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The World I want to See

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posted on May, 8 2011 @ 03:19 PM
It is time for us realize that we need to freely choose, to utilize our free will to bring in the help from the Benevolents both watching over and here on earth. There is far higher state technology on the positive side, than the negative S group, or controllers here, possess, the ones hijacking our world and causing countless suffering, wars, and disasters.

We need to see this, and write it out and post it on the wall.

Here is mine:

I am aware that I have come here from an equal progressed edenistic world and that we are on earth to bring the vision forth of a new transformed earth, to raise it to the heavenly beyond and true equality and abundance, joy, where our innermost thoughts will be understand and no one could ever harm another but only respond with aid, warmth, support and goodness. I don't know if this last journey was from another cosmic world or a higher state yet, but am aware of being a watcher and witness with the task of envisioning a better world. I send much peace, love and joy to everyone in the cosmos, your presence makes my heart sing with happiness,and joy. Thank you for watching over us, and for waking me up. I only hope to be able to help in some way.

I believe that as the wake up was given to me and reports were handed in, that this means that some of us here are dual citizens, and that I am one as well.

I wish to share my vision of a new world, a better, transformed, level 1 civilization on this planet that transcends the current one.

1. That Free Will has Been Violated and Truth Needs To Be Revealed To All People.

That in so much as humanity is living under the auspices of slavery, control, with frequencies, poisons, and controlled media, and under the burden of many stresses, without the time to awaken, or question, too busy striving to provide basic essentials, and by the time some have done this, too conformed to the workplace ethics, to ever see clearly, that this violates free will and makes a prison out of school. That there can be no gatekeepers, that freedom of choice needs to be made in sound mind and body to be even legal by our standards, let alone advanced civilizations. Therefore, that all truth should be revealed, that humanity will begin to remember their encounters and dream and be given more guidance and direct help to overcome this matrix and to be guided, shown, the nature of War and Inequality in this world, and understand what Love is. That free will is an illusion in a world where truth is dismembered with tiny parts scattered and hidden. That it is violation of cosmic law, a universal law to have gatekeepers of knowledge prevent others from entering paradise and not going themselves due to their own lack of Love.

That disclosure of the technology and revealing the truth will be paramount.

2. That The Truth Known In Ancient Writings And Modern Science On Soul And Reincarnation Be Revealed And Only The Best, Most Loving Writings In Religions Preserved With All Retaliation, War, and Violence, Inequality, Removed, and A New Understanding Of Love And Seeing The Two Paths, Love and Its Opposite Have Been Put In All Things And Done By Design By Those Preventing Progression.

Humanity needs to see clearly that this school has been hijacked and that Love does not war, or kill, or demand revenge, it does not control or treat races, genders, and those with handicaps, as if less than equal citizens. Love Serves Others, and Is Patient and Kind, Gentle, and Helpful, Forgiving and Peaceful, and Works For The Improvement Of All Around Them, Not Choosing Only Those Who Are Loving, But Going The Extra Mile For Those Who Have Lost Love. We need a new spiritual truth, of seeing the examples of Love in the most progressed Teachers we have had, Yeshua, Budda, and a new spirituality, of prayer, meditation, developing our psi ability and telepathy, healing, and this should be taught early to all children.

3. An End To Banks and Control/Slavery and Realtors. And end to Control of Natural Heritage Foods and all Drug Laws That Criminalize People. All Laws dismantled, and All Corporate Law disposed of with only Basic Common Laws, that focus on healing and helping those who are in trouble rather than punishing, and freedoms given back to all People. No one should be forced to pay rent for lodgings on their own planet.

We need to see a world where we are free and sovereign beings, without slavery as expectation. A world of Volunteering, not forcing, advanced clean technology and advanced progressed educations where every child is encouraged to dream and try out numerous professions and roles that would be modeled in the schools much like career day and all the booths are here, but with advanced holographic envisioning and trying out different roles, be they medical, teaching, aquaponics, permaculture, hydroponics, engineering, physics, space age, counseling, art, creation, inventing, fine handicrafts, or wonderful food preparation, chefs, that very rarely would someone not volunteer, but that all work be shared, with reduced hours, part time, several times a week with advanced clean technology replacing manual labor and more time for family, friends and hobbies.

