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Weather Mod. Inc Admits To Spraying Toxic Pollutant

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posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 06:51 AM


posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 07:06 AM
it's not actually, it is firefighting.

thats cloud seeding.

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 08:42 AM
Warning: Sarcasm may be used

Hey that video is really trustworthy, how gulliable are people now-a-days.

Weather Modification Inc. - Would be the worst name for a 'Evil' corporation lol!!!!!!!!!

Would you class the burning of fuel (oil) from a jet engine technically Chemtrails???

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 10:21 AM
reply to post by JibbyJedi

Whatever the blah, blah, blah artists around here say, you have proven to me that chemtrails are real.

The name of the company is Weather Modification, INC. for crying out loud.

What more do these skeptics want?

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 11:05 AM

Originally posted by jimnuggits
Whatever the blah, blah, blah artists around here say, you have proven to me that chemtrails are real.

How did he do that, he brought nothing to the table.

Originally posted by jimnuggits
The name of the company is Weather Modification, INC. for crying out loud.

What does cloud seeding have to do with 'chemtrails'? Cloud seeding existed 60 years before the 'chemspiracy' was even made up!

Originally posted by jimnuggits
What more do these skeptics want?

Oh, you know. Facts, evidence, and whatnot.

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 11:06 AM
reply to post by miniatus

You do realize the pic you posted refutes your story, don't you? Why, if they can't cloud-seed in a clear sky, is the plane in the pic doing it in a clear sky? Just sayin'...

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 11:31 AM

Originally posted by inpropurr
Text Black Hi Everyone, I live in Northern CA, Lake Almanor. PG&E has been cloud seeding here since 1953. For 55+ years PG&E has been spraying my community with Silver Iodide in Nano Particulate form, as well, at a recent public forum in Chester, PG&E stated that they use other chemicals as Tracer's to the Silver that aid in the enhancement of snow. Why does PG&E do this? They make the snow for $12.00 an acre foot and sell it for $400.00 per acre foot, it's all about the money. PG&E seeds the clouds here for there hydro dam profits. No other reason.

Now, we all know cloud seeding has been going on for a number of years, but what you didn't know I bet is this, Agi "Silver Iodide" in Nano form is 100 folds more dangerous than regular ol silver. Matter of fact, when mixed with Indium, Ammonia Oxides, Acetone, Liquid Propane, and SF6, chemicals PG&E uses here, the effect is this: Yes, we get more snow, last storm 8' feet in one day. We get to deal with all the snow removal, caved in roofs, downed trees, power outages, spoiled food, road conditions, and medical conditions, (well you get my drift). And, on top of it, our lake is loosing oxygen, we have a toxic blue allege growing in it, the sediment is so thick you can not see through it, the fish have heavy metal content, the trees are dying, and worst of all, my community is sick and dying. We have so many people with lung cancer here, 13 on my street alone! It's tragic, and there is not a damn thing we can do about it. Why, because there are no laws County, State, or Federal governing what PG&E dusts us with.

This area was once a pristine tourist destination in the mountains, now, a polluted mess and sick community. Thanks PG&E! You can go to (well you know) I'm showing my middle finger PG&E!
We hate you!

So winter cloud seeding, has left massive amounts of pollution huh? Can you show us any evidence, proof at all of this massive cloud seeding devastation?

Sulfur Hexaflouride gas is used in cloud seeding, that sounds like more made up BS. Sounds like you looked for any kind of pollution or weather event, and trace it all back to cloud seeding that is done over the winter for mountain snowpack there.

Care to tell us how much silver iodide was released out there?

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 12:03 PM
Who here remembers the massive flooding in Queensland, Australia not that long ago?
From wiki...

A series of floods hit Australia, beginning in December 2010, primarily in the state of Queensland including its capital city, Brisbane. The floods forced the evacuation of thousands of people from towns and cities.[2] At least seventy towns and over 200,000 people were affected.[2] Damage initially was estimated at around A$1 billion.[3] The estimated reduction in Australia's GDP is about A$30 billion

How many of you guys saw this article "before" those Queensland floods happened?

A rain-making method developed by Thai king Bhumipol Adulyadej is set to aid Queensland in battles with drought after an agreement between the state government and the Thai royal household. The Queensland government's access to the rain-making technology, developed by King Bhumipol over the past 30 years, came a year after the state approached the royal household last year.

No one put 2 and 2 together and figured out that their cloud seeding operation actually went way overboard in Qld and caused more damage than they expected.

I think the excessive snowfall and rain amounts in many areas has to do with their plane droppings, so why not just come out and admit it?

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 12:08 PM

Originally posted by JibbyJedi
Who here remembers the massive flooding in Queensland, Australia not that long ago?
From wiki...

A series of floods hit Australia, beginning in December 2010, primarily in the state of Queensland including its capital city, Brisbane. The floods forced the evacuation of thousands of people from towns and cities.[2] At least seventy towns and over 200,000 people were affected.[2] Damage initially was estimated at around A$1 billion.[3] The estimated reduction in Australia's GDP is about A$30 billion

How many of you guys saw this article "before" those Queensland floods happened?

