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For all of those against Israel...

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posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 04:54 PM
Whether it be the country as a whole, their administration, or "crimes" committed against Gazans...

Will you truly be rooting for Hezzbollah/Syrians/Lebananese/Iranian troops to "win", destroy Israel and have them fend off any/all NATO attacks to successfully reclaim the land?

Honest question.


posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 04:56 PM
Absolutely not.

I still am against Israel punishing all of Gaza for what the militants do. That can never be justified, no matter how hard people try.

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 04:59 PM
I'm not against Israel's right to exist, I am however against their belief that Palestinians should not have their own state. Kinda hypocritical of them.

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 05:06 PM
From the title of this thread, I half-expected to see a big picture of a full "moon".

Glad I didn't.

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 05:07 PM
Why would I ever care ? Why EEEVERYONE in the whole wide world must either be for or against Israel ? Who, what is Israel ? Where ? Why ? You know what ? I don't give a fiddler's fart. Do you have the faintest idea what and where Kumburghistan is ? Don't worry, neither do I, and cannot be bothered to find out. And same goes for Israel. Honest answer.

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 05:19 PM

Originally posted by trisvonbis
Why would I ever care ? Why EEEVERYONE in the whole wide world must either be for or against Israel ? Who, what is Israel ? Where ? Why ? You know what ? I don't give a fiddler's fart. Do you have the faintest idea what and where Kumburghistan is ? Don't worry, neither do I, and cannot be bothered to find out. And same goes for Israel. Honest answer.

I care because my tax dollars go to protecting Israel and if anyone attacks Israel then my country will enter yet another war, so it directly effects me what happens in Israel.

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 05:26 PM
Israel is only Israel because of Hitler.

"God" told the Jews to live amongst the nations of the world, Romans kicked them out, Hitler starts a war, and somehow 750,000 homes are taken and given to "Jews".

Now the question comes, would the Jews give back Israel if they could take back the holocaust?

As without the holocaust, there would be no modern day israel.

Hitler gave the Jews israel.

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 05:29 PM
say, someone else just recognized the Palestinians
look for a sudden collapse up north or some such like that there...

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 05:31 PM
I honestly support Israel 99.9%.

But it's understandable why everyone hates them. After all, it is a Biblical prophecy that the whole world would be against Israel.

All that stands between the world and Israel is this once great country of America, and that's bound to fall sooner rather than later.

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 05:31 PM
reply to post by Jeanius

No it wasnt hitler, it was the banksters who gave israel to the jews. Fund both sides of the war and the loser pays for it all. There was original jews there, i know that. How ever its now just a russian colony, funded by the USA.

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 05:33 PM

Originally posted by illuminnaughty
reply to post by Jeanius

No it wasnt hitler, it was the banksters who gave israel to the jews. Fund both sides of the war and the loser pays for it all. There was original jews there, i know that. How ever its now just a russian colony, funded by the USA.

^^ Interesting...

Anywhere I can read up on this?

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 05:38 PM
OK, I'll play.

Originally posted by CanadianDream420
Whether it be the country as a whole...

Hell no. Most Israelis just want to raise their kids and have a normal life.

...their administration...

Hell yeah. The Knesset is full of war criminals that would rather nuke the middle east as opposed to making ANY concessions. Let alone an apology for their actions.

or "crimes" committed against Gazans...

Nice of you to point that out.

Will you truly be rooting for Hezzbollah/Syrians/Lebananese/Iranian troops to "win", destroy Israel and have them fend off any/all NATO attacks to successfully reclaim the land?

Don't forget Newton's 3rd law. "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction." MY question is, who created these factions? My answer is the Knesset.

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 05:39 PM

Originally posted by CanadianDream420
Whether it be the country as a whole, their administration, or "crimes" committed against Gazans...

Will you truly be rooting for Hezzbollah/Syrians/Lebananese/Iranian troops to "win", destroy Israel and have them fend off any/all NATO attacks to successfully reclaim the land?

I see more options than were presented here.

Personally, their war crimes should be brought to trial. I feel the same for the US and every other nation that perpetrated a crime. Aside from their occupation is the mental abuse employed through their continued use of media as a medium to criminally control the minds of billions of people.

The issue with Israel is they are good with the word play. The nation is occupying a land, which is an act of war yet they continue to play the victim role.

Humanity is at the cross-roads in many aspects.

We can continue towards destruction or start new. Option B requires a global rebuking of the current powers (economic, technological and military).

Pick a sage. Take the most basic concepts. Build new. We are human first.

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 05:47 PM
I think Zr hit it
I'd settle for proper jurisprudence
applied to one as it has been the other.

I bet most people would
it's only the criminals that wouldn't.

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 06:36 PM

Originally posted by Lionhearte
I honestly support Israel 99.9%.

But it's understandable why everyone hates them. After all, it is a Biblical prophecy that the whole world would be against Israel.

All that stands between the world and Israel is this once great country of America, and that's bound to fall sooner rather than later.

"Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction."
-Blaise Pascal, Pensees, 1670

In-group morality at its ugliest !

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 07:19 PM
The State of Israel has no argument at all for its continued existance.
Not ancient property rights: at no time did ancient Judea or Israel ever occupy as much of the land as does modern Israel.
Not moral: a nation or group of nations cannot summarily decide to cede land to one group when it is - and has been for centuries - owned and occupied by another group.
Not religious: In the Torah and Talmud a Jewish state in Israel is forbidden until the time of the messiah. (Jeremiah:29 - Tractate Kesubos 111a)

Wrong on every count. And look at the result. Israel is at the CENTER of all the trouble - a cup of trembling - a burdensome stone.

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 07:22 PM
I'd be happy enough if the Israelis stopped the continual process of taking over the land with the settlements, and actually allowed the Palestinians to have more than a prison camp existence.

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 11:36 PM
I hate how individuals with pro-Israel sentiment tend to continually lable Israel foregin policy critics as Hamas/Hezbollah/Syria/Iran supporters. Let me put it this way. If Israel reversed positions with Palestine, I would be critical of Palestinian foreign policy. In no way shape or form do I advocate terrorist activity or threats to destroy a people. Unfortunately that is the kind of behaviour that Israel currently seems to impliment.

Palestine has a right to self determination too.
Iran has a right of peaceful co-existence amongst the Middle East without being constantly threatened too.
It goes both ways, even if the Israeli administration dosen't agree.

Now a couple of questions for you. Do you support Israels constant construction of illegal settlements? Do you support their illegal occupation of Palestinian territory as declared by internation law?
edit on 9-4-2011 by SpeachM1litant because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 11:52 PM

Originally posted by CanadianDream420

Will you truly be rooting for Hezzbollah/Syrians/Lebananese/Iranian troops to "win", destroy Israel and have them fend off any/all NATO attacks to successfully reclaim the land?

Your question seems to be amusing at BEST.

Do you really think the occupiers will allow anyone to reclaim that land without nuking everyone first?

Thread belongs in skunk works IMO

edit on 9-4-2011 by solarstorm because: (no reason given)

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