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I had an "enhanced" TSA pat-down, and I cried..

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posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 01:20 AM

Originally posted by GhostLancer
If you want to fly, then accept the screenings.

If you don't want to accept the screenings, then take the bus.

And when TSA screens the bus passengers, and then the car passengers, what then? Walk from New York to Florida?

Originally posted by GhostLancer
THAT BEING SAID: no one likes being screened. But, can you even possibly imagine what would happen if a TSA agent did NOT do his/her job and let a BOMB get through?!!!!??!!!! Many people (hundreds!) could die on that flight, let alone any collateral damage caused by that crashing plane. What would happen then? Can you imagine the public outcry that TSA did NOT DO ENOUGH to protect citizens!!??

You might get hit by a car OH MY GOD DON'T LEAVE THE HOUSE!

BTW, 9/11 was an inside job. Glad to see you swallowed it hook, line & sinker.

Watch the building 7 collapse again when you get the time, keep watching it until you wake up and realize it was obviously controlled demolition, watch the video of thermite CLEARLY SPRAYING FROM THE CORNERS OF THE TWIN TOWERS.

How could anyone who frequents this site and who isn't a government plant, not know that 9/11 was a fraud?

Anyone who doesn't stand against the TSA is a disgrace to freedom and to this country.

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 01:21 AM
Here's an idea. Texans...quit friggin flying! I'm a Texan and I know first hand that my lovely states economics system is almost entirely interstate commerce. The remaining 12% or so that is sent out of state is mostly by truck or bank transfer.

The answer's simple. Quit flying all together. If you have family elsewhere that you can't part with...move there, then quit flying. If you have so much work in Chicago or somewhere else that you NEED to fly, leave Texas and go there. We probably won't miss you anyhow.

I drive everywhere, it's still cheaper and even when it isn't, it's still more free and less of a hassle. I'm a Texan and the economy is gooood. Money flows in, bills get paid, and the savings account fills, property values rise, investments mature, and a few overseas stocks help out in the mix. I have to diversify, I have a future wife who wants a dream wedding and a career that requires me to travel around the state quite extensively. I am about to have to to train teams in NYC and LA, but those are vehicle based teams and could honestly will probably fly them here, train them, and let them drive their vehicles home...

...I quit flying. :-)

I do know your pain though man. I just faced the crowd in the lines at Chicago O'Hare last week and OPTED for the pat down, rather than the microwave. I made sure to make eye contact with everyone in line and tried to convey my dissatisfaction with the systems systematic stripping of our rights. I don't think it worked...most people are ignorant to the POINT and don't mind giving up personal rights for the 'good of many'.

Lets all remember...the TSA is a theatre...not a real securtiy measure. They're only there to make Americans FEEL safe...not actually make them safe.

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 01:22 AM
What's even funnier is that some people claim that the TSA agents seem to enjoy running their fingers up and down the passengers cracks and orifices.

Now correct me if I'm wrong but unless you're a playboy playmate or a penthouse centerfold or just awesomely hot (which I serrrrrrrrrriously doubt) I would imagine that the TSA agents have more to feel disgusted about by sticking their fingers up your crack than you would.

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 01:25 AM
Everyone who thinks the TSA is doing their jobs....listen up and answer this....if 'bombs in planes' are such a HUGE threat...why aren't planes dropping from the sky in other countries where these 'standards' are not?

If there are so many 'terrorists' walking amungst us, why are they not saying 'screw the planes...' and moving to buses, building, taxis, playgrounds, etc.? If 'terrorists' wanted to cause terror, they would...everywhere. Why is it that everyone thinks planes are the ONLY route 'terrorists' take?

Do you realize the government is just doing this to suppress us? That's it. There might not even be a end point purpose for this, but they're doing it regardless....all because of ignorant people like you thinking we're actually in harms way. LOL.

Quit the fight, bring our troops home, and lets all have a BBQ. Jeez!

