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It's official, GOD was a space alien, and NOT our real creator

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posted on May, 15 2011 @ 10:00 PM

Originally posted by TraptInTheSystem
Where's your evidence. It's a pretty bold statement you made. I really could care less, but don't tout that as a fact by saying other people should show evidence of there being a god.

Well my evidence is not the lack of evidence if your saying that. It's mass things all pointing in that same direction.

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 10:02 PM
To me this idea god being an alien is not really shocking. Where i disagree is that aliens are here to harm of and they are evil. If they are truly more intelligent than us why would they be evil. Why would humanistic duality even apply to beings that can use technology that can access speed of light. the way i see is if you get into the whole Holographic universe thing than it benefits aliens to crate beings that are consciousness. THerefore they could feed of our energy. Like the matrix i guess

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 10:04 PM

Originally posted by GodIsPissed
There are over a million different types of species living in a million different types of climates(including no sun)right here on earth but....only humans exist!..yeahh..okay!

If we exist,then why not aliens?And if aliens exist,then why not God?

What if aliens aren't aliens..but demons or Gods?Where do the myths come from?Wayyyy back that's where..were they trying to sell dvds wayy back then?What reason to lie?Back then such talk could get you killed..not rich!

How were humans created?I don't believe our bodies and minds of intelligent designs just happened by accident!If you believe that then you are a fool!Look at how technical the human brain is.It's a computer for crying out-loud.We are like robots made of flesh and blood.

Maybe we were put here by aliens to take care of the planet?

But where did those aliens come from?Something had to create it all,things just don't appear!Can that be said for God?I don't think so.God has always been.And if you believe in God then you more than likely believe in Satan!

Satan represents everything that is evil!God doesn't let bad things happen to good people..Satan does.Satan is the reason for every bad action and God is the reason for the good actions!Ever have really good days where everything just seem to go perfect,and you just felt like being nice to everybody?It's a sign!

Ever be somewhere at the right moment where a friend needed you?Isn't that proof?

Isn't life..proof of God? God does work in mysterious ways and you'll see it if you pay attention!

Does anyone else notice the rise of Devil worshipers?All the sex and violence Devil worshiping being force fed to human society through the boobtube is proof of the Devil if you ask me!

Its funny you say that because in fact, at times where god referrs to Satan and evil , they are other aliens. You have to understand that he wanted us to be dedicated to his control. It's truly the work of a controller. You see its not so much an issue if they are good or bad, its an issue of them taking over control of us.

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 10:08 PM
reply to post by majormojo500

are we illiterate? have trouble focusing? i read it just fine, critizer

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 10:09 PM

Originally posted by DragonriderGal

Originally posted by itsthetooth
Very interesting, and I almost believe most of it. It least in the idea that it's possible. I have learned in my age you have to be open to understand without prejudice. When I was younger I wasn't like that. In your case I might of said to myself, I don't understand it therefore it cant be true. I learned the hard way that often times people are right on track and its at least worth a little effort to try to see other views. Frankly the whole idea of spirit in ghost realm scares the hell out of me trying to understand it. Spirit in the telepathic sense is easy to understand but also scary. I like your views, and I have nothing that says Greys didn't create us. It is an open possibility. Of course there questions, like why, and why put us on earth, and what did they get out of it. My only concern is the blue laminate. You are also saying they have somehow managed to figure out how to copy that master element that is so dear. Keep in mind that copying DNA again DOES NOT make you a creator, but a mad scientist. If they programmed that DNA manually then why do we also have 2nd hand lab alterations as well? Something is amiss here. As a joke, I like to tell hardcore religious folk that don't accept the facts of the DNA that what must have happened is GOD created us but at the last minute while dumping us off here on earth, he realized some changes needed to be made but didn't have his MASTER GOD DNA equipment readilly available so had to use his ACME pocket DNA kit which does not result in genuine appearance. They grays do have unfair abilities, by no means do I think they are the master creators of everything as a result. Your example of them having to alter us because of mind conflicts, is a contradiction in design. It's like saying they made us, just not originally how they wanted to. I guess there could be reasons, like they copied us from another race, again, making them not the creator. I find it very easy to find ways to dismiss things that most likely aren't the genuine creator. And it's not hard to do, because there would be not a single way to disprove the real thing.

edit on 15-5-2011 by itsthetooth because: syntax

I think this response was meant for me... it would be helpful if you used the 'reply to' button, eh?

