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Walmart Bans Woman for Life...for Couponing?

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posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 08:30 AM

Originally posted by Suspiria

Originally posted by wardk28
My question is how do you get banned from Wal Mart. Does an alarm go off when you cross their threshold? I could see maybe one store if you are well known in there but every store? How is that even possible to enforce? I mean is there like TSA watchlist for Wal Mart? IF so, we have bigger problems then just extreme couponing here people.

I got removed from Sainsbury's once for being tipsy in charge of a shopping trolley.

Apparently giggling over a finger of fudge is an offence.

lol .. thanks for the laugh.


posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 08:50 AM
reply to post by jude11

She broke no law and people are siding with the Corporation making it up on the spot.

I am with you on this. If WalMart has a new policy about coupons, then let them put it in their flyers or on a sign at their cash. That should apply to any store, IMO. I think it's really bad customer relations policy to ban someone for life though.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 09:02 AM
It's one thing to make the most of your dollars and get the products you NEED at a discount, but it's a completely stupid waste of energy and resources to end up with 30 bottles of Suave shampoo just because you can get them nearly free.


This is consumerist hording on a grand scale.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 09:21 AM
Wallymart.Isnt that the store that hires all part time employees so they get out of some of their responsibility as an employer?
This is a serious issue, and it must be legally defined better before anyone can judge the case.
The Issue is wether the coupons could or could not be used en mass to purchase products right?
By refusing to honour manufacturers coupons, it would seem they are failing to live up to their responsibility as a dealer for that product.
By refusing to honour their own coupons they are defrauding the public.
If there is no restrictions indicated the lady should be able to cash as many as she can collect.
Wally dont make money by being good to the consumer....
You can be sure they dont.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 09:22 AM
What gets me is when a 250 pound coupon whore comes in with a purse full of them and then leaves the store with several bags of sugar/salt filled junk that they force feed to their kids and everybody else in their family. I see this ALL the time. It's disgusting. I admire the couponing to some extent, but the person(s) doing it need to smarten up in more than one way. It's easier to blame hte companies for exploiting these people than ti's to blame the people themselves.

We need to go back to the basics like potatoes and rice and oats and fill in hte remaining 20% with meat and nuts and berries and vegetables and fruits. This is true for the poor populations, ironically. They're the ones gobbling up all this crap food. Maybe the problem is that humans are too stupid to manage earth's resources effectively when we have this many people. Maybe if there were a couple billion we could do it. More than that and we're hopeless.

Spending all this money on healthcare and war is just a sign of how mentally fu**** up we're.

Sometimes a retard is a retard and it needs to be said. Not saying it only prolongs it.
edit on 11-7-2011 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 09:34 AM
WalMart price matches on store specials. For instance, Kroger has Bing cherries for $2.49 lb. That's a good price. WalMart will match that price as long as you have the Kroger circular. WalMart doesn't accept any store coupons from a competitor. If Kroger had an in-store coupon in their flyer that made the cherries $2.49 lb instead of that being the outright price, then Walmart doesn't have to honor that. It's tricky. I used to be a cashier.

People will try to use coupons on products they do not buy. And you're only allowed one coupon per item. These extreme couponers stack coupons. Target, CVS and Walgreens have already made couponing harder. It's only a matter of time before all the other stores stop taking any type of coupons because of these people. They are committing fraud. And the retailer doesn't always get compensated if the company issuing the coupons catches the mistakes at the register. So yes, they're stealing sometimes too. Whether they realize this or not.

I have seen some of the show. People crawl into trash bins to get the coupons people throw out. That's a sickness. I think it must be some form of OCD or they're just getting addicted to the rush. I think it also becomes a hoarding issue over time.

I saw only one family who did the extreme coupon thing and donated the haul to a local food bank. The others just stack this stuff up. One lady had hundreds of packs of diapers and other baby items and doesn't even have a baby. She isn't donating them. She was keeping them and was proud of the clutter!

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 09:38 AM
reply to post by TheaRose

There are people out there NOT living paycheck to paycheck?

I've never met one.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 09:40 AM

Originally posted by tncryptogal
WalMart price matches on store specials. For instance, Kroger has Bing cherries for $2.49 lb. That's a good price. WalMart will match that price as long as you have the Kroger circular. WalMart doesn't accept any store coupons from a competitor. If Kroger had an in-store coupon in their flyer that made the cherries $2.49 lb instead of that being the outright price, then Walmart doesn't have to honor that. It's tricky. I used to be a cashier.

People will try to use coupons on products they do not buy. And you're only allowed one coupon per item. These extreme couponers stack coupons. Target, CVS and Walgreens have already made couponing harder. It's only a matter of time before all the other stores stop taking any type of coupons because of these people. They are committing fraud. And the retailer doesn't always get compensated if the company issuing the coupons catches the mistakes at the register. So yes, they're stealing sometimes too. Whether they realize this or not.

I have seen some of the show. People crawl into trash bins to get the coupons people throw out. That's a sickness. I think it must be some form of OCD or they're just getting addicted to the rush. I think it also becomes a hoarding issue over time.

