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The Absolute Truth About The Tea Party!

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posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 02:25 AM

Originally posted by beezzer

Why watch the vids and waste MY time listening to leftist propoganda. I know what I believe. I know what I stand for.

We know, you like to hear yourself talk, you believe in corporatism, you worship wealth and you stand for and transmit conservative propaganda very effectively...


The Tea party is a rebranding campaign, that appeals to the egomaniacal patriotic movement that staged the very crisis we now face. The economic aspects, initiated by wealth worship and misguided Randian policy of 1999 GLB act and the security War of Terror.

I think you stand for ideas that have destroyed America
edit on 27-4-2011 by Janky Red because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 04:27 AM
reply to post by TKDRL

Well again, you running out on the conversation still doesn't solve the problem of the unsubstantiated claims that you made. Regardless, the evidence on this is still quite clear, and there most certainly IS a paper trail, and it leads right back to Koch Industries. But at least you were honest and put in the disclaimer "my truth" to make a distinction between what you believe and reality, i.e. the objective, verifiable, truth. Again I have no problem with what you want to believe and what your opinions are...the FACTS however, are another thing entirely...I DO respect that you qualified your statement as "my truth" (i.e. your personal opinion/belief), again, in order to distinguish this from the actual, objective, verifiable, truth. Especially when, in this particular case, the FACTS are quite clear as to the 18 million in funding that came from Koch Industries, and the millions more that came from other big industry/corporations. Again, I have no problem if people want to live in a bubble and convince themselves that the sky is green, the earth is flat, or that the Tea Party isn't getting millions from big industry and corporate interests, but then at least have the honesty to acknowledge that these are your "personal beliefs" and not actual FACTS.

I totally understand that for some people "Ignorance is bliss"...however, for me, personally, I just want to know the truth.
edit on 27-4-2011 by meeneecat because: edit

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 11:55 AM
I can relate to the Tea Party and what they want to do (at least on the surface; since their has to be a conspiracy about EVERYTHING) lower taxes, stop screwing businesses its all fine by me... Sure the social issues don't fit exactly into my agenda... I'm very conservative financially but moderate and becoming a little more libertarian on social issues (Gov. just leave us alone, don't care who you are gay,straight etc... just do your thing and leave me out of it) seriously; my perfect world would be to never here the "marijuana should be legal" speech...anyways... that was just a background on my political view before I get to the next part...

I was overseas not too long ago... and from what I got out of political debates with the people.. They are receiving a ton of information about how the Tea Party is a bunch of right wing radicals with violent intent... which is complete B.S and you should all have the common sense to know that. If you don't want to believe that, go ask a cop who was at a Tea Party rally and I guarantee you, they will not say anything negative about the tea party

unless of course you want to tell me that the cops are on the Tea Party payroll.... by all means

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 03:22 PM

Originally posted by DrNotforhire
I can relate to the Tea Party and what they want to do (at least on the surface; since their has to be a conspiracy about EVERYTHING) lower taxes, stop screwing businesses its all fine by me... Sure the social issues don't fit exactly into my agenda... I'm very conservative financially but moderate and becoming a little more libertarian on social issues (Gov. just leave us alone, don't care who you are gay,straight etc... just do your thing and leave me out of it) seriously; my perfect world would be to never here the "marijuana should be legal" speech...anyways... that was just a background on my political view before I get to the next part...

I was overseas not too long ago... and from what I got out of political debates with the people.. They are receiving a ton of information about how the Tea Party is a bunch of right wing radicals with violent intent... which is complete B.S and you should all have the common sense to know that. If you don't want to believe that, go ask a cop who was at a Tea Party rally and I guarantee you, they will not say anything negative about the tea party

unless of course you want to tell me that the cops are on the Tea Party payroll.... by all means

It should not make a difference to most people who supports which party. What SHOULD make a difference is the party platform. Government imo is not the problem but small and medium business IS getting screwed by big business running government. Its not just an american problem anymore, its become an international problem.

Big business is not paying its fair share of taxes because they are declaring profits elsewhere and secondly they export an awful lot of jobs overseas for cheap labor. The foreigners are getting exploited while americans are going on unemployment or worse on welfare. Then add the illegal immigration crisis from central&south america and americans are getting screwed worse because they don't have to pay minimum wages to illegals.

Easy solution: Imporatation tariffs on non-american and non-european products need to go way up in relation to what they are now. People will buy american and european products once again, the factories will need more workers paying american&european wages and the standard of living will go back to what it originally was. Plus the government can collect money and thus lower income taxes. Less unemployment&less welfare payments!