To be clear, the greys are just beings like us and the rest of the aliens. They aren't the 'creator'. So they did indeed keep adjusting us genetically as they realized what they needed. With their hive mind, they don't think ahead very well. But their 'specialty' to work with energy is on the micro level, which allows them to manipulate things like DNA and other 'growth' focused things quite effectively. They don't have 'unfair' abilities at all though. That is just what they do, working with energy. Most of the aliens don't use hard technology like we do, because they can work with raw energy directly with their minds, as we should be able to, but the greys blocked us.

And the NWO bunch (their current face) aka the Illuminati aka the ex-high priests of Isreal and originally the alien species, the Jue-sah, (mispronounced by us as Jews to whom the greys promised ownership of humanity to as part of the payment for 'managing' us for them back near the beginning of our sentience) have been doing their best to reinforce that lack of awareness of what remains of our natural abilities as well as prevent us from using them.

That is what witch hunts were actually about. It justified a way for them to get rid of humans that were breaking thru the grey created muffling. Then they've been continuously propagandizing the subject and pounding into our heads that anything we sense coming from the right brain is just our imaginations, instead of letting us be aware that our connection to the racial unconscious is also in the right brain. That connection is the source of our 'hunches' and 'instincts' and provides completely valid information albeit it often is 'encoded' in symbolism and such.

And the greys didn't put us here on earth.. they found us here. They were here helping the E-l*th (mispronounced by us as Elves) make this the beautiful world it is by modifying the flora and fauna that is from both here and from the elven home world as well as a few other planets. So they knew about us, down there in northern africa and when they decided to try to solve this 'extinction' problem, we were a handy semi-sentient species to use. The elves didn't mind. The environment in that area of the world wasn't something they enjoyed, so they figured a harmless little experiment by the greys wouldn't be any problem.

The 'why us humans' is because they still wanted their little grey spirits back in bodies that they could put to work until they got the whole 'not wanting to reincarnate' thing figured out. A spirit, clinging to the side of the 'bliss' state, was worthless, in their opinion. So putting their grey spirits in human bodies kept those spirits off the side of the 'bliss' state and still able to work.

But what I see as to the 'creator'? I see that there is an overarching sentience of the universe that did orchestrate all the processes by which life is formed--by which, we, the human race in particular was formed... That sentience was the source of the 'big bang' as it pushed into this previously non-existent universe and started the ball rolling.. I think it works best on the 'create galaxies' level. The fine details of the solar systems and worlds are given over to smaller parts of itself (it is actually a coalition of assorted spirits that's coalesced into a single sentience) that are came over from the old universe in the big bang.

And of course, as the various species became sentient, they developed their own overarching sentience of their racial unconsciouses. That is the level that the universal consciousness communicates on.. it deals with the racial unconscious of each species who then act to meet it's goals. Trying to 'talk' with a single human would be the equivalent of us trying to talk to something on the subatomic level. Possible perhaps but very difficult and better and more easily done by the overarching sentience of that particular species.

edit on 15-5-2011 by DragonriderGal because: clarity

Where did you learn so much on the grays ???? Whats weird is I always assumed they never thought ahead too. Probably because they keep coming back to us. Dumb dumbs.

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 10:12 PM
Chances of there being malevolent aliens that just probe people for no reason makes no sense to me. If they want something, they can easily get it without 'probing'. I'm sure interstellar species can travel and use nanotechnology to find these things. If anything common sense stands against what most of the people claim.

There is no reason for an alien entity that isn't a computer with malicious intent to do what it did.
If aliens are evil, they'd have enslaved us a long time ago. I'm sure a malevolent race could eradicate us all in seconds if they wanted to. If they want slaves, they'd just come down and give us the choice of death or slavery. Why would they even do that when they can make efficient machines that even us mere earthlings can make?

