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Proof of nordic alien females?

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posted on May, 25 2011 @ 01:51 PM


posted on May, 25 2011 @ 01:52 PM
reply to post by Gazrok

1. He was married.
2. Intruders, in his house, in his bedroom.
3. Sleepy/groggy.. Wtf is going on
4. Alien grabbing your head and pulling you toward it

= Freak out, to me at least.

I think the DNA banks would be very skeptical & are at risk of losing credibility for lying.

I'm not saying I believe the story 100%, but I don't buy your arguments.

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
A guy wakes up in his bed, surrounded by a bunch of hot, naked blondes, and one of them grabs his head and sticks it in her breasts...and this guy's instinct is to do a bite attack?

Yes but Gazrok if you were to go thru same encounter and indeed they were non normals women and your instinct felt something by how strong she may have grabbed you or by here essence its hard to say the reaction 1 may have. I wouldnt of bt her I would of asked what is going on here ladies first and took it from there. But he un no??? Sorta like when you are out socializing and you see an attractive lady and approach her and sense something very strange about her. LOL I know most males would keep going and figure out how wierd she is later but you got that instinctive feeling from first encountering her non the less. But comming from a MOD who can see personal U2U messages and all maybe you know something 1 doesnt about tis whole reality here or game...
edit on 5/25/11 by Ophiuchus 13 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by FlySolo

Originally posted by MasterOfSparkz

Originally posted by FlySolo

Originally posted by MasterOfSparkz

Originally posted by FlySolo

Originally posted by MasterOfSparkz

Originally posted by SaturnFX

Tabloid, labs and actual science is tabloid to you...what do you suggest the marker should be then for substantiated claims? ouija boards and prayer? you clearly are not a fan of -actual science- since you refused to weigh in on the actual results...and instead decide to spend your time minimizing, compartmentalizing, and ignoring what is actually being presented in this thread.

Please provide substantiation for the above claims as related to your post, classy guy.

Now what are you going on about? Provide claims to what? His opinion of you and your myopic thinking? Myopic means close minded and narrow vision BTW.

Provide substantiation for the claims he put fourth, as in SCIENCE/LAB/TESTING. Otherwise this is all just hearsay. Is that really that difficult to understand oh one of such all encompassing great vision?

Yes grasshopper, the mighty oak will break sooner than the weeping willow. When you're done being an attention seeking child then I will address your questions grasshopper. Until then, I will leave you with this to ponder. One who looks under the bed, hides under the bed.

Nice try troll. Anything useful? Nope, just more of the same.

I'll respond to your diatribe. Maybe you will understand these words of wisdom. "It takes one to know one". I don't have anything to contribute because others have pointed it out for you. Either put up or shut up.

Sir, you are unworthy. I have "put up", maybe you could do the latter, you know, just so you could feel as though you actually did something useful today.

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 02:04 PM

Originally posted by Ophiuchus 13
Transhumanisim is this a way of transfering human energy into new body or vessel 3d or not?

Not really. Transhumanism is a somewhat broad catagorization, but in essence, it boils down to man merging with machine
We are biological meatbags at the moment...with advancements in nanotechnology and other types of technological breakthroughs (based in solid science being researched today), the human species will self evolve into something very different. imagine being able to form your look in the same way you can create a 3d image on a computer graphics program within seconds...or simply exist as little more than a swarm of nanobots...uploading to the internet, sounds pretty fantastic, but the discussions always have as much scientific forcasting and zero spirituality when discussing, its grounded in reality (just very, very advanced technology)

in 2049, the "singularity" is to happen...what this means is that your average computer will be more complex than the human brain, being able to basically outpreform us in all ways. in 2060, the home computer will have the typical combined neural capabilitys of an entire planet focused...with these results, questions will be answered, technology breakthroughs will be coming all measured by picoseconds verses decades

Its nerd heaven basically...ascension by our own progression and self evolution...and in such times, our existance will be, in a broad sense, simply energy taking on whatever form we choose.

I could recommend a plethora of books to study up on..however, its not necessary unless that sort of stuff intrigues you. nothing is in stone of course (still waiting on our hovercars we were supposed to be all flying around by 2000), but the path seems so far to be pretty clear and reasonable, if not simply unbelievable for the profound nature.

One of the reasons we may not be seeing tons of signs of alien civilizations in the universe may be simply because the type 2-4 civilizations simply don't exist...we jump from 1 right to 5 and become beings of technological energy, able to assume any form instantaniously and travel by thought wherever the tech bubble exists (why fly a meatbag container in a spaceship when you can simply download your consciousness directly to where you want to go by use of a mega-net bubble, relays, and perhaps quantum entanglement transference).

