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Doctors prescribing Meds just for profit?

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posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 10:28 PM
reply to post by JohnPhoenix

John, I challenge you to put yourself in a doctors place.

How often do you have to make decisions that will be the difference in someone elses life?

Your opinion is wholly uneducated to both the pharmaceutical industry, medicine, and just plain reality. I hope that no one would ever listen to you, because a lot of people would die if anyone followed the theories that you just posted.

"Sorry ma'am, we had a simple antibiotic that could treat your simple infection but since some guy on the internet decided that pharmaceutical agencies should be banned, there's no one left to make it. You have a couple days, make your peace."

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 10:49 PM
They definitely do this. The past 7 years of my life is a nice example of this.

Back when I was 15, I was put on Zoloft by a doctor who barely knew me. At the age of 16 I changed psychiatrists and the new doctor was actually concerned that the previous doctor gave me Zoloft (200mg too be specific). I was given Zoloft originally because I had depression (which they later found out was caused by severe anemia). So this 1st psychiatrist gave me Zoloft on a whim when all I needed was iron pills. Of course the iron pills wouldn't have put any money in this doctor's pocket, which is why he prescribed Zoloft so readily.

Unfortunately, once I was on Zoloft... I couldn't just stop taking it. If I stopped, I'd get violent (which is a problem I never had before being put on the medicine). So yeah, I had to stay on it for years. Zoloft has really affected my life even though I was wrongly prescribed it to begin with.

So now, at 22, I'm finally trying to taper off the Zoloft (under the doctor's supervision of course, I'm down to 50mg)... and yeah... it's difficult. So if anything I am more irritated now about the fact that this doctor threw Zoloft at me when I didn't need it. But that could just be because my temper has returned. Hah!

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 12:14 AM

Originally posted by JohnPhoenix
I believe all Pharmaceuticals should be Outlawed and all Doctors who prescribe these killers should be stripped of their medical license.


The Pharmaceutical companies along with the corrupt FDA push drugs through without proper testing. People die every year simply because the drug wasn't tested for 15 years in a variety of people with a variety of conditions and other drugs to discover drug interactions and incompatibility with different brain chemistries - before it was released to the public I'm talking Thousands of people each year.

Not to mention use of Pharmaceuticals build up in your system over years and cause a toxic situation that poisons your brain and body till it kills it! This is a Known fact that happens with long term use of all Pharmaceuticals.

If any doctor tells you you HAVE to take any drug for the rest of your life - he just killed you!

You say, But if they did that there would not be these drugs available that might help some people.

Yeah, So What? If it's dangerous Don't Release it! Do you want to know you took a drug that helped YOU but KILLED someone else? How would You feel about that? Right thinking people would be horrified! - Trouble is too many people are heartless and take the attitude " It helped Me so i don't care who else it hurt."

Doctors take an Oath to " at least do no harm" yet they break this oath every time the prescribe a drug the can harm someone.

If I installed a faulty thermostat on your boiler unit and it blew up and killed you, I'd be held accountable! Doctors should be no different.

JP...this is so true! There are Healers and there are what the general public and most people call doctors. Humans are being culled and it's just not through the use of foods that are contaminated through chemicals and government programs...but also through the medical treatment that is offered to most out there. I mean, why would any thinking human being take a medicine that has side effects worse than what they are supposed to cure?...

I have, over the years had meds prescribed for me that had I taken them or given them to my daughter, we both had a high chance of dieing from using them. The very idea that the FDA presents itself as someone that "cares" is completely nauseating to me. As for those people that feel it's ok to use meds that help them even though they can harm more than they help....they care nothing for the collateral damage left behind...this is all part of the "war".

Doctors take an Oath to " at least do no harm" yet they break this oath every time the prescribe a drug the can harm someone.

My dear..."at least do no harm" is a Wiccan premise...
But you are right, doctors are supposed to follow the HIPPOCRATIC OATH...something which I brought up to an old PCP...when they asked what I was talking can bet I didn't go back there again.

