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China to lead world economy

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posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 08:35 PM
I wouldn't worry bout this. eventually they will have to increase the value of thier currency and wages for thier workers for it to mean anything. and when that happens, every company around the world pulls up stakes and finds a new populous to exploit for cheap labor. and I don't think there is many more places left to exploit. prepare for a future of "ultra-crumby" products.

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 08:51 PM
reply to post by wingsfan

They can still go to Africa.

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 09:06 PM
This is bad news for the Western PTB, especially since China and Japan have not been playing along with Western politics lately. Why should they? China and Japan have either already closed the gap, or are rapidly closing the gap, in just about every way that the US was once superior to them. And no surprise since our leaders are pitiful.

I don't know about the rest of you but I can't get enough of what Benjamin Fulford is saying.

Originally posted by Max_TO

Originally posted by SLAYER69
I'm not personally worried.

I still have my home, health and various bottle of spirits.

You forgot to also mention that really cool ATS star bot

Jeez the news spreads fast here on ATS doesn't it.

Like I said, long live Ben Fulford and his message to the West!!

edit on 24-4-2011 by bsbray11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 09:09 PM

Originally posted by Rockdisjoint
reply to post by wingsfan

They can still go to Africa.

lol, that might actually explain china's interest with africa. maybe they will be building factories there.

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 09:30 PM
reply to post by bsbray11

This is not true Japan is seeking to solidify a strong military connection with the US and South Korea right now because of Chinas Naval growth.

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 10:04 PM

Originally posted by 5StarOracle
This is not true Japan is seeking to solidify a strong military connection with the US and South Korea right now because of Chinas Naval growth.

According to who? Fox News?

Since WW2, Japan has been all smiles to the US for obvious reasons. With the US economy and government in decline, they have more than enough reason to want this to change. As Mr. Fulford points out himself, the way the US debt system is set up, and with Japan's massive trade surplus, they have basically been trading to us on debt that they know they will never be able to cash in, just as so many other foreign holders of US debt (ie China) would not be able to cash in what they are owed without totally destroying the US economy. They have not done this yet, because the US is still a massive market for goods, but don't think for a second that David Rockefeller and his groupies have any real sway over what China or Japan decide to do.

These countries are tired of putting up with our leaders' insanity, and they are finally in a position to do something about it.

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 10:08 PM
I have been to China many times, it is a beautiful country.

However 2 points.

1) They have grown at the huge expense of their environment and peoples health. You think the US has potential health care problems, this is nothing compared to what the chinese will start facing later this year. It is said there is not a Chinese person who doesn't have at least one person in their relatively immediate family that doesnt have cancer.

2) Who cares about a countries output, the most important factor is the per capita output since that shows how productive an individual is and also thier estimated standard of living.

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 10:22 PM

Originally posted by Desolate Cancer
1) They have grown at the huge expense of their environment and peoples health. You think the US has potential health care problems, this is nothing compared to what the chinese will start facing later this year. It is said there is not a Chinese person who doesn't have at least one person in their relatively immediate family that doesnt have cancer.

I don't doubt that China faces environmental and health concerns, but so does the US. I can't even count the number of people I know who have had cancer, unfortunately. The smaller European countries probably have the lowest cancer rates, at least among "1st world" countries, but I could be mistaken.

2) Who cares about a countries output, the most important factor is the per capita output since that shows how productive an individual is and also thier estimated standard of living.

It depends on what you're comparing. If you are comparing the average standard of living, you may have a point. But if you are talking WW3, the average output per capita may be less important than the over-all output, especially when you are dealing with over a billion people.

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 11:03 PM
I'm not worried. China's economy is interwoven with ours, with all their investing in our bonds and us buying up their products.
Not only that but, as I understand, China is facing a future population problem. There are 20 million more young men than young women in the next generation. Couple that with their law of only having one child (the reason behind the population imbalance to begin with) and you have an almost gauranteed population shrinkage, which will ultimately factor into their workforce/military. Not to mention the problem they have with feeding the people they already have. The link below highlights what I'm talking about (as far as feeding their masses) and another way China is interwoven with us. It also offers an explaination as to China's investments in Africa lately.


While it may be true that we dont have much bargaining power, if we choose not to sell to them, they could potentially face another famine. They have the future choice to make: play fair in the markets, or starve their own people.
The way I see it, if we go down, they go down, which is why I'm not worried about the rise of China.

P.S. I also heard a statistic once that around one billion of their people are either at or below poverty level. Not sure on the source or if thats verified but if true, well, that does not bode well with any economy.

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 12:21 AM
reply to post by billiam

You shouldn't be worried about the rise of China, you should be worried about the downfall of America. Yes we have a global economy, when one giant falls, the rest of the world feels pressure but China is setting themselves up so they can be independent from America's downfall.

Recently China proposed to cut 2 of their 3 Trillion in USD holdings. Add that to the other shocking economic policies they have been announcing to the world and you have something to be afraid of. Nobody wants to have anything to do with the toxic USD anymore.

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 12:31 AM
reply to post by bsbray11

Any environmental concerns the US faces are nothing compared to what China has done to itself, from poisoning rivers to the point of them being devoid of any life to creating so much air pollution and desertification that Beijing needs to worry about massive dust storms coming in.

