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Why do we strive for sameness? Why do we not celebrate the differences between the Races?

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posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 01:05 AM
Reply to post by AprilSky

There is no agenda to ignore differences. The agenda to celebrate our differences at least in America is our way of embracing them. Thats why we have months and days to celebrate the heritage of different cultures and races. The out of Africa theory has not been disproven at all at least as far as modern humans. This thread is a lame attempt to attack multicultural society and instead have one where are races are seperate but equal. Lame.

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posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 01:11 AM
reply to post by acmpnsfal

What astonishes me about people on forums is yes they know the elite are evil and yes they know they want to bring in one religion and the NWO to totally control our lives but somehow you don't realise that multiculturalism is the vehicle being used to utterly destroy us.

It would be funny if it wasn't so damn sad and pathetic.

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 01:17 AM
I wasn't going to bother with this thread anymore, but the OPs denial of the Holocaust should not go unanswered.

IT DID happen...because it was war time and they would not obey nazi ideaology ever.

They were not th eonly victims of the very sane but evil Hitler, but they were the main target in relation to civilain targetted murder.
It was genocide.
Evil once begun is hard to stop, Churchill and the USA stopped it.
Stalin likewise killed many orthodox christians by the millions.
Holocaust denial is so bad , I hope you are not genuinely saying it never happened.
Think about the suffering and the desecration of their memory you are committing by your false and misleading propaganda.... else you regret it once you get older...and your words live on.

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 01:26 AM
reply to post by Dr Expired

Believe whatever fairy tales you want.

The evil of the elite is beyond words ... they lied ... it's as simple as that, everything they say is almost guaranteed to be a big fat lie, everything carries with it the will to manipulate and control.

Most of you have been brainwashed since the minute you drew breath and like a computer you believe the info is correct because someone put it in your brains.

Well it isn't ... it's incorrect.

You can deprogrammed yourselves ... if only you have the will to do so?

edit on 16-7-2011 by AprilSky because: spelling

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 01:46 AM
If any of you really want to know the truth about what happened in WW2 ... then listen to this guy.

This lecture was given in about 1960.

Benjamin H. Freedman - A Jewish Defector Warns America (1 of 9)

edit on 16-7-2011 by AprilSky because: added words

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 02:34 AM
Reply to post by AprilSky

You can complain all you would like about the NWO but a unified one world alliance is going to eventually happen whether you like it or not. Outside of the conspiracy angle is it not the next logical step in human development? We went from tribes to villages to cities to states to countries. Come on now. You can fight progress all you want but progress will happen whether you like it or not. Btw by and large multicuturalism did not become popular because of any agenda it became popular because it was the path of least resistance and upheaval.

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posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 03:05 AM
That would go against the political agenda they have for the race issue.

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 03:06 AM
reply to post by acmpnsfal

Actually you are quite wrong, there were bills brought into parliament in the US and the UK which forced lands to take in others.

Children have constantly been brainwashed into believing this is a good thing...

Nobody wants to mean to anybody else so it seems natural, that it isn't is well ...anyway read what I have found...

I have uncovered quite a few interesting pieces ...


"In the book A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century, published in 1913 by Israel Cohen of the Fabian Society (a follow-up to Zangwill's Melting Pot), he wrote: "We must realize that our Party's most powerful weapon is racial tension. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races, that for centuries have been oppressed by the Whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party ...

In America, we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the Whites, we will instill in the Whites, a guilt complex for the exploitation of the Negroes.

We will aid the Negroes to rise to prominence in every walk of life, in the professions, and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negroes will be able to intermarry with the Whites, and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause."

On June 17, 1957, this passage was read into the Congressional Record by Rep. Thomas G. Abernathy. In 1922, the Russian Comintern provided $300,000 for the spreading of communist propaganda among Negroes. In 1925, the Communist Party, U.S.A., told its members:

by David Allen Rivera

A Harvard Jewish studies professor.

Dr. Ignatiev does not believe his agenda is controversial. He writes:

“The goal of abolishing the white race is on its face so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed white supremacists.” Thus does he put whites on notice. If they oppose their abolition, they are “white supremacists.”

According to Dr. Ignatiev,

“The key to solving the social problems of our age is to abolish the white race.”

“Make no mistake about it,” he says,

“We intend to keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females too, until the social construct known as ‘the white race’ is destroyed--not ‘deconstructed’ but destroyed.”