The only possible way a creator could be malevolent is if it's some entity that:

a) Lives forever (since seeding life over almost 10+ centuries or more means the organism must have some way to live forever/long)

b) Has somehow not conquered evil, which I believe is impossible if you're going to be an interstellar race... as look at how close were going to extinction due to our own evil

c) The notion of God would have to go beyond this physical realm, or even before time. Questions like "what was before us? Then before the supposed big bang? Before that? Before time...etc
The universe had to come from somewhere; and just brooding on that idea makes me question how the universe even exists in the first place-- my mind is blown.

Food for thought, tell me what you think OP. Very huge post, nice read regardless.

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 10:12 PM

Originally posted by DragonriderGal

Originally posted by itsthetooth
I have removed myself from the current beliefs of sin, and going to hell. I'm sorry but it all looks like gods plan to control us. Honestly, ask yourself, why would our creator be trying to control us? Because it's not easy for him? Or is it because he made us with flaws? Are you questioning his abilities? God and the creator are not one in the same to me. God was someone that tried to convince us (or we possibly misunderstood) that he was our creator. There are a plethora of things that make it so.

And that bunch, the Jue-sah, are the ones who wrote all of the religious crap of the world, in their on-going efforts to control and enslave us. Buying out of it is the smartest and most enlightened thing anybody can do.

Nothing like the unanswerable fear of what happens to us when we die to hook us humans and make us do their bidding, phrased as it is in " DO AS WE SAY (because we know GOD better than you) OR YOU WILL GO TO HELL..." or 'reincarnate as a bug' or fill in your favorite spiritual 'punishment' as desired. That bunch has been here since the beginning of our sentience, manipulating and controlling us as per the grey's request, but taken waaaaaaay too far beyond that. And we are all so afraid and uncertain, being cut off from our past life memories as we are, that we will believe them with only the slightest amount of 'truth' sprinkled into their mix of lies.

They've actually been planning for when they become our owners. All of the 'love is the only way' crap is their foremost tool for disarming and defanging/declawing us. They've done everything in their power to make us feel guilty and ashamed if we feel angry. No, you must learn to turn the other cheek... uh huh. What abusive dictator wouldn't love a population so weak and unwilling to lift a hand in it's own defense. The Jue-sah aren't rocket scientists for sure, but with a couple hundred thousand years of dealing with us humans under their belt, they've gotten a lot better at controlling us.

All the bad stuff you say 'god' is doing.. or the 'god' plan? It's all the Jue-sah's plan for enslaving humanity. We are the only species with less ability to work with energy than them, and they see that as proof they should own and control us, added to the fact that the greys were supposed to 'give' us humans to them. The greys, needless to say, still haven't gotten that whole going extinct thing figured out, so the Jue-sah have just decided to take us anyway.

They also know, once we start being able to make full enlightenment and can shift into our spirit/light bodies, we'll be able to unmuffle and reconnect to our natural abilities to work with energy. And with the assorted alien DNA we have in us, we may very well end up every bit as powerful or more so than the Elves and dragons, the two most powerful energy working species in this area of space (including a couple of next door galaxies).

edit on 15-5-2011 by DragonriderGal because: Spelling

I'm not understanding,,,, is it because jews were chosen first, or it just happened that way, how did you get that and does it have anything to do with jesus being a jew?

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 10:14 PM
I feel Jesus in my heart

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 10:14 PM

Originally posted by NightGypsy
reply to post by googolplex

Have you spoke with these Aliens, and they told you they are really God.

What if he told you that he had? Would that be enough to convince you?

I doubt it.

The OP's research, much like Zecharia Sitchin's, draws some conclusions that make more sense than evolution or the traditional interpretations of The Bible. These ideas are hard for many to grasp or accept because they are such a departure from what we've been taught throughout our lives. We are a hopelessly brainwashed species. Until we allow ourselves to break away from these belief systems we've been indoctrinated with, we have no chance of learning the truth about our origins.

