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How much further are Americans going to let this go?

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posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 03:10 PM
The following article is about a woman being "kidnapped" at a city council meeting in which she had the right to the floor. The mayor is heard telling the police that she has a right and not to take her out of the meeting. They never announced that she was under arrest, and ending up tearing one of her ligaments on the way out.​a=PAGE.view&pageId=319501

How much further are we going to let this go? The Hitler regime broke windows, branded the jews, blamed them for atrocities, while the jews just kept letting them get away with it thinking they would eventually go away. But they never did, instead they started exterminating them.

They wanted to spend 600,000 dollars of our tax money on a stupid toad and fairy fountain for politicians to see (sorry did not include article), they throw our tax money at these banksters who go out and have a field trip with it instead of putting it back into the economy, the president tells us he can go to war without congress approval or approval from the peoples. They are purposely trying to make us mad, IMHO. I'm sure our founding fathers came to a point where they said ok, paperwork and letters and notices are not going to get this King George fellow to stop, we need to take action. Course they didn't have the tv, fluoride, and genetically enhanced food as well as government education dumbing the people down like we do today. I am glad to see everyone keeping their composure but I am mad for you all. There has to be a limit.

So, how far will you let this go? Until these police come into our homes and start snatching up our women and children? Until they take your property, your families property, for their own?

This is my first thread, I'm not sure if this story is out there yet, so be easy on me. Thanks

edit on 7-7-2011 by sting130u because: Mistakes were made.

edit on 7-7-2011 by sting130u because: mistake on link

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 03:13 PM
The $64,000 question is...What can we do about it?

2nd line

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 03:14 PM
reply to post by chrismicha77

There are a few things we could do about it.

But we will not. We will just sit back and keep on taking it.

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 03:15 PM
Listen almost 70% of americans are at the very least overweight. The only thing that iss going to get them of there fat ass is if something happens on a mass scale which cannot be ignored or turned off. So you might as well just take a seat and wait.

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 03:20 PM
reply to post by Bixxi3

They are overweight cause they follow the nutrition guidelines and support these in schools. Even as a child I knew every person was different. I eat when I want to eat and stop when I am done. I eat 10-15 times a day small meals. I'm 6' and weigh 130 lbs on a good day. We pump billions of dollars worth of milk into our kids and wonder why are 10 yr old daughters are looking like they are 16.

When people believe the government, they won't believe anything else. Sad really.

And the other posters are right, guess no one is going to get up and do anything about it. I was going to walk to DC and protest and hopefully evict Obama but I have to work in the morning or I can't pay my electric

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 03:24 PM
reply to post by sting130u

There overweight because parents would rather let the gov care about what the kids eat. The parent also like to pass on bad eating habits and drive instead of walk.... Its your own responsibility to make sure you and your kids are healthy don't try and pass the buck.

edit on 7-7-2011 by Bixxi3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 03:30 PM
reply to post by sting130u

I wanted to do the same thing but like you i have to work and provide for my family. I have seen enough of police officers going crazy on the news and internet. I used to be a military cop for a while and I never saw my people acting like power drunken idiots abusing their "powers". IT makes me sick. And there will most likely be no disciplinary action against the cop. The lady needs to take them to court. THe cop needs to lose his job. Lets get off our cozy chairs and write our congressmen|women and tell them we have had enough!!!! IF you live near where this lady was injured call every elected official and demand they FIRE that cop!!!

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 03:36 PM
Responsibility is one thing, being used abused and lied to in every way by authority is another.
What did the goverment do about Fukishima?
They raised the legal radioactive minimums!
Even God must be shaking his head up there, what freaking dupes we are....
We cannot trust anyone or anything anymore.
It is a free for all for big corporations to pull whatever scam they wish.
Monsanto owns Blackwater for petes sake!!!
Its all comming down to a showdown for your own personal soveriegnty.
Food is just part of the war against us.
Medicine, education,social organisation and laws, the whole mess conspire too use and abuse the public whatever they can get away with, which is just too damn much!
The biggest scam in the world is insurance ........
on and on it goes.

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 03:45 PM

Originally posted by Bixxi3
reply to post by sting130u

There overweight because parents would rather let the gov care about what the kids eat. The parent also like to pass on bad eating habits and drive instead of walk.... Its your own responsibility to make sure you and your kids are healthy don't try and pass the buck.

edit on 7-7-2011 by Bixxi3 because: (no reason given)


posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 03:52 PM
reply to post by Victor03

Yeah, it's a sad day when your job is more important your freedom. If the slaves had waited for a day off to protest their treatment they may never have been free. Course they were lucky enough to have activists.

I am happy to see alot of ex-cops and ex-military pledging to keep the oath in case the government does try anything i.e. martial law.

I saw a video of a cop beating up some woman in an ihop like she was a man. He didn't state he was a cop, he didn't try to subdue her, he just hit her right in the face on multiple occasions and arrested her. OK, well the ihop was full of customers. Full of witnesses to this cop acting illegally. And, not, one, single, person, got, up.... No one attempted to stop it, save her, and arrest him! She was rowdy yes, but he was violent! It's 100:1 ration and we have majority. Why do we sit around and watch this happen to good people? I would have formed a group of 5 to take out the cop and another 5 to subdue the woman and call his supervisor to come bail out his officer from ihop jail!

We must take action!! We must, , oh hold on, I'll get back to this topic, Law and Order is on. Love this friggen show

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 03:52 PM
Until American Idol is canceled and the lat buffet line is closed, Americans just can't be bothered. Are they fattening us up like sheep? Will fat Americans be the first soylent green "ingredients"? The only reason I have not revolted yet, is that I know it would a revolution of 1. I can not expect any real support from the sheeple of this fallen nation.

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 04:03 PM
Since this is your first thread, anger and disillusion and pretty common emotions when getting confronted with this messed up world. After a while and when you get deep enough you start to realise just how sad the situation is. Understanding the situation and shining the light on the problems are important if they are ever to be resolved.

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 04:33 PM
My advice on this, and I give it to myself often, is don't let the apathy of the general populace sour your feelings toward revolution. One of the posters in this thread said "are we supposed to sit and wait?" or something along those lines, and I say yes.
Bide your time, and make preparations. We may wait untill we can't stand it any longer, but some day a wave of realization will sweep across this nation. It is going to take many of these little incidents, but they are of a larger culmination of depravation of liberty.
It is in my observation of human nature, that there is always that metaphorical "straw" that breaks the camels back, we are just witnessing the buildup of this event.
I wish that it would be kickstarted so we can get it over with, but it's just not the way.
Just keep in mind, every day that we don't wake up demanding the blood of our oppressors is another day to prepare for just that.
The right thing is being done in getting this out there for the people to see. If it pisses off just one sheep enough to turn him to a wolf, than all is not lost.

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 08:08 PM
reply to post by Bobaganoosh

Very good and true point. Thanks for that. All is not lost

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