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 01:28 AM
reply to post by Fatgoblin

Yeah, but an erection over power is 100x as dangerous as an erection over sweet sweet lushious curves. This is why communism has never got off the ground...human error.

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 01:32 AM

Originally posted by FatgoblinNow correct me if I'm wrong but unless you're a playboy playmate or a penthouse centerfold or just awesomely hot (which I serrrrrrrrrriously doubt) I would imagine that the TSA agents have more to feel disgusted about by sticking their fingers up your crack than you would.
You're wrong if you think only those people you find attractive get molested. BTW, why would you doubt you'd be attracted to Christine?

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 01:36 AM

Originally posted by Xterrainan erection over power is 100x as dangerous as an erection over sweet sweet lushious curves.
Is there a trend in this thread?

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 01:37 AM

Originally posted by gentledissident
BTW, why would you doubt you'd be attracted to Christine?

Apart from the melodrama and paranoia maybe I would be attracted to her. Hey Christine, got any pics?

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 01:38 AM
reply to post by gentledissident

I don't know what you're talking about. There's no trend...only fear!

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 01:38 AM

Originally posted by Xterrain
reply to post by Fatgoblin

Yeah, but an erection over power is 100x as dangerous as an erection over sweet sweet lushious curves. This is why communism has never got off the ground...human error.

Food for thought

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 01:40 AM
reply to post by Fatgoblin

That shiz is deep. Every once in a while I can do that.

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 01:44 AM

Originally posted by kro32
To say your over reaction to this was extreme is understating it. You got a simple pat down because you alerted the sensors and from what you wrote the agent sounded extremely professional and does not sound like a person out to violate you.

The fact that you think they should have let you pass without inspection because you showed a few scars is really silly. I could see people hiding and weapons and using that as an excuse to pass through security if that was sufficient evidence for the agents. Silly

I know children can be unruly at times but you hadn't planned for this at all so really is your fault. Why you are standing there with tears streaming down from a pat down that takes less than 20 seconds should be a telling sign that perhaps some anti-depressents or at least a quick check in with your doctor should happen as that's not normal behavior. Not saying anything about you personally just that people don't usually react like that.

Perhaps if this is so traumatic for you the train or an automobile might be the better route for you in the future. It will take more time but the strain on your mental state will be alot less.

I agree with this, this story reminded me of the video of someone's mom having a nervous breakdown over a pat-down. There are better ways (legislation, protests, boycotts) to stop all this from happening if you disagree with it than freaking out in public and posting on the internet.

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 01:51 AM
My heart goes out to you. Seriously, is this what the USA is coming to now?

Because of the TSA I will never, ever, set foot on American soil again. There is no way I will subject myself, wife or kid through that BS. I couldn't trust myself. An intrusion into my personal space would never be tolerated, and I wouldn't give 2 monkeys if the people there "were doing their job". I would give them a pat down they will never forget...

To be honest if they do come to the UK or Ireland I will be thinking of the money I will save from NOT going on holidays or Football games if it happens. I know most here will do the same. Time to hit them were it really hurts, in the pocket!

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 02:11 AM

Originally posted by Xcellante
My heart goes out to you. Seriously, is this what the USA is coming to now?

Because of the TSA I will never, ever, set foot on American soil again. There is no way I will subject myself, wife or kid through that BS. I couldn't trust myself. An intrusion into my personal space would never be tolerated, and I wouldn't give 2 monkeys if the people there "were doing their job". I would give them a pat down they will never forget...

To be honest if they do come to the UK or Ireland I will be thinking of the money I will save from NOT going on holidays or Football games if it happens. I know most here will do the same. Time to hit them were it really hurts, in the pocket!

Seriously? Why don't you start off by protesting the big brother camera police state that England has become? That's a lot closer to home for you.

Injecting America-bashing into this is just going to devolve the thread into a useless pile.

Get over your nationalism and realize that most people everywhere are just people who want to get along. Freedom in America may be a joke right now, but we were founded on true freedom and most people still believe in the ideals of true freedom. I'm an American, I believe in freedom and would never bow to this tyranny. As long as I exist and the many other Americans like me exist, you have no right to condemn our country as a whole. Condemn the individuals in this thread and maybe help them to wake up.

