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For those who say Badnarik does not stand a chance

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posted on Aug, 6 2004 @ 12:54 PM

Originally posted by donguillermo
JediMaster says

Remeber, whenever someone votes Democrat baby Jesus cries. Kerry is a war coward.

No, Baby Jesus crys whenever someone invokes his name for political purposes. So Kerry is a war coward? Kerry was awarded the Silver Star, the Bronze Star, and three Purple Hearts. Why don't you tell us about your military medals and combat experience? Unless you have actually served in a combat zone, you have no business criticizing war heroes like John Kerry for their military record.

I notice you have changed your signature. It used to say "John Kerry is a communist stooge." Did you finally realize what a preposterous lie that is?

Ummmmmm....Not that I even give a sh@t about Kerry's medals, but do you think it's still a good thing to keep throwing that whole medal issue at people? I mean, with all the bad press this is generating, I'd be inclined to give it a rest. Just my 2 cents on that.

posted on Aug, 6 2004 @ 01:00 PM

Originally posted by Amuk
Rant you keep impling that Badnarik is some child molester can you provide some proof?

No. No. I don't think he is or even speculate like that. I was more speculating on public speculation. Plus my thinking was much more innocuous like Troop Leader Big Gay Al, not Chester the Molester.

Keep in mind though the only forums even talking about the gays being banned from the Boy Scouts as an issue are gay forums, and they think everyone's gay. So take it with a grain of salt and high compliment that Badnarik might be in their opinion.

The hypothetical scenario posed to conservative gays now being: Badnarik finally comes out. Log Cabin Republican or switch to Libertarian?

posted on Aug, 6 2004 @ 01:03 PM

Originally posted by JediMaster
Now, I know nothing about him, no idea where he stands. If he would come out more, do some interviews on MSNBC, CNN, and Fox he would get more attention. If I knew where he stood on issues, I may rather see him in office than Bush. I would never want Kerry, so Bush is my only option. But now that I'm hearing more about Badnarik I may change my mind. Anywhere that lists his views on issues?

And yes Dong, I'm one of those "teenage brats", thanks for generalizing us.

Its good to hear from someone with an open mind even if he is just a "teenage brat"

Heres a link

posted on Aug, 6 2004 @ 01:09 PM
Thanks Rant just wanted to clear that up. Its good to see that all of you ARENT like dong.....LOL

If he can pull this country out of the mess we are into I for one dont care if he IS gay

[edit on 6-8-2004 by Amuk]

posted on Aug, 6 2004 @ 01:37 PM

Originally posted by Amuk
If he can pull this country out of the mess we are into I for one dont care if he IS gay

Yeah, we can change it to "Land of the free, home of the fabulous"! I can just picture house music playing when he enters the room.

posted on Aug, 6 2004 @ 01:42 PM

Originally posted by RANT
The hypothetical scenario posed to conservative gays now being: Badnarik finally comes out. Log Cabin Republican or switch to Libertarian?

Completely possible - have to admit the thought crossed my mind once or twice.

Both parties use the "gay issue" for political advantage. Only the Libertarians view this as a civil rights issue.

To complete your hypothesis - what if the gay community in general decides to throw its support behind Badnarik to show their solidarity and displeasure of being used as a political football?

Probably won't the change the ultimate outcome of the election, but it would definitely be a wake-up call to the "big two" parties.

posted on Aug, 6 2004 @ 02:03 PM

It seems to me that if those who say "I would vote for Badnarik but he cant win" would vote for him any way then we EASILY have a three way race

Nope, that was tried already...remember Perot? And unlike Badnarik, he was KNOWN by the public at large.

Look, if I was to go out on the street with a microphone, and go up to 30 people, and ask them, "So, what do you think of Badnarik?", I'd guess I'd be lucky to even get one person who knew who he was.

Other answers might be...

"Is that a Russian dish?"
"I don't even know what a GOOD narik is, let alone a bad one"
"What's Badnarik?"
"Who's Badnarik?"

See my point?

A poll here is NOT even remotely close to a sampling of the US public at large. To be a viable candidate in the US, you need face time, air time, print ads, etc. I haven't seen even ONE of these, having mostly learned about him from THIS site, and I'm more interested than the average Joe on the street.

To complete your hypothesis - what if the gay community in general decides to throw its support behind Badnarik to show their solidarity and displeasure of being used as a political football?

This would be funny to see...

A vote for Badnarik, Nader, or any other sacrificial lamb is as good as giving the election to Shrub...UNLESS Badnarik can come on strong Perot style, with a massive ad campaign (which to my knowledge he can't). From the little bit I've seen, he seems like a nice guy, and I like his stance on the issues. But unless he can get the word out....not gonna happen.