Most of 'em probably partied their way thru med school, paid the smart kids to do their tests for 'em, and had mommy and daddy buy their licenses....And if, in fact they DID pass their school on their own....and are truly healers...then more power to to know where to find one.

Bottom line...use the brains the good Lord gave ya and don't believe every medical "professional"

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 12:26 AM

Originally posted by ChrisF231
The problem with "alternative medicine" is that they are not regulated and not tested. 95% of that stuff is quackery just like the supposed "big pharma".

Alternative medicines have been used for thousands of years. Herbs, potions, foods, etc. have been found to
heal as good or better without side effects. Those that study both aleopathic and alternative HEALING PRACTICES are
proving that one can help the other...

Problem is most of society has been brainwashed in believing that it doesn't work....Part of any medical practice working is the belief that it does and will. Insurances will not cover alternative medicines because they don't get kickbacks....and if you do not teach it to yourself....or have the money to pay cash for the doctor, one has to use the money grubbers that are available.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 12:41 AM

Originally posted by ChrisF231
The problem with "alternative medicine" is that they are not regulated and not tested. 95% of that stuff is quackery just like the supposed "big pharma".

Where do you think pharmaceuticals come from?

They are first found in natural items ( read herbs) then the active compound and active sites are looked for, and finally a synthetic way is found to make the active compounds or active sites at least.

So looking from the chemical or pharmaceutical perspective the item in the herb and the one in the pill are the same, the concentrations will be different but the items will be the same.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 02:40 AM
reply to post by xFloggingMaryx

Thanks for the input, your case is a fine example, just sucks that there are doctors out there who would rather get paid than help someone out, but I guess to some no matter what the job may be, it's all about the pay.
edit on 16-4-2011 by Nobama because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 02:40 AM
reply to post by kaleshchand

Thanks for clearing this up, I wasn't really aware of it myself.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 02:41 AM
reply to post by Holly N.R.A.

I mean, why would any thinking human being take a medicine that has side effects worse than what they are supposed to cure?...

That's exactly how I felt looking at the side effects, it's a wtf to say the least.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 02:46 AM
reply to post by Miraj

because a lot of people would die if anyone followed the theories that you just posted.

While that is true, I feel that regardless of this, thousands still die from taking these medications every year, In my opinion we shouldn't ban the use of these medications, but there should be stricter laws that help better regulate these pills, and clarify exactly what we should and shouldn't be put into our bodies. Which to my understanding is what we have the FDA for. hmm seems to be working well..
edit on 16-4-2011 by Nobama because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 02:56 AM
reply to post by Nobama

You are probably aware.. but there is no cure for this.
Valtrex is only used to reduce outbreaks, but herpes is for life.
Not to drag you or your gf down, but i would be pretty upset if i was with a girl and she didnt inform me she could have that and vice versa.

You do know about herpes right?

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 02:59 AM
reply to post by GogoVicMorrow

Yes I do, and I did research to make sure I knew everything I could. It's not her fault it's a long story, but turns out herpes can be dormant for years, add a little dishonesty from a previous bf and well yea.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 09:48 AM
reply to post by Nobama

Interesting that this common knowleadge is even in the news and you have no heard about it.

Nurse Practitioners Like Pharma Lunches & Dinners,

A few findings: Nearly all of the NP’s - 96 percent - reported regular contact with reps and most - 71 percent - say they received info on new drugs directly from reps some or most of the time. Meanwhile, 61 percent reported it was acceptable for drugmakers to provide small gifts and meals to clinical offices, although 93 percent said gifts had no effect on the likelihood of prescribing a highlighted drug.

What else? Well, 90 percent believed it was acceptable to attend lunch and dinner events sponsored by drugmakers, and 75 percent said it was acceptable for a speaker to be paid by a drugmaker. At the same time, 78 percent said sponsored meal events were a good-to-excellent way to get info about new drugs, 69 percent reported events encouraged usage of “newer, highly marketed” drug and 48 percent acknowledged they were more likely to prescribe a highlighted drug after attending events (you can read the study here, “Under the Radar”: Nurse Practitioner Prescribers and Pharmaceutical Industry Promotions).

