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Fema to run test on EAS... linked to elenin?

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posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 07:39 AM
The UK emergency broadcast system arrangements was questioned earlier.

In short, there isn't one. The last remenants of it were dismantled in the 1990s.

"The national siren system left over from World War II had always retained a secondary role of "general warning", particularly for imminent flooding. In some towns, they were also used to summon part time firemen. However, a telephone based system was found to be generally more appropriate in this scenario and of course cheaper in most parts of the country. Additionally the Government retains an ability to break into local and national television and radio for purposes of alerting the general public. Indeed, the government has the legal power to take over editorial control of the BBC during a national emergency under the BBC Charter and the Broadcasting Act 1980.
By the end of the Cold War in the late 1980s and early 1990s the national siren system was largely dismantled."

If something bad happens it will be on the BBC. If its so bad that the BBC is non functional then either:

a) if you are considered important the army/police will be telling you what to do and where to go.
b) If you are a plebe, fend for yourself.

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 07:42 AM
I recall a thread about this a couple of months ago about this Emergency Alert System (EAS). The nationwide test will occur on Wednesday, November 9 at 2 p.m. eastern standard time.

It's odd the time they are doing it, most will be at work or in school. I guess they don't want a lot of people to actually see it.

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 07:43 AM

Originally posted by Misterlondon

in the case of 7/7 all rescue, ambulance, fire and police services were running a simulation on a a terrorist attack on London's tube network.. on the exact day it happened.. because of this the response to the attack was immediate.

As much as I feel that 7/7 was a false flag attack, I feel obliged to point out that this wasn't strictly true.

There was a computer based simulation involving a handful of people (the crisis team for a COMPANY) on that day. But to say ALL emergency services were involved is misleading.

Now 9/11, that's a different matter entirely, multiple drills/simulations were occuring on 9/11, vigilant guardian etc.
edit on 9-7-2011 by kiwifoot because: spelling

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 07:57 AM
reply to post by kiwifoot

There was a computer based simulation involving a handful of people (the crisis team for a COMPANY) on that day. But to say ALL emergency services were involved is misleading.

ok.. just what i heard man..

you know how it is with these conspiracies.. thing do tend to get exaggerated..

but you get my drift, there was some sort of simulation on the day in question, on the exact thing that happened.. ie terrorist attack on the london underground.

just found this concerning the attack..

Peter Power, Managing Director of Visor Consultants, a private firm on contract to the London Metropolitan Police, described in a BBC interview how he had organized and conducted the anti-terror drill, on behalf of an unnamed business client.

The fictional scenario was based on simultaneous bombs going off at exactly the same time at the underground stations where the real attacks were occurring:

POWER: At half past nine this morning we were actually running an exercise for a company of over a thousand people in London based on simultaneous bombs going off precisely at the railway stations where it happened this morning, so I still have the hairs on the back of my neck standing up right now.

HOST: To get this quite straight, you were running an exercise to see how you would cope with this and it happened while you were running the exercise?

POWER: Precisely, and it was about half past nine this morning, we planned this for a company and for obvious reasons I don't want to reveal their name but they're listening and they'll know it. And we had a room full of crisis managers for the first time they'd met and so within five minutes we made a pretty rapid decision that this is the real one and so we went through the correct drills of activating crisis management procedures to jump from slow time to quick time thinking and so on. (BBC Radio Interview, 7 July 2005)

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 08:33 AM
I hardly would call this an article. It is a blog.

The problem is that the tail points away from the Sun. The comet and tail are above the ecliptic. Hence we won't hit the tail. The comet tail is also small and insignificant. When we do cross a comet's path we see beautiful meteor showers. So no meteor shower to see. Too bad I enjoy them.

This is a non-issue.

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 09:29 AM
Here are my thoughts and my contribution to this thread regarding the EAS test scheduled for 11-09-11.

This announced federal EAS test while on the surface appears benign, I contend that it will serve to do many other things that we should consider long before November 9, 2011 shows us the ugly truth of what they really are doing and why.

On the date of the test, the EAS will be tested on all TV, Radio, Cell Phones and while all the media releases indicate that the federal government will be testing the national system, I believe that when we start to hear the EAS system activated, that many things are going to be happening at the same time. I will briefly explain my concerns with this EAS testing announcement.

While the media press releases for this EAS test indicate that we will hear the president or someone make a statement announcing that "this is a test", I feel it will will be replaced at the last moment with the the change that "this is NOT a test" of the EAS system, but a real emergency announcement from the POTUS.