That prisons be a thing of the past.
4. Ecovillages and Ecofarms, Permaculture, Self Sufficiency, Wholesome Organic, Fair Trade.

With coconuts and pineapples, oranges, grown on vines in greenhouses world wide, and Proper, caring for nature and the world in an ethical, respectful, compassionate way. Cities that are only clean with natural living spaces, greenery, many trees planted, and permaculture forrests, nature thriving in admidst the cities, with all chemicals being replaced by plants and natural purifiers, and all things chemical and poison free. That only the most ethical and advanced technologies can be used, and all things made from renewable resources, such as hemp and plastics from plants, that would not be produced on farm land but in clean plants in slurries of algae, placed in rocky terrain or unliveable places. That the best land, the most beautiful is for the people.

That rural and ecofarms be the norm, with everyone being accorded beautiful roomy ecohomes using natural and recycling, and whole villages raising the roofs for each other, and helping plant the gardens, and care being given to upkeep in volunteer groups paying attention to the elderly, the young mothers, the handicapped, all treated the same and given the help needed, without overburdening anyone.

That slave labor is not the expectation for the real tests on earth are about relationships and how we treat each other.

That caring for everyones well being and equality, being a gift to others, and in a moneyless edenistic way, going for a shared clean abundance, without scarsity is the norm. Advanced training of all minds and advanced education, with holography and downloads.

Equality, beautiful, strong and both collective and free.

5. No Borders Or Pens

Freedom of movement would be the norm and accomplished in a moneyless system by every area, and region having abundant houses, many caretaked for visitors and those who wished to spend time in a new area would make arrangements and select, and go, and they could decide after a time to stay, and their place would be fixed up and prepared for another.

In addition advanced travel would be the norm and the world, so education could be accomplished in short periods of time, visiting friends, and taking courses could be done anywhere, with quick transportation, even teleporation.

6. Energy Solutions

Energy would be advanced free energy solutions, based on the momentum and spin of the earth, overunity, electro magnetic, in every home and factory, and backups as well in geothermo, solar, tide and wind. Advanced water solutions would apply, desalination as energy would be zero cost but for the volunteering and labor of parts and repair, provided for in the cleanest methods, with the least footprint on the planets, using natural plastics, and advanced science alchemy, holographic technologies and readily grown quartz, crystals, recylcing minerals, and resources.

Whole regions would be repaired and brought back to life with trees and plants being planted in abundance and care taken for the larger and smaller natural plants, ie. Duplicating real forests, so that the climates adapt and change and become beneficial to all life. In short intuitive caretaking without a concern for money, but for balance and beauty.

7. Local Counsels and Counsels Of Citizens

Governance would be down by equal counsels of citizens, half men and half women, called jury duty, and all expected but not forced, there is never forcing anyone, to participate, for a time, and equal counsels watching them and ready to alert and take out any corruption found. Though advanced aware and policing citizens would also have this ability. No control by any group or pyramid system, no monopolies. Ever widening circles until world counsels were formed for Peace and Planetary issues but most things being done on local issues.

8. Health Care

The whole world would have only the best health care remedies and all people would be healed of all their diseases, and most can already be healed, so this would be brought up, in addition aging and sickness would be a thing of the past. Beauty and equality, and health, wellness, dental, and counseling with as many natural methods, and natural heritage seeds, readily available, some currently made illegal, would be available as well. Health would be the right of all citizens.

In addition to health care, the solutions that have been withheld with frequency and technology to eliminate and neutralize all radioctivity and clean up this planet so it is renewed, must be brougth out and used. All positive solutions revealed and made use of. All negative dirty energies and nuclear and fossil fuels eliminated.

9. Intergalactic Potential! We would have many friends and Not Feel Isolated!

In conclusion, this or even more advanced, true ascension progression and graduation for all people, that they would drop the bad behavior with joy, forgive all and themselves and choose to combine all the lessons they've learnt even in the bad guy roles, and with relief and so much happiness at being understood and choosing to understand all others, gladly form into the Family Of Light if time is approaching, or will approach. And that instead of blocking this progression and Growing Up, Ascending Earth To Heaven, the world should be openly working for this with Love.

