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Father 'raped his six-month-old son and infected him with HIV'

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posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 09:24 AM
reply to post by blueorder

I agree that there are horrors out there, and the perpetrators should be punished relentlessly wherever they are found, however, it will never be eradicated as it part of the human condition, unless we morph into robots or something

??? excuse me? I'm not a robot, and I don't participate in such activities, and all the humans I know don't either. None of us are robots. Wow, that seems like an extreme type statement to say that the only way to get rid of such actions is that humans would become robots?? Not much faith in the good side of humanity...if you ask me.

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 09:27 AM

Originally posted by civilchallenger
While the freak of nature who did this should be brought to a harsh justice, the mind numbing idiodicy of select people on this thread is disturbing. Yes, the guy is likely to be brutalized by just about any of his "neighbors" in prison. But to actually advocate for that is advocating for roulette justice where you may get too much retribution or too little retribution depending on luck. Who in their right mind would advocated for a luck-based justice system? NOBODY! Its better if we set out a punishment and then do exactly what the punishment is. And then, not add in any luck-based stupidity into the mix. So no, the guy should not be brutalized by his cell mates unless that was the prescribed punishment by a judge.

And even with all that considered, justice should be about righting wrongs, not fighting fire with fire. Yes it would be a fitting punishment and no it wouldn't help anybody achieve anything except for a feeling of false self-righteousness and a blood-thirsty and violent revenge accomplishing nothing. The point being this guy should be made to spend a good fraction of his time waiting hand over foot at a very long distance for the sake of his son for now on until his death. But you know what, that won't be the focus. Instead of focusing on restitution going to the child, people will focus on how wonderful a bloodbath would be on his attacker.

If we as humans want to advance to something resembling civilization we'll have to shift the focus from bloodbath revenge attacks to victim restitution.

couple of points

* I agree that ultimately the punishment should be carried out by the state, in my view, a punishment of execution, after lawful open trial, would be a worthy punishment

* If he is not executed, then many people will not be too upset if he is attacked in prison, not to say I am calling for that to be somehow legalised, just that I would not lose one jot of sleep if it happened.

* as for somehow waiting hand on foot for his child at distance, I am not sure how that would work, this is a proven deviant, how could he wait hand on foot and not be ofpotential danger to other children, people etc

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 09:28 AM

Originally posted by Grumpy20
Aren't we missing a photo and an address for this guy? And the bail money for sure. Oh yeah we definitely want this guy OUT of jail don''t we?

If you want to see what he looks like, click here.

He was in court on Monday, where his bond was set at $600,000. His case heads to the grand jury on July 11.

No address in the article, but my bet is that his address from here on out will have words like "detention" and "corrections" in it...
edit on 7/5/2011 by Mirthful Me because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 09:28 AM

Originally posted by gabby2011
reply to post by blueorder

I agree that there are horrors out there, and the perpetrators should be punished relentlessly wherever they are found, however, it will never be eradicated as it part of the human condition, unless we morph into robots or something

??? excuse me? I'm not a robot, and I don't participate in such activities, and all the humans I know don't either. None of us are robots. Wow, that seems like an extreme type statement to say that the only way to get rid of such actions is that humans would become robots?? Not much faith in the good side of humanity...if you ask me.

you need to step back and understand what I did say and what I did not say

* I did not accuse you of being a robot

* I did not say all people do this

What I did say is that the nature of mankind shows us that some people will always do bad things such as this, so as long as mankind exists bad things like this will happen, and where they are discovered, the perpetrators should be punished severely

You dig?

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 09:38 AM
reply to post by blueorder

you need to step back and understand what I did say and what I did not say * I did not accuse you of being a robot * I did not say all people do this What I did say is that the nature of mankind shows us that some people will always do bad things such as this, so as long as mankind exists bad things like this will happen, and where they are discovered, the perpetrators should be punished severely You dig?

