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The NASA Vimana

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posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 03:11 PM
So this is a theory I have been working on, it isn't 100% thought out, but essentially it goes like this:

Humans are technologically as advanced as the Ancient Aliens were 4000 years ago. (More or less)

What got me thinking this way is the ending of NASA's Space Shuttle program. This is going to be replaced with the Constellation program.

The Space Shuttle is, essentially, an airplane capable of going into space and back.


The new spacecraft is called Orion. It is essentially a snub nosed cone.


As far as I know there is no new propulsion for Orion, and yes I do realize it was designed like the original Moon Mission.

Now heres the kicker. Orion, above, looks eerily similar to the ancient Vimanas:


Their tech was about as advanced as we are now, and this was 4000 years ago. Now, they have these 'flying saucers' which, looks like a squished version of the Vimana.


I am not declaring this to be fact, nor is it something I believe, but it is fun to think about, and it makes a kind of sense. I thought I would share this with you because it has been kind of gnawing at me for a while.

Hope you enjoyed and I can't wait to hear the flames! haha


posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 03:16 PM
The capsule also looks eerily similar to a Jello dessert.


posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 03:25 PM

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 03:26 PM
Who knows. But what is also interesting is that the shuttle looks almost identical to the golden brooch also seen in ancient aliens, which actually flew when they made a scaled up version of it. Only noticed it now.
Both very coincidental.

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 03:26 PM
NASA space shuttle = UFO in space

To the aliens at least

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 03:27 PM
reply to post by MainLineThis

obviously my fellow ATS-ers can't read. Read the last little bit, this is something I have been thinking about, I am not declaring this as fact, just cool tho think about, and its in the Alien/UFO so its not going to be 100% logical or true, it was just a thought I had.


posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 03:30 PM

Originally posted by MainLineThis
Your meager and ignorant attempt to make a conspiracy out of this is just not going to work, sorry.

Unfortunately for you, common sense and reason have already ruined your hypothesis. It happens, no reason to get upset. Just most of us think a little harder before demonstrating our ignorance to the world by displaying it on the internet.

Re-reading your post in order to make sure I am not being harsh or missed something important has only confirmed my initial reaction. I am sorry. May this thread die the death it so well deserves.

How do you really feel?????

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 03:31 PM
reply to post by MainLineThis

Ah, he wasn't being too crazy with the thread, its good to brainstorm and try and make connections. Who knows.

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 03:31 PM
reply to post by Themanwithnoname

I was going to put that in, but this was just about the Vimanas. But very true, the technology we think is amazing and new seems to be old tech we rediscover.

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 03:35 PM
I wonder how many billions were spent by NASA to come up with an over-glorified Apollo capsule

You would think that with over 40 years to design something to go to mars they could come up with something better than spam-in-a-can.

For a 200+ day flight to mars there will have to be additional modules attached to this capsule for food storage, oxygen etc.

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 03:40 PM
reply to post by CynicalWabbit

you know what they say, if it ain't broke for 4000 years dont fix it lol!

*warning conspiracy theory*

what if the Aliens gave us this tech to build our Orion!!!!! (duh duh duh)

*end conspiracy theory*

As you can tell I am very sarcastic and do not take anything on this topic very seriously, as you can not do if you expect to be respected or taken seriously in this field. I am a believer in ETVs/EBEs but without a hefty dose of skepticism, your just blindly religious.

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 03:43 PM
No doubt in my mind that we were at one time inhabited by a species of equal or greater technology. Now what happened to them is the question. Did they jump ship once they new of a grave danger to the planet? Did they go extinct? We'll never know but proof is all around us writen in stone.

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 03:55 PM
reply to post by MainLineThis
[snip]The guy posts an idea he's had and it's fair play...he's fully entitled to.

He doesn't know about vimanas as 'space ships' being channelled in the early 20th Century. You could have pointed that out. If you are who I think you are, this kind of posting doesn't suit you. Let's focus on the facts and not turn our backs on them.

@Mac420: the idea of vimanas being hi-tech aircraft isn't from ancient was apparently 'channelled' by Vaimanika Shastra around the 1920s. The ideas were published in the west much later and have ensured the idea of ancient astronauts lives on.

The BS in its purest form...

Shastra's Wikipedia

Mod edit: removed personal comment.
edit on 1/6/2011 by ArMaP because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by Kandinsky

Like I said it is not something I researched 100%, just an idea I had which I started to formulate after watching Ancient Aliens.

I am no scientist, no professional of anything, just an avid fan of the idea of ETs.

But thanks for putting that dude in his place.

Real or not, who knows, maybe he did channel the Aliens, I don't believe tin-foil hats were thought up that long ago! lol

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 04:09 PM

Originally posted by mac420
The new spacecraft is called Orion. It is essentially a snub nosed cone.

Amazing, isn't it?

It has the same shape as my metal coffee filter.

I suspect NASA and Mr. Coffee are in cahoots.

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 04:10 PM
reply to post by mac420

S&F from me OP. I happen to like reading speculation from others on this kind of stuff. Seems I remember some other folks who had wild theories throughout history. They were scoffed at too. Imagine that.

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 04:16 PM
reply to post by Klassified

Thank you, when Aliens pick me for first contact I shall send you a PM inviting you to the show lol.

But I find it funny, ATS has always seemed like intelligent people until I actually joined haha, if they would take time to read thoroughly they would know this is speculation and not me saying the world will end on May bad >.

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 04:17 PM

Originally posted by mac420
So this is a theory I have been working on, it isn't 100% thought out, but essentially it goes like this:

Humans are technologically as advanced as the Ancient Aliens were 4000 years ago. (More or less)

This theory has one major problem with it. That is, the complete lack of evidence of the existence of aliens, extant or ancient.

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 04:23 PM
reply to post by traditionaldrummer

There is a common acceptance among scientists that there must be civilizations out there (being the mass amount of stars/galaxies/etc)

Is this proof there are Aliens? no. Unless we get disclosure, we will never know, only speculate.

There is over 60 years of circumstantial proof of Flying Saucers/UFOs/ETVs

Is this proof there are Aliens? no. Unless we get disclosure, we will never know, only speculate.

But if Humans quit speculating and imagining, we will never evolve or get answers. You should always ask questions, because if you don't you will never get answers.

And remember, there are no stupid questions, only stupid people who are too close minded to entertain the question. (this is not pointed to anybody, but it is a generality to all of ya!)

edit on 1-6-2011 by mac420 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 04:32 PM

Originally posted by mac420
reply to post by traditionaldrummer

There is a common acceptance among scientists that there must be civilizations out there (being the mass amount of stars/galaxies/etc)

Is this proof there are Aliens? no. Unless we get disclosure, we will never know, only speculate.

There is over 60 years of circumstantial proof of Flying Saucers/UFOs/ETVs

Is this proof there are Aliens? no. Unless we get disclosure, we will never know, only speculate.

But if Humans quit speculating and imagining, we will never evolve or get answers. You should always ask questions, because if you don't you will never get answers.

And remember, there are no stupid questions, only stupid people who are too close minded to entertain the question. (this is not pointed to anybody, but it is a generality to all of ya!)

edit on 1-6-2011 by mac420 because: (no reason given)

So what's your rebuttal here? We seem to agree that we don't even have evidence of life outside of this planet yet, let alone technologically advanced "ancient aliens".

I have no problem with imagination and speculation, but if it's of any use to us it must be based upon premises which aren't faulty.

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