How can anyone argue this? It seems the tea party is misguided at best or worst part of the republican establishment. They keep talking about supporting big business and putting all the blame on government.

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 06:44 PM

Originally posted by EarthCitizen07

Originally posted by DrNotforhire
I can relate to the Tea Party and what they want to do (at least on the surface; since their has to be a conspiracy about EVERYTHING) lower taxes, stop screwing businesses its all fine by me... Sure the social issues don't fit exactly into my agenda... I'm very conservative financially but moderate and becoming a little more libertarian on social issues (Gov. just leave us alone, don't care who you are gay,straight etc... just do your thing and leave me out of it) seriously; my perfect world would be to never here the "marijuana should be legal" speech...anyways... that was just a background on my political view before I get to the next part...

I was overseas not too long ago... and from what I got out of political debates with the people.. They are receiving a ton of information about how the Tea Party is a bunch of right wing radicals with violent intent... which is complete B.S and you should all have the common sense to know that. If you don't want to believe that, go ask a cop who was at a Tea Party rally and I guarantee you, they will not say anything negative about the tea party

unless of course you want to tell me that the cops are on the Tea Party payroll.... by all means

It should not make a difference to most people who supports which party. What SHOULD make a difference is the party platform. Government imo is not the problem but small and medium business IS getting screwed by big business running government. Its not just an american problem anymore, its become an international problem.

Big business is not paying its fair share of taxes because they are declaring profits elsewhere and secondly they export an awful lot of jobs overseas for cheap labor. The foreigners are getting exploited while americans are going on unemployment or worse on welfare. Then add the illegal immigration crisis from central&south america and americans are getting screwed worse because they don't have to pay minimum wages to illegals.

Easy solution: Imporatation tariffs on non-american and non-european products need to go way up in relation to what they are now. People will buy american and european products once again, the factories will need more workers paying american&european wages and the standard of living will go back to what it originally was. Plus the government can collect money and thus lower income taxes. Less unemployment&less welfare payments!

How can anyone argue this? It seems the tea party is misguided at best or worst part of the republican establishment. They keep talking about supporting big business and putting all the blame on government.

Some real truth!

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 10:11 PM
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

Tariffs is by no means a solution.Where in a world economy many people forget this. Look just batteries as an example they are made from rare earth metals China has this market cornered. Micro chips are made by only a few companies. All tariffs would do is raise the cost of all the stuff we buy.Not to mention we throw up tariffs other countries do so as well. In a struggling economy you might as well put a gun to your head and pull the trigger.

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 10:35 AM
Can we at least start with eliminating subsidies to big business? My thinking is let business succeed or fail on it's own. That's what free capitalism is.. Why on earth businesses like GE pay no taxes and Walmart has taxpayers pay for their employee healthcare programs is beyond my comprehension. If people honestly understood freedom they would be screaming like enraged lions in the street. Instead it's too easy to be lazy and type your screams over the internet. I'm guilty of it as well, so we lose..
edit on 28-4-2011 by libertytoall because: (no reason given)

People need to stop purchasing ANYTHING from companies that do not support free capitalism. Boycott Walmart, Target, all the big boys, until they change their tune!
edit on 28-4-2011 by libertytoall because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 09:30 PM

Originally posted by dragonridr
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

Tariffs is by no means a solution.Where in a world economy many people forget this. Look just batteries as an example they are made from rare earth metals China has this market cornered. Micro chips are made by only a few companies. All tariffs would do is raise the cost of all the stuff we buy.Not to mention we throw up tariffs other countries do so as well. In a struggling economy you might as well put a gun to your head and pull the trigger.

The american and european economies are struggling because everyone is buying CHEAP asian products for half the price of buying american and european products. It is an absolute disgrace that both europe and america have turned into a service oriented economy rather than a balanced economy. You buy an american brand tv and its made in china, you buy an american car and its made in canada, you buy an american computer and its made in taiwan, you buy bedsheets and they are made in turkey, you buy a polo shirt and its made in bangladesh, you buy a fan and its made in china, you buy a toaster and its made in china.

I don't care if they are knock-off products or genuine name brand.. .ALL ARE MADE OVERSEAS!

Even carl rove of the republican party agrees with my analysis, so you are wrong....

