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Gangstalking - You got to be kidding me....

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posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 11:09 PM
Oh... that reminds me. I have talked about my experiences before on this site and I have made some references to the company I used to work for that I was convinced was involved in black projects.

they also had a PTSD program going that nobody really understood what it was for.

First let me explain what this company does. they build training simulators for the dod. they have a humvee simulator, tank simulators, helicopter simulators and what they do is they use things like video and audio headsets and fake guns and run this software that was meant to mimic places like bagdad.... you know, for training before soldiers go into active combat.

So i was trying to figure out what the PTSD thing was for, nobody really knew but someone mentioned that the equipment was meant to gauge reaction time such as if you had a head injury so they'd know when you are ready to go back into duty. Bull#. Head injury is medical and PTSD is psychiatric.

I'm not saying it couldn't be used for such things but then it would have to be approved as some type of medical diagnosis device... but PTSD is something different.

Then I stumbled across some stuff on the net about neurofeedback that the government is using, not on disabled vets back home... BUT IN THE FIELD.

When a soldier becomes traumatized from active combat it is considered PTSD, they have this neurofeedback software and put some soldiers through a series of sessions. this equipment engages with the soldier on a subconscious level through EEG. It's back door training SUBCONSCIOUS. It's essentially brainwashing people. The soldier doesn't really know what it is doing exactly... only that they feel more like going back to their duty after the sessions.

I'm like WHAT!!!

You see, the military has a big problem with soldiers not following strict orders and have been needing to find a way to keep them on the field, In VN, they had a lot go Awall. You've got soldiers turning the medals in and all sorts of stuff. you've got soldiers leaking intel to the public... the list goes on, but apparently screaming orders to a so called panzy on the battlefield is not as effective as it used to be... so now we have back door neurofeedback training.

So I kept digging and i came across a lady who was hired by this company and she has been involved in big contracts with the dod before and she has specialties in "instructional modeling" and also EEG!

i was like NO WAY!... but yep.

this company used to be all about just the visual training and i always wondered how they got these huge contracts because any of their former contractors could have built this stuff and i worked there and know from experience that this company does not always function in an efficient manner and i couldn't help the feeling that something psychological was going on when they brought in these contractors from another company who parked a bunch of chairs across from my work area and watched me all day... then my supervisor told me he thought I should be hypnotically regressed when i told him that i thought someone had tampered with my work because there was greasy stuff all over my pieces in the locked paint booth.

Now check this out... this company started with just a handful of people. When the company was only four or five people, my sister who never went to collage and had prior experience in a convenient store and a clothes store was hired and she was made a member of the executive staff. She lives right at the north gate of the canaveral shoreline. I'm not saying she doesn't know what she was doing but she was brought into this when this company was just forming and was nothing but it's founding members.

I was paid less than the janitor.

that EEG chicks name is Dr. Ginger Watson and her research has lead to 15 million in government contracts.

Do you really think her research is solely about eyeball tracking and how that relates to skill development?

Why would you need an EEG for that?

posted on Sep, 3 2012 @ 05:16 PM

Originally posted by ErtaiNaGia
reply to post by mbkennel

If you live your life "normally" with no physical interference or any evidence anybody else can discern, you are experiencing delusions from an illness.

You just said that it is an illness if no evidence can be gathered...

So, if my assailants are extremely careful, then I am delusional, yes?

If your "assailants" have extraordinary skill in deception far beyond any reasonable standard, and would apparently need extremely expensive state of the art technology which is not actually known to exist, and their operation would require a large budget for years....

And give the above, and you are not important enough to be involved in a serious governmental or corporate issue involving huge amounts of money or national security,

and there are vague threats, but nothing specifically related to clear actions or information which would be interesting to others,

and there is no independently verified objective evidence from a number of other people,

then yes, you are delusional.

Because there is no motivation among people who have that supposed level of extreme capability to randomly torture others in secret.

If some authorities want covert surveillance, then they would NOT in any way attempt to cause distress or change in your behavior. They would be as secretive as possible and attempt to use indiscernible technology.

If some authorities want a change in behavior from you, then they would be swift and efficient and explain exactly what they want you to do, and the consequences of doing it, or failing to do it. The reason why they would want this would be readily apparent to you and them. And they would not harass you for a long time, they would expect compliance immediately or exact consequences upon you swiftly.

You are transparent.

Thanks, I am not trying to be cryptic in the slightest, and I say exactly what I believe to be true and most beneficial to people suffering from this syndrome. It is a part of your brain going haywire and falsely firing synapses without proper control of inputs.

When authorities are actually after you for something, they are transparent too, because they intend to cause a specific change in behavior in the target, or gain information.

Believe it or not, many forms of mental illnesses have fairly clearly delineated and stereotyped symptoms, just like other physical illnesses, because they share some common biological mechanistic causes.

edit on 3-9-2012 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-9-2012 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-9-2012 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2012 @ 04:07 PM
reply to post by mbkennel

So, you are saying, that even if it *WAS* happening....

