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Today's Immigration vs Our Ancestors

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posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 07:20 PM
Before reading on, know that I am not here to please you or make friends, simply to voice my opinion on why I have an issue with today’s large influx of Mexican-American Immigrants. I myself come from a family of Irish-Americans whose ancestors immigrated to this wonderful country in the late 1800’s early 1900’s. Before I go any further let me explain that Irish immigrants during this time were severely discriminated against. However, we were able to suck it up, work hard and overcome such obstacles.



When our ancestors immigrated (Irish, Italian, German, Russian, and anyone else.) They did some things that a majority of today’s Hispanic immigrants do not. First off, they did it legally! They were processed into this country, many became citizens or their children were born here then they became citizens. Today’s immigrants ILLEGALLY cross our borders. This costs Billions in taxpayer’s money (Department of Homeland Security’s annual budget of $52.3 Billion, Immigration & Customs Enforcement annual budget of $5.82 Billion, Customs and Border Protect annual budget of $11.84 Billion just to name a few.) Back when our ancestors came into this country the only necessary govt interference was the processing of such immigrants done by the U.S. Border Patrol.


Here is the other big factor, when our ancestors came to this country they were given NOTHING. They had to work for it. And work hard they did.

However, today’s immigrants who are here ILLEGALLY are given more than we as citizens do!

"Amnesty for illegal immigrants will cause costs to increase significantly from $10.4 billion a year to $28.8 billion. This is because an amnesty program would transform an illegal immigrant to an "unskilled immigrant with legal status" who could access various government programs.” – Center for Immigration Studies

"The defeat of the Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act of 2007 prevented the legalization of some 60,000 illegal immigrants, by providing them in-state college tuition and other education and government benefits not available to legal immigrants or citizens."- Center for Immigration Studies

"40% of all workers in L.A. County are working for cash and not paying taxes . . .. This is because they are predominantly illegal immigrants working without a green card."

"$2.2 Billion dollars a year is spent on food assistance programs such as food stamps, WIC, and free school lunches for illegal aliens."

"$2.5 Billion dollars a year is spent on Medicaid for illegal aliens."

"$12 Billion dollars a year is spent on primary and secondary school education for children here illegally and they cannot speak a word of English!"

This is just a small example of the cost of illegal immigration. If these immigrants were to come here legally I would welcome them with open arms! Work, pay taxes, raises a family, that’s what this country is about.

However, many of these immigrants are criminals outside of the immigration laws.

" Illegal immigrants collectively represent a group that is a significant menace to the public. 80% have committed serious crimes in addition to immigration violations, and 40% have violent crime histories."

"Gang investigators in Virginia estimate that 90% of the members of MS-13, the most notorious immigrant gang, are illegal immigrants."

" During the year of 2005 there were 4 to 10 MILLION illegal aliens that crossed our Southern Border also, as many as 19,500 illegal aliens from Terrorist Countries. Millions of pounds of drugs, coc aine, meth, heroin and marijuana, crossed into the U. S from the Southern border. "

In Los Angeles, 95% of some 1,500 outstanding warrants for homicides are for illegal aliens. About 67% of the 17,000 outstanding fugitive felony warrants are for illegal aliens.

Illegal alien sexual predators commit an estimated 130,909 sexual crimes each year.

Again this is just a SMALL representation of the effect ILLEGAL immigration has had on this country. Again if they came here LEGALLY we could only allow ones who wouldn’t murder, rape, or sell dope.

Lastly and the biggest point I have to make, is our ancestors ASSIMILATED. For those who don’t know what that means, it means they adapted! They began speaking English, learning the language, learning the culture while creating their own. This is an American Nation, unique in that those who wanted their own culture created its culture. That’s why the culture in Georgia is different than in Minnesota, or in New York, etc. etc.
Today’s immigrants have no incentive to assimilate, everything is done for them! If you’re arrested, you can have an English/Spanish speaking lawyer, if you go to cvs and pay with a credit card all instructions can be given in Spanish. You go to the doctor, they have charts in Spanish, if your children refuse to learn English, there are teachers at schools and all they do is teach to Spanish speaking students so that they don’t have to speak English!

Today’s Immigrants have everything handed to them; welfare, food stamps, education, healthcare, etc all without paying taxes! Also, why learn to speak English, if your daily life won’t be interrupted because no matter where you live in the US it’s also available in Spanish.

Our ancestors, worked hard, and assimilated. That’s the difference!


posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 07:23 PM
You'll be trying to justify the extermination of the native americans next.

EDIT: I'm just absolutely sick of people spreading hatred that literally serves no purpose other than perpetuating more hatred and ill-feeling.

We're all illegal aliens in the eyes of the natives was my original point, can't you see the hypocrisy of hating those that enter this country illegally when your ancestors are guilty of precisely the same thing (along with genocide), if you're upset with the present condition of this country, call Obama or better yet call his puppeteers
edit on 28-6-2011 by YouDeserveToKnow because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 07:30 PM
reply to post by YouDeserveToKnow

Really man? Why do people have to be so IGNORANT when it comes to illegal immigration? IT IS WRONG. It is ILLEGAL. They have no right to be here! If I illegally immigrated to another country I would be deported, why should America be any different? There is an immigration process for a reason, and if it's "too hard" then reform it instead of just saying "hey all you dudes that broke the law and haven't been paying # for taxes, no worries your set."
edit on 28-6-2011 by EmVeeFF because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 07:31 PM
reply to post by YouDeserveToKnow

A little over the top no?