Which makes me then wonder...these hoochies that appeared on the seems unlikely they are actual aliens in the off world sense...but rather, inhabit hidden areas of our world, or perhaps even a different dimension closeby...because super advanced races would probably hit the energy ascension point of existance long before they discovered star trek's warp drive (which would be highly redundant anyhow)

As far as what your discussing and u2uing...gonna be honest, I have very little idea what you or unity are discussing...I mean, I understand it, but not sure how its relevant to this topic. seems alot of speculation and mythos creation without substance...much of it grabbed from icke, lear, perhaps sleepers thread, etc.

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 02:08 PM
I recall Sean Connery in Zardoz, the Eternal's show him saucy breast images expecting this brutal savage to respond like the beast he is. Not Connery, he shows restraint, he knows their game.
If true, then these hot chicks are just a fancy lure, what ye use in fishing. I cant help feeling these lassies would be pretty lacklustre in the sack, and who knows what they hide under the exotic veneer.
So aye, bite the nipple, he should have spat the remains into her eye!

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by SaturnFX

Originally posted by TheLogicalist
Another claim that makes ufology look like bull#.

another minimal post that makes skeptics look like idiots.

ok your the one that think a guy is that someone was having sexual encounters with aliens...
or as you call them.
"a group of super hot alien babes"

And these "super hot alien babes":

"They were naked and on his bed. He woke up, they didn't talk much, one of them grabbed him by the back of his head and smooshed his face into her breast."

rightttttttt.......and you are calling people idiots?

This is some erotic fantasy but some mentally unstable person. Nothing more.

I'm not a skeptic on the whole ufology/aliens being real but I'm am a skeptic on BULL# like this...

I Maybe I am missing it, I wish this site had a block feature I would not only like to deny ignorance, but deny stupidity as well.
edit on 25-5-2011 by TheLogicalist because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 02:13 PM
I really apologise for what is about to follow...a really effing long post
I was going to add a few paragraphs, but each following paragraph seemed more and more relevant to the, if you want to read through and dissect it, great...its more in depth than what the video gave in regards to the DNA sampling process and overall story.

Again, sorry...go grab a cup of tea and have a read through

In July 1992, Peter had the experience that became the focus of this case study. Because the experience had disturbing sexual aspects, Peter was very reticent to talk about it. He first mentioned it to Bill Chalker, one of Australia's leading researchers, in 1996. He showed Chalker that he had recovered an unusual strand of hair from the encounter.

At the time, Chalker felt he could not do anything with the physical evidence, but over the next several years, he assembled a group of scientists and forensic investigators willing to work on UFO-related cases.

With his "invisible college" associates, Chalker discussed the possibility of doing polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification and sequencing of mitochondrial DNA that might be recovered from Peter Khoury's hair sample. In early 1998, these researchers -- now calling themselves the Anomaly Physical Evidence Group -- agreed to do the DNA testing on the hair sample.

Chalker points out that "alien" beings are most often described by experiencers as having no visible hair. But one type -- sometimes called "Nordic" -- is described fairly often as having distinctly human-like features including hair, often (though not always) blond in color.

A number of well-known abduction cases have involved human-looking beings with hair, including the 1975 abduction reported by Travis Walton in Arizona, and the 1957 Brazilian abduction reported by Antonio Villas Boas. Peter Khoury's case has some similarity to that of Villas Boas, who said he was forced to have sex with an aggressive humanoid female aboard a landed UFO.

Khoury told Chalker that his encounter of July 23, 1992 began at 7:30 in the morning while he was in bed. He had recently been injured at work and was taking pain medication. Earlier that morning, he had driven his wife to work, then returned home and went back to bed for a short while. Suddenly, he bolted wide awake and sat up. There were two humanoid females sitting on the bed, both entirely naked.

These two women looked human in nearly every way. They had well proportioned adult bodies. One looked somewhat Asian, with straight dark shoulder-length hair and dark eyes. The other looked perhaps Scandinavian, with light-colored ("maybe bluish") eyes and long blond hair that fell half-way down her back. Her hair was especially notable to Peter Khoury. "I had never seen a hair style like that. It was curled something like Farrah Fawcett, but to an extreme... It just looked really exotic in a way," he told Chalker.