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 03:10 AM
I wouldn't say "They are just doing their jobs"

I would say, their job is immoral and they should not do it.
To me it is more immoral than being a prostitute - at least their clients don't HAVE to participate.

I'm not flying. I don't like going to sporting events where they go through my purse.

I declined a trip recently because I was GOING to take the train, but TSA is now in the train station. I just didn't go. Miami just lost out on that money.

I am a bit funny though - I do not like to be touched by ANYONE but my husband and son. If I have to stay here at this house my whole life to accomplish that, I will. It's like being forced into a harem for me.

Am I the only one that feels like they are trying to keep people from traveling? With the cost of gas and the hassles?
edit on 23-6-2011 by hadriana because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 03:34 AM
Write your congressman, ask for legislation that puts a leash on the TSA. If you do not feel he is doing enough then do not vote for him. Both at the poll and also with your wallet. Find out what businesses contributed to his campain and boycott them. Send them a letter and let them know why.

Until then, boycott the airlines...don't fly. You may want to consider moving to Texas were sh!t like this won't be tolerated much longer. It is also quite likely that Texas would be the first state to secede if the Feds keep this gestapo crap up.

Im sorry this happened to you. Im sorry we allowed our politicians to dupe us into selling liberty for security.

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 03:38 AM
I totally understand and sympathize with the 'anti-pat down, molestation' sentiment that many have in regards to TSA policies, but the whole "She..she touched my leg n the tears just streamed down my face" was hilarious..what a ridiculous overreaction. Nonsense like this only makes it harder for those with legitimate complaints to be taken seriously. Lol this was too funny, I'm sorry..You set off the sensors and expected to get a pass because you showed some scars? What would be the point of the screening people at all if you could claim you have metal plates in your body and walk right through? I can't get over how ridiculous this is...thanks, though, I really needed a good laugh.

She asked me why I was alerting on my lower left side. I replied and told her that I have a plate and screws in my left ankle and a titanium rod in my left tib/fib. She was like "oh." She could clearly see the scars. Right there the screening could have stopped. Instead it proceeded on and she told me what she was going to be doing. By now the tears were flowing. They were just a steady stream of anger and humiliation. The agent told me that once she began the pat down my children could not come into contact with me or else they too would need a pat down. That really got my tears going! How was I supposed to keep my toddler from touching me? Once again the agent asked if I wanted to go to a private area. I replied "no, let them all see."

...handed my 9 year old a sticker badge that said TSA on it. I looked down and said "never." He got the idea. As we walked away from security I saw him crumble up that sticker and throw it away.

lmao @ the bolded..this shyt is hilarious.. i'd hate to see your reaction in an actual tough situation
edit on 23-6-2011 by aaron2388 because: cracking up at these quotes

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 03:45 AM

Originally posted by aaron2388
I totally understand and sympathize with the 'anti-pat down, molestation' sentiment that many have in regards to TSA policies, but the whole "She..she touched my leg n the tears just streamed down my face" was hilarious..what a ridiculous overreaction. Nonsense like this only makes it harder for those with legitimate complaints to be taken seriously. Lol this was too funny, I'm sorry..You set off the sensors and expected to get a pass because you showed some scars? What would be the point of the screening people at all if you could claim you have metal plates in your body and walk right through? I can't get over how ridiculous this is...thanks, though, I really needed a good laugh.

Nailed it!

Honestly this sort of behavior is making the anti-TSA movement look like a bunch of irrational, overly emotional crazy people. I think what the TSA is doing is horrible but this is really not helping the cause, just making us look like idiots.