[edit on 6-8-2004 by Gazrok]

posted on Aug, 6 2004 @ 02:11 PM

A vote for Badnarik, Nader, or any other sacrificial lamb is as good as giving the election to Shrub...UNLESS Badnarik can come on strong Perot style, with a massive ad campaign (which to my knowledge he can't). From the little bit I've seen, he seems like a nice guy, and I like his stance on the issues. But unless he can get the word out....not gonna happen.

There is an obvious growing desire across the country for an alternative (hence the new voting demographic, "anyone but Bush"). We all know that it won't be this year, but if we use this thinking, that a vote for a non dem or non rep is a wasted vote, then we will never get what it is we are looking for. If vote my beleifs for the rest of my life and never see my desired candidate get elected, then at least I know I didn't sell out. I can live with that. Further more, the more people think like me, the more each election the third, or fourth party votes will begin to grow. Then out of nowhere, people will see that the 2 mega parties aren't so invincible. And that, as Marth Stewart says, "is a good thing"

posted on Aug, 6 2004 @ 02:12 PM
TL, yeah I do realize that. They of course do not want someone on their who will steal the thunder of Bush and Kerry. I'm reading the link that Amuk gave me and so far, he seems like a good guy.

Dong, listen 3 Purple Hearts, which were for "minor injuries". I've talked to several vets,from both sides of the poltical spectrum and they all said the same thing.

"If you have 3 Purple Hearts, like a true soldier would, you'd either be dead or missing alot of body parts."

I personally believe that a Purple Heart should be given for serious wounds, such as taking a bullet or losing a limb not getting scrapped by shrapnel which results in being in the infirmary for less than a few hours.

Also Dong, I am shocked by your pure ignorance with this line

"Unless you have actually served in a combat zone, you have no business criticizing war heroes like John Kerry for their military record. "

I actually do have all the rights to say whatever I want about Kerry and his "war heroism". The 1st Admendant protects that right, just as you have the right to blast Bush.

I changed that line since it was time for a change. Lie? Hell, no. That is my opinion on Mr.Kerry just like others at ATS have called Bush "The Great Satan". Going to complain about that?

My Jesus line is pure fun. Its comedic, brining a little light into the politcal mudpit.

posted on Aug, 6 2004 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
A vote for Badnarik, Nader, or any other sacrificial lamb is as good as giving the election to Shrub...UNLESS Badnarik can come on strong Perot style, with a massive ad campaign (which to my knowledge he can't). From the little bit I've seen, he seems like a nice guy, and I like his stance on the issues. But unless he can get the word out....not gonna happen.

[edit on 6-8-2004 by Gazrok]

But for a lot of us to be blunt we detest Kerry as much as Bush.

In other words if we cannot have a real difference than who cares if EITHER of them gets it.

I along with a lot of other folks will vote my heart and know in the end at least I did not sell out.

posted on Aug, 6 2004 @ 02:39 PM
So far, we agree 50/50. I do not agree with Badnarkik on the war in Iraq, or the medicnal marijuana. However I do like that he seems to be for state rights,pro-gun and tough on crime. I did not understand where he stands on gay marriage, he seemed to skirt around it. Personally I think that gay marriage is up to the state to decide.

posted on Aug, 6 2004 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by JediMaster
or the medicnal marijuana

Why do you disagree on that? Just curious cuz its one of the things I like about the LP.

posted on Aug, 6 2004 @ 03:01 PM
I feel that marijuana is bad, and harmful and too many people will abuse it when its avaible like that.Like once they are done they may go out and get some off of the streets.

If medicinal marjiuana was legal and had very tight restrictions on it, such as you got X amount for your illness, and a doctor needs to view how much you can have and use, I would'nt have a problem with it.

posted on Aug, 6 2004 @ 03:08 PM

There is an obvious growing desire across the country for an alternative (hence the new voting demographic, "anyone but Bush"). We all know that it won't be this year, but if we use this thinking, that a vote for a non dem or non rep is a wasted vote, then we will never get what it is we are looking for. If vote my beleifs for the rest of my life and never see my desired candidate get elected, then at least I know I didn't sell out. I can live with that. Further more, the more people think like me, the more each election the third, or fourth party votes will begin to grow. Then out of nowhere, people will see that the 2 mega parties aren't so invincible. And that, as Marth Stewart says, "is a good thing"

I wish I could be so idealistic. I was once, but then we ended up with people like Shrub as president...

Imagine a family of 6. They're trying to decide what they want for dinner. Mom wants chicken, Dad wants beef. They tell the 4 kids to vote for either beef or chicken. 2 of the kids want beef, another wants chicken, but the last one wants pizza. Though the last one would be happy with chicken, he chooses pizza, because that's what he really wants. Too bad, as the family goes with beef, as they explain that pizza isn't one of the choices. This is how we ended up with Shrub in the first place (thanks to Mr. Nader/Pizza last time) and I for one, don't want it to happen again....