Evidence of this actually happening can be seen in the world

Recently Nicolas Sarkozy (French President) announced plans to pursue a vigorous policy of diversity and métissage. Concretely, this means giving preference to minorities in job hiring and prosecuting those who do not comply. In other words, affirmative action as a government policy from which none are exempt.

In his message Sarkozy insisted that the French people must change, that there will be dire consequences if they don't, and that not to intermarry racially is bad for the survival of the country. Thus he amalgamated the concepts of preference for minorities in job hiring with that of the need for the French to intermarry racially.

And this

This address of Rabbinovich was published in the U.S. Publication 'Common Sense', and re-published in the September issue of the Canadian Intelligence Service. Rabbi Rabbinovich speaking to an assembly in Budapest, Hungary on the 12th January 1952 stated:

Our Control Commissions will, in the interests of peace and wiping out inter- racial tensions. Forbid the Whites to mate with Whites. The White Women must cohabit with members of the dark races, the White Men with black women. Thus the White Race will disappear, for the mixing of the dark with the White means the end of the White Man, and our most dangerous enemy will become only a memory. We shall embark upon an era of ten thousand years of peace and plenty, the Pax Judaica, and our race will rule undisputed over the world. Our superior intelligence will easily enable us to retain mastery over a world of dark peoples.

What astounds me is people actually don't care ... their lands stolen ... they are being targeted by the elite for EXTERMINATION and they don't care.

edit on 16-7-2011 by AprilSky because: missed word

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 03:36 AM
Personally I think the goal is different to what has been revealed because always is a lie revealed while the truth sleeps on.

Personally my thoughts are this is about harvesting the WHITE race.

Which I cover in the below thread.

I know it seems extreme but well things are extreme ...

read it and think about it.

edit on 16-7-2011 by AprilSky because: grammar

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 04:16 AM
Reply to post by AprilSky

Well if you take a look at the history of race relations starting in the 1900s in America you would see my point. Not just on the surface if you look at how races and cultures were introduced and given rights you woud see that it was only done in the best intrests of the survival of America at large

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posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 04:27 AM
reply to post by acmpnsfal

This isn't about America ... this is about every single white country ...

this has happened EVERYWHERE even in lands which were totally white.

Sweden now has an enormous problem.

It's time for people to wake up.

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 04:35 AM
Every culture on Earth deserved the right to move forward in creation. They all thought positive of eachother and attempted to do the best for there people.

Todays technology is what we all achieved collectively as cultures through trade with eachother in resources needed to support human diversity.

WW3 is here unfortunatley. The spiritual war which will clense the spirit of negativity. All people and cultures must realise the meaning behind life and the spiritual self.

All wars end!

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 04:46 AM
Reply to post by AprilSky

I highlight America because that is where I live and as such is the only place where I have studied race relations.

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posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 05:02 AM
YOu know human beings share over 50% of our DNA with a Banana. I heard that on the radio last night. Anyway, we are all the same the things that differntiate us are mainly cultural differences. We are one species. Some may have different pigmentations and physical properties, but we are all homo sapiens.

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 05:41 AM

Originally posted by AprilSky
There has been a lot of threads on here lately involving people calling each other racists etc etc.

That happens when racists posts racist crap.

But what I want to know is why do we not admit we are NOT all the same?

Very few people call for this sort of admission. You're mistaking "we are all equal" for "we are all the same"

The "Out of Africa" theory has been proven to be false ... complete Rubbish

Well, no in fact it hasn't. Perhaps whatever you think it entails is false - but then people so very rarely actually understand the science they dismiss as "complete rubbish."

and yet all I hear on here is people trying to make out we are all the same and we should all just get along.

Becuase we should.

Really, why ... it isn't in our natures to do so, it isn't even a good thing ... do you really want everyone to become coffee coloured and identical?

Actually it's very much in our natures to get along regardless of race. If racial segregations were "natural" then nations such as the United States and South Africa wouldn't have ever had to work so hard at keeping the races separate. Instead, people kept finding new ways to cross the race divide, and thousands and thousands simply defied the law.

And for the record, no, I prefer the color of peanut butter, which is about what we'd get. I don't see how it could hurt anything.

We accept differences inside of each race, for example not everyone can get into University and become a doctor but we won't accept differences between the races?