In so much that this is my written intent and what I wish to see happen, be aware that nothing is limited to level 1 civilizations, but that the highest progression and transformation is expected by me for this world as well, and that all should be realizing true metaphysics, quantum physics, spirituality are all combined and that Love and Goodness must exist for advanced technologies to be beneficial, so we need to work on our awareness, and this focus needs to be incorporated into our living world experience, in natural, intuitive, joyful ways, again not forcing.

I write this but give this to my Higher Self and The Highest Love and Goodness in Existence, my true Family to Guide to Higher Levels of Love and even more positive goals to be realized, so even higher visions for a future can come true. All Love and Equality.

In the case of any wolf in sheeps clothing deal, I chose Family and the Highest Love and Goodness in existence and only ask for those serving this, Love, Equality, Progression to assist us in our hour of need, for we are in crisis, and the radiation needs to be neutralized an the people freed and woken up.

I wish for all groups that hear this to respond and come to our aid now. I request all True Benevolents That Follow The Highest Love and Goodness In Existence To Please help us now.

Yours Sincerely, with much love,
Signed, Unity_99.

edit on 8-5-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 03:26 PM
Thank you brother wish you all well and good love! PEACE!

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 03:31 PM
Once again a very well thought out and put together thread!
This is what we really need! S&F

Peace, love and light,
let u guide by higher i


Oh and btw Anunaki2012: I´ve written you a U2U! C ya
edit on 8-5-2011 by JimIrie because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 03:52 PM
reply to post by JimIrie

Thank you. The time is coming to enable our help to arrive. We have to freely choose, and those who remember or sense what true eden is, are dual citizens, they have been sent in to bring forth this awareness, though many are still waking up.

Some are so afraid of those watching over that they assume they are wolves in sheep's clothing or the false light. That is why I worded my wish so that it would be in the Hands of my True Family to determine and sort that out, for my credo is Love.

We all need to do this, and not just pray or think thoughts of a new world, but write them down, ask for help, and make vision boards, put up pictures of earthship homes and permaculture:

These are earthships recycled junk homes, abundant and spacious, recylcing everything and requiring no heat or cooling, with greenhouses inside.

permaculture Natural and intutitive, modeling nature and forrests, organic and wild, overgrown with intelligence going into the planning, and huge yields, attracting all sorts of beneficial nature.

aquaponics hydroponics with trout farms and fish, producing huge yields.

World Wide Peace, Equality and Abundance.

I suggest you write one up too, and sign your online name. They know who we are.

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 03:56 PM

Originally posted by Anunaki2012
Thank you brother wish you all well and good love! PEACE!

Thank you as well,and wishing you high frequencies, love and peace. I hope you too can share some of your dreams and request true Benevolents to come in now, as its time. We need to post them on our walls, and put up good pics and inspiration now. Tptb have hijacked our free will/co-creation and we need to reclaim them as our own.

Instead of focusing on the world we don't want any longer, and its corruptions, we need to enable the good, and dream abundance for everyone in this world now, without any losses.
edit on 8-5-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 04:03 PM
This is the space for all to share forth the world they wish to see. There are those waiting with the ability to help, and far more technology than the SS controllers here, but we need to envision a better world, for if we wish to be asleep at the wheel and by inaction bring in earth changes, and deliberately orchestrated disasters and fascism, then they respect our right to do so, as this is a school. There is a natural consequence. Jumping off a cliff is not advisable.

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 04:05 PM
Great Thread! You sir should become a Humanitarian to the whole world! S+F for you!

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 04:32 PM
reply to post by TgP3o6

Thank you, wishing you higher frequencies. We need uplift our voices now, and put it into writing even.
Peace & Love, your sister,

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 04:36 PM
this is very well authored and said. are you anyway a real book author?..hank moody??... be real,..i really find what you put here is amazing...

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 04:45 PM
reply to post by jackvern

No, and usually I can't organize, right hemisphere is dominant. But thank you, this basically just wrote itself.

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 05:01 PM
I always come to a thread like this with hope. I hope that I will find some idea that is beneficial AND realistic. Then, like always, I encounter some hippie philosophy that cannot work on earth or with humans.

Lets break it down.

You were ok on the first two points, but then you start talking about, essentially everything being free. The problem with this is that someone has to provide. Until you have machines or a deity that will manifest whatever a person wants, it could never ever happen, because someone would have to do the work, and someone would want more, or want the only one of something and their would be disputes, etc.

