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More evidence Jared Loughner was under mind control: He Can Not Describe Rampage

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posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 02:09 AM
It is not uncommon for the surviving mass shooter to have no memory of the event. This clearly points to some sort of brainwashing. Examples:

3-2-05 Stewart County High School, Cumberland City, TN, Jason Clinard, 14
He shot his school bus driver six times, killing her as she stopped to pick him up. "He said that the last thing he remembered was watching television that morning. ...Jason said that the next thing he remembered was after the alleged offense. He said he was heading into the woods when his mother called him on his cell phone... at that time he "woke up" in the woods... He said he was surprised to learn he had shot somebody."

11-20-05 Tacoma, WA Mall Shooter Dominick Sergio Maldonado, 20
“He tells us that he has very little memory of being at the mall and the shooting itself," his defense attorney said.

1-23-09 Fabeltjesland nursery/day care stabbings, Belgium, Kim de Gelder, 20
His lawyer... said that his client "had no specific memories of what happened in the daycare centre."

1-12-10 UofA/Huntsville, Amy Bishop, 44
"She has absolutely no recollection of shooting," court-appointed defense attorney Roy Miller said.

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 02:49 AM

More evidence Jared Loughner was under mind control: He Can Not Describe Rampage

Maybe he's just Fkn NUTS.

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 12:43 PM

Originally posted by Uncle Gravity

More evidence Jared Loughner was under mind control: He Can Not Describe Rampage

Maybe he's just Fkn NUTS.

Maybe they want you to think this, so if he ever ousts the CIA (like Sirhan Sirhan) the sheep will say he is crazy

The MSM says he is crazy
therefore, when he blames the CIA, people will see him as crazy

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 01:05 PM
I think that with all that has been revealed (which isn't much at all) that this is clearly a case of handler and victim, where MK Ultra is concerned. We also have voice to skull, which someone can be programmed and used from a distance.

I dont think that the gun legislation was the sole purpose. This was yet another tactic to scare people about almost anything, bring in a police state (where people will beg for it), reconfirm that "conspiracy theorist" are dangerous and crazy, which was confirmed (by the MSM) when we found that he was a member here, and other sites, and to make sure that everything that happens with either conspiracy theorist, or people with guns, and shady backgrounds are dangerous to others.

The walls are closing in, and fast.

Peace, NRE.

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 06:40 PM
reply to post by filosophia

The "Globalist agenda" is all speculation. I'm not going to waste my time researching scaremongering BS. I'd rather spend my time finding out what it is they KNOW. Let them conspire to take over the world, make a single currency, single religion and whatever else. Once you grab the concept of your soul and what role it plays in the universe Those are the most earthly, pathetic aspirations a collective group could have.

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 06:51 PM

Originally posted by 13star
reply to post by filosophia

The "Globalist agenda" is all speculation. I'm not going to waste my time researching scaremongering BS. I'd rather spend my time finding out what it is they KNOW. Let them conspire to take over the world, make a single currency, single religion and whatever else. Once you grab the concept of your soul and what role it plays in the universe Those are the most earthly, pathetic aspirations a collective group could have.

The low level peons have absolutely no soul whatsoever. The higher up globalists have enough intelligence to perhaps figure out what their soul is but they'd rather spend their time trying to control the world, they ought to know, since they can take a trip to talk with any high level spiritualist they want, the world will not give them any true and lasting happiness. Neither will the CIA gain any happiness from staging these type of psy-ops, no merit whatsoever will come from this staging of a false flag event (CIA impersonating a conspiracy theorist) because all their government programs (gun control) will be based on lies. The entire structure is a lie, so obviously there is no soul involved, and if the globalists knew what soul was, they obviously are opting out of that one.

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 07:01 PM
Here is my theory, which could or could not
be right, BUT if he was under mind control
it could of been done through hypnosis...

Hypnotism can be used for good AND for bad..

Or he was just crazy wanted to
make a headline
and was pissed about the military
rejecting him. (there just are crazy people out their no conspiracy involved)

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 07:09 PM

Originally posted by starviego

It is not uncommon for the surviving mass shooter to have no memory of the event. This clearly points to some sort of brainwashing. Examples:

3-2-05 Stewart County High School, Cumberland City, TN, Jason Clinard, 14
He shot his school bus driver six times, killing her as she stopped to pick him up. "He said that the last thing he remembered was watching television that morning. ...Jason said that the next thing he remembered was after the alleged offense. He said he was heading into the woods when his mother called him on his cell phone... at that time he "woke up" in the woods... He said he was surprised to learn he had shot somebody."

11-20-05 Tacoma, WA Mall Shooter Dominick Sergio Maldonado, 20
“He tells us that he has very little memory of being at the mall and the shooting itself," his defense attorney said.

1-23-09 Fabeltjesland nursery/day care stabbings, Belgium, Kim de Gelder, 20
His lawyer... said that his client "had no specific memories of what happened in the daycare centre."

1-12-10 UofA/Huntsville, Amy Bishop, 44
"She has absolutely no recollection of shooting," court-appointed defense attorney Roy Miller said.

Notice it was all defence Lawyers who said that ??

Remember that guy Colin Ferguson ?? He even went so far as to defend himself in court !! Some people are just beyond this poor soul

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