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Energy Vampires

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posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 01:55 PM
Not sure if I am in the right forum for this, but am seeking some help, actually.
Energy vampires. We all know someone who just sucks the life out of you. It might be the negative checker at Walmart, or a good friend who just sucks the life right out of you with their drama. It is not necessarily a paranormal thing as I am sure everyone on the planet has experienced this with someone at one time or another. People you see coming your way that you think--omg them again? or that give you an instant headache.

If you look up on the internet the term "Energy Vampire" you come up with tons of websites dealing with the subject. They all talk about protecting yourself and how to go about doing just that. My question is in regards to letting an Energy vampire know that they are sucking the life out of you. Helping them in some way to overcome this so that they can be accepted more by others.

I will give as an example someone I am extremely close to. He has a beautiful soul, especially when it comes to old folks and the handicapped whom he will gladly help at the drop of a hat, so please don't read into him anything "evil". He sways toward drama, I have to say. Everything is an issue and he struggles with the "poor me" and "it's always someone else's fault" syndromes. I have no desire to cut the cord with him as he is part of me. I want to help him get out of his funk or whatever the heck it is. I do not, however, want to hurt him in any way. Anybody have any suggestions on what to say or do? Or anything? Any thoughts are welcome unless of course they are mean hearted. I don't know how to go about it. Thank you in advance!

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 02:05 PM
Hi there,

I think that this topic was already discussed. See:


posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 02:16 PM
reply to post by 7thsignofthezodiac

I think that one is more about energy manipulation, but I am reading to follow the whole thread. Thank you

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 04:12 PM
Energy vampirism is extremely common, more than you think.However, the behaviour you describe doe's not equal a energy parasite.There must be something more that you are not describing,something you must sense.It is your six sense that sense's you being victimized.Just because someone is a pain and wear's you down mentally with baggage doe's not equal a energy vampire.It is deeper than that,normaly a energy vampire has a narscitistic personality or someone that seem almost broken hearted or lost but not for any particular reason or experience in their life.Energy vampires a lone wolf type's as they don't want your friendship unless they recognize you as one of their own and even then are not loyal.They may befriend you but once they have harvested you they will throw you away like a rag.Most of the dirt bags in night clubs, trying to score a onenight stand are energy vampires and are very conscious and aware of what they are doing. The old saying about the thrill of the hunt could not be more accurate for them as that is exactly what they are doing.There is a secondary type that actually leave a energy attatchment to you, this is far the worse type.It is like a infection for life and does life long harm that can make you very sick.So ladies,don't be stupid a give yourselfs to some creep that you don't know or trust!

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 05:10 PM
reply to post by Christarella

The old people are making him a psy leech. He helps them at a drop of the hat cuz they are the "master" vampires. They pull the "poor me" "I cant do anything im so old" BS just to suck the life out of you cuz they gave up on life. Its the Oldfolks drama of long crappy lives rubbing off on this poor bastard. Make him take care of kids or animals so he can regain a balance of QI without having to steal it through goading and deception. I hope this helps.

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 05:15 PM
reply to post by Christarella

To bad you can only suck the life out of yourself. You feel this way because you allow yourself to.

If i won't allow myself to be drained, per say, then i can't be drained. Pretty easy.

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 12:31 AM
Maybe I am categorizing him wrongly, but he is what I would consider a drain. Thanks everybody for the responses. Much appreciated.

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