Preparing the media and the public for a perceived test with as much advance time as they gave themselves to me says that there is something going on behind the scenes in a coordinated and controlled concerted effort.

While changing the EAS test to a real announcement would require a real global emergency of sorts, and this is where Comet Elenin or whatever is out there is going to be the real purpose of using the EAS system to notify the nation that we are facing a grave situation and of course this is where the government is going to begin pitching and selling their solution to the problem. This is when we will potentially hear the words "martial law" being used and with justification.

The EAS test has been scheduled and planned for a future date that the government already knows is when they were planning to tell the public what many already suspect or know about regarding Comet Elenin, Nibiru, Planet X or whatever else they want to call it.

Now, to add insult to misery, it is during the EAS testing of the system that I contend we will find out that the announcement and test is not a test at all, but a real emergency announcement kept secret from the public by design until the last minute.

I further contend that in order for the elite to use this moment to use the EAS system will necessitate the need for TPTB to also use their secret mind control MK-Ultra technologies to induce a form of mass hypnosis that is intended to keep the masses from seeking out all the elite and ending it once and for all once the world knows the truth we will be told about our situation.

The evil elite will use the EAS test to announce a real world emergency and while they will use the emergency tones and frequencies to do so, this is when I suspect that every TV, Radio, Cell Phone with the covert support of HAARP and other secret technologies will all be receiving the mind control frequencies needed to mass hypnotize or mind control the masses before the seriousness of our situation is revealed. It could even be a "don't worry be happy" type of mind control programming or even a go out and start chaos mind controlled command. We will have to wait to know for certain.

Yes, I know this may sound a bit fantastic to some, but if the history of what the NWO has done to get here has been forgotten, then I would encourage those who think so to do some more homework and realize that this type of covert action in plain view of the public, on a date that has been selected for its numerological attributes which shows 911 in reverse is why I think that on 11-09-11 it will be the real deal and not some test.

The test will be a real EAS announcement and during the start up, they will broadcast the needed frequencies and signal tones moments before all hell breaks loose in order to control the consciousness of the masses and what the masses think and do just moments after hearing the mind control EAS announcement.

I have pondered how they plan to keep the masses in control once the truth is known and now I think I see how they plan to both inform the public that a global emergency exists and mind control all those that listen to the tones and frequencies on the day of the national broadcast.

Only by preparing the media and the public in advance as the government has done, does it also prepare the media venues to prepare for the big test that isn't going to be test at all, but the real McCoy. What I am saying is that most likely the mass media insiders already know what is coming and why.

That's how I see it and as for me, on the date the EAS is tested, I am going to ensure that I do not listen to directly or indirectly to the tones and frequency being emitted on the day of the big supposed test. I will use ear plugs, unplug all TV and Radio, take the battery out of my cell phone and at the specific time of the test,no matter if it is a real announcement, I plan to be deaf to the world in the literal sense.

I just hope that others see my concerns and think for themselves about what they must do on the day of the test, so as not to fall prey to the coming mind control EAS test date and the frequencies and tones that I contend will be used to mind control the masses as part of the real emergency that will be broadcast on that date.

It is only food for thought, but for me, it is an expected action by those who seek to control the masses just prior to SHTF. It is to me the only way to get everyone to watch and listen at a predetermined time and date. Think about that and if it makes sense to you, then this posting will have achieved its goal of informing and getting others to think outside the box they feel so comfortable within.

Just don't listen to the EAS tones and frequencies. It is a rat trap of sorts and this is my way of informing the rest of the herd about that trap I feel has been prepared with a gleam in their evil eyes. Thanks again for taking the time to consider these thoughts and concerns. Long live the freedom to think openly and without restraint.

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 09:40 AM

Originally posted by welshbeliever
just checked for wales and couldnt find much apart from a emergency disaster document that has stuff blacked out on page 10 and from page 29 to 35 for some reason?

might as well have printed a blank document for the people of wales

freedom of information act means nothing these days cos you always end up with the same lies
edit on 9-7-2011 by welshbeliever because: link

edit on 9-7-2011 by welshbeliever because: add

In that pdf file name that you linked, you can change the number by one numeral to get the non blacked out version...

example, in the filename *******doc6.pdf just change the 6 to a 7 then hit enter..

These people in government are pretty dumb when it comes to security with their restricted documents..