But Khoury felt that these women were not exactly human. Their faces were somewhat odd -- not unattractive, but too chiseled, with very high cheekbones and eyes that were two or three times larger than normal. Khoury took special notice of the blonde. Her face was too long, he felt. "I have never seen a human looking like that," he said.

The blonde, who was sitting in a kneeling position on the bed, seemed to be in charge. Khoury thought she was communicating telepathically with the dark-haired woman, who was sitting with her legs partly folded under her. There was something stiff, almost blank, in the expressions of the women, Khoury thought.

Though stunned by the sudden appearance of the women, Khoury had only a few moments to consider how they could possibly have arrived in his bedroom before the blonde reached out with both her hands and cupped the back of his head, drawing his face toward her chest. He resisted. She pulled harder.

He kept pulling back. "She was pretty strong," he told Chalker. "She pulled me over and my mouth was basically on her nipple. And I bit."

Khoury said he doesn't know why he bit the woman, but even though he felt a small piece of her nipple come away in his teeth, she did not cry out. But "the expression on her face was like, 'this isn't the way.' In a way it was shock or confusion... She looked at the Asian one... and looked at me like, this isn't the way it's supposed to happen. You've done this wrong."

Involuntarily, Khoury swallowed the small fragment in his mouth, and it caught in his throat. He went into a coughing fit. Suddenly, the two women simply disappeared.

Once he realized the women were gone, he tried to clear his throat by drinking water. It didn't work. Then he had an urge to go to the bathroom. He realized that his penis felt very painful. Standing in the bathroom, he pulled back the foreskin and found two thin blond strands of hair wrapped tightly around.

He struggled to unravel the pieces of hair as the pain became an intense burning sensation. Finally he managed to removed the two pieces of hair and immediately put them in a small sealable plastic bag.

"The reason I did that was because I knew that there was no way, no way at all, that a hair that size and wrapped around the way it was should have been there.... Thinking of these women, the thing in my throat, the hair, something bizarre had just happened." Khoury resolved to keep the hair sample in case it should ever prove useful in shedding light on his experiences.

The thing in Khoury's throat stayed there for three days. He coughed constantly. He tried clearing his throat with water, bread, anything he could think of, but nothing helped. On the third day, the feeling in his throat just went away.

He did not want to tell his wife how his coughing fit had come about, but two weeks later he decided to tell her. "I was shocked," he told Chalker. "She accepted it better than I did."

The pieces of hair, carefully stored away since the encounter, became the subject of the first openly-reported scientific DNA test on a possible abduction-related sample.

The blond hairs were extremely thin and almost clear in color. It was determined that the hair was not chemically treated, because if it had been, little or no mitochondrial DNA could have been recovered. However, using the PCR (polymerase chain reaction) process, good quality DNA was recovered.

For comparison, samples were also taken of Peter Khoury's hair and that of his wife Vivian. DNA was successfully extracted from Peter's hair, but no usable DNA was recovered from Vivian's hair, possibly because of chemical treatment.

After thorough testing of the hair samples, the scientists of the Anomaly Physical Evidence Group arrived at a startling conclusion. The thin blond hair, which appeared to have come from a light-skinned caucasian-type woman, could not have come from a normal human of that racial type. Instead, though human, the hair showed five distinctive DNA markers that are characteristic of a rare sub-group of the Chinese Mongoloid racial type.

A detailed survey of the literature on variations in mitochondrial DNA, comprising tens of thousands of samples, showed only four other people on record with all five of the distinctive markers in the blond hair. All four were Chinese, with black hair.

Mitochondrial DNA is passed only from mother to child and therefore offers a means of tracing ancient ancestry on the mother's side. The findings suggest that all four of the Chinese subjects share a common female ancestor with the blonde woman. But there is no easy explanation for how this could be.

Testing for nuclear DNA, if such could be recovered from the blond hair, would be more complex and expensive than the tests run so far, but might show that the lineage of the blonde's father was even stranger than that of her mother. But such testing must await funding that has yet to be found. So far, the members of the Anomaly Physical Evidence Group have financed all their work themselves.

Without the blond hair sample, the story told by Peter Khoury is but one more in an almost endless sequence of wrenching, but unprovable, abduction accounts. The hair, however, changes everything. It undeniably exists, and thorough forensic testing shows that it is anomalous. It seems likely that no person with blond hair and an exact DNA match to Khoury's blonde could be found in the city of Sydney, nor on the continent of Australia, nor -- probably -- anywhere in the world.

Who then was the being whose blond hair inexplicably became wrapped around Peter Khoury's penis?