Pay the man !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I like you.

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 10:24 PM
OP, I would like to recommend a book that may be of interest to you. I just finished it. It's called "Divine Encounters" by Zecharia Sitchin. Sitchin basically explains the lost "time" in the bible. He also compares the bible to the sumarian tablets. Very interesting book.

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 10:24 PM

Originally posted by metalpr
I feel Jesus in my heart

Perhaps you should see a doctor about this I would think something like that could lead to sever cardiac arrest.

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 10:30 PM
reply to post by itsthetooth

I see someone else has been watching Ancient Aliens
. Ok, so even if aliens created us- does that exclude the possibility of the existence of God?

Who created the aliens? Other aliens? Who created the other aliens?

I think you see where I'm going with this - you're still emphasising conscious design and creation. Eventually, using your argument/logic, this is traced back to a singular conscious creator.. God..

Admittedly I could not bear reading all of your OP.. You would do well to actually present facts/scientific findings or theories, etc. rather than pose irrational questions/statements that you believe to be rational.

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 10:30 PM

Originally posted by DragonriderGal
reply to post by MACchine

Uh.. no, the bible is a bunch of stories strung together by the Jue-sah with the control and manipulation of humanity in mind. Period.

And yes, the aliens are here, and the E-l*th (aka elves) were here long before us, starting around the end of the dinosaur era, since they were the ones to direct the asteroid into the earth to killed the dinos off. They wanted the planet for one of their vacation worlds, and big reptiles are too dangerous to have around---especially the T-rex type. The E-l*th use a lot of illusions in their defense and the reptilian brain isn't vulnerable to that kind of manipulation, lacking the more advanced sections found in a mammal brain. (Part of why the dragons and elves so don't get along.)

And no, the alien races rarely if ever used ships. They would travel the energy pathways of which the stargates are a part. A trip from their home world was a couple days casual stroll for them, versus a multi-million year star ship journey. Nobody used ships in those days, but with the energy pathways ripped out as Atlantis went down, any travel to here has had to be in ships, although they do come from the closest energy portal, so it is only a couple hundred thousand years worth of travel. And I can see that the energy pathways are being restored by the E-l*th even as we speak. I see one is fully functional again and two more are coming on line soon. That's how the elves are coming back to kick the Jue-sah's butts off this planet.

Huh, you say this and then you go off into a tirade about how a certain alien race is here, etc, etc and state that as blatant fact? I'm not trying to be rude here, but you don't have-any-evidence of this claim. At all. Maybe antecedence evidence.

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 10:33 PM

Originally posted by FreedomCommander
reply to post by itsthetooth

Your reasoning stands firm, however my belief that God is my Heavenly Father does not waver. I do believe that he's there but not to hurt or make afraid. If you have the chance, you might want to turn to another book, "The Book Of Mormon." The bible has been translated a lot of times, this one, only once.

No need, I'm well versed in it as I actually have family that happens to be VERY high up in that church. It saddens me to share these things with faith believers because I know the last thing anyone wants to hear is that what they believe in is wrong. The last thing they want to hear is that they possibly wont be going to heaven and have wasted their efforts, or that God cant hear their prayers which is a conclusive fact on bible info alone. No one wants to hear these things and I certainly don't like to be the barer of bad news, but at the risk of presenting the truth I feel compelled. You only maintain your belief because you think you will be sad and empty. To a degree you are right. You also might be afraid of what happens or doesn't in the end. The idea of us being tricked in the beginning doesn't sit well with me, its my pet pieve. If it makes you feel better, I believe there must be a creator. It's hard to fathom creation without one. I would rather believe its Trevor the celestial squid in the sky, than god that screwed us over. We all have our own gods. If it makes you happy, keep him. I myself choose not to have imaginary friends and want to stick closer to substance.

True, you might say that God killed these people for doing this and that, that was only for the greater good, and true he made mistakes that he will never do again.

I'm sorry, my idea of a creator, would not make those type of mistakes which actually goes against the very grain of his title.