I would be delusional?

You know what? You aren't transparent... you are obtuse.

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 08:13 AM
reply to post by mbkennel

Quote from you "and would apparently need extremely expensive state of the art technology which is not actually known to exist, and their operation would require a large budget for years"....

which you stated "expensive state of the art technology which is not actually known to exist"

Well here's a video from Donald Rumsfeld saying from the horses mouth that they are working on this type of technology and this was from years ago.....

And here's a thread detailing the specs of one of these weapons......


posted on Nov, 6 2012 @ 06:21 AM
On a lonely island, the population are naieve and easily influenced - all it takes are a few enligtened individuals to change the tide, to bring them out of their dream.

posted on Nov, 6 2012 @ 10:31 AM
hi ATS crowd, i just had to sign up so i could reply to this thread!

If an individual is already paranoid and hyper-sensitive in their day-to-day private lives with their own loved ones, and they experience gangstalking that only they can see or feel, let me tell you it is BS. It is the result of a self-centered (i dont mean evil) brain consumed by the external projections on others of their own internal "inferiority complex vs megalomania" struggle.

And now i have to say something to the people that think they are being targeted. Not you in particular, Megacurious, but what you said fits with what i want to talk about.

Originally posted by MegaCurious
reply to post by boncho

once they do it for the third time in three blocks you DEFINITELY know that there is something out of the ordinary. The problem is that that's just "them" trying to get your attention. You can't really go to the cops, because the cops already know about these folks and they're just going to smirk and go through their script

Im a 20 something male, and my mother suffers from the same problems. Until death, she will believe this nonsense, and at times even think that her own children have been bought, or brainwashed by 'those people', because of something completely retarded (like wearing an item of clothing the same color as 'them'). it is ABSOLUTELY insane, and i implore you, if you have family, to

stop this BS!!!!!!!

seriously. once you indulge in this kind of thinking, it will become WORSE and much more complex and you will be HURT!

if you watch South Park - have a close look at Eric Cartman, because that is you.

Let me explain the "that diplomat doesnt look" thing:

it is not people pointing at you saying those things, it is YOU thinking that they do these things, you hear what you believe someone says. it really is pathological. I've witnessed it so many times with my own eyes and ears.
Stop referencing every little # to your own personal life! The reason for your strife with the world is inside your brain.

If you don't stop now it will consume the rest of your life.

rant over.

edit on 6-11-2012 by requiredusername because: was angry

posted on Nov, 7 2012 @ 12:15 AM
reply to post by requiredusername

What you said makes 100 percent sense and it is true however that still doesn't change the fact gangstalking is real and has happened to people, i mean for gods sake they even have a wikipedia section on it, it's not 2005 anymore we know in certin cases that this stuff happens the cat is out of the bag.....

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 09:36 AM
Have the ignoramuses who mock gang stalking never heard of a disinformation campaign? Never heard of the Stasi in East Germany? Never heard of a psy-op campaign? Well over 90% of the youtube videos are pure BS because REAL targets of gang stalking known as TI's do not have the time to upload that many videos on to youtube or engage in comment wars. Is the American public so ignorant that their belief system can be swayed by a simple disinformation campaign on youtube? Let me put it in more practical terms, stalking clearly exists therefore group stalking must exist as well. Another example, flash mobs. Nobody denies the existence of flash mobs and flash mobs or cellular mobs are a pivotal point in gang stalking. The cell phone is a roving bug on your body and is used to pin point your exact location even when it appears to be turned off. That location is then sent via prepaid cell phone to the perps along with the instructions. Burglaries, poisoning, micro-tempering otherwise known as ghosting otherwise known as moving small items around your house are all GS tactics that have been used not only by the intelligence communities but also by the Manson family and other deranged serial killers as well. OK, let's say they have you bugged clearly that technology exists and is available to almost anybody. They have you miked up and have your location, now the real fun begins. They want to let you know about it. (directed conversation) a GS tactic. Why would anyone do this? Numerous reasons too many to list here but here are just a couple. You are a high profile individual or you made the wrong enemy, an enemy in a position of power. I know why the average joe working at the grocery store has trouble grasping the severity of organized gang stalking but just because you never had the pleasure of experiencing this delightful topic doesn't give you the right to deny the facts and the facts speak for themselves. There is NOTHING crazy about gang stalking EXCEPT the disinformation campaign that gets bigger everyday.