No borders. Everyone, even animals need boundries. There is a reason for having them. Lets say you have your little hippie commune, and then big corporate polluter wants to use his free will to come to your land and mine it and dump his waste. You want to have your area to do your thing your way. You want a border.

Everything else is basically a right idea, but the whole thing needs to accept boundaries, laws and follow a conservation of energy where people cannot absorb the products and energies of another endlessly.

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 05:04 PM
reply to post by Wolf321

Anything other than a world where land and resources and everything is free, IS SLAVERY, and slavery is massive crimes against humanity, and I denounce them and renounce and speak out against this every opportunity.

I have known this all my life as have many in my family here.

All planets that use money and forced labor are extemely negative and run by the Gravity side of the universe as their HH groups. The Gravity side is Heavy Guilty Consciousness and most people have religious names for such beings.

My vision and request for help is depicting what a free and positive advanced world looks like, though still relatively caveman in its technology. Anything else is a pryamid system of inequality, slavery and control.
edit on 8-5-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 05:21 PM

Originally posted by Unity_99
Anything other than a world where land and resources and everything is free, IS SLAVERY, and slavery is massive crimes against humanity, and I denounce them and renounce and speak out against this every opportunity.

On Earth, for all life forms, nothing is free. While for humans, money may be the main form of exchange, all life forms play a game of give and take. It isn't slavery, its natural. If a lion wants a meal he uses his abilities and takes the life of another animal. If a human wants a meal, he exchanges currency he received for his time and skills/knowledge. Its all the same really.

Sure, it is unfortunate when a circumstance leaves a life, plant, animal or human without basic necessities or the means to survive. But it happens naturally. An animal may be injured or trapped and die off. A human may not acquire or possess the skills to provide for themselves. No crime, just nature.

All planets that use money and forced labor are extemely negative and run by the Gravity side of the universe as their HH groups.

OK, what is your source of this knowledge of any other planets that use money and forced labor? And what is this Gravity side of the univers and HH groups? I have no clue what I am dealing with here.

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 05:31 PM
reply to post by Wolf321

Its not free because of.........the way the leaders and controllers run it?
Is that natural?
Did natives use money, or did they operate on a resource based economy and traded?
How is Linux run, give and take, contributing, volunteering?

So according to your programming, the world with have's and have nots, reward for slavery and apathy for those who can't perform due to children or health and acceptance of poverty is natural? And even righteous!

The devil or demons, or negatives have that drilled into a lot of people's heads, but its not the Family or Yeshua/Jesus, or how any advanced civilzations in the cosmos live, and I denounce it for the harm it causes real people who deserve equality and abundance, and respect.

I stand by what I wrote.

Peace, Love & Light to you.

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 05:53 PM

Originally posted by Unity_99
Its not free because of.........the way the leaders and controllers run it?
Is that natural?
Did natives use money, or did they operate on a resource based economy and traded?

It's all the same. It doesn't matter if you trade a banana for a potato or a dollar for a 10 minutes of phone time. It is all a natural process.

The more powerful always control things. A weed that is more aggressive can wipe out a field of berries. A stronger bear can evict a weaker one from a den. Same for humans.

So according to your programming, the world with have's and have nots, reward for slavery and apathy for those who can't perform due to children or health and acceptance of poverty is natural?

Yes. In nature there are always haves and have-nots. Humans do have a greater chance to transcend to ensure basic needs are available.

The devil or demons, or negatives have that drilled into a lot of people's heads, but its not the Family or Yeshua/Jesus, or how any advanced civilzations in the cosmos live, and I denounce it for the harm it causes real people who deserve equality and abundance, and respect.

What advanced civilizations in the cosmos?? Let's talk facts and reality. Not theory and make believe. I believe life exists elsewhere, but cannot prove it so I don't make any arguments outside of the theoretical, and nor should you.

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 06:08 PM
reply to post by Wolf321

No it isn't. With money, you have poor. When there is no money but equality, and no forcing, but all things shared anyway for everyone, yet everyone trained from school age to contribute as they can and try on many exciting professions ,you have an equal world where even the handicapped live in abundance, where all that is belongs to all just like the Family outside this cosmic school, who are waiting for us to progress and chose love and equality like this, and just like advanced civilization. One still has abuse of humans and slavery and harm, inequality, social darwinism, which is evil, and the other is EDEN. Unless the pyramid is turned upside down, we don't progress.

