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I Believe I May Know the Ultimate Source Power

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posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 07:42 PM
This source is, as many could gather (especially on ATS) is something that does, indeed, belong in the general conspiracy thread. And, now I’m going to tell you why.

I believe quite strongly that it isn’t just TV advertisement, slipped chemicals in food, medication, air, and other things we consume, or military oppression that are put in place to try to weaken people. I believe there are much more abstract things that have been put in that are getting little, or next to no credit that I, for one, have noticed. I’ll list them, and go into detail a little about each one I come up with. I’ll edit as I go. I hope you enjoy the theories.

1. Eliminating the Ego

I’m guessing many of you have heard all the stuff about ‘awakening spiritually to reach higher planes of consciousness’. If not, you can google some of those key words, and likely come across ‘Abandoning the Ego’. Well, I’m guessing a lot of you who believe in that take it to different levels. But, all this crap about abandoning fighting because it feeds the Ego, and the Ego pushes you farther away from self is COMPLETE HOGWASH. Forgive the ‘troll-like’ capitals, but I tend to stress the things I’m very passionate about. You see, much of these teachings seem to be telling you to abandon yourself- that’s right, forget your individuality, what you‘re passionate about, and any kind of creative self-expression you would desire all for the sake of ‘ascending‘ to a ‘higher level of consciousness‘. I’m not saying everyone who believes takes it to this level, but I know what I’ve seen, and it’s wrong. I’m far from arrogant (I can’t stand people like that), but I have my pride- and it’s the loving fighter, passionate artist, and soul-searching adventurer. I’m every bit of what you would call the self-driven, limitlessly ambitious, thrill seeker who believes there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with people who don’t intentionally hurt other beings who haven’t hurt themselves or another first. But, I like who I am.. I can’t live without it and not a soul on this planet or any other can tell me I have to abandon that just to climb wherever I may desire. Don’t let this ‘abandoning the ego’ bull tie you down. It may very well be just another way to keep people as meat puppets for who knows what. There’s nothing ‘tainted’ about having an ego. Don’t let them even begin to make you think that.

2. Gender Discrimination

This includes any expectations, roles, belief systems, etc. that try to tell you that you ‘should’ be any certain way simply because of what gender your physical body was born in. If you wear heels, makeup, nail paint, etc. on a daily basis there’s likely a 50/50 chance you’re giving into this oppression even if you think you’re doing it because you personally want to, and not because you’re pressured into it for having a female body. The same, of course, goes for anyone with a male body who tend to wear loose-fitting clothing, larger watches, or even something as small or seemingly trivial as lifting weights- large, heavy ones. It can go down as far as the way you walk, talk, greet and definitely how you’ve been influenced to think and feel. When you go to the prom, if your body is male, you would go for the suit with pants and long neck tie- all if which hang loosely from your skin, distorting your figure. And, if you’re body is female, chances are you’re already looking at those open toe heels you’re going to just drop in the middle of the event, that ‘flashy’ dress, and those shiny, sparkly, metallic little ‘trinkets’ that goes around your neck, fingers and toes. It’s these things that seem to so greatly and obviously, in my eyes, weaken people, keep their minds and spirits closed, and keep the next person as easy to predict as the last, therefore making it so much easier to control each and every person that lives on this planet. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with dressing, behaving, and thinking however you wish as long as it isn’t intentionally hurting innocent bystanders. But, as long as you allow yourself to give into the fact that you should do certain things based on the gender of your body, the so obviously easier it’s going to make powers more able to control you.

3. Pointless Rules

When you go to another state in the U.S, another province in Canada, or another such in England, chances are the rules are going to change so you’ll have to abide by them. In one place, your freedom dating age will be 18, another 14, etc. Some places you’ll be able to use marijuana. Others you’ll be able to only be able to process it, but not sell, and some say no altogether. You’ll have one place where the government tells you what to do, and when to do it, another where you may go to only certain places at certain times and do only certain things at those places while in another place you’re free to do whatever you want as long as the people in power like what you’re doing. And, some of these such rules are put into place with seemingly and evidently good intentions in mind to help keep people safer. But, the problem that seems to be with a lot of them is that there is much based on opinion, rather than fact, therefore, people can get out of things that have done much more damage than the next person who got in a lot more trouble for something that hurt no one. Needless to say, really, I don’t think it’s right at all. Letting opinions take over is no way to run a system. If everything were based on facts it is so obvious to me, and I believe should be to everyone, that the benefits would greatly outweigh the costs. We wouldn’t even need ‘rulers’, ‘prime ministers’, or ‘queens’. The only people who would get in trouble would be the ones caught in the act, and since robotic, armored, cameras would be put everywhere, only one person was allowed in the camera less public restrooms at a time (lots more bathrooms too), and money would be something evenly dispersed to everyone, yes, there’d be lots of upset people- maybe even me. But, opinions like that wouldn’t be in the way. We would be so much more free, so much less people would get away with doing bad things, and we’d even likely have a much cleaner place to live.