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 09:57 AM
If you think you're being gangstalked, wouldnt it make sense to confront the people? Such as go up and ask them for the time, or a cig, and then see how they react?

posted on Mar, 23 2013 @ 04:39 AM
I have to say I am of the opinion these people are short on meds. Furthermore no matter what anyone thinks about masonry I am of the opinion that they would STOMP on that # hard! [if it truly exists at all] Anyone else agree the masons would never let such a group stand?

posted on Mar, 23 2013 @ 05:45 AM
If you feel unsafe just exercise your second amendment right and become gunslinger. Open carry it right out in the open in a shoulder holster for all to see.

posted on Mar, 23 2013 @ 08:29 AM

Originally posted by R3nw0x1ng
I have to say I am of the opinion these people are short on meds. Furthermore no matter what anyone thinks about masonry I am of the opinion that they would STOMP on that # hard! [if it truly exists at all] Anyone else agree the masons would never let such a group stand?

Yea you're right gangstalking is real (it's many forms) but it's not like that....

posted on Mar, 23 2013 @ 02:57 PM
reply to post by boncho

You have cleverly chosen to use sources which are either deliberate misinformation to muddy the waters and cause people to do as your emoticon does (laugh and show disdain) - or it shows an example of someone who has been made aware of the phenomenon and has incorrectly begun to auto-collate some ordinary experiences into a growing delusion.

Paraedolia and general paranoia are easily exaggerated, especially when combined with a general disaffection with life, and the impact of learning of the'gang-stalking' phenomenon easily excites the imagination of a susceptible person to begin associating themselves with the phenomenon.

That's certainly not to say that Gang Stalking isn't real - it certainly is. However, a number of other factors are involved in the true cases. The unprovable nature of the project lends itself to convenient misconception and pseudo self-association by slightly neurotic people.

posted on Mar, 30 2013 @ 05:46 AM
I spent a while looking at this fringey fringe topic. Here is what I found. There are several different things going on in the narratives from the USA. In order of predominance, they are:

1) Accounts from apparent paranoid schizophrenics, who are often indistinguishable from disinformation agents. All of the Youtube videos fall into this category, without exception.

2) Various revenge, sabotage and character assassination ploys which are very much black hat, often illegal, and tend to fall under the umbrella of "corporate espionage", often directed at whistleblowers or other "turncoats". These incidents tend to be the most sophisticated and troublesome: wiretapping and keylogging, burglary, theft, blackmail, false accusations and etc.

3) Surveillance by law enforcement. It's rather rare that the targets of surveillance fail to recognize it, but it does seem to happen to the crazier of them, who assume they have become the target of unknown dark forces. When in reality the local police department is the one parking outside everywhere they go, and tapping their phones.

What I concluded is that the second category is the only one that could be said to be legitimately "gang stalking", although a case could be made for #3, it is rather mundane, 'by the book' and does not involve the types of outright harassment which often comes with #2 (or is imagined by #1).

posted on Mar, 30 2013 @ 10:44 AM
reply to post by Autograf

It's true by you're theology number two would be the applicable program for one avenue that constitutes gangstalking, where i think most fall into a quandry is people narrowing it down to just governmental psy-op operations under the spectrum of quote un quote "Gangstalking" where i think it gos deeper then that, things which might seem as mundane as a bunch of people from lets say the website 4-Chan track down your private info delegate it to friends in the area and then this progress known as gangstalking is administratd by them in what ever form....

What i'm trying to stress is there's more then one version of gangstaling to limit it to just particular black op secret government espionage is misleading, it's a tactic not a operation per say...

posted on Mar, 30 2013 @ 12:57 PM

Originally posted by King Seesar
reply to post by Autograf

It's true by you're theology number two would be the applicable program for one avenue that constitutes gangstalking, where i think most fall into a quandry is people narrowing it down to just governmental psy-op operations under the spectrum of quote un quote "Gangstalking" where i think it gos deeper then that, things which might seem as mundane as a bunch of people from lets say the website 4-Chan track down your private info delegate it to friends in the area and then this progress known as gangstalking is administratd by them in what ever form....

What i'm trying to stress is there's more then one version of gangstaling to limit it to just particular black op secret government espionage is misleading, it's a tactic not a operation per say...

I think the word you're looking for is "theory", "theology" being the study of religion. I also haven't found any evidence of black ops, though #2 certainly generates plenty of interesting stories along those lines. Actual secret government espionage falls under #3, more commonly termed "surveillance", and happens every day and is normally quite boring.

I agree that internet stalking deserves a place on the list, probably between #2 and #3 in frequency. I think it's quite different from the other types.

Internet stalking is basically unorganized electronic mobbing, not unlike the thing that the schizophrenics in #1 think is being organized to happen to them, but which doesn't seem to actually ever happen.

posted on Mar, 31 2013 @ 01:57 AM
reply to post by Autograf

Yea what i was getting at is this term we use gangstalking and the tactics it imployes is a wide option, but yea we agree on the basic premise...

posted on Apr, 22 2014 @ 04:47 AM
Gangstalking comes in the form of electromagnetic harassment too. It's a government cover-up.

posted on Apr, 22 2014 @ 04:47 AM
Gangstalking comes in the form of electromagnetic harassment too. It's a government cover-up.

posted on Dec, 17 2016 @ 05:57 PM


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