The Tower of Babel incident had another factor that played in it. It's in the Book of Mormon. The brother of Jared saw the finger of God and soon the body of god. To me that is no illusion because I believe that God doesn't play sick jokes.

And I'm sure it happened. There is no problem here. It's not about his existence, its about what he stood for.

As well, haven't you thought that maybe another entity wanted to keep us dumb down? God isn't a bad guy as you stated. Lucifer, now that is our fallen bad brother. He wants us dumb down and not to know there is life out there. Because if we contacted them, made relations, then God (the Good father) has more to add in the ranks of righteousness and glory. Lucifer wants us in his grip. Now tell me who's the mad scientist now?

I hear the dueling of banjos. Why would our creator create someone as powerful as him, so he couldn't controll him? Your questioning his design, I'm sorry there is nothing here. I believe in our design. Lucifer was another race that didn't stand for the same things that god was doing to us. Not that he was in our best interest. Your using choices to prove creation. Choices don't create good and bad, its much deeper.

God only provides opportunities, he doesn't crush them or plays mad scientist. Remember the Bible has been translated over the course of time, and over that course, Satan/Lucifer tried to get his name out of that book.

Oh, I didn't know this.

Now if you have read the entire bible, which includes the book of Enoch, then you might except that the Book of Mormon is true. Because All I read out of this book is that God withdrew his spirit and didn't do anything to provoke anyone else. Now God, once again, provides opportunities to get t.back on the path of the straight and narrow. He wants the best for us, that is why he's called Heavenly Father.

There are other planets in the Heavens you know. and I know for a fact the definition of father is out of context in the bible. Not to mention I think deciet was on gods mind.

You talk about Powers such as Telepathy, and mind probing, and how we don't have it. Has the game "Bioshock" taught anyone anything? Power corrupts, power absolute corrupts absolutely. And the power they found has slaughtered and killed millions of people. Soon it tore out the persons spirit and replace it with something thinking to kill anything. God locked it so we can learn it, control it, and live to tell the tale. He has provided ways for it. You don't need to be born with it, those that are born with it are just saying they got a head start.

Well then cut your tongue, and chop off your nose, and cut off your ears, and sew up your mouth, poke your eyes out, and you will be the purest person alive.

And you forgot something else. We haven't "heard" about any space exploration missions that were conducted by actual humans. But I have though this site, which lead me to a Project Mannequin and underground bases. Satan has his armies in place, right under your feet. But God has his armies in place as well but they won't show themselves unless we want to see them and put to effort to see them. They are pros, they can hide in plain site, and many other things. But as for Satan armies, they are only good at destruction and killing. And there are bases on the Moon as well as Mars, along with other undocumented bases on other planets.


Now you tell me, if this was really God and you say how mean he is, then why would he let this site stay up and reveal documents that Lucifer/Satan don't want anyone to see? Who's the good guys?

I guess I never stated, I think the guy that played god has been dead for quite some time. If your referring to our creator, then I think he's to busy making more life and planets, after all that is what he does.

I'm siding with Heavenly Father.
edit on 15-5-2011 by FreedomCommander because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 10:34 PM

Originally posted by arollingstone
reply to post by itsthetooth

I see someone else has been watching Ancient Aliens
. Ok, so even if aliens created us- does that exclude the possibility of the existence of God?

Who created the aliens? Other aliens? Who created the other aliens?

I think you see where I'm going with this - you're still emphasising conscious design and creation. Eventually, using your argument/logic, this is traced back to a singular conscious creator.. God..

Admittedly I could not bear reading all of your OP.. You would do well to actually present facts/scientific findings or theories, etc. rather than pose irrational questions/statements that you believe to be rational.

I also believe in "conscious design". And finding out that I, perhaps was "made" or "put here" by another race would not change my belief in the "divine" as it were. It's funny this thread would come up, because my husband-to-be and I were having a conversation on the whole "ancient astronaut" theory. Interesting stuff to mull over, but what do you (and everyone else) think would be a "solid" piece of evidence if it was ever found? (For this theory)

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 10:36 PM

Originally posted by NightGypsy
reply to post by DragonriderGal

They've done everything in their power to make us feel guilty and ashamed if we feel angry. No, you must learn to turn the other cheek... uh huh. What abusive dictator wouldn't love a population so weak and unwilling to lift a hand in it's own defense.