A rain-making method developed by Thai king Bhumipol Adulyadej is set to aid Queensland in battles with drought after an agreement between the state government and the Thai royal household. The Queensland government's access to the rain-making technology, developed by King Bhumipol over the past 30 years, came a year after the state approached the royal household last year.

No one put 2 and 2 together and figured out that their cloud seeding operation actually went way overboard in Qld and caused more damage than they expected.

I think the excessive snowfall and rain amounts in many areas has to do with their plane droppings, so why not just come out and admit it?

You're establishing a false causal relationship, cloud seeding has never caused a flood.

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 12:11 PM
Because cloud seeding can not create the weather that led to that. A small amount of silver iodide released, is extremely miniscule in terms of an large overall storm.

Seeding did not make it hotter.
Seeding did not add moisture to the air
Seeding did not create atmospheric stability
Seeding did not create convection

Its like when someone in the past few days blamed a tornado in california on cloud seeding, when those PG&E projects for snowpack seeding, ended at the end of March.

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 12:12 PM
reply to post by adeclerk

Cloud seeding has never caused a flood? What do you call Queensland then after the "rain making" help they got from Thailand just a couple months before their floods? Coincidence? If they needed help with their drought, got rain making help, then got over flooded with torrential rain falls... well I'd call that a big oops they didn't want to own up to. The evidence is pretty substantial in the Queensland incident.

You are assuming your statement is true and accurate, but evidence says otherwise.

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 12:14 PM

Originally posted by JibbyJedi
reply to post by adeclerk

Cloud seeding has never caused a flood? What do you call Queensland then after the "rain making" help they got from Thailand just a couple months before their floods? Coincidence? If they needed help with their drought, got rain making help, then got over flooded with torrential rain falls... well I'd call that a big oops they didn't want to own up to. The evidence is pretty substantial in the Queensland incident.

You are assuming your statement is true and accurate, but evidence says otherwise.

That was months before, cloud seeding doesn't even cause rain DAYS after a cloud seeding mission.

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 12:21 PM
reply to post by adeclerk

Must be the mother of all coincidences I suppose.

There are several stages in the process, with sodium chloride used in the final stage to trigger rain.

All these "chemicals" dispersed in our air is like vitamins and minerals for all of us obviously. Silver Iodide, sodium chloride, nano aluminum in chaff, so many benevolent things coming from our leaders that are great for us and the planet huh?

Do you think they sprayed Queensland for just 1 day to relieve the drought, or did they do their operations over the course of weeks/months? I'd guess that they stopped their spraying once Qld was over flooded, but admitting that they may have caused the floods would have meant THEY would have to pay the bill for the damage. Then you'll get lie, deny, and ignore from the government level.

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 12:37 PM

Originally posted by JibbyJedi
All these "chemicals" dispersed in our air is like vitamins and minerals for all of us obviously.

Well no, they don't remain in the air. They fall with the rainwater.

Originally posted by JibbyJedi
Silver Iodide, sodium chloride, nano aluminum in chaff, so many benevolent things coming from our leaders that are great for us and the planet huh?

Silver Iodide isn't toxic. Sodium Chloride is table salt (nefarious, huh?) and chaff is made up of fibers of aluminum (none of this nano nonsense) and only used in military exercises.

Originally posted by JibbyJedi
Do you think they sprayed Queensland for just 1 day to relieve the drought, or did they do their operations over the course of weeks/months?

Maybe weeks, maybe months. Floods happen rapidly, cloud seeding could never, ever, have caused it. I bet there isn't enough silver iodide in the world to cause a flood.

Originally posted by JibbyJedi
I'd guess that they stopped their spraying once Qld was over flooded, but admitting that they may have caused the floods would have meant THEY would have to pay the bill for the damage. Then you'll get lie, deny, and ignore from the government level.

Everything in that quote is pure bullock.

Got any more straws?

edit on 6/21/11 by adeclerk because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 01:14 PM

Originally posted by JibbyJedi
reply to post by adeclerk

Cloud seeding has never caused a flood? What do you call Queensland then after the "rain making" help they got from Thailand just a couple months before their floods? Coincidence? If they needed help with their drought, got rain making help, then got over flooded with torrential rain falls... well I'd call that a big oops they didn't want to own up to. The evidence is pretty substantial in the Queensland incident.

You are assuming your statement is true and accurate, but evidence says otherwise.

Seeding, can at most, add 5-10 percent of precip, when its done exactly in the right away and at the right time.
It cant create a flood, from non flood weather.

The seeding material can not just hover and stay in the air over the same place either.