And the OP had spent a ton of time reading about this terrible experience online first? Come on people...
edit on 23-6-2011 by Hawking because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 04:18 AM

Originally posted by Anonymous Avatar

Originally posted by 2012king
lol, are you serious?
maybe you need to unplug and come back to reality for a while.
anyway, would it please you if there were seperate flights for people who didnt want to be searched? i know which ones i would go on!!!
the sad fact is, there are terrorists willing to take any opportunity to exploit security, wether its on a flight, or entering buildings.
it happens and its a known fact, so to say that security personell are satisfying some sick desire to grope people is absolutly absurd.
when you take a job in security (in the UK anyway) you have to have background checks, criminal checks and all sorts. it is a bit of a joke, but they choose to do that job to keep people safe, not to publicly humiliate them by "groping" as you naively suggested.

Let me explain this as clearly and simply as possible. The TSA has hired known rapists and sex offenders. The TSA admits they have caught ZERO terrorists. They also admit that their techniques and equipment would not catch the types of threats they were supposedly hire to catch.

To say that terrorists are waiting around every corner for the opportunity to hijack a plane or any other public place is pure mindless drivel.

To violate the privacy and and sanctity of innocent children, women, and men simply because simpletons like you drink the government koolaid and see boogey man everywhere is affront to humanity in general. If you are that scared of the world then stay home and whine to yourself. Again let the big boys and girls of the world who don't need the Government or anyone else to hold their hand and protect them from the very problems they create live their life without it being intruded upon by your childish belief that terrorists are waiting around every corner.

Simply put, grow up and get a grip. The only terrorists I can see are the ones who pass and enforce these draconian laws while robbing us blind of our finances. Those people at least know what they are doing and willingly lie about it. What is sad is the people like you who believe the lie and will let others suffer for your ignorance.

So you are saying that terrorist acts dont happen?
Was the july 7th bombings in london a false flag op?
Did planes go down on 9/11? (not wanting to start a debate on the old twin towers conspiracy but people on planes died no matter who organised it)
I am not saying there are terrorists around every corner, but the simple fact is that these things happen and airport security helps to make these things happen less.
I cant speak for TSA as I am in the uk so know nothing about them, but to put it simply for you, there are hundreds of weapons found in airports and who is to say that even a small percentage of these wont be used to cause harm to other people whilst flying?
My point is that these searches are necessary to help keep people safe, and if you dont want to be searched, dont fly. If you are unwilling to be searched, the first thought of whoever may be searching you is that you have something to hide. If you have nothing to hide then it shouldnt be a problem.
As for the whole groping thing again, would i be right in saying that only a female member of staff could touch a female passenger? Thats how it works in the UK, so that minimizes the risk of somebody getting off on feeling you up. I think I am also right in saying that if you are completely against anybody searching you (by touching) you can be taken to a private room and do a self search. Obviously I can only speak for the UK as i dont live in the US, and also I have never worked on an airport so I dont know if this is true, however it was common practice to do this on the law courts where I used to work. We even used to let people wand themselves down if they didnt want to have anybody near them with a wand, just in case contact was made.
There are options out there, so my opinion is that the original poster, and yourself are overreacting.

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 05:09 AM
I'm glad the OP now knows who the real Terrorists in clown suits are.

So when you look come upon a TSA agent or a TSA checkpoint know that they are terrorist there to terrorize you and take away your dignity. Who's the number one enemy of Americans? TSA, its agents & supporters.

I noticed the past year or two half the people who respond to these type of threads never existed at ATS a few years ago.

ATS has been so infiltrated with TSA workers, government & law enforcement workers that their only purpose here is to drum up support for their profession, themselves, their fellow workers. Thus the only supporters of the current TSA tactics (scanners & strip searches) are nothing but government shills or complete stupid idiots who's only purpose should be to step into grinders & fertilize our crop exports..

Our Constitution was created because these types of enemies to freedom have always existed in history and our forefathers knew they would come up with new schemes to once again steal your freedom. Yet, we'll have government shills in this thread insisting that hey it's okay to ignore your god given rights just for a few minutes, so to make sure you're not a terrorist.

You people (government shills, TSA agents & supporters) make me sick
edit on 23-6-2011 by verylowfrequency because: (no reason given)

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