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Time to share your wisdom/Knowledge! Answer this questionnaire and spread your light.

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posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 07:10 PM
reply to post by Manula

I don't usually answer questionnaires like this Manula, because I don't want some jerk to profile me. No, I don't think ATS is a CIA front - but I do think the alphabet boys hang out here on occasion. Anyway - this one seems different and I'm in the mood to play.

1 - Why do you think people are born in this planet?
* To vacation; for a change. Earth is one of the few places - and opportunities - to enjoy a sensory life. And it IS truly marvelous to see, smell, hear and feel. Pure beings of light or air cannot conceptualize even the possibility of pain or joy. Being a physical being is a real treat.

2 - Do you think you were here before in another body?
* Yes.

3 - Whats the meaning of difficulties?
* When one has a physical body, one needs to protect it. Also, a physical body separates us from the unity, which is painful. In learning how to protect ourselves while seeking to re-unify, we learn about physical realities and empathy on our way back to oneness.

4 - Do you think destiny exists? Is there things we have to go through? If yes, where is our free will?
* Yes - there is destiny, but usually it's unbelievably complex. Physical life is about going through details to come back to the whole. Our free will allows us to move forward or stay stuck in the illusion.

5 - Do you think we should worry about things we cant control?
* No, not worry but yes, think about such things and seek to understand.

6 - Do you believe in helping people? Or, if we dont harm people, we just have to care of ourselves?
* Helping others is helping ourselves. At times, I have known clearly that there is NO individual salvation - it's everyone or no one. Not sure what I know today.

7 - How do you deal with fear?
* Face it, know it, embrace it, become one with it.

8 - We didn't create ourselves. We didn't choose the factors that shaped our personality (culture, genes, family, country, neighborhood, early life experiences, past lives experiences etc). Are we to blame for what we are/do? Is everybody innocent?
* Yes, everybody is innocent. And we are all guilty too.

9 - Do you believe in punishment because the offenders deserve to pay? Or you think that penalties are a bad thing but needed to ensure order, also improving the criminals behavior.
* Rules keep life smooth. Uncertainty -and need- forces growth. If the goal is to maintain order for a static society, where individuals to not change and evolve, but rather fit perfectly into their assigned role, then it's good to punish those who question the status quo. ...But I seem to remember a culture where the fulfilled people punished themselves for allowing an "offender" to grow so unfulfilled that it became a "problem."

10 - How from nothing was something created?
* It's negentropy. Forgive me, I just learned that word. ...The second law of thermodynamics says entropy is a law of the universe - that everything decays into chaos. Negentropy says the opposite - everything seeks to become ordered, and find a pattern - to become alive. "Nothing" will not be - the law demands being.

11 - Do you believe we are all god living, experimenting, evolving?
* Uh huh.

12 - Who are your "gurus"? (people who spread their message publicly and influenced you)
* Sci-fi writers - all the old ones plus people like LeGuin, Lessing, Clee. Siddhartha, Christ, Che. Lots more.

Thank you too.

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 07:28 PM
reply to post by soficrow

Really enjoyed your answers, i read Michael Newton´s books, they are wonderful, its about life between lives. Really good, it changed my mindset about life, it was revolutionary!

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 07:32 PM
My quick Q and A.

Originally posted by Manula
1 - Why do you think people are born in this planet?
A: Because of our consciousness and karma. It's not too low or high on the spiritual stage.
We are not as bewildered by great sense gratification as on the higher planes, but we are also not so low that the human species has no chance of developing spiritual philosophy.
It's a Goldilocks planet and I'm blonde!

2 - Do you think you were here before in another body?
A: Yes, countless.

3 - Whats the meaning of difficulties?
A: Opportunities seen through a bad attitude.

4 - Do you think destiny exists? Is there things we have to go through? If yes, where is our free will?
A: Two roads really diverge in every wood - even in destiny there is choice.

5 - Do you think we should worry about things we cant control?
A: Yes, how do we really know what we cannot control unless we've spent at least a lifetime trying?

6 - Do you believe in helping people? Or, if we dont harm people, we just have to care of ourselves?
A: I believe in helping myself and then have a trickle down effect.
I help my own people first, and thus help trickles forth.

7 - How do you deal with fear?
A: Not well, but if I think about something that really angers me, like a bitchy comment or old social grievance I find I become more focused, and the overflow of external information and fear withdraws.