Judgements based on race erase all independence of the individual. An individual can get into a university or not on the merits of their ability, on their finances, or the willingness of others to put them there. if one were to bar an entire race from that university, then no individual of that race would be able to attend, regardless of qualification or patronage.

Is the future one where we strive to be so identical with each other, we will only allow perfect clones?

Not at all. Though hopefully, mindless hyperbole will go the way of the prehensile tail in the future of our species.

In nature in general, if I said to you from now on there will be only one species of frog because we want all frogs to be identical, would that be cool? Of course not, yet this stupid mindlessness goes on in the human race.

erll, the problem with your comparison is, there is, in fact, only one (extant) species of human. I'll spare you the dissertation on why "species" is a useless classification outside of the conveniance of textbooks, though.

There is different races because we are actually different species. Many will think I am talking rubbish by saying that so I will prove it ... it's not even new science ... the world is finally realising this and waking up to it.

My existence seems to disprove this, as I am a mixed-race person (white and Native American). In fact the existence of pretty much every human being on earth proves your statement to be utterly wrong; pretty much everyone is some mix of something else.

Newsweek did a study of the facial skeleton of Neanderthals who were often read haired and they found that facially they are like Scandinavians Germans and Dutch, eg they were Europeans in appearance. This is at the end of this video with an image ....

well, organisms that live in identical niches in identical environments tend to resemble one another. That said, This reconstruction is very likely... very creative. Especially when we consider that the sapiens found in Europe at the same time have facial features more similar to !Kungsan speakers in southern Africa.

Convergent evolution, if not outright imagination.


When the ancient genome was compared to a spectrum of modern human populations, a striking relationship emerged. Unlike most groups, Melanesians — inhabitants of Papua New Guinea and islands northeast of Australia — seem to have inherited as much as one-twentieth of their DNA from Denisovan roots. This suggests that after the ancestors of today's Papuans split from other human populations and migrated east, they interbred with Denisovans, but precisely when, where and to what extent is unclear.

Minor note; they would have split off from other modern human populations. if these results are sound (and I'd think we need a few more samples to be sure) then it simply means the ancestors of the Melanesians boffed a number of Denusovan people on their way to the Sunda peninsula. I'd be interested to see how these guys' genome lines up with the Australian Aborigines.

Odds are that the Denusovans were, like the Neandertals, just a branch of archaic Homo sapiens.

Homo floresiensis

("Flores Man", nicknamed "hobbit") is a possible species, now extinct, in the genus Homo. The remains were discovered in 2004 on the island of Flores in Indonesia. Partial skeletons of nine individuals have been recovered, including one complete cranium (skull). These remains have been the subject of intense research to determine whether they represent a species distinct from modern humans, and the progress of this scientific controversy has been closely followed by the news media at large. This hominin is remarkable for its small body and brain and for its survival until relatively recent times (possibly as recently as 12,000 years ago). Recovered alongside the skeletal remains were stone tools from archaeological horizons ranging from 94,000 to 13,000 years ago.

Neat little buggers, huh? Fin fact; these guys were very likely a major food item for komodo dragons. Them and pygmy elephants.

Australopithecus sediba,

New species in human lineage's evolution discovered Researchers have discovered in South Africa two partial skeletons of a new species of evolving primate that incorporates ape and human features in a previously unseen combination. The skeletons, of a boy and a young woman, have orangutan-length arms but human-shaped hands. Changes to the legs and pelvis suggest that the creatures spent much of their time upright, although their feet are primitive. They have small, humanlike teeth but an ape-size braincase. Although anthropologists long ago rejected the notion of a missing link in human prehistory waiting to be found, few doubt that there are "missing strands" in the tangled braid of co-evolving pre-human lineages. The new species, named Australopithecus sediba, appears to be one of them.

More at with slide show etc ....

Australopithecines are a different bunch from members of the Homo genus.

Even the Chinese challenge the out of Africa theory.

That's because the Chinese want to falsify science in order to make China the cradle of humanity. it's nationalism tainting science.

So if we are not even the same species, shouldn't we accept that we are in facto very different from each other?

Except we're not different species; again, there is one single species of human in the world. Now, if on a long shot, Bigfoot is real, we might be able to count him as a second species. But for now, it's just us, H. sapiens, the one little green twig on a very large and very dead family tree.

Also people go on about White man coming and taking over the land in America and how BAD that was etc etc...

