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Mr. Obama and What You Would Like To Thank Him For

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posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 05:52 AM
I would like to thank the U.S governments for inventing Collateral Damage, of there own people and foreigners.

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 06:03 AM
I would like to be able to thank Obama for getting himself impeached.

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 06:34 AM
I would like o thank him for assuring a Republican Majority for years to come....people are so sick of dim money wasting....

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 06:53 AM
I'd like to thank him for providing the example that any illegal immigrant can become President of the USA . I'd like to thank him for stepping aside in times of crisis to play more golf than all other Presidents combined . I'd like to thank him for sharing the Presidency with actual experts like Vallery Jarrett , Goldman Sachs and the Federal Reserve . I'd like to thank him for showing employers that experience isn't required .

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 07:05 AM
reply to post by jerryznv

What I'm trying to convey, is that although I believe in most of Ron Paul's ideas, I reluctantly believe the powers that be really control policy in the white house. The system is corrupt and the corporate elite has bought out many politicians. (The Supreme Court overturning a 20 year-old ruling that prohibited corporations and unions from using money to produce and run their own campaign ads is a clear example of this).

Although I feel Ron Paul would be our last hope to get America back on track, he has very few if any supporters in congress. The establishment is totally against his ideology. His foreign policy alone will effect numerous corporations that rely on military contracts. These corporations have strong lobbyists and the politicians who have these companies in their districts will never vote against a reduction in military spending.

President Eisenhower warned us about the military industrial complex and now it's coming back to haunt us. To believe that Presidents have a free hand in setting policy is in my opinion just wishful thinking.

I believe there are forces behind the scenes that draw the line for congress and the president. I find it unbelievable that Bush and his administration were never held accountable for the war in Iraq. Let alone the trillions of dollars that went missing, or the political deals and connections with Halliburton, Enron, and the S&L's. Who prevented any investigation to take place? Why were investigations taken off the table when Obama took office? When democrats took control, what better time than to prove the corruption of the previous republican administration? Why was Obama and Pelosi strong armed to take investigations off the table? It just doesn't make sense.

I find it questionable we used a lot of taxpayers money to investigate a president who had an affair in office, yet we failed to investigate a war that has killed thousands of our young men and women under false pretenses. Not to mention, laws being passed that clearly trample on our constitutional rights.

In all my years living on this rock, I would never had expected the U.S. would have invaded sovereign countries (Panama & Iraq), getting involved in another countries revolution, removing constitutional rights from its own citizens, forcing our democratic ideologies on other countries and occupying foreign land. This doesn't sound like the America I grew up to believe in.

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 07:33 AM
reply to post by LazyGuy

Unfortunately Obama hurt himself by reneging on promises when he ran for the presidency. That being said, I never met a politician that never lied to get into office.

But in Obama's case, after America went through a secretive and corrupt Bush administration, Americans were hoping this president would stand by his idea of transparency in government. What we got is much of the same thing.

Why did he take the investigation of the Bush administration off the table?

Why didn't he stop the war in Iraq and bring our troops home when he took office?

Why didn't he close Gitmo?

These were major campaign issues which he failed to deliver on. Is it because the powers behind the scenes strong armed him to change his expectations? That's a possibility, but if you truly wanted to become president to help the people of this country, than if that's the case, make it public. The problem is, nobody who has become president has the gonads to risk telling the American public the truth.

I and others on this site believe Ron Paul may have the gonads to do just that. Yet the problem I see, is this corrupt system has grown too big and has tentacles throughout the government and military complex. It seems one man or women could never do it alone.

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 07:38 AM
reply to post by savageheart

there's only one thing i would thank him for if he could arrange it in the near future.

his own death.

it would be difficult to replace him with anyone as satanic as he is.

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 08:16 AM
reply to post by savageheart

I would like to thank him for hopefully teaching the US voter that the office if the President is a job that requires a bit of experience to execute well and that handing out bags of cash to ward bosses in Chicago is likely insufficient preparation for the job, as is two years in the US Senate. I'd like to think that a smooth talking, unaccomplished individual with zero experience won't get elected again because folks think he's/she's cool. For that, I am grateful to President Obama.