8 - We didn't create ourselves. We didn't choose the factors that shaped our personality (culture, genes, family, country, neighborhood, early life experiences, past lives experiences etc). Are we to blame for what we are/do? Is everybody innocent?
A: How do I know I didn't choose it? It could be better but also far worse.
We're a complex mix of genes and nurture.
If people have mental conditions, I will judge them according to the medical literature and their prognosis.
If a psychopath is bad, then I don't care how he got that way - I care firstly about identifying him or her and then locking them away for good.

9 - Do you believe in punishment because the offenders deserve to pay? Or you think that penalties are a bad thing but needed to ensure order, also improving the criminals behavior.
A: Our form of punishment - or prison - doesn't rehabilitate common criminals.
It's just a school for crime and gangs, and anything to stop people from organizing politically.
Prison should only keep people from society who cannot be cured or rehabilitated, and are a violent threat to society.

10 - How from nothing was something created?
A: Life comes from life, not dead material.
It never came from nothing, but is indeed still "coming" and expanding.

11 - Do you believe we are all god living, experimenting, evolving?
A: No there's probably one complex, mysterious, grand Godhead.

12 - Who are your "gurus"? (people who spread their message publicly and influenced you)
A: Srila Prabhupada, Anton LaVey, Sybil Leek, Carl Jung - the guy who first said postmodernism is a fractured identity.

If you have other questions you like to answer fine, do it. If you just feel like answering some of them, its ok. Just spread your light.

Thank you.
edit on 1-4-2011 by halfoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 09:32 PM
reply to post by Manula

1: Why born here and now in this place and "time" It could not be other wise, But basically because this is what may allow the potential for growth of that which is not to us here in our temporal prison. Call it the Sol if you will.

2: Born before? Sure feels like it, always felt I was so lucky this time. Felt like a previous life may have been true hell on Earth, even had a person who claimed to be able to see past lives of others bluntly tell me; "last time around you died badly" Strange I always felt that. (my Moms Mom, who died long before I was born, was crippled and in bed all my Moms life until dying when Mom was 21. She said she would not die until my Mom turned 21 I should add I DO NOT believe I was her in a past life) If I was to guess feels more like WW-2 maybe, hard to say but just a feeling. According to my Mom Grandma said "believe me I know hell is on Earth, the rest nothing to fear"

3: Meaning of difficulties? Opportunities, if we just stop whining.

4: Only in that what we think we can control we do, at least in one way can be absolutely true or is enough to give us sense of "everything is just part of the plan, and we are the CEO of that plan". It's a much more contemplative, mellow, not at all angry or frustrated view, though it may not come across that way here.

5: Worry about what I cant't control? Just watch me. We all can change what is to come, in one way or another, and that works for me. I assure anyone if you think: "I can't" then "You won't". I can't change that I have had medical problems, including life threatening injury's. But I am not a wuss, and do is not bitch about them, and do everything I can to deal with them. My problems do not define me, as a human being or as potential, they don't dare.

6: Do I believe in helping others? Thats why were here. Those who only think; "about number one," to me (in this context) is a child's way to politely say the word "pee" if you get my drift. That sums it up.

7: How do I deal with fear? Complex question, and oh yes it pops up from time to time, but also I know it doesn't last. When I was "hacked" and my vulnerability rubbed in my face, and the blatant violation of privacy, "see what we can do" how bout that! Yes, I was very frightened this was just not the actions of mature people. And have power, and I know it. I'm not stupid. So, this is what I can do. Didn't so much say it as did it. Learned about what I did not know knowing what you don't know CAN hurt you, as this did, but not by "fate". This was malice. And that made me mad enough to learn, to counter areas I was vulnerable, and became interested in and developed my own designs including technologies in those specific areas, came up with some very useful countermeasure's, by designing my own way to penetrate their defenses. White noise is no longer a defense against one type of eavesdropping, thanks guys for all your encouragement.

NO WAY would I gone into that aspect, but curiosity is a bitch. And they started that fire. I hope they worry about the fact some get mad, some get even, and some seeing their own failings (mine) learn. Before this happened in this area I knew butt-kiss. Now I know a lot more about them then I ever wanted to. Now they know I know who they are, where the company is. Lets leave it at that. Now I don't need to do anything, just know I can. It's called "empowerment". Now they have butt-kiss of a clue (my way of "sharing the joy") about the extent of what I know, and the nitty gritty about what I can do. But I know, and thats what matters. Thats how I deal with fear. It was in a very practical sense a learning experience. Compared to some other problems, this is like a science fair...