I see nothing about extermination in this post.

Why do people always have to make one issue turn into something completely off topic?
(oh wait, I know why)- Cause the author is right and they cant own up to it.

On topic-to the OP- Thanks for bringing facts to the table. Eventhough some people dont like facts cause it hurts their cause.

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 07:32 PM
reply to post by ABWarrior58

Not sure where to begin. Im glad you compare 2011 to the early 1900's. Ive got news for you sweetheart migrant workers legal and illegal didnt invade this country. Farmers embraced them with open arms. Do you really think American citizens are knocking down the doors to pick and harvest crops?? Do you really think American citizens are knocking down the doors to work at McDonald's, drywall, roofing, brick laying etc etc?? They are here filling voids. Some legal and illegal. So they steal all the jobs and use up all the welfare?? Laughing Out Loud. You know how capitalism works Amigo. Businesses big and small are entitled to MAKE AS MUCH MONEY AS POSSIBLE. Even if that means hiring illegals. Businesses big and small abuse the system and you know it. They are here because contrary to popular belief.............BUSINESSES WANT THEM HERE. By the way what white person isnt Irish or some form of Native American? Im a I Irish?

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 07:33 PM
reply to post by YouDeserveToKnow

Mexicans are not north American Indian's and have just as much European blood as the rest of us. that's something they forget to mention. Spain is in Europe they speak a dialect of a European language just like we Americans speak a dialect of English. dialect meaning little differences here and there. People from mexico need to get real Aztlan didn't exist

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 07:36 PM
Is this a joke? The Irish came in masses illegally and they took a very very long time to integrate with American culture. In fact in some cases American culture was replaced by Irish. The funny part about this is that Illegal Irish immigrants continue to be an issue now and you can find them out supporting immigration refrom as well. Where your comparison rings true is they were blamed for crime, for taking jobs and for destroying the US of A.

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 07:37 PM
reply to post by MrSpad

No crap couldnt agree more. Of course, thats different though. They were white. Being very sarcastic by the way

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 07:38 PM

Originally posted by YouDeserveToKnow
You'll be trying to justify the extermination of the native americans next.

I never said a thing about extermination. All i simply stated was the differences between today's immigrants( i never mentioned race only language towards the end) as compared to where I came from. Learn to read. or would you lik me to translate that to spanish for you?

Por favor, aprender a hablar / leer Inglés.

oh and if you read again carefully I am NOT against immigration, if its done legally

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 07:40 PM

Originally posted by MrSpad
Is this a joke? The Irish came in masses illegally and they took a very very long time to integrate with American culture. In fact in some cases American culture was replaced by Irish. The funny part about this is that Illegal Irish immigrants continue to be an issue now and you can find them out supporting immigration refrom as well. Where your comparison rings true is they were blamed for crime, for taking jobs and for destroying the US of A.

they mostly came here legally. Again I never mentioned todays immigration have anything to do with hispanics until the end when i spoke of the spanish language. Yes it does take some time to integrate. However, if you've lived in the country since 1988 and are speaking to the state legislature dont you think by now you'd have a grasp of english?

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 07:41 PM
reply to post by VinnyEastside

You are truly misguided.

Get off the "Its your fault they broke the law" crap.
These people knew they were breaking the law to begin with.
They knew, oh yes they did.

As far as the whole "the American man wont work these jobs" crap, you are wrong again.

How do you think those jobs got there in the first place?
then the illegals come in, with fake everything, and says he will cut our job in half so he and two friends can work the same job at the same wage as the one guy.
American guy gets fired.
Buisness is now monopolized by race.

see how that works?

And you would rather have an illegal foreigner have an American job over your own people?

Americans can, have, and will do these jobs. But govt isnt doing theirs.

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 07:43 PM
reply to post by Common Good

Exactly! And not just talking about working at MD or in a field. Many americans used to make their living dong construction,drywall, plumbing,concrete, etc.

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 07:45 PM
reply to post by ABWarrior58

Im one of them, and so is my father, and so is MANY of the people that I have known throughout my life(American people).

And we are the ones who have to feel guilty right?
I feel none.