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 08:18 AM
I would like to thank President Obama for proving to me that all poloticians are liars the color of there skin makes no differance.

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 09:02 AM

Originally posted by WeRpeons
reply to post by LazyGuy

Unfortunately Obama hurt himself by reneging on promises when he ran for the presidency. That being said, I never met a politician that never lied to get into office.

But in Obama's case, after America went through a secretive and corrupt Bush administration, Americans were hoping this president would stand by his idea of transparency in government. What we got is much of the same thing.

Why did he take the investigation of the Bush administration off the table?

Why didn't he stop the war in Iraq and bring our troops home when he took office?

Why didn't he close Gitmo?

These were major campaign issues which he failed to deliver on. Is it because the powers behind the scenes strong armed him to change his expectations? That's a possibility, but if you truly wanted to become president to help the people of this country, than if that's the case, make it public. The problem is, nobody who has become president has the gonads to risk telling the American public the truth.

Maybe they gave him a private screening of the REAL JFK assassination video.

Another theory is that Presidential candidates are citizens who have passed the required background check and aren't actually told any real secrets until they are actually elected. Campaign promises are made based on what they and everyone else knows. Then after they are elected they are given the whole truth. Then with additional knowledge it's decided that there really is good reason to not keep his campaign promises.

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 09:21 AM

Originally posted by WeRpeons
reply to post by jerryznv

Although I feel Ron Paul would be our last hope to get America back on track, he has very few if any supporters in congress. The establishment is totally against his ideology. His foreign policy alone will effect numerous corporations that rely on military contracts. These corporations have strong lobbyists and the politicians who have these companies in their districts will never vote against a reduction in military spending.

Not that it makes any difference but I happen to live in Ron Paul's district and I've been familiar with his political views for a good number of years. I totally agree that Rep. Paul has some great ideas, (something that most establishment republicans are completely devoid of) like drastically reducing our military presence abroad. On the other hand, he has some ideas that are so radical as to completely eliminate him from attaining enough votes to become POTUS, including mine.

Things like his belief that Medicare is unconstitutional, (which leaves little doubt in my mind as to how he would respond if given the opportunity to eliminate it) as well as his belief that privately owned business operating in the public realm should have the right to discriminate if they so choose. (in other words, they could refuse service to black people because they're black or jewish people because they're jews, etc...) Talk about taking this country back! Back to where? Prior to the civil right act of 1964? Sorry, I just can't vote for anyone who continues to hold on to those views.

I believe there are forces behind the scenes that draw the line for congress and the president. I find it unbelievable that Bush and his administration were never held accountable for the war in Iraq. Let alone the trillions of dollars that went missing, or the political deals and connections with Halliburton, Enron, and the S&L's. Who prevented any investigation to take place? Why were investigations taken off the table when Obama took office? When democrats took control, what better time than to prove the corruption of the previous republican administration? Why was Obama and Pelosi strong armed to take investigations off the table? It just doesn't make sense.

I find it questionable we used a lot of taxpayers money to investigate a president who had an affair in office, yet we failed to investigate a war that has killed thousands of our young men and women under false pretenses. Not to mention, laws being passed that clearly trample on our constitutional rights.

I couldn't agree more! I watched a documentary on the LINK channel that was based on a book entitled; "Confessions Of An Economic Hit Man" written by John Perkins. In it, he explained that his role in the scheme was to approach newly elected leaders of foreign nations, (I'm talking about within days of their election) and explain to them in a diplomatic way that, in one pocket he had millions of dollars to give the new president if he cooperated with them and in the other pocket, he had a bullet for the president & his family if he chose to defy them. He went on to state that if the new president did not choose the money pocket, the jackals would be sent in to eliminate them. ( he even identified several foreign leaders assassinated by his employers who were sometimes contracted by TPTB within our government) The documentary will blow your socks off, at least it did mine.