I totally understood what you meant...and I know you weren't calling me a robot

what I am saying is that it is not the nature of mankind...!!!! because i am human, and I know many humans who are not like this...(which is what I meant by saying that I am not a robot..yet I would NEVER do such a thing)

To imply that humans would have to become robots in order for this to stop is pure fallacy . And to say that as long as mankind exists bad things will happen is really not putting any faith in the goodness of human nature, and the fact that human nature can ,in its goodness, work towards eradicating evil actions and intentions on this earth.

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 09:38 AM

Originally posted by Mirthful Me
reply to post by TheStev

If you read the additional links, you'll find that the perceived origins for the "Virgin Cure" were Christian... And very western in nature.

According to author Hanne Blank, the idea may have evolved from Christian legends of virgin martyrs whose purity served as a form of protection in battling demons. Researcher Mike Earl-Taylor also indicates the myth gained prominence 19th century Victorian England. Today, it is believed that the Virgin Cure may explain the staggering rise in child/infant rapes in South Africa, which is facing an HIV/AIDS epidemic.

OH I see, blame the Christians, even though it s just a theory regarding this person.

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 09:39 AM
reply to post by civilchallenger

You feel people (myself included) are idiots for wishing that the piece of s**t who did this suffers immensely for what he has done.
Well aren't you just the epitome of "human rights" - I don't understand people like you crying out for justice and fair play.
Justice? What part of raping your own 6 month old baby makes you feel he deserves justice in the same sense someone who steals a car, or someone who commits fraud receives. He will get Justice in that he will go to court and be tried - but once he gets what he truly deserves which is suffering and pain - then real "justice" will be served.
How this doesn't sicken every person to the core who reads it is beyond me.

Behave like an animal - be treated like an animal.
No human being should exhibit behaviour like this.

***starred my comments amongst your quote***

And even with all that considered, justice should be about righting wrongs, not fighting fire with fire. Yes it would be a fitting punishment and no it wouldn't help anybody achieve anything except for a feeling of false self-righteousness ***False? in what sense false*** and a blood-thirsty and violent revenge accomplishing nothing
*** apart from wiping someone off the earth who should not be here***
The point being this guy should be made to spend a good fraction of his time waiting hand over foot at a very long distance for the sake of his son for now on until his death
***really!!!! You really feel he should be allowed any kind of contact with someone he raped as a baby? Great sort of justice you believe in. As for the looking out for the baby - how would you expect him to react when he gets old enough to understand "this man will help you from 100 miles away"
Boy"why is that"
Authorities "because he is doing penance for abusing you as a child but cant come near you"
Boy " oh ok I am happy to continue accepting his help" puts phone down - drives to find him - beats him to death boy serves sentence for murder.
Rapist Paedo out free. What a good result!***

Also - as I was sidetracked by my anger at this ****

I should indeed have said that yes I hope this baby receives all the medical care possible, that the HIV virus is treated before it takes hold, and he gets placed into a loving family environment where I hope and pray the rest of his life is good - because this is about as bad as it gets - and grows up to be a decent human being with no long lasting mental anguish from this horrific event.
That good enough for you?

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 09:40 AM
reply to post by Bixxi3

Religion has caused more evil in this world then anything else.

wish I had a dollar for every-time I have seen this posted on the forum.

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 09:43 AM

Originally posted by gabby2011
what I am saying is that it is not the nature of mankind...!!!! because i am human, and I know many humans who are not like this...(which is what I meant by saying that I am not a robot..yet I would NEVER do such a thing)

Your point would stand if I said you are doing these bad things and the only way you will stop doing them is if you become a robot- I said none of these things

To imply that humans would have to become robots in order for this to stop is pure fallacy .

well quite clearly it isn't, as there have always been some humans who will do these despicable things, so, basically, dont get hung up on the robot thing, my POINT was that the human existence has always produced deviants and perverts like this, and always will, UNLESS some weird transformation occurs like we all die or mutate or such like, like I say, I am not saying Robots is the only option, nor am I even calling for us to be robots *sighs*

And to say that as long as mankind exists bad things will happen is really not putting any faith in the goodness of human nature, and the fact that human nature can ,in its goodness, work towards eradicating evil actions and intentions on this earth.

exist on faith if you want, reality shows us some people will always do these evil things, it is how we, as a society responds to them, that shapes our civilisation- we must be aware of the human condition, good and bad

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 09:55 AM
The death penalty is horribly misused.