"Are we dealing with 'humans' from elsewhere, namely those with human DNA, albeit very rare and somewhat anomolous?" asks Bill Chalker. "This case raises all sorts of issues, such as human 'panspermia'" -- the theory that human-like beings may have migrated to Earth in the fairly recent past from elsewhere in the galaxy, perhaps giving rise to the sudden appearance of modern homo sapiens sapiens, a species not directly descended from their immediate predecessors, the Neanderthals.

"Also, given the Asian mongoloid connection, we looked at the problem of European-like rare Asian types in the past," Chalker says. "The controversial saga of the Taklamakan mummies in remote Western China is turning the early history of China on its head. These mummies include people who are quite tall, some 6 feet or so, and some are blond. I'm not suggesting a connection here, but you can understand this investigation has opened up all sorts of interesting possibilities about the biological nature of some of the beings implicated in abduction cases."

These questions will not be easy to answer. But supporting the work of the Anomaly Physical Evidence Group could help. Those able to offer financial assistance are urged to contact Bill Chalker at [email protected] for more information.

(no, thats not the whole article, just the relevant bits about the story and to seek out more info about the "Anomaly Physical Evidence Group" to see their credentials.

another piece of the puzzle.

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 02:18 PM
reply to post by SaturnFX

In many ways this sounds like the Annunaki technology. With the replacement of organ tissue with nanos or botics ect. Thanks for sharing, sorta like Avatar movie.

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 02:21 PM

Originally posted by TheLogicalist

This is some erotic fantasy but some mentally unstable person. Nothing more.

To ascertain he is mentally unstable based on your opinion, does not make him mentally unstable. How is that science?

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 02:22 PM

Originally posted by TheLogicalist

Originally posted by SaturnFX

Originally posted by TheLogicalist
Another claim that makes ufology look like bull#.

another minimal post that makes skeptics look like idiots.

ok your the one that think a guy is that someone was having sexual encounters with aliens...
or as you call them.
"a group of super hot alien babes"

No, I am the guy whom put forward a report of forced breeding with evidence.
I put this forward because I am interested in the evidence, the claim, etc. I don't believe I said I think its true, so putting words in my mouth is sort of misleading.

And these "super hot alien babes":

"They were naked and on his bed. He woke up, they didn't talk much, one of them grabbed him by the back of his head and smooshed his face into her breast."

rightttttttt.......and you are calling people idiots?

No, I called nobody an idiot...I said minimalist postings of simple refusal to even contemplate the evidence makes skeptics look like idiots

This is some erotic fantasy but some mentally unstable person. Nothing more.

because the erotic fantasy has evidence to go along with it.
unless anne rice can produce a vampire tooth and pass a federally trained polygraphers test, then its a bit more than a erotic fantasy...and the way he is describing it, it wasn't as erotic as we would think
First off, his wife didn't see it as a great encounter, and the fact that he sort of likes his wife means he probably wasn't fully on board either...
especially when the full story is of him getting incisions in his head, missing time, etc...however, I digress, its not about the other stuff, its about the evidence presented.

I'm not a skeptic on the whole ufology/aliens being real but I'm am a skeptic on BULL# like this...

Pity your not a skeptic on the whole ufology/aliens being real thing...I am. I want to see evidence, else I dismiss it as just a unsubstantiated claim
I call people whom dismiss evidence because it sounds too weird to be true as that.
I am not saying what is said is truth, I am, this is evidence of something interesting...lets look
you are in the corner turning red faced because you don't want to even have a reasonable view on it due to you not liking the motivations
aka, you cannot see the content because you have issues with the context
your views are fundamental religious viewpoints, just missing the jesus part. dismissal simply to dismiss

I Maybe I am missing it, I wish this site had a block feature I would not only like to deny ignorance, but deny stupidity as well.
edit on 25-5-2011 by TheLogicalist because: (no reason given)

The site does have a block feature...its called navigating away from it...that way you can block anything you don't want to see...just don't come here.

pretty simple, aye?

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 02:23 PM

Originally posted by FlySolo

Originally posted by TheLogicalist

This is some erotic fantasy but some mentally unstable person. Nothing more.

To ascertain he is mentally unstable based on your opinion, does not make him mentally unstable. How is that science?

Slow down please, troll at work. If this story cannot be substantiated which it clearly has not been, it IS fiction until proved otherwise.