I truly believe that the time between when a President is elected, (Nov. 4th) and the day he's inaugurated, (Jan. 20th) has to be the most humbling experience he has every undergone. This is when they are told the truth about many things and this is when they are also told by TPTB what they will and will not be allowed to do while in office. It's hard to blame, even the most well intentioned politician, for abandoning some of his ambitious ideas when faced with the threat of harming their family. When someone threatens your children and you know without a doubt that they are capable of carrying out those threats, who wouldn't conform?

In all my years living on this rock, I would never had expected the U.S. would have invaded sovereign countries (Panama & Iraq), getting involved in another countries revolution, removing constitutional rights from its own citizens, forcing our democratic ideologies on other countries and occupying foreign land. This doesn't sound like the America I grew up to believe in.

Again, I completely agree.

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 09:24 AM
Thank you obama, for helping me realize that the intelligence of voters is really a lot worse than I thought, and that you have to dumb down your campaign if you want to win. That will help me when I kick off my own political campaign in the future.

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 09:39 AM
Well I for one would like to thank obama for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ah . . . . . . . . . . . . . well . . . . . . . . . . . . . (crickets chirping) . . . . . . . . . . well he brought the olympics to . . . . no, he botched that . . . . hmmmm? What has he done?

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 09:52 AM

Originally posted by Phoenix

Originally posted by Flatfish

Wow, SWAT teams filling us full of holes over unpaid student loans huh? With that kind of imagination you might should consider writing novels or something. Surely you don't seriously think that's where we're going, I hope.


Swat on Student Loan

Has it become illegal to attend college without a giant bank account? Kenneth Wright of Stockton, California was almost knocked down by a S.W.A.T. team breaking down his door one morning. He says they then handcuffed him and put him in the back of a police car.


No joke!

Funny that you missed this little quote, especially seeing how it's the first paragraph of the article you linked in your post;

UPDATE: Department of Education now denies that the raid was over student loan defaults. As the video below explains, the spokesman for the department did not clarify why the raid was conducted, but did say that it was regarding a criminal investigation.

I think it also states that they were actually looking for his girlfriend who had defaulted on a student loan but it never stated that her loan status was the reason for the raid. Quite often, law enforcement will utilize alternative charges in order to capture someone for offenses completely unrelated to the charges used to initiate the search or raid. Remember Al Capone? He was finally sent to jail for what? I think it was tax evasion, go figure.
edit on 15-6-2011 by Flatfish because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 10:18 AM
Thank you Mr. Obama for confirming all that I suspected of you from the get-go! Nobel Peace Prize my u-no-wut! Just a peaceful guy wanting to make a better world for everyone? Ask a few REAL people what they think about your better world!

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 10:19 AM
I'd like to thank Obama for showing me just how slick politicians could be. I was patient with him when he said "16 months" to end all foreign troops, when that came and passed, I started to get mad, and now with the Libyan war it's clear he's a globalist shill. So I thank him for showing me the depth of their depravity.

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 10:21 AM
edit on 6/15/2011 by TheRealTruth84 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 10:26 AM

Originally posted by oleus
for transparency, and expanding/starting the wars.

Fixed. There you go buddy...I know, typos happen all the time

edit on 15-6-2011 by Jugtalicus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 10:27 AM
reply to post by Flatfish

I do agree some of his ideas are radical and unpopular, the ones you mentioned are some of the same ones I have problems with. I can't foresee some of those radical ideas like the ones you've mentioned even getting enough votes to pass in congress. I also have a big problem with his thoughts on energy. He wants to continue drilling for oil instead of focusing on a new energy plan that will get us off of fossil fuels.

That being said, we don't have any politicians answering the tough questions. I'm willing to take a chance on casting my vote for him. It would be quite interesting to see if he could get any of his ideas accomplished. If he does get elected (which I think the deck is stacked against him) it will be a very interesting 4 years. He couldn't be any worse than the list of candidates the GOP has running.

What do we have to lose? Our political system is broken and nobody is willing to address the tough questions. All we get is talk and no action. How many times when politicians are asked a pointed question they dance around the issue and never give a clear yes or no answer? We may not like some of Ron Paul's answers, but at least we have someone that isn't afraid to be honest with the American people. I respect that more than someone who says one thing and does something else.

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 10:44 AM
Thank you for all the vacations you took, while many families in this country struggled.

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