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Excellent Interview With Former Pakistani Intel-Chief - Talks WW3 - Must Watch

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posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 09:53 AM

I gotta admit, this is an excellent interview
Though I'm not a big fan of Pakistan, he did make his case very well.

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 10:39 AM
Good interview indeed, though I disagree on one thing,

Its not only an invasion that could lead to much worse, but also the amount of civilians killed in Pakistan by drones flown from the CIA in Afghanistan that can trigger a nasty war.

You can't expect to keep bullying someone without retaliation, one day he fights back or finds someone else to fight for him.


off-topic, your signature reminds me of Orwell.

"He must be cut off from the past. . . because it is necessary for him to believe that he is better off than his ancestors and that the average level of material comfort is constantly rising."

--George Orwell, 1984

edit on 1-6-2011 by Grey Magic because: proper English please!

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 10:39 AM
reply to post by ModernAcademia

Good watch.
The man does press a good point.
Americans come and kill your folks, we have established this to be the norm.
Pakistan knows this and decides to press endgame.
What have they got to lose?
I guess the PTB will get their "final solution" after all.
Peace is the only solution.

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 11:14 AM
S&F.. Great interview, thanks for sharing

I have to admit that I agree with him on a lot of points, but given the economic and technological tussle going on with the major powers I am not sure that it is so easy for the US (and allies) to withdraw at this point..

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 10:48 AM
reply to post by thoughtsfull

Yes I agree on that
This guy hates India though

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 10:55 AM

Originally posted by ModernAcademia
reply to post by thoughtsfull

Yes I agree on that
This guy hates India though

That second line is sad and most likely true.

Fortunately for India, come what may, with or without her allies, she is strong enough to defend herself

I just hope it honestly never comes to that.

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 11:55 AM
He said "Pakistan can do things out of desperation you can not even imagine"

I call BS. Between the Saudi Royal Family and the Israeli's I'd say we know everything Pakistan has and where it is.

I'd imagine much of it has disappeared by now. China will stick up for Pakistan?....nahhh....I think China has had it's nu%$ cut off.....China's calling itself a "CORPORATION" now....just like our good ole US of A.

Pakistans dead. They aren't sovereign anymore.

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