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 02:26 PM

Originally posted by SaturnFX

Originally posted by TheLogicalist

Originally posted by SaturnFX

Originally posted by TheLogicalist
Another claim that makes ufology look like bull#.

another minimal post that makes skeptics look like idiots.

ok your the one that think a guy is that someone was having sexual encounters with aliens...
or as you call them.
"a group of super hot alien babes"

No, I am the guy whom put forward a report of forced breeding with evidence.
I put this forward because I am interested in the evidence, the claim, etc. I don't believe I said I think its true, so putting words in my mouth is sort of misleading.

And these "super hot alien babes":

"They were naked and on his bed. He woke up, they didn't talk much, one of them grabbed him by the back of his head and smooshed his face into her breast."

rightttttttt.......and you are calling people idiots?

No, I called nobody an idiot...I said minimalist postings of simple refusal to even contemplate the evidence makes skeptics look like idiots

This is some erotic fantasy but some mentally unstable person. Nothing more.

because the erotic fantasy has evidence to go along with it.
unless anne rice can produce a vampire tooth and pass a federally trained polygraphers test, then its a bit more than a erotic fantasy...and the way he is describing it, it wasn't as erotic as we would think
First off, his wife didn't see it as a great encounter, and the fact that he sort of likes his wife means he probably wasn't fully on board either...
especially when the full story is of him getting incisions in his head, missing time, etc...however, I digress, its not about the other stuff, its about the evidence presented.

I'm not a skeptic on the whole ufology/aliens being real but I'm am a skeptic on BULL# like this...

Pity your not a skeptic on the whole ufology/aliens being real thing...I am. I want to see evidence, else I dismiss it as just a unsubstantiated claim
I call people whom dismiss evidence because it sounds too weird to be true as that.
I am not saying what is said is truth, I am, this is evidence of something interesting...lets look
you are in the corner turning red faced because you don't want to even have a reasonable view on it due to you not liking the motivations
aka, you cannot see the content because you have issues with the context
your views are fundamental religious viewpoints, just missing the jesus part. dismissal simply to dismiss

I Maybe I am missing it, I wish this site had a block feature I would not only like to deny ignorance, but deny stupidity as well.
edit on 25-5-2011 by TheLogicalist because: (no reason given)

The site does have a block feature...its called navigating away from it...that way you can block anything you don't want to see...just don't come here.

pretty simple, aye?

"I saw a flying saucer" "I had a lie detector test done, honest, ask my buddy here...uh..excuse me, I mean ask this lie detector expert right here next to me"

Yep, that sounds like good ol' credible "evidence" to me.

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 02:26 PM
I want to read some more stuff about this.
I want to read about isolated races of people.
Where would the most isolated races of people be?
This is very interesting.

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 02:26 PM
reply to post by SaturnFX

One thing that may account for his reaction is that he may have been raised differently than most Americans. He was born in Lebanon. He may had been raised to consider women like "property". Think along a devout Muslims way, strange women are not to be in your home naked. He was not married to, or offered these women, they just appeared.

I am in no way religious but, please do not bash Muslims regarding this in any way as I do not condone that. I'm just offering a possible reason for his reaction.

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 02:27 PM
I watched the video and ignored the 14 pages of discussion. Sorry. But a room full of tall, blonde, hot women. naked. With no cloths. And you bite them? He said they discussed that this wasn't right. I'll just bet. They said, oh, we thought we found a man to have fun with, this one seems to be something different. Sad. Just plain sad.

And this poor guy has to go through life telling the story this way.

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 02:28 PM
reply to post by MasterOfSparkz

I wasn't talking to you FOO. But go ahead and lurk and respond to my posts if it makes you feel better. However, I would be inclined to call you mentally unstable based on your online posting motive operandi.

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 02:30 PM
reply to post by 2012DragonSlayer

why does she look a lot like the beings from Avatar!!?

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 02:31 PM
I can't view the video/youtube from where I am right now, but can't wait to see. However, I've read many of the replies and can only wish this were true! It would go viral on YouTube if anyone captured such an instance. Of course, it could easily be hoaxed, to be sure. I mean, the next time you go to a UFO conference and see a really REALLY attractive Nordic-looking blonde woman, a person could ask her to help him hoax such a video into existence, having fun all the way (no pun intended).

So, even if video "proof" were provided, it could easily have been hoaxed. Then again, who is to say whether or not that hot Nordic girl at the UFO conference would not be an alien herself?

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 02:34 PM
14 pages in and I have not read all pages.
Is this not a TRUE event? Is it a proven hoax or joke? If so, will someone please point me to the post that shows this.

Thank you.

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