"who cares if EITHER of them gets it?"

It always boils down to a lesser of two evils lately, doesn't it....???

If medicinal marjiuana was legal and had very tight restrictions on it, such as you got X amount for your illness, and a doctor needs to view how much you can have and use, I would'nt have a problem with it.

If it was treated just like any other prescribed medicine, this is EXACTLY what would occur...

[edit on 6-8-2004 by Gazrok]

posted on Aug, 6 2004 @ 03:17 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
I wish I could be so idealistic. I was once, but then we ended up with people like Shrub as president...

Imagine a family of 6. They're trying to decide what they want for dinner. Mom wants chicken, Dad wants beef. They tell the 4 kids to vote for either beef or chicken. 2 of the kids want beef, another wants chicken, but the last one wants pizza. Though the last one would be happy with chicken, he chooses pizza, because that's what he really wants. Too bad, as the family goes with beef, as they explain that pizza isn't one of the choices. This is how we ended up with Shrub in the first place (thanks to Mr. Nader/Pizza last time) and I for one, don't want it to happen again....

"who cares if EITHER of them gets it?"

It always boils down to a lesser of two evils lately, doesn't it....???

[edit on 6-8-2004 by Gazrok]

The problem is I dont want chicken or beef and if I cant have pizza then I dont care which one I get because I dont like either of them.

I respect your decision but in the end we each must vote our conscience.

And for the record the lesser of two evils is still evil, right?

posted on Aug, 6 2004 @ 03:23 PM
I'm going to make the assumption that if somebody doesn't believe in voting your conscious but instead votes for the lesser of both evils i'm going to assume his comment is made to influence you to do the same, now it comes down to a battle of the wills.

Any may I add, a vote from your heart is more powerful and makes more a statement then voting the lesser of both evils...

Passion vs self defeat attitudes.

posted on Aug, 6 2004 @ 03:43 PM
This Just in:

More details will be following, but the data from the poll we just commissioned in New Mexico
are starting to come in. We do have the answer to the big question for which you have been
waiting, so here it is:

1* If the Presidential election were held today, would you vote for
Republican George W. Bush, Democrat John F. Kerry, or Libertarian Michael

43% Bush
48% Kerry
5% Badnarik
5% Not sure

Bush Kerry Badnarik
First Choice 43% 48% 5%
Second Choice 8% 9% 47%

If you will recall, we just polled at 3% in our latest national survey, as well as the one just
conducted in California. After this phase of the campaign is over, we will be polling in NM
again, using the same questions, to compare the results.

In order for Project New Mexico Freedom to continue to be a success, we need your assistance. It
is now becoming difficult for the mainstream media to ignore us - and we need to shove these
polling numbers directly in their faces. To do that costs money - and a lot of it. Please make
you contribution today at

New Mexico Freedom ends on August 13th, so your immediate online contribution is crucial. Again,
the URL to help pay for more commercials is Both Mike and I thank you in
advance for your generous contribution.

Stephen P. Gordon
Communications Director
Badnarik/Campagna 2004

posted on Aug, 6 2004 @ 03:56 PM

A vote for Badnarik, Nader, or any other sacrificial lamb is as good as giving the election to Shrub

I've mentioned this before - what does it say about these candidates when both are at risk due to a couple of percentage points? My vote is entirely that - my vote. If that fact inconveniences the dems or repubs - then they need to rethink their message.

posted on Aug, 6 2004 @ 04:12 PM

Originally posted by JediMaster
"If you have 3 Purple Hearts, like a true soldier would, you'd either be dead or missing alot of body parts."

Whoever you are quoting doesn't know what he is talking about. Colonel David Hackworth, who I believe is the most decorated living veteran, has nine Silver Stars, seven Bronze Stars, and seven Purple Hearts. He is still alive, and is not missing any body parts.

I personally believe that a Purple Heart should be given for serious wounds, such as taking a bullet or losing a limb not getting scrapped by shrapnel which results in being in the infirmary for less than a few hours.

Since you are not even old enough to serve in the military, your opinion on this carries no weight whatsoever. The military decides the criteria for awarding a Purple Heart. John Kerry met those criteria.

Also Dong, I am shocked by your pure ignorance with this line

"Unless you have actually served in a combat zone, you have no business criticizing war heroes like John Kerry for their military record. "

I actually do have all the rights to say whatever I want about Kerry and his "war heroism". The 1st Admendant protects that right, just as you have the right to blast Bush.

I am shocked by your pure ignorance in not understanding that "have no business" does not mean "have no right."

posted on Aug, 6 2004 @ 04:19 PM
I don't think your post had anything to do with the topic at hand Mr.Dung...

This Kerry crap has nothing to with Badnarik, do I have to become the thread police like you do in other threads?? If so then I'll stick my nose in that brown stuff like you did...

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