China will win friends among despots and countries that keep their people persecuted because they provide them with support without conditions other than access to markets and more so raw materials. Where as the US is bent on democracy and human rights.

In regards to ww3 this is moot as both are nuclear armed countries and have a MAD situation. this last part is just my opinion thought where the other items are factual.

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 12:59 AM

Originally posted by Desolate Cancer
China will win friends among despots and countries that keep their people persecuted because they provide them with support without conditions other than access to markets and more so raw materials. Where as the US is bent on democracy and human rights.

This really sounds like it has come straight from Fox News.

The US "is bent on democracy and human rights"? What universe are you living in? China is not the country which is currently engaged in multiple foreign wars. And if you think creating wars and killing people in foreign countries equates to spreading human rights, again, I'd like to know what universe this is coming from.

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 02:04 AM
reply to post by bsbray11

No I agree with you. Did not mean for it to come across like that. What I meant was as follows.

Where the US invaded Iraq and Afghanistan both those countries where ruled by savages, this is a fact not propaganda. Chinas modus operandi would have been to leave the rulers be and just cut deals with them. So the US invades under the headline of democracy (truth is far murkier) but china would just do business.

SO same thing with the african countries china is currently making huge business deals with. The US would have to either have a puppet or a "democratic" govt to do business with, China only cares about the resources not the politics.

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 02:32 AM

Originally posted by Desolate Cancer
reply to post by bsbray11

No I agree with you. Did not mean for it to come across like that. What I meant was as follows.

Where the US invaded Iraq and Afghanistan both those countries where ruled by savages, this is a fact not propaganda. Chinas modus operandi would have been to leave the rulers be and just cut deals with them. So the US invades under the headline of democracy (truth is far murkier) but china would just do business.

SO same thing with the african countries china is currently making huge business deals with. The US would have to either have a puppet or a "democratic" govt to do business with, China only cares about the resources not the politics.

So you're saying that any nation doing purely business minus the meddling is as wrong as meddling itself?

As far as I'm concerned, there are large differences between US and China and you can see it in the actions (not words) of each country.

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 03:26 AM

Originally posted by Desolate Cancer
No I agree with you. Did not mean for it to come across like that. What I meant was as follows.

Where the US invaded Iraq and Afghanistan both those countries where ruled by savages, this is a fact not propaganda.

Even if I accept your "fact" that the leaders of these countries were "savages" (compared to who? because the US is also run by savages imo) it still does not follow that going to war with them and killing hundreds of thousands of innocent people in the process has anything at all to do with "democracy" or "human rights." It's the terminology I took issue with.

Chinas modus operandi would have been to leave the rulers be and just cut deals with them. So the US invades under the headline of democracy (truth is far murkier) but china would just do business.

So in other words, China makes it all business, in the literal sense, when dealing with these foreign countries, while the US comes in guns-blazing for reasons that are questionable to say the least. I can't disagree there.

I prefer the way China is interacting with the Middle East, compared to the way the US has chosen to interact with the Middle East.

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 03:49 AM

Originally posted by billiam
Not only that but, as I understand, China is facing a future population problem. There are 20 million more young men than young women in the next generation. Couple that with their law of only having one child (the reason behind the population imbalance to begin with) and you have an almost gauranteed population shrinkage, which will ultimately factor into their workforce/military.

One would think that would be a reason for a revolution. I imagine several guys coming together talking about why they can't get any female dates and then realizing it's their government's fault they can't get laid, starting an anti-government movement to ultimately get laid, or at least get porn through their vast Chinese firewall. If anything the people should get food & play otherwise they will become unhappy and revolt to get what they want.

OR the government anticipated WW3 and thought it would be a good idea to have as many (I imagine somewhat frustrated/angry) men as possible when the time comes, they do seem to plan things decades ahead.

Another thing about the Chinese I've been wondering about, will they become the world's repossession company? Maybe after western economies crumble they will demand their stuff back, which would be hilarious as they first make stuff for others, then those get in debts and then they take their stuff back leaving them in debt and without any stuff. They would threaten other countries with military force if they couldn't get their investments back, those countries would be unable to defend for themselves since they don't have enough money for ammo, just imagine a group of Chinese coming in your country and taking things like expensive cars, computers, jewelry, shipping it all back to their country handing it out to the population and not a thing anyone could do about it.
edit on 25/4/2011 by Dragonfly79 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 04:20 AM
I am really not worried about China. If they become the largest economy then they earned it. I have been researching this for a little while off and on and found that alot of their economic numbers are fudged.

Apparently China continues to build huge cities to make their economy grow... The problem is that no one moves into these cities leaving several whole cities vacant.


Source video

So even though their economy maybe growing at a rapid rate the people still cannot afford anything which would be key. In the next up coming years this could all change, but like I stated before, Im not worried.

The question now is; why should I be worried?

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 06:47 AM
reply to post by Max_TO

It's sure, a day will come when China will overtake US. But in 2016 ? I think it's nearer.

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 08:06 AM
reply to post by LaTouffe

And don't forget India : i remember my lessons of geography.

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 09:39 AM
reply to post by Max_TO

This is awesome news. Maybe they will outsource some jobs back to us! lmao

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