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 07:46 PM
reply to post by Common Good

Laghing My A$$ Off. You quote unquote conservatives sure are angry. I thought you wanted less goverment? Oh I forgot only want govenment when it comes to discriminating. You are a damn fool if you think American citizens want to work the fields. They wont. They cant afford to work them and that doesnt make Americans lazy or whatever. Come on man you act like this is a mystery. You act like this is an invasion. You probably think minimum wage should be abolished too dont ya? SEIG HEIL

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 07:48 PM

Originally posted by VinnyEastside
reply to post by ABWarrior58

Not sure where to begin. Im glad you compare 2011 to the early 1900's. Ive got news for you sweetheart migrant workers legal and illegal didnt invade this country. Farmers embraced them with open arms. Do you really think American citizens are knocking down the doors to pick and harvest crops?? Do you really think American citizens are knocking down the doors to work at McDonald's, drywall, roofing, brick laying etc etc?? They are here filling voids. Some legal and illegal. So they steal all the jobs and use up all the welfare?? Laughing Out Loud. You know how capitalism works Amigo. Businesses big and small are entitled to MAKE AS MUCH MONEY AS POSSIBLE. Even if that means hiring illegals. Businesses big and small abuse the system and you know it. They are here because contrary to popular belief.............BUSINESSES WANT THEM HERE. By the way what white person isnt Irish or some form of Native American? Im a I Irish?
they are not legal hence the name illegal alien. #2 i have known a lot of drywall, bricklaying,roofing white people they cant get a job because illegal aliens undercut them and will work for less the pc term is called being over qualified for the job. Ps high school students or college students should be working at McDonalds not illegal aliens. #3 I dont think you know how capitalism works amigo
the practice of hiring illegals is in fact illegal it just isn't enforced Ps only 4 percent of illegal aliens pick crops so im fine with them but that still leaves 96% that need to get the hell out.

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 07:48 PM

Originally posted by YouDeserveToKnow
You'll be trying to justify the extermination of the native americans next.

Seriously? What kind of straw-man argument is that? I don't think anyone could possibly defend what was done to the natives, it was horrible, but nothing can change that, and those of native blood get a lot of perks. Not saying that makes up for the destruction of their nation, however.

The fact you would make that post shows you can't actually come up with a logical argument, so you resort to emotional straw-man arguments to make a point. Please try and actually bring something to the table.

Originally posted by VinnyEastside
Do you really think American citizens are knocking down the doors to pick and harvest crops?? Do you really think American citizens are knocking down the doors to work at McDonald's, drywall, roofing, brick laying etc etc??

Yes, yes I do. As far as drywall, roofing, brick laying I know of several who are my friends. Two are brothers, who's father owned a construction company. They got into the trade, and are great at hanging drywall, throwing a new roof on. they aren't brick layers, but I can assure you there are many Americans out there that are, that need work.

And guess what? My friends can't get a job. One hasn't worked in over a year, the other hasn't worked in about 5 months. Their father's business went under, possibly because he didn't hire illegals, he hired Americans and payed them a decent wage. He couldn't compete with a company paying people 3 bucks and hour.

Nice try, but you are just wrong, it's a fact there are Americans who want those jobs.

Originally posted by VinnyEastside
Businesses big and small are entitled to MAKE AS MUCH MONEY AS POSSIBLE. Even if that means hiring illegals.

And wrong again. No, business are NOT entitled to make more money by hiring illegals. Why? Because it is ILLEGAL to do so. The law just needs to be enforced. Those in politics are too scared to do anything about it, because they know people like you won't support them if they simply try to uphold the law.

Originally posted by VinnyEastside
By the way what white person isnt Irish or some form of Native American? Im a I Irish?

What on earth are you even talking about, and what does it have to do with the subject of this thread? Maybe you work in a field unaffected by illegal immigration, and therefore are just blissfully ignorant of what's going on. But as someone who has worked labor jobs his whole life, and knows plenty of people who do the same, I actually know what's going on. You seem like you don't.

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 07:48 PM

Originally posted by VinnyEastside
reply to post by Common Good

You are a damn fool if you think American citizens want to work the fields. They wont. They cant afford to work them and that doesnt make Americans lazy or whatever. Come on man you act like this is a mystery. You act like this is an invasion. You probably think minimum wage should be abolished too dont ya? SEIG HEIL

ok you obviously don't have a grasp of english as we've(common good and myself) both stated we weren't just mentionaing feild jobs. Construction, Carpentry, Plumbing, Concrete, Factory jobs, are all jobs illegals have begun to take opver replacing american citizens
edit on 28-6-2011 by ABWarrior58 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 07:51 PM
reply to post by pcrobotwolf

All of you hate mongers are missing the point. Blinded with hate due to inbreeding. They are being hired by AMERICAN CORPORATIONS. Amigo they arent just vacationing here. They are being hired by AMERICAN COMPANIES. Whose fault is it? I thought it was the Unions fault?? Blame the companies as well not just the people. If the work oppurtunies werent here they wouldnt be here.

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 07:51 PM

Originally posted by VinnyEastside
reply to post by Common Good

Laghing My A$$ Off. You quote unquote conservatives sure are angry. I thought you wanted less goverment? Oh I forgot only want govenment when it comes to discriminating. You are a damn fool if you think American citizens want to work the fields. They wont. They cant afford to work them and that doesnt make Americans lazy or whatever. Come on man you act like this is a mystery. You act like this is an invasion. You probably think minimum wage should be abolished too dont ya? SEIG HEIL

Damn Fool?


You are on a roll today arent you? I havent seen so many accuasations pointed at one person in one paragraph in my entire life.

Oh and btw.

You are wrong on all of them.

Come at me correct or dont at all. I have no time for morons.

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 07:52 PM
reply to post by ABWarrior58

So people who disagree with you dont understand or speak Enlish??

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