Cut Foreign Aid Spending

Restart the economy? That's a great idea.
How about this?
1) Repeal ObamaCare - It's going to be found unconstitutional by SCOTUS anyway - that will
remove uncertainty.
2) Drill - Baby - Drill - here in the USA - That will make speculators drive down the price of
gas to under $2 a gallon. People will have more cash to spend.
3) Defund and abolish the EPA - That will kill the backdoor Cap & Tax maneuver made by

While you're at it Pass and Sign in - Speaker Boehners original Cap, Cut and Balance.

edit on 26-7-2011 by Eurisko2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 11:38 AM
reply to post by Unthought Known

Unthought Known,
If you truly think all Republicans votors are blindly following the party line you are sadly mistaken. I do not like this president for the same reason I did not like Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter or Lyndon Johnson. It is the ideology of the Democratic party I disagree with. This president is a continuation of Democratic policies long held dating back to the new deal.

I am a business owner and know full well what a tax increase will do to my little corner of the world. Most of my employees are professional's making a wage that puts them in the 37% tax catagory. If it goes to the proposed 39% (no more tax breaks for the rich) it will have a distinct impact on them as well as the business.

I am not on here to say that the Bush presidency was all that. It is essential that people understand that we have this 13+ trillion dollar debt because politicians of all stripes have spent our money in a reckless and irresponsible manner. I am by no means "rich", I live a comfortable life however. Should I and people like me be punished for achieving through hard work and sacrifice some level of success?

I hear people disparaging TEA partiers as right wing nutjobs. Do these critics call them teabaggers (and yes I know what the actually means) as a slam to discredit them. Taxed Enough Already is a battle cry that everyone should be on board with. If my corporate taxes go up, who do you think is ultimately going to incur that increse? My customers will shoulder that burden. Read that as consumers.

I will agree that corporate giants "appear" to avoid taxes. All I can say to that is that we retain an accountant and he looks to save us tax money working thru the system that is currently in place. A flat tax based on a graduated percentage of different levels of income would help solve this problem. Everyone would pay something


posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 11:38 AM
I'm all in favor of Drill-Baby-Drill since the majority of my business right now is the oil and gas industry since the banks are loaning almost no money for residential and commercial development.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 11:50 AM

Originally posted by habfan1968
It's funny most of the replies are focusing on who's fault it is or who created the problem, exactly what the two of them did on tv.

Yep, and as long as we all sit here pointing the finger at the next person, no one has the onus of responsibility.

We can blame someone else, and feel so goooood about ourselves in the process.

It's like a bunch of little kids on the playground yelling "I didn't do it Joey did it" and Joey yells back "nuh uh Betty did it", and neither one takes responsibility when BOTH were responsible.

Who's got who in their pocket?

Harm None

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 12:11 PM
this is a reply to a post earlier about bush becoming a dictator

look, the only way a dictatorship would be good for anything or anyone, is if the person was pure of heart mind and completely innocent, unfotunetly you are branded wrong the moment you are born, which leads to hate, which leads to republicants.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 12:11 PM
reply to post by JacKatMtn

Keep in mind that they have to speak in lowest common denominator terms. Because the average American is stupid, that means using simple phrases and analogies to get their point across without confusing people and losing their vote, which is really what the speech was about anyway. This also applies when you hear those terms like "Let me be clear" - it makes stupid people think "Oh, he's going to be clear now and what he says next is very important." Also, the little hand gestures they make and the color tie they wear... all that stuff is researched to find out what best makes a pathological liar look like an honest guy.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 12:13 PM

Originally posted by haarvik
You want jobs? you want new business? Then here is a plan. I have owned businesses before and anyone who has knows the first three years are make it or break it. So, how do you support new business and new jobs? It is really quite easy. This would apply ONLY to a NEW business, not existing.

The business, in it's first three years pays no tax. Zero. Nothing. No unemployment tax, no income tax, no matching tax, nothing. The government picks up the tab. Considering that the U.S. gave $4.46 billion to Pakistan in fiscal 2010, I think we can afford to do this. In addition, the new income tax paid by the employees will offset some of this cost. The business get's to reinvest to grow and become profitable and be able to survive and become a more stable employer. now, having said that one stipulation is that for a period of 15 years, no part of that business may be located outside of US borders. No employees are to be located outside of the US.

This in turn allows more purchasing from the suppliers who must then hire more employees to keep up with the new demand. It will snowball and our economy will recover.

This is an interesting point, the reason most businesses that could be successful go out of business is because they cant afford to pay out to tax, if they cant make or break in those first three years, then there is no point taxing them, as they wouldnt be worth taxing.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 12:14 PM

Originally posted by CynicalWabbit
I'm all in favor of Drill-Baby-Drill since the majority of my business right now is the oil and gas industry since the banks are loaning almost no money for residential and commercial development.

Notice how the buzzwords I just mentioned worked on this voter? It's the soundbite that gets remembered and repeated.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 12:14 PM
reply to post by BrianC

No offense man but this is a piss poor thread. I am an Englishman and have no idea what Obama or any other rep said because you haven't posted a link to the speech/es.

Sure, I could google it but why should I when you can't be bothered to link to whatever it is you are talking about? Could you please post a link to what you are referring to... If not for me then for all the other people who haven't the foggiest idea what you are bangin' on about...

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