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 09:44 AM
I believe that the countries/governments we should watch the most are Russia and China.
Russia is very open about their underground base constructions and China is worried that ELEnin is being accompanied by a space ship of sorts.
It's always best to look towards the ones who aren't trying to keep secrets, then decide what you will do according to their information and actions.
Even if China is wrong, at least they're presenting their opinions/ideas and not afraid of being wrong.
The US and the UK will dance among the smoke and mirrors until the music box breaks.

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 10:21 AM
edit on 9-7-2011 by SatoriTheory because: not yet

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 01:16 PM

Originally posted by ConspiraCity
notice a date pattern? (11/9/11) ... (9/11) not a coincidence

well spotted.. there seems to be no such thing as coincidence when it comes to the nwo/illuminati/tptb or whatever you want to call them..

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 01:18 PM
Why is everything related to Elenin now?!

I woke up this morning and the kitchen light was on. I know I shut it off last night.


posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 01:24 PM

Originally posted by MasterAndrew
Trust you to comment on it's tail, like you know what it is.

anyway I found this for Australia, a gathering of heads of emergency management. Look at the dates. Getting them all in one location prior to the event. Maybe.
ERMA 2011

It's a ruse to get them all on the helicopters and into the underground bunker when TSHF.

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 01:35 PM

Originally posted by cluckerspud
Why is everything related to Elenin now?!

I woke up this morning and the kitchen light was on. I know I shut it off last night.


its just the latest trend, my friend.. next month there will be a new and improved theory about the end of the world..

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 02:12 PM
This week I spotted several well defined parhelia, a circumscribed halo, a 22 degree solar halo, and a circumzenith arc. What a great set of sightings.

There are all sorts of wonderful things to see if people would only look and learn and not make preposterous claims.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 12:20 AM
Whatever it is, they're getting prepared for something... maybe war, maybe comets or asteroids, maybe a pole shift
It's only used in emergencies!

That number pattern is suspicious though... or FEMA is just too dumb to realize the comparisons;
11/9/11 ~ 9/11/01

And it will be held at 1PM central time. Test on 11/9/11 @ 1PM

2 days before 11/11/11 Hmmmm?

Here's the official FEMA notice from the FEMA site:
FEMA, FCC Announce Nationwide Test of Emergency Alert System

"Because there has never been an activation of the Emergency Alert System on a national level, FEMA views this test as an excellent opportunity to assess the readiness and effectiveness of the current system. It is important to remember that this is not a pass or fail test, but a chance to establish a baseline for making incremental improvements to the Emergency Alert System with ongoing and future testing. It is also important to remember that the Emergency Alert System is one of many tools in our communications toolbox, and we will continue to work on additional channels that can be a lifeline of information for people during an emergency."

edit on 7/21/11 by AstroBuzz because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 03:51 AM
This makes me think of Japan's Tsunami Alert System that got some air-time after the earthquake of magnitude 9+ on 11 March 2011.


posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 04:20 AM
reply to post by Misterlondon

This is an interesting thread. Over here in New Zealand there is an Emergency Management Drill happening on 10th November 2011. The exercise is called Exercise Pacific Wave based on a tsunami originating from Vanuatu, makes you wonder what they are up to and what they envisage occuring.

Below is a link to google search to other upcoming Emergency Management Drills happening in November 2011.,or. r_gc.r_pw.&fp=238b5e7931f754b6&biw=1280&bih=543 =p&sclient=psy&rlz=1R2GZHZ_en&biw=1280&bih=543&source=hp&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=EMERGENCY+MANAGEMENT+DRILLS+OCTOBER+2011&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=23 8b5e7931f754b6

That mass vaccination drill in October 2011 caught my attention too.
edit on 21-7-2011 by kiwitina948 because: Edit to add another google search link for October 2011.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 01:58 PM
reply to post by kiwitina948

Nice catch kiwitina948.

It is funny how both nations are having their test a day apart. Wonder if there's any other countries set to do this around those dates?

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 02:16 PM
Tests are run all of the time. Wouldn't you be concerned if they did not test? I would.

Here is a test in 2008

There is even a place to enact tests
National Exercise Simulation Center Opens At FEMA

Here is a contract for this type of work.

Contract Number : HSHQDC06D00014
Contract Value: $43,218,579.31
ContSpec: NRT
Completion Date : 01/15/2012
ProgOff: NEP

There is a discussion of the 2010 exercise on this page.

This all looks rather normal.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by stereologist

If this test has been done before than why did they say this?

"Because there has never been an activation of the Emergency Alert System on a national level...

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