Genocide, rape, theft, and murder followed by apartheid tend to be frowned upon, yes.

You do realise that this has happened everywhere and usually one species makes the other go extinct by a process usually involving the following ... they kill and eat the other tribe but also mate with the few surviving females, therefore there is actually a merging of the two tribes or races, the stronger one carrying on and containing a few genes of the weaker tribe.

Well, in all honesty in terms of interspecies competition, the loser is decided by who's least efficient at capitalizing on the available resources, not on direct competition. A good example is when the pana land bridge formed and North American carnivores moved into South Afmerica. They were more efficient than the South American carnivore families at capturing prey, so ended up outcompeting the latter. They weren't likely hunting down the predators of South America, they were just doing a better job at eating the prey.

Now, bringing it back to humans, we have this thing called "ethics." Lions and sharks, presumably, lack this concept; or i they have it, it's certainly geared towards the life of a lion and has no resemblance to the ethics of a human. Human ethics say murder is a bad thing. Human ethics frown on rape. Both still happen, but people who do so are generally either criminalized, or go through elaborate rigours to void their ethics.

This has happened all over the world, the Indians, the natives of America, actually killed and interbreed with a white tribe many thousands of years ago.

No, they killed a bunch of Greelander colonists. See, the first thing the greenlanders did when they sttled at Vinland was to grab one of the locals, stab him a few times, and take notes on how he bled. Presumably his family didn't take kindly to this poor guy getting murdered, and things were off to a rocky start from there on out. Short story shorter, the Vikings got their asses kicked by Inupiat.

The Maoris of New Zealand did exactly the same thing 700 years ago approximately ...

No, point of fact, they didn't. This claim has been brought up maybe once or twice, and always in the context of opposition to Maori rights in New Zealand; never in a scientific manner.

so what is the big deal .... this is who we are and you will have to face this truth sooner or later...

Well, given that your premise is false and all your claims are either false or unsupportive, I'm not seeing why I should buy your conclusion derived from all that.

Just look at multicultural countries ... are they really blended?

Well... Yeah, actually. Ever been to one? I recommend Brazil. Nice people, lots of sun, gorgeous women...

Of course not or you would not have China towns etc they're just ticking time bombs

Actually, these ethnic enclaves are the sresult of exactly what I mentioned earlier; attempts to force separation of the races. Chinatowns arte there because of efforts to keep the Chinese from integrating among hte dominant caste. These efforts have by and large failed; far more chinese live outside of chinatowns than within them. Ever been to any of Los Angeles' half-dozen "ethnic" sectors? Most of 'em are very well-integrated. Of course, the original population tends to remain; because htey've invested in homes and businessesand relationships in that area.

Basically it's the exact opposite of what you're thinking.

and sooner or later it will come down to a show down ... the elite know this .... this is their ultimate plot if you ask me.

well, no one asked you. And if "the elites" (there we go, the faceless nameless personaless, unknown mysterious all-powerful elites... again) had to plot and plan this... then doesn't that, like laes forcing segregation, once again prove that your premise is completely wrong?

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 05:53 AM
reply to post by AprilSky

So your sources are a Bussels newspaper, a goofy new-agey site that does a hack job on Iroquois mythology, a far-right adspammer site, and a white supremacist site.

edit on 16/7/2011 by TheWalkingFox because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 09:35 AM
reply to post by acmpnsfal

Fully understand.

Shame people here seem too small minded to accept what I say or maybe people really just can't come to grips with just how evil this plot is?

Never mind, all too soon they will see this evil at work.

They think everyone is like them and we are all moving forward ... I doubt it very much.

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 09:39 AM

Originally posted by TheWalkingFox
reply to post by AprilSky

So your sources are a Bussels newspaper, a goofy new-agey site that does a hack job on Iroquois mythology, a far-right adspammer site, and a white supremacist site.


Well seeing as it is the elite's plot.

I wouldn't expect to find it on the front page of the New York times.

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 09:42 AM
Divide and Conquear is the way humans live because of all the tactics they see on MSM. The political groups around the world keep everyone at war and divided.
edit on 16-7-2011 by Buford2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 09:54 AM
reply to post by Buford2

Not sure I agree.

it seems to me mostly the goal is to flood our lands with others and force us to accept them.

Over time and short time at that ... our culture and even race just gets totally deleted from the planet, never to exist again.

Note: this is only happening in our lands.

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