THIS is a case that it certainly qualifies for use. Heinous, violent, unrehabilitatable. Take the mad dog out back, and shoot it.

Torture him? No. I have no wish to be made to be alike to him. Torturing him only serves to make society more like him. That's counterproductive. He's a cancer, cut him out and be done with it.
edit on 2011/7/5 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 10:00 AM

Originally posted by Mirthful Me

Father 'raped his six-month-old son and infected him with HIV'

A father has been arrested for raping his six-month-old son and infecting him with HIV.

Police say that Lenny Love, 29, from Silverton, Ohio, knew he had the virus when he raped his son in March.

(visit the link for the full news article)

Related News Links:

Sounds like the father needs to be shot in the head.

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 10:00 AM
Doesn't matter what his reasoning is.
He should be put to death in the slowest way possible.

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 10:01 AM
Seriously, this is the most disgusting thing to continually see popping up on the new topics page.....seriously....It is so wrong it shouldnt be spoken about so openly. It is utter darkness to do that.

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 10:02 AM
Maybe the Vatican can actually start sending some of their money for education and birth control to Africa.

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 10:03 AM

Originally posted by nixie_nox
Maybe the Vatican can actually start sending some of their money for education and birth control to Africa.

wow, just wow, I am not a Catholic, yet the Vatican is responsible for some savage in Africa raping a kid, wow

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 10:03 AM
reply to post by confreak

Why hang him?
Man i could torture the guy...
Lemon juice and razor blades need to be this guys death...
he needs to be raped by the same scale as he raped his son. ( did i word that right?) Like, 1:500000 scale.

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 10:23 AM
A terrible, horrific case, but worryingly this sort of behaviour by certain individuals is not surprising.

Humans suck

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 10:27 AM

Originally posted by Morg234
A terrible, horrific case, but worryingly this sort of behaviour by certain individuals is not surprising.

Humans suck

I refuse to be judged by the actions of people like this.

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 10:44 AM
dam thats a sick story. I do not condone the death penalty / capital punishment but sick crimes like this against children makes me think torturing and killing someone like this would be A-OK with me. Hope someone in his jail he's sent to feels the same way.

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 10:46 AM

Originally posted by TheStev
Personally, I find it hard to believe the 'Virgin Cure' was the cause for this horrendous and sickening attack. From what I've read, it does seem like this belief exists in many parts of Africa.

I believe your correct about the practice of such superstitions in Africa but the virgin sacrifice myth does seem to have it's roots in Christianity. Not Christianity as we know it but from a dark time when it was illegal and forbidden for common people to read the actual scriptures for themselves. Blood sacrifice does seem to be more indicative of cultures like the Greeks who had many gods to appease and the Mayan human sacrifices are legendary. Still it does seem that the importance of the sacrifice being a virgin stems from factors like the Virgin Mary who Catholics seem to believe remained a virgin even after Jesus was born. (Not biblical) Aside from that Christianity and Judaism has always had a focused importance on sexual purity. So in the past ignorant blinded fools who only were given a snippet of the truth twisted this to mean that virgins had some legendary status of purity and mythical godly power.

Again we're talking about the uneducated mass' perception of the Christianity because anyone capable of reading the ancient Hebrew scriptures will quickly see that the penalty for doing what this man did would have been death, not a blessing from God. Even the New Testament scriptures indicate that sexual immorality disqualifies an individual from being a Christian. So the issue here is ignorance and superstition mixed with old wives tales and an added sprinkle of actual religion to give the myth some sort of mystical power and substantial backing. Couple that with the twisted belief that HIV is some sort of made up boogeyman creation and not an actual living virus that can be spread from human to human through direct contact.

Yep, the whole thing boils down to extreme ignorance.

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