I saw only one family who did the extreme coupon thing and donated the haul to a local food bank. The others just stack this stuff up. One lady had hundreds of packs of diapers and other baby items and doesn't even have a baby. She isn't donating them. She was keeping them and was proud of the clutter!

When I was a kid my coupon whore would have us go in to get other groceries with coupons so that they wouldn't recognize that we're the same group.

It's NOT all about the money! A lot of these people end up worse than people who don't use coupons. Coupon whoring is hard to control too. You end up getting food you wouldn't normally want. I think it's better just to stick to certain foods and when there're coupons use em otherwise just buy the food and be a responsible person in all manners of life.
edit on 11-7-2011 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 09:44 AM
Seems like Walmart is doing her a favor. I wouldn't go into Walmart if you put a gun to my head.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 10:27 AM
reply to post by jude11

If she can do it, all the power to her.

She did nothing wrong by following the rules on the coupons.

Since there is nothing saying that she can't and the system of coupons is set up to allow for it, how is it legal to ban her for life?

Is this what people want? More control over your life?

She broke no law and people are siding with the Corporation making it up on the spot.

You might as well lay down now.

Thing is, it's the coupons that are the scam. They are one more leg of the sucker job being played on consumers.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 10:47 AM
reply to post by WickettheRabbit

To me that's a consumer that doesn't have to pay for anything.
I have a stockpile. It's a good thing too, because we suddenly found ourselves down to 17k a year when my husband got laid off.
I keep an eye on it - if it is looking like it won't be used in time, it gets donated before it expires.

Some people will have big yard sales and sell off their stock to the community for about 1/4 retail or sell 'lots' on eBay.

People do what they feel they have to in order to SURVIVE. I'm not judging anyone for that.
My dad is a minimalist who wants NOTHING in his home except the thing he is using right now - you won't FIND a 4 pack of spare TP in his house.

Seriously, if TSHTF, who's going to have TP - that lady, or someone like my dad? It doesn't even have to be catastrophic - my dad would be out of food in 3 days in an emergency. He is of the mindset that you don't buy it if you don't need it. He does this to save money.

That lady doesn't pay jack for it anyway. It's just differences in people.

Personally I believe in celebrating differences instead of being judgmental.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 11:21 AM

Originally posted by hadriana

It was much more about the video taping than the coupons.

Then Walmart had every right to boot her out and to not allow her back.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 11:23 AM

Originally posted by buster2010
There is grounds for false advertisement. They say we accept coupons but here a lady tries to use them and gets banned.

Aother poster said she was banned because she tried to film what was going on.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 11:27 AM
reply to post by AnIntellectualRedneck

Wal Mart coupon Nazis are not any news to me, I saw this coming back when I worked for WALL(notice the implication) Mart, actually they're just plain Nazis if you ask me!

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 11:44 AM
Here's a bit more on it from another extreme couponer.
This isn't a new story - this really went all through the couponing community when it happened.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by NadaCambia
What kind of amateurs bother with coupons anyway? It's the 21st century, just ring x maker of x product and say you found a wasp in your bag of chips and they'll send you boxes of free stuff.

It's ridiculously easy, to the point you could fill your kitchen after a day on the phone.

Everytime I've rang up about a faulty good I've never once been asked to provide evidence, they seemingly take you at your word
This seems quite true.

I bought cracker jacks from a local store, they were expired and stale. They let us keep them, no proof proffered, and sent us a coupon for free product. They also sent some cracker jack goodies, like the history of cracker jacks and some other neat stuff we gave to the kids.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 01:15 PM

Personally, I fully support Walmart in this.

ITS WALLMART!!!! Why do you care about wallmarts well being? Cause they help support the economy? They help destroy the economy. You like supporting the devil?

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 01:18 PM
Abandon Wal Mart.

It destroys everything you once held dear.
edit on 11-7-2011 by Lysergic because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 01:19 PM

Originally posted by WickettheRabbit
It's one thing to make the most of your dollars and get the products you NEED at a discount, but it's a completely stupid waste of energy and resources to end up with 30 bottles of Suave shampoo just because you can get them nearly free.


This is consumerist hording on a grand scale.

Sad part is;

She almost looks proud.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 02:15 PM
reply to post by Lysergic

That's my point. Coupon for what you need, or if you're altruistic, coupon for what your church or charity needs. I can understand that. It's clearing the shelves of something other people need and hoarding it until it rots that I have a problem with. If it's on the up and up and they follow the rules (just like I am expected to) then more power to them.

I shop at Kroger and use their discount shopper's card with coupons, both manufacturer and in store. Sometimes, they even send me coupons for stuff completely free four times a year. Last time they sent me something, it was coupons for $15.00 in free stuff like eggs, salad dressing and pastas. Stuff I actually buy and use. I got really good coupons for stuff I normally wouldn't try. I admit, it felt good to stock my fridge for a week for under $50.00. I didn't have to dumpster dive or cheat to get bargains.

It's the dishonesty and hoarding I have a problem with.

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