I've known this all my life inside.
edit on 8-5-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 08:43 PM
reply to post by Wolf321

I understand where you are coming from, It is the very basic laws of nature that have been ground into our brains ever since childhood. The simplistic views that there is no other way. There is always another way. While it may sound fanciful and illogical to you, that does not mean that it cannot exist. Was it not thought that the earth was flat not so long ago? All that were skeptical or believed something different were punished and ridiculed. So why not open your mind to the possibilities that there is another way for mankind to coexist? Do not deny all things that are presented but instead study them, imagine the possibilities.

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 08:51 PM
Great post! Thanks for taking the time to prepare this post, it basically sums up how I wish the world could be. I don't see how anyone could possibly disagree with any of your points.

edit on 8-5-2011 by lifeissacred because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 09:32 PM

Originally posted by princeguy
reply to post by Wolf321

I understand where you are coming from, It is the very basic laws of nature that have been ground into our brains ever since childhood. The simplistic views that there is no other way. There is always another way. While it may sound fanciful and illogical to you, that does not mean that it cannot exist. Was it not thought that the earth was flat not so long ago? All that were skeptical or believed something different were punished and ridiculed. So why not open your mind to the possibilities that there is another way for mankind to coexist? Do not deny all things that are presented but instead study them, imagine the possibilities.

It is illogical and cannot exist as humanity is.

I love the idea of it all. Its one of the warm fuzzy aspects of science fiction I loved about Star Trek. In Star Trek though, there was some degree of realism, in that they had replicators to provide any item a person could want or need, be it food or a guitar. In that situation, the desire for non-need goods becomes so small because it is readily available, allowing man to pursue individual achievement thus benefiting mankind.

Technology, very advanced technology, is the only thing that could make this idea a possibility. The chance of humanity getting to that level of technology though, looks grim. [I]Perhaps if an ET came down and would give us the tech to replicate anything we need, provide limitless clean free energy and cure any disease, then we can consider the spirit of humanity evolving and improving.

People thinking the world was flat and realizing it was round is not a change in reality, but perception. The reality of humanity is there are too many who would simply want to live off of a system as conceived, parasites living off of a host until it dies. I don't think the bad things about the character of humans are learned. I think these issues are ingrained into humanity. There maybe those who can transcend their inherit human character and be completely altruistic, but this is a rare exception, and not a growing phenomenon. Humanity will literally have to evolve beyond its current character for anything mentioned here to be possible.
edit on 8-5-2011 by Wolf321 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 01:02 AM
Wow, what an amazing document! It's good that you laid it out in such a clear manner, Unity99. Over 90 per cent of your vision could be accomplished with commercially available technology. Looking at what you've written, it seems very feasible to me. I'd definitely like to live in a world like this and I hope we all see it.

It's time that we stop the bickering and fighting. 95 per cent of us are tired of the endless wars of the military industrial complex. I want all groups, energies and entities that are trying to stop Unity99's vision coming into our reality, to be neutralized, contained, disarmed and arrested with immediate effect. I'd like to see total protection for all those trying to bring this encompssing, great vision into being.

Furthermore, I'd love to see this vision extend to ALL parts of the Earth, whether visible or hidden, secret or open. Thanks to anyone or anything that can help.



This is great:

In the case of any wolf in sheeps clothing deal, I chose Family and the Highest Love and Goodness in existence and only ask for those serving this, Love, Equality, Progression to assist us in our hour of need, for we are in crisis, and the radiation needs to be neutralized an the people freed and woken up. 

I wish for all groups that hear this to respond and come to our aid now. I request all True Benevolents That Follow The Highest Love and Goodness In Existence To Please help us now. 

Yours Sincerely, with much love, 
Signed, Unity_99. 


HiAliens, Bali

edit on 15f20111amMon, 09 May 2011 02:00:38 -050038 by HiAliens because: (no reason given)

edit on 15f20111amMon, 09 May 2011 02:09:06 -050006 by HiAliens because: (no reason given)

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