Pharma reps target nurse practitioners

The Drug Industry Last Year Spent $9.3 Billion Marketing To Doctors, Nurses And Physicians' Assistants,

By comparison, drug companies spent $2.5 billion reaching consumers. Those investments are apparently paying off. The five drugs most commonly pitched last year - Celebrex and Vioxx for arthritis; Claritin and Allegra for allergies; and Lipitor for high cholesterol - each brought in more than $1 billion in revenue, and together grossed more than $14.5 billion.

Some of that money paid for traditional forms of marketing - advertising in journals, presentations at medical conferences and "detailing" (sending drug reps into doctors' offices to chat up the staff and drop off samples of the latest pills). But some of those dollars - drug companies won't say how much - were spent testing marketing programs that target doctors' handhelds.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 09:54 AM
reply to post by JohnPhoenix

Completely banned will never happen, but because big pharma have our whores in congress in their pimp pockets they are killing more people in America than ever and regulations are almost none existent, we the people are the testing Guinea pigs and our government is just happy with that.

Now, it was a time no long ago when medicine came from nature, but it was not profitable

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 10:17 AM

Originally posted by Miraj
reply to post by JohnPhoenix

Your opinion is wholly uneducated to both the pharmaceutical industry, medicine, and just plain reality. I hope that no one would ever listen to you, because a lot of people would die if anyone followed the theories that you just posted.

"Sorry ma'am, we had a simple antibiotic that could treat your simple infection but since some guy on the internet decided that pharmaceutical agencies should be banned, there's no one left to make it. You have a couple days, make your peace."

Are you kidding me? My opinion is very educated. It's based in chemical biology and what happens at the cellular level as well as years of talking to patients and doctors. Drugs do little good for the body and mostly harm it.

Do you know the moment you put a drug into your body the body rejects it and tries to destroy it? - That's why they make drugs so strong. A natural medicine on the other hand is welcomed into the body because it's what the body wants to use for Healing - the way the body was designed to be healed. The body was never designed to be healed by drugs - so it fights it - causing the body to even be in a weaker state trying to use energy for eradicating a drug that it could otherwise use for healing - if you only gave the body the natural medicine it wanted in the first place.

The chemicals in drugs do stay in the body and over time build up to a toxic level.. This is a known Fact that you cannot dispute.

A lot of people do die listening to their doctors. There are natural foods that the body will welcome that will treat the infection just as well as any man made drug. No one need ever die because they cannot get access to healing substances, but it doesn't have to be harmful drugs from a doctor.

Do you know how they discovered antibiotics and the cure for the plague? Look it up. It was a natural healing substance they found when all their drugs would not work - they just synthesized it so they could have enough to cure all the people with.

Let me remind you, most drugs except for a very small percent of very specialized drugs come from natural substances. Drug companies cannot sell natural healing substances God made and claim any intellectual property rights on them - that's why they synthesize the active ingredients in those natural healing substances into a drug - so they can claim it's theirs and thus sell it for profit.

There are cultures of healthy people all around the world that never saw a drug. They treat themselves with naturally healing substances and live long healthy lives - with none of the side effect diseases drug use causes - ( many of our diseases are a direct result of drug use in the body).