So, now if you’re thinking about telling me how many labels I suit, you will be ignored. I’d like to see some good points grown off hard evidence. I don’t want people telling me all about how silly I am or disagreeing with me solely based on opinion. Of course, it’s a free site, so there’s nothing I can do about posts like that but ignore them. I gave my evidence and the best proof I could find to back up my evidence, so I do hope I get as few debate-hungry debunkers as possible.

So, to conclude my claim, I believe the ultimate source of power is within you, and if you let others’ try to suppress that, make you ignorant to it, or keep you distracted from it, you may not be able to find it. I’ve ascended far into the planes of consciousness (even though I’m only going on 21 years of age) while retaining my ego, AND not become arrogant, conceited, or narcissistic about it, so I’m living proof of at least one of my theories here. I hope I don’t have to load up more space on why I’ve found out about the other two points. I’m hoping we get the idea now. I look forward to your posts.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 08:42 PM
Ok... Where to begin. Before I say anything, please keep in mind this is an open forum and we're discussing, and not attempting to flay each other in the name of "I'm right, you're wrong". That being said...

On eliminating the ego: Ego is a Latin word meaning "I". It is based in selfishness and isolates one from others. Traditionally, letting go of, but not eliminating the ego is what many teachings speak of to attain enlightenment or ascension. I am afraid you misunderstand what they mean. You talk about abandoning your creativity, passions and individuality to become something new. I don't feel that is what they mean at all. No matter what, you will always be you. Nothing can take that away from you. Holding on to ideologies of a world based in attainment of material things, fame, power, etc., is dead weight that keeps you from learning true lessons, like how to be a better human being, and learning that comes from sharing opinions and dreams with your fellow beings adding your individuality to that of others to create something greater than yourselves. In essence holding on to the ego does tie you down, even if it is very subtle, that's all it needs to bring you back for another round of lessons.

On Gender Discrimination: This somewhat feeds into the Ego. Yes we are influenced by social conditioning, advertising, peer pressure, and "The Man", but we are still who we are and we will always gravitate to things we enjoy and make us happy, and veer away from things that make us unhappy or cause us harm. This is one of our great lessons to learn. It's part of learning about who and what we are and where we are going. I myself, enjoy going to the gym, and working out. I enjoy taking care of my body and being healthy. I like how it makes me feel emotionally, physically and even spiritually. I feel light and happy and clean after an intense workout. My life is very stressful, and fast paced. Getting on a treadmill and running followed by a good lifting session lets me release tension, and clear my mind. I sleep well, and my body is stronger for it. I don't see it at all as a part of mind control. My alternative is a body covered in fat, riddled with the damages of high blood pressure from stress and lack of sleep.
I also fail to see how wearing a tux and a sparkly dress to prom injures others as you imply. There is nothing wrong with dressing up, feeling good about your appearance and going out to a social event. People are social creatures and we require that type of interaction to be happy. I also can't help but wonder if your issues with gender based ideologies has a deeper rooted source than you're willing to discuss at this time.

On Pointless Rules: This one is a little tricky. I'm am in Healthcare Administration and IT, so I have something of an insight into rules and why they might exist. Rules are mainly there for a reason, not simply to annoy. They may exist because something happened in the past and needs to be prevented from happening in the future or someone did or caused something that needed a rule to determine how it needs to be handled in the future also. Granted there are some strange rules out there, but we always have to keep in mind that many rules emerge from the context of a situation and without understanding the situation that spawned each rule individually, there is really no criteria for a true factual judgement on whether the rule is in fact just. You mention the only people who get in trouble are the ones who are caught in the act, so if someone broke into your house or your parents' home and murdered everyone inside, and didn't get caught, that would validate their actions as legal, based on your statement. I can't say I'm very enthusiastic about living in a completely socialized world where Big Brother watches every move I make. I have worked very hard to get to the point I'm at in my life. I don't feel I should have to hand that over to someone who feels no inclination whatsoever to contribute to the well being of anyone simply because. Socialism does not work...we are seeing that firsthand right now. You also talk about how opinions have made system fail, when in your section about the Ego you implicitly state the Ego and it's opinions must not be sacrificed under any circumstances. You've laid down a double standard here, I'm afraid.

In Closing: You demand responses based on "hard fact" and not opinions. Here again you've created a jeopardy in your debates. You have nothing but opinions in your OP, but do not want others to share theirs. You have given no hard proof of anything: no links, videos or numbers.

You are definitely right about the source of all power is within us all, but we are a part of a living, breathing, evolving reality which is constantly learning about itself. It's a beautiful thing. I don't think you're arrogant, conceited or narcissistic, but I do think you're a little on the closed-minded side, and still very judgemental and prejudiced. You're a good soul, my friend.
The things you're looking for, many never even dream exist, and that puts you light years ahead of so many. Listen to what others have to share, broaden your horizons and try to truly connect with at least one person a day. We all have something to learn from each other. What I have learned from you is to always respect the insights of others, because they can help us realize our own flaws.

