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14 Signs That The Collapse Of Our Modern World Has Already Begun.

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posted on May, 6 2011 @ 11:39 AM
It should be common knowledge "that which goes up, must come down." Such is our life and everything in it.

Nothing can sustain itself forever. Throughout history we have seen this, empires crumble, great minds come and go, great structures are erected, fall into ruin, and eventually are gone without a trace.

It is folly to think that we are any different. As a people, a society, a civilization, we too will have our day of reckoning, a sort of "spring cleaning" if you will. The trick is to somehow make sure you're on the upswing and never see the day it all comes crashing down.

For those of us who are about to witness an epic collapse, as Nero played his fiddle while Rome burned, I have prepared and will accept my fate. I will take great pleasure in sitting with my lady, my drink, my smoke, and my guns, and watch you all run around like chickens with your heads cut off.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 11:43 AM

Originally posted by Perplexity
I live in Texas, last week it rained for like 3 days straight... some drought we're in here.

Fear mongering, nothing else to see here, move on.

The truth is "hate speech" only to those who have something to hide. -- Michael Rivero

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 11:44 AM
interesting article to say the least....

funny enough...watched the remake of "the day the earth stood still" for the first time starring keanu reeves last night....i'm starting to side with the aliens initial decision.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 11:47 AM

Originally posted by RUSSO

Originally posted by amaster
reply to post by RUSSO

Yea, I realise that, but as No. 11 states, they are not likely to survive the collapse. Nor are they likely to resist it. But once all is said and done, when those of us who are left, what are we to expect? I feel the world around us will be in such ruin, survival will be our only instinct, and all will know that TPTB are to blame. No one will willingly follow them.

but the damage will already be done. PTB will be safe unfortunately.
edit on 6-5-2011 by RUSSO because: (no reason given)

Rigth, the damage will have already been done. TPTB will have nothing left. They've poisioned the earth; the fish, the livestock, the crops, are all gone. What will they eat? The only thing money will be good for is toilet paper since they have destroyed the economy and the working class industrialist. Who's going to make anything for them?

They will be in for quite a shock when they come out of their safe little bunkers only to realise that there is no one there to take care of them.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 11:50 AM
As George Carlin said, the world isnt going anywhere, we are the ones that are leaving. And even that is in doubt. Humans survived the Toba eruption, an ice age, countless plagues climate change, etc. And we are still here. Doubtless a large chunk of humanity is going to perish due to the things outlined, but there will be survivors. That is assuming our environment doesnt change so radically as to make human life impossible. We have to remember, on the scale of the earth, everything happens on a grander timescale. We may be experiencing the end of the world, but that end may take a couple of centuries. My gut instinct says if we survived the last glaciation, some of us, albiet a small group, will survive. One has to wonder if they will remember us, or will we become a lost civilization, and in 7000 years we will be right back to where we are now, with our decendents having no memory of our current world. And has this already happened before? If you have ever seen the series "Life after people", you realize how quickly all traces of us would disappear if our civilization collapsed.
edit on 6-5-2011 by openminded2011 because: Bad punctuation

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 11:54 AM
It's funny how the article says "And it doesn't mean the end of the world."

Yet you took the liberty of phrasing the title of this thread "Signs That The Collapse Of Our Modern World Has Already Begun".

But I suppose the use of charged, propogandaish statements is alright as long as your talking about something positive..

But anyway, I foresee an evolutionary event that will trim the excess and make room for positive entities that will serve life instead of taking from it. It's more of like a second enlightenment period though instead of an apocalypse.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 12:11 PM

Originally posted by NearPerfect
It's funny how the article says "And it doesn't mean the end of the world."

Yet you took the liberty of phrasing the title of this thread "Signs That The Collapse Of Our Modern World Has Already Begun".

But I suppose the use of charged, propogandaish statements is alright as long as your talking about something positive..

But anyway, I foresee an evolutionary event that will trim the excess and make room for positive entities that will serve life instead of taking from it. It's more of like a second enlightenment period though instead of an apocalypse.

Doesn't mean the end of the world at all. It means the end o the "world" we know. the end of the CIVILIZATION we are. Like the Roman Empire, Persian Empire, India, and China, were well established 2000 years ago and what happened to then? Decline, new paradigm to the world, a new society(This is a key word). Read the article again and you will see it. The article is not talking about apocalypse.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 12:20 PM
The one wild card is: Will any of these things or any combination of these things trigger a nuclear war? A full blown exchange would in all likelyhood wipe out 99 percent of us.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 12:40 PM

Originally posted by subtopia


Until we stop blaming and start taking responsibility it will not change. You will not change. They will not change and we will not change.

I once stated "we really don't need to change what THEY are doing, what we need to change is what WE are doing". Depending on level of indoctrination I supposse implications of my statement are unclear, but it's true.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 12:41 PM
reply to post by openminded2011

I'd say a full blown nuclear war of the scale were possible would set us back a billion years or so, it could effectively eradicate all surface life as we know it, and ruin most of the sea life.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 12:41 PM
My insights by the numbers

#1: Thats all what Global warming is about, more warmth=more energy. Wild weather will be a fact of life till we get our act together. But GW is all made up so never mind.

#2: Bees, Butterflys etc. etc., mankind has been causing an extinction event for some time. Lets dial up the spirits of the carrier pidgeons and talk about the "end of the modern world".