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by cushycrux

Janine is cool and she has a lot of valid points. But here the is generalizing about a group of people who she is identifying by race. THAT in itself is racist. I do believe the tea party is generally a bunch of misguided well meaning people who are being used as dupes by the Corporatists to further a political agenda. I do believe it is something akin to Stockholm syndrome. But I dont think it has to do as much with white power as it does the corporate handlers stoking these people with fear and getting them to push anything that the Koch boys want. To say its a bunch of racists is to oversimplify it.

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 03:49 PM

Originally posted by LDragonFire
reply to post by cushycrux

The tea party is a multi billionaire fascist project, dressed like a grass roots effort. Did you notice how the tea partiers supported the tax cuts to the elite?

You are woefully misinformed. The idea for the tea party originated with a Ron Paul "money bomb" which was done in memory of the Boston tea party. The picture on the associated website was one where there were "tea boxes" getting thrown overboard. Each one had the name of a major government program like "DHS", "IRS", and "Iraq War". If I'm not mistaken that was in late 2007. That money bomb event then sparked a grassroots movement protesting big government. The Ron Paul forums were without a doubt to report additional "tea party events" that were put together by activists and small business owners. A year or two later after the movement had grown large, multi-billionaires and the Republican party jumped on the bandwagon and claimed it as their own.

So, now we have a lot of different conflicting tea party groups. The first would be the grassroots effort to bring back smaller government. The second would be the Republican party in disguise. The third is various special interest groups and billionaires who also hitch on to the tea party movement for their various unrelated causes.

Please research this stuff before you declare the very normal and non-radical people in the tea party as tools of the wealthy elite. Clearly what is happening is that the elite are trying to influence the tea party in their own ways, and their efforts have zero effect on many or most tea party groups which have nothing to do with them. The proof of the birth of the tea party movement as a grassroots effort sparked by the Ron Paul money bomb can easily be seen if you do a keyword search looking for the earliest dates that the terms "tea party" are used on the Ron Paul forums website.

There are multiple tea party groups that are wildly different from each other and to treat the tea party as one cohesive organization is a huge mistake!

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 06:35 AM
The only reason why this racist group exists is because too many people are aware of the con that is the "Left-v-Right" paradigm and TPTB have exploited this group to keep their agenda and mantra on track hence the "Multi billion dollar Lobbyist" group now firmly behind them.

They are no better than the GOP or Dems. They distort the truth, spin reality to suit it's own agenda. Have no real platform or plan to getting this nation back to economic stability and growth and have served to further erode and destroy the last remaining shards this nation has left.

They've been on the scene for the last going on 4 years and what exactly have they offered? Not a damn thing and this is fact. To deny this or to attempt to challenge this without facts makes this group nothing more then a hooligan based street gang trying to take over neighbourhoods one by one like some criminal narcotics operation.

Racism is highly evident in this group as only wealthy white folk are allowed and screw everyone else. They are on video attacking the disabled, minorities, threatening war with nations, all to impose their will upon everyone else. Shades of Nazi-ism right there whereas the Baggers are acting and employing the same exact tactics Hitler's SS party employed before they took over. This is fact. I am not attacking anyone here personally so do not moderate me as all I am citing is facts. There are literately 500 threads here proving this claim directly.

Apparently since the Birther lies seem to be winding down, we got bin Ladin so this is the second string fall back plan by this entire group meant solely and exclusively on continuing to derail this nation and to lead us into chaos.

Not one original thought in this entire group's collective conscious and when asked about say healthcare, they tout moronic and ill informed signs that read "Get Government Out of my Medicaire/Medicaid!". No intelligent people in the entire bunch just alot of people that should be flipping burgers at McDonald's that aren't competent nor proficient enough to participate in political discourse.

Y'all wanted a decentralized group with no national leadership or authourity yet that makes this group designed and structured exactly like a terrorist group hence the comparo to a terror group.


When one segment of your group says or does something and there is no condemnation or rejection from the other wings as well as the overall group means the overall group supports 100% unequivocally without a shadow of doubt that the stance one wing takes is the stance of the entire group, this is just fact. Silence on any topic automatically makes the entire group culpable for the actions and stances of a minority. Now, if early on the master group were to condemn and slam all racist elements from the get go then the claim of them being racists may not've taken but since the group remained silent the group is now equated with racists. Simple as that. No other way you could possibly justify it. All through 2009 and 2010 y'all were given opportunities out the wazoo to condemn, slam and expel this radical fringe but sine your group has yet to and by all indicators refuse to do just that makes you automatically lose the right to say that the TP is not a racist group as that ship has long sailed and is no longer visible in the horizon.
edit on 15-5-2011 by TheImmaculateD1 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 07:01 AM
I think this Tea Party would be a great topic for one of these ATS polls. I am not sure exactly what questions to ask but there seems to be a rather higher proportion of the TEA Party being represented on ATS than in most other areas I ever encounter. I just think that might be an interesting topic to explore here.