Be well, and be safe...and thank you.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 09:25 PM

Originally posted by Three
1. Eliminating the Ego

Perhaps a misunderstanding on your part, but based in what you perceive as "truth?" i think it was good to question such idealogies, but not all teachings necessarily point in that direction. i see it as more of a shift from "me to we" in conscious, mindful movement, instead of a borg-like assimilation of the "i" into nothingness of the collective. the individual body, and the senses of its system, are simply another layer in the sandwich, so to speak

2. Gender Discrimination

i would agree overall, though i dont know if i would even bring it up in the first place. the trinkets themselves have no power other than what we give it, but some give such things plenty..

3. Pointless Rules

To have these become reality, individuals will have to take on personal responsibility. In the current system, blame is allowed to be given to vague entities instead of the individual parties involved. This cultural habit happens all the time, in many different ways. i am not entirely confident that such a thing is possible, to be truthful, but it is a goal. i dont think it will just naturally happen though, but i think we are at a point where humanity should consciously be deciding its cultural story, with a base understanding that the only constant is change. i think the decision boils down to one chapter, as it were, and that is on competition. i think it would simply be more productive to have cooperation between entities rather than competition (especially profit-based competition). If everyone involved with say, medical endeavors began cooperating fully, competing instead against themselves and the clock (so to speak), the progress would likely be significant. This would technically require no change other than how people interact with one another. Not an easy mountain to climb, to be sure, but if enough people start telling the same story it increases the possibility of such a thing happening. Without movement like that, no-thing will happen in that direction. The current system is designed fully to profit and control using many available outlets such as the media, religion, medicine, science, etc. Those that do use these things would never want to see such change and equality would almost inevitably follow such cultural changes. Basically, i think such a change will need to be "by the people."

So, to conclude my claim, I believe the ultimate source of power is within you, and if you let others’ try to suppress that, make you ignorant to it, or keep you distracted from it, you may not be able to find it. I’ve ascended far into the planes of consciousness (even though I’m only going on 21 years of age) while retaining my ego, AND not become arrogant, conceited, or narcissistic about it, so I’m living proof of at least one of my theories here. I hope I don’t have to load up more space on why I’ve found out about the other two points. I’m hoping we get the idea now. I look forward to your posts.

The bolded part, specifically, seems quite prideful
"that which we speak most fervently tends to be directed towards ourselves." i am not sure if you bring up these points to divide those you will speak with, or if you are actually interested in having a discussion where both sides learn. im sure youll let me know

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 12:06 AM

Originally posted by Three
I’d like to see some good points grown off hard evidence. I don’t want people telling me all about how silly I am or disagreeing with me solely based on opinion.

Feel free to ignore but my Ego is forcing me to reply. As BioStatistic aptly pointed out you demand hard evidence but offer nothing but opinion. Nary a single erudite source or link.

As much as we'd all like to "steer" the course of our threads, once you hit the "Post" button, they tend to take on a life of their own. Twists and turns and peaks and valleys that's the fun of it IMO and how new ideas are explored. Might have been a more interesting thread minus the self imposed rules of engagement beyond board T & C.

Hint: It's a discussion forum. Just my .02¢ No disrespect intended.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 03:32 PM
Everybody wants links and videos as proof, which is perfectly fine. Now, saying that I can't give proof in the form of circumstantial, nearly (nearly, I said) 100% proof from evidence, is wrong. Also saying that just because I use opinions here means it contradicts me saying opinion makes it harder to get through this system is wrong. Now, I more than likely have the ego thing misunderstood. But, still.. like always my point just don't get through. ._.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 05:00 PM

Originally posted by Three
But, still.. like always my point just don't get through. ._.

If the only constant in the equation is you, then perhaps the source of the problem is not others? That is not meant to be mean at all. i never asked for videos or links, only jested as to why the proposed evidence was a bit shaky. It seems you might be making this thread your own self-fulfilling prophecy.. its a very odd presentation of the subject matter.

What point were you trying to get across? Instead of saying "no one understands me!" help us to understand what you are trying to say. At this point, it is looking like you have no interest in having a discussion where both sides learn and would rather incite division on a topic where "proof" is simply not attainable except for by personal searching.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 05:41 PM
Outstanding post. I mean, this is an Ascended Master level conversation. AND WOW, little, singular me, all full of ego, knows that I am me...and I am you and all that there is. Simultaneously and WOW! It all makes perfect sense. I get it. All the agony was worth it and a waste of time. I love you all. All loves I.

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 08:41 PM

Originally posted by sinohptik

Originally posted by Three
But, still.. like always my point just don't get through. ._.

If the only constant in the equation is you, then perhaps the source of the problem is not others? That is not meant to be mean at all. i never asked for videos or links, only jested as to why the proposed evidence was a bit shaky. It seems you might be making this thread your own self-fulfilling prophecy.. its a very odd presentation of the subject matter.

What point were you trying to get across? Instead of saying "no one understands me!" help us to understand what you are trying to say. At this point, it is looking like you have no interest in having a discussion where both sides learn and would rather incite division on a topic where "proof" is simply not attainable except for by personal searching.

I think I see what you mean. Maybe I just need to find a way to explain things better. It could be in me, in that case, yea. I have no problem at all facing that. I could try being mayeb more simple for one thing? I'll have to think on this.
edit on 24-4-2011 by Three because: It came out as one thing that looked liek I typed it all myself, at first.

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