It's not " Folk medicine" it's real science. You would see this if you studied modern Natural Hygiene, Homeopathic and Naturopathic medicine.

edit on 16-4-2011 by JohnPhoenix because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-4-2011 by JohnPhoenix because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 10:04 PM
reply to post by JohnPhoenix

Actually pharmaceutical drugs doesn't cure anything, because cures means less profits, they just treat the symptoms without touching the conditions.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 10:58 PM
reply to post by xFloggingMaryx

I'd say your experience is more proof of incompetence than corruption.
Of course you did go to a psychiatrist, so I wouldn't exactly expect them to catch a vague condition like anemia.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 11:13 PM
reply to post by JohnPhoenix

Do you know the moment you put a drug into your body the body rejects it and tries to destroy it? - That's why they make drugs so strong. A natural medicine on the other hand is welcomed into the body because it's what the body wants to use for Healing - the way the body was designed to be healed. The body was never designed to be healed by drugs - so it fights it - causing the body to even be in a weaker state trying to use energy for eradicating a drug that it could otherwise use for healing - if you only gave the body the natural medicine it wanted in the first place.

Did you know that the moment you put food into your body that your body pours HCl onto it in an attempt to break it down and destroy it?

Clearly evidence that humans shouldn't eat.

The chemicals in drugs do stay in the body and over time build up to a toxic level.. This is a known Fact that you cannot dispute.

I imagine some drugs may persist in the body.

A lot of people do die listening to their doctors. There are natural foods that the body will welcome that will treat the infection just as well as any man made drug. No one need ever die because they cannot get access to healing substances, but it doesn't have to be harmful drugs from a doctor.

A lot of people die NOT listening to their doctor.

Do you know how they discovered antibiotics and the cure for the plague? Look it up. It was a natural healing substance they found when all their drugs would not work - they just synthesized it so they could have enough to cure all the people with.

I do. That doesn't mean you can corner every single drug as harmful. I won't disagree that that there are harmful drugs out there.

Let me remind you, most drugs except for a very small percent of very specialized drugs come from natural substances. Drug companies cannot sell natural healing substances God made and claim any intellectual property rights on them - that's why they synthesize the active ingredients in those natural healing substances into a drug - so they can claim it's theirs and thus sell it for profit.

Of course not, all the spiritual healers need to sell them.

There are cultures of healthy people all around the world that never saw a drug. They treat themselves with naturally healing substances and live long healthy lives - with none of the side effect diseases drug use causes - ( many of our diseases are a direct result of drug use in the body).

You're taking a very broad topic, comparing apples to oranges and then giving a vague summary.

It's not " Folk medicine" it's real science. You would see this if you studied modern Natural Hygiene, Homeopathic and Naturopathic medicine.

Homeopathic medicine is a joke. I tried drinking homeopathic water once, but unfortunately a drop of water a day wasn't enough to keep me hydrated. And a drop with no active ingredients is going to cure... nothing. At least the sugar pills are tasty.
Science has yet to prove homeopathy true.
I'm sure there's some credibility to naturopathy. But it is folk medicine.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 11:26 PM
Simply stated, I do not understand the myth behind doctors prescribing medications that are nothing but helpful. I've been a professional patient for 25 years. My doctors have kept me alive under extreme duress. Look at my history. I'm open about myself. HIV + going on 26 years. There is no way I would be alive without the proper course of treatment through my doctors. All of them. My primary, infectious disease, and multi-specialists that helped me along the way.

Yeah, I'm being held together by tape and stitches now, but I am grateful for the life extending medications and doctors whom have treated me. Looking forward to a few more years. Folks need to get over their paranoia and quit relying on folks that say that wheat piss and goats nad's will cure your ills. I'm done with the paranoids and their home remedies.

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 01:47 AM
reply to post by brilab45

I wouldn't call it a myth.

I would call it an extreme exxageration.

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 07:00 AM
reply to post by Nobama

Ah well somewhat explains. Not that it's anyone's business anyway. My suggestion for everyone on every topic is join very specific forum communities.

As for doctors prescribing meds just for profit.. that's practically the only reason they prescribe meds.
Look at some of the crazy stuff there is medicine for. Latisse is a drug (originally created to treat glaucoma) that is marketed as a "wonder" drug that makes a woman's eyelashes longer for god's sake. Not to mention it has crazy side effects that probably aren't worth long lashes.

Oh and are your legs restless at night? they have a drug for that too.

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