Its not that the evidence says otherwise, its that your speculation and imagination say otherwise
edit on 21-6-2011 by firepilot because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 03:21 PM
I'm going to start by saying that for years I've listened to both sides of the arguments presented. I've tried to keep an open mind and rely on the evidence that each person provides, and ignore the emotional bashing that it always breaks down into. Neither side can call itself perfect. That being said:

I feel like I'm in crazy land. Does no one else think that ANY additional chemicals added to the air is in itself a BAD thing? I'm going to go ahead and call it pollution. Chemtrails, contrails, weather manipulation. I feel like the name doesn't matter because I KNOW we can all see chemicals being sprayed, no matter what their purpose. I don't care if you say it's non toxic. Oh, sodium chloride is just table salt? Well I've inhaled "just salt" and no matter how nontoxic it is it doesn't make your body feel good. Oh, it's just in minuscule amounts- they've come up with "safe" levels to use? Well obviously it's in large enough amounts to affect the weather so why wouldn't anyone make the connection that it affects living beings too? What did someone just say? "No it doesn't stay in the air, it comes down in rainwater." WE DRINK THAT WATER. I don't care how small of amounts it is, they keep piling up small "safe" amounts of chemicals that shouldn't be there and somethings going to go wrong, no matter how far your fingers are plugged up your ears.

I hear the arguments that the amount being sprayed is nothing to what we're polluting with all our other industries, so it's the wrong tree to be barking up. Be that as it may, I feel like the more pollutants we allow ourselves, the worse off we'll be. To someone cars may be a necessary evil. Planes may be a necessary evil. Factories and trash incinerators may be necessary evils for their way of life to continue. My point is that the more pollutants we allow ourselves to put into the environment, the worse that environment will be. So at what point do you draw the line and say "Actually, that's a bit too much, I don't think I want anymore toxins in my life, thankyou"? Because my line is way way back there and spraying chemicals to manipulate the weather is way way past it. But for the fat cats making money off their schemes, the line is still way way ahead of us and industry is racing towards as fast as their little conveyor belts will carry them.

Last but not least, it's so presumptuous to think that nature wasn't doing a good enough job running the weather all by herself. Oh we depleted all the underground water reservoirs bottling Cokes and we're facing heavy droughts? Oh, Las Vegas doesn't have enough water to support its gaudy tourist industry and they need to import bottled water? If we hadn't messed with the natural cycles and patterns so much in the first place we wouldn't need these jerks spraying chemicals up in the sky to have- what? a 5-10% increased chance of precipitation? I say we're coming to 100% chance of toxicity everywhere for everyone. AND THEY CHARGE YOU FOR IT.

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 03:30 PM


posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 03:38 PM
reply to post by miniatus

Why don't you back track some more there bud. And stop bunching us all together in once group. Alot of people don't understand chemtrails and that's understandable.

Fact Is : Chemtrails = Chemical Trails = Trails of CHEMICALS sprayed into the atmosphere. So shut up about this "There is no such thing as chemtrails" BS. Weather modification or not, it is happening and it is bad. No to mention pollution, flouride and lovely chemicals that now come in everyday food.

There are obviously harmful chemicals that are entering into our food, our bodies and our livestock. Maybe a bit more in your area....

edit on 21-6-2011 by godfather420 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 04:02 PM

Originally posted by BanMePlz
Why are you covering it up??

Why would i share my sources with likely government paid disinformation agents, or brainwashed loyalists?

Its for their protection. and its so that you cant find them and take them down.

so mirror them, or post them on your own blog or website, or send them to wikileaks.

Do you really think that they are invisible in the first place? Just 'cos I don't know what they are doesn't mean other debunkers don't, or that ECHELON isn't aware of them.....(que deep suspenseful music....)

And covering them up wil actualy make them easier to "take them down" - the fewer places they exist, the fewer have to be "taken down".

So not much logic in your position really.......and no great surprise.

edit on 21-6-2011 by Aloysius the Gaul because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 04:09 PM

Originally posted by godfather420
reply to post by miniatus

Fact Is : Chemtrails = Chemical Trails = Trails of CHEMICALS sprayed into the atmosphere.

that is not the common meaning until now - the common meaning has been something secretive sprayed from airliners at high altitude that looks like contrails.

That is what is was started as - jsut recently people have realised that is a load of rubbish, so are trying to change teh definition to include stuff that we know does actuyally exist, and then try to claim that it is somehow evil, nefarious, designed to do something (not sure what), etc.

If you are going to include every chemical sprayed into the air then you have to includ all aircraft exhausts - whether visible as contrails or not, car/truck/train/ship exhausts, industrial exhausts, smoke from fires - domestic and otherwise.

By all means complain about these - but please don't insult us by claiming that they are somehow connected with hte chemtrail meme from the last 13-15 years - they are pollution, they have always been pollution, people have been c omplaining about pollution for a hundred years or more, and I would encourage you to take up the anti-pollution cause - I think it is a worthwhile one.

But it is not chemtrails.

Or would you rather go back to a pre-fire hunter-gatherer lifestyle eating raw meat and veges??

Weather modification or not, it is happening and it is bad.

why is it bad?

No to mention pollution, flouride and lovely chemicals that now come in everyday food.

rofl - but you ARE mentioning pollution because you now say that anythnig sprayed into the atmosphere is a chemtrail...

and yes - let's not mention the others because htey are OT......

There are obviously harmful chemicals that are entering into our food, our bodies and our livestock. Maybe a bit more in your area....

So find out what they are and do somethigg about them - I bet you'll find silver iodide isn't one of them tho.....
edit on 21-6-2011 by Aloysius the Gaul because: (no reason given)

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