#3: Science was the problem? thats a bit unfair. I would blame engineers before I would blame scientists and corporate money grubbers looking to cut corners before I would blame science.

#4: Hmm, I see just as many people saying wikileaks is a hero.

#5: Parents always know best? I won't get into that one.

#6: Price of gas has more to do with the problem.

#7: I will remember this the next time they post their record profits.

#8: Lets end the evil GMO food because we all know before that all of our food was in its natural state, untouched by human intervention

#9: Can I tell my neighbor to stop giving me tomatoes now?

#10: Can it be counterfeiting is its printed by the people who are supposed to print it? no.

#11: Speak for yourself, not everyone else.

#12: Does that mean the pieces about the kitties and puppies is utter fabrication too?

#13: If only we could stop people from getting sick! darn it!

#14: Because radiation is not bombarding the planet all day long.

The end is always coming.

Tomorrow, until we get to tomorrow and then its the day after.

At any point in Human history someone could make a list like this and says the end is coming!

In the middle ages...

#9: Widespread use of leeches! eww

#10: Witches!

Cave men

#7: Neandethals are everywhere and taking our women!

#8: Fire, it makes smoke and attracts bugs!

#9: More fire! meat was meant to be eaten raw! all that cooking has been shown to be bad for you!

on and on and on and on
edit on 6-5-2011 by Helmkat because: will is not wild

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 12:50 PM
reply to post by Helmkat

You are just denying everything in the article. I hope at least you have had some fun with this trolling behavior.

It is no use trying to cover the sun with a sieve. You still will end up burning your eyes.

All the things you wrote are just silly.

edit on 6-5-2011 by RUSSO because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 12:59 PM
I read this article some time back actually. While I really don't like some of Mike Adam's "journalism" I did like this article quite a bit. Interesting, know the rest. I can't help but feel, part of me anyhow, that the title of this article is a ploy to get more page views/clicks. I know all the things in the article are very, very important..I wouldn't debate that, of course.

Just, you know, for all the negative things going on, there are good things happenin' also. I swear one of these days I am going to make a list like this but of all the good things/people/events/etc going on in the world. All hope is not lost.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 01:00 PM

Originally posted by stygmartyrZA
I feel like crying..

Why are they doing this to the people of this earth?

I think the answer lies in the definition of they, and the lack of humanity they possess,
and by lack of humanity, the possibility is that they are not human at all.

A more apt question would be "Why are we doing this to ourselves?" There is no "they" out there outside of a few corporations like Monsanto. "We" are the ones buying their products without asking the right questions first. We are the ones listening to the BS put out by big Pharma and the doctors they control.

It is our fault and we need to take that responsibility and stop following willingly on that leash. It is long past time to become disobedient free thinkers, and act accordingly.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 01:13 PM
reply to post by WhiteDevil013

You are true stoic. BTW stoicism is the final philosophical stage of antiquity. We are, where we are.


posted on May, 6 2011 @ 01:15 PM
You mention CCD or colony collapse disorder with the bees...... I raise bees in North Carolina and also belong to a Beekeeper Association in Ansen County in the south central part of the state, the Piedmont Sand Hill area. All of our bees seem to be in fine health, and the only ones in trouble and loosing hives were over harvesting honey from the hives they had, just getting greedy with bragging right claims of "oh I got _ _ _ quarts from my hives", and typically these guys 'DO' like to brag. I harvested nothing last year and let my hives grow to the point they swarmed (split in half) and I doubled my populations. My bees also were relativly docile as well. Where the bees are hauled by truckloads to crop farms, there are alot more instances of toxins being introduced and populations decimated, it's just the nature of the game. But I believe the main toxin (a niccotine dirivative) has been banned and the window of farmers with stockpiles of this insectacide/herbacide are becoming exhausted and soon will no longer pose a threat. Thats just my two cents folks...... peace

ps.... when I do harvest, I'm going to have gallons, not quarts, my hives are unmovable they are so heavy, literally a hive and two supers (bottom box with two aditional half higth boxes) will weigh in at over 100 lbs each

edit on 6-5-2011 by Plotus because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 01:23 PM
reply to post by RUSSO

Sad but very true..

especially the dumbed down society part, I don't see how so many people are so blind to what is going on.

for example, the OBL thing, everyone I work with are all celebrating saying that "OBL is dead!" and that "the SEALS killed him!", and "that's ok that there is no proof why would the president lie to us?"

It really ticks me off sometimes..

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 01:38 PM
Came to think of the question who is it that peddles the notion that we are nearing an apocalypse? Kind of a rhetoric question, but who is it that would gain from a collective fear that the end of the world as we know it is a bad thing?
Following the moneytrail on that one I kind of sum it up along the lines that the end of this order of things sucks for a very few, and I am not one of them. It would then also be in the interest of these few to have the lot of us believe we´re all in the same boat (as in other matters by the way...). This is of course not the case.

For those suckling the teet of this system, the collapse will be hard. Free yourself before the boat sinks, says I.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 01:42 PM
The stress from worrying about those 14 signs will actually kill you faster than any one of those 14 signs could.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 01:51 PM

Originally posted by BlueShaman
The stress from worrying about those 14 signs will actually kill you faster than any one of those 14 signs could.

That's the sort of mentality is what will end us..

There is still room for change my friend.

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