Great thread by the way. This is certainly a heated topic and very interesting to follow on both sides.

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 07:10 AM
tea "party"

See that's thew problem right there.

It's also amusing to note that the tea party from which this group takes its name was a fabricated enactment designed to lay blame on scapegoats.

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 07:35 AM
reply to post by Seiko

Thank you for bringing that up. I was watching some self proclaimed representative of the TEA "party" or TEA party people's ideals or whatever they call it on C-SPAN the other day. Like many I have seen at gatherings, he was dressed as a Ben Franklin type with a tri-corner hat and all. I could not help but wonder why they are not dressed like Native Americans? I see a lot of twisting of history and rewriting of America in the people who seem to be shouting the loudest about history and the constitution. It is an interesting paradox to say the least.

posted on May, 20 2011 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by cushycrux

The Tea Party will be gaining strength and influence every year.
We are unstoppable. Get used to it.
Labeling us racists is weak and pathetic.

Nice try.

You fear the Tea Party because you don't understand it.

posted on May, 20 2011 @ 03:52 PM

Originally posted by Eurisko2012
reply to post by cushycrux

The Tea Party will be gaining strength and influence every year.

It will if I can help it, and I'm trying.

To those misguided left wing fools posting here I say find a Tea Party event near you and go to it. It's not what you think at least it's not unless you really are an unabashed socialist and believe the answer to every societal problem is more government. I know this is ATS but not everything is a sinister conspiracy by the big money elite and/or TPTB to enslave the country and personally prick your little bubble.

The Tea Party is a grassroots movement, NOT a political party, to see the United States return to the values and policies that made this country great in the first place. You won't see them shown on the news but most Tea Party gatherings will have a solid representation of minorities just as concerned about this country's mad dash to embrace socialism as any other Tea Party member.

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 03:00 AM
Wisconsin's Union stripping bill, Michigan's bill that would allow Lansing to commanderie and strip and remove any elected official, Florida's proposed bill to deny those of colour form voting and the Baggers are all for this.

What happened to being about freedom, democracy and American ideals? I guess that only matters to only rich, white scumbags and no one else.

The true colours of this racist group is now coming into view and anyone who backs them from this point forward really needs to re-examine your priorities.

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by TheImmaculateD1

The only color that matters to them is green. Race is just a pretense. They have been doing this since the days of the revolution, keep the races at each others throats so they dont unify against the moneyed classes. Originally most whites who came to America did so as indentured servants, as much slaves as the Africans. In fear that the growing underlass of poor whites and black slaves might ruse up against the rich plantation owners the elites created a disparity of rights between poor whites and poor blacks to keep them divided. Also,they used to push the poor people westward so they would have to fight off the indians instead of the aristocrats, then the aristocrats would come in and tax them right off the land they conquered. Anyone who thinks there isnt a clearly defined and entrenched class system in the US is delusional. There is an entrenched group who will always come out ahead and there is the working rabble who they will always exploit.

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 06:39 AM

Originally posted by Eurisko2012
reply to post by cushycrux

The Tea Party will be gaining strength and influence every year.
We are unstoppable. Get used to it.
Labeling us racists is weak and pathetic.

Nice try.

You fear the Tea Party because you don't understand it.

You fear the American public and refuse to take questions from the press and further demand scripted q's from the press so who fears who?

Your group is racist to the core and the failure to expell racist elements from your ranks further proves my point. Your group went from being against the banks to kissing their fannies at every chance you get.

Quit being a shill for TPTB as you've already backed firmly and solidly the Winsconsin Anti Union bill, the Michigan law that would remove elected officials at will who disagreed with you. Rand Paul's recent bill that would arrest those in "radical political rallies" that are not in lock step with the TP so who is kidding who?

Get real and form an orginal thought please and quit being a shill for TPTB.

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 08:15 AM
reply to post by TheImmaculateD1

You know, I really feel sorry for you dude. Instead of running your mouth, and talking crap, why don't you try and start a movement? That's right, you would rather be a coward and sit on the side lines running your mouth than join us trying to do something in the game.

There are way too many like you in this world, rather bitch moan, run your mouth without thinking about ways to solve things. Grow up, this is why we are losing the game here.
edit on Sat, 04 Jun 2011 08:20:17 -0500 by TKDRL because: (no reason given)

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