A good point, DragonriderGal.

This is exactly why mankind has wandered this Earth in a state of confusion and dissolution....not understanding why we have such inner conflict.....

It's because what we've been taught makes no damn sense. Everything that has been shoved down our throats is a complete and total contradiction! It doesn't doesn't have a ring of truth. Only the truth can set us free from this turmoil.

People tell us we shouldn't question why so many horrible things happen in this world. We're not supposed to question God's ways. We're supposed to look at the world as a beautiful place.

The Earth is, indeed, beautiful, but the Earth with the human species populating it is not. This world has much more potential for beauty, but we have made it an ugly place. This world is not beautiful because we are a very confused, despondent species who has a higher intelligence, but who appears to have been manipulated and deceived by an outside force for reasons we have yet to understand.

Correct again. Zacaria sitchin says we were converted into drones / slaves for mining gold for another race. I'm told the time line fits, and there is multiple scripts from several areas to back it up. Real nice huh.

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 10:36 PM

Originally posted by Divine Strake
Well, thank god, I mean er... Zorgon or whomever, that this has finally be revealed. My life will change drastically!

Please tell me your not being sarcastic.

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 10:38 PM

Originally posted by DragonriderGal

Originally posted by FreedomCommander
reply to post by itsthetooth

Your reasoning stands firm, however my belief that God is my Heavenly Father does not waver. I do believe that he's there but not to hurt or make afraid. If you have the chance, you might want to turn to another book, "The Book Of Mormon." The bible has been translated a lot of times, this one, only once.

*snip* (so I don't get another smack on the hand for excessive quoting)

The Jue-sah keep creating or taking over any religious movement. If they see a group of people getting dissatisfied with the old religions, they analyze why and create a new religion they think will get those people hooked again. Mormonism is one of those created tools. The Jue-sah so don't want us really finding our way to the truth about the overarching sentience of humanity, nor about the spirit realm in general.

Like I said... the Jue-sah aren't rocket scientists (I mean they've had around 350,000 years to enslave us and still are failing!) but they've learned a few tricks, especially with the knowledge of what really happens when we die. They can spin and manipulate and keep creating 'religions/spiritual belief systems' that will hook those who aren't buying the old religions anymore but still basing it all, underneath, on our fear of dying.
edit on 15-5-2011 by DragonriderGal because: Spelling

I always thought of different religions as our many attempts in trying to understand. Of course in that desperation, the essence of truth went out the window with it. This is why I'm so passionate in my belief, I think we got screwed, and to many things prove it. All the way down to our DNA.

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 10:41 PM

Originally posted by Damian-007
But, you have no proof that God even exists let alone an Alien. Why is it Official? Because you believe it? Give me a break. There's no proof, none whatsoever and if you're going by the Bible then Harry Potter must exist and is a real Wizard.

Was harry potter meant to be real?

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 10:43 PM

Originally posted by boniknik
Great post! S&F I just wanted to add that the God of the old testament wasn't hiding from humans, he actually interacted with them. There's a common belief in most if not all Abrahamic religions that God is a spirit, but that is not what the old testament Bible says so, they are FLESH AND BLOOD just like us, (he)they eat bread and meat.

Genesis 18 - God ate bread and meat with Abraham under a tree

Genesis 32:24-30 God was defeated in a Wrestling Match with Jacob and was forced to Blessed Him

There are many other parts of the Bible that shows that the God of the Old Testament is just like us, there is nothing "Divine" about him, he is just more technologically advance. Thre are many "Gods" in the old testament Bible and the "Main God" there is not even the "Highest God" as stated in Deuteronomy 32:8-12

Just my 2 cents

I should look at that. BTW, in hiding, I meant his face. Of course there was telepathic interactions, and so forth.

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