8: My interpretation of your question is along the lines of something what I consider a rather "common interpretive" of a hypothetical. So I'm born with my DNA, and any bio-environmental baggage hence damage from, parents from hell, and all the rest. I worry when I hear the always and ominous sentiment: "well God, life, someone OWES ME! "I was never loved, I'm an idiot, [really)? Mom took crack, schools sucked" yeah, fine next loser, I mean number. Look people we all have some problem or more then one to deal with. I think the hardest ones are genetic/medical in nature, and the most "misunderstood, the invisible demons" even worse then a severe physical handicap. A trait that may involve explosive temper, irrational dangerous thoughts, but how many are as sympathetic to an addict as they might be to someone with a learning disorder? Few, if we're honest, yet both are disabilities. And I don't think anyone as a kid says to themselves: "when I grow up golly I want to be an alcoholic"! But there are people who think when I grow up I want to be a crook. As far as is everyone innocent? Sure until it affects someone else, then there's question...

9 :I put it very simply. I don't blame those who want those who hurt the ones they love wanting them to suffer. I have been hurt myself a few times, but I don't hate anybody I thank God I can't, call me lucky. But if someone I love was hurt, (when such a thing did happen I was a toddler and don't remember) now you don't what to know, I don't want to know what I am capable of, I have a very fertile imagination. The bottom line first I want people who for whatever reason are dangerous to others first with physical violence and then other ways (robbing, stealing some elderly person blind for example) dealt with. We need to be protected from them.

I believe we have the ability to change many aspects of personality already at a bio-chemical and soon genetic level. Implications are indeed profound. Remove violent traits, clean up your personality, or you stay locked up forever. Some might want not to change anything and should be offered the option to stay locked up, and though I currently do not support the death penalty today (face it you got the cash you to can pull an OJ, no cash to bad)but in the future I'd offer the third option, execution, but a choice. I have always been uncomfortable with state sanctioned murder. I don't have a problem with euthanasia/suicide by choice. Some well say then it's the easy way out, hey who gives a **** it;'s about protecting society and dealing with what technology will make inevitable, be able to create and blend in a new complete personality, or did miss something? Like vengeance? We don't have the time and luxury not to grow up.

11: Yes and much more...

12: I don't know I keep adding people, but as those who have enlightened me, a few include: Joseph Campbell, Alan Ginzburg, Mortimer Adler, Malcolm Mugridge, Buddha, Jonathan Miller, Ben Franklin, Alan Turing, Newton, Einstein, Hawking, Roger Penrose, Hameroff, N.Tesla, Arthur C. Clark, Freeman Dyson, Jane Goodall, Margret Mead, Charles Darwin, The 1969-73 rock group "It's a beautiful day" (Yes thats the name) Archimedes, and many at the moment I can't recall, and those known to only to a very few others, and that is a great loss, not knowing of them and their many some wondrous ideas, and most important very kind, caring and honorable people. They would make good ambassadors for any of us. I say that about a very special few. But all humanity is richer because of all of them.

edit on 1/4/11 by arbiture because: Couldn't remember question 12, OK, can I go now?

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 10:09 PM
On question 9 about penalties and punishment:
I think the problem is we don't see equality in penalties.
Somebody could spend a life in prison for killing one person for a good reason or debatable circumstances.
Yet, politicians who killed hundreds of thousands of people for no clear reason are walking free and enjoying retirement.
What is the message in this?

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 10:22 PM
1 - Why do you think people are born in this planet?

For the fun of living here.

2 - Do you think you were here before in another body?


3 - Whats the meaning of difficulties?

It's an indicator letting you know that you diviated from who you really are. When you are truly connected you don't see the "difficulties".

4 - Do you think destiny exists? Is there things we have to go through? If yes, where is our free will?

There is free will and it comes down to two choices, to be connected or to not be.

5 - Do you think we should worry about things we cant control?

If you feel that it is uncontrollable then you have already lost the battle. So, worry not and change focus.

6 - Do you believe in helping people? Or, if we dont harm people, we just have to care of ourselves?

I don't believe in "help", I believe in uplifting others to the connection of who they really are but ultimately, it is their choice whether they will connect or not, just don't let your connection get disrupted while helping others (unless you don't care about your connection).

7 - How do you deal with fear?

By changing the emotion of fear into love and joy.

8 - We didn't create ourselves. We didn't choose the factors that shaped our personality (culture, genes, family, country, neighborhood, early life experiences, past lives experiences etc). Are we to blame for what we are/do? Is everybody innocent?

No matter who you are or where you are from, you know intuitively that it is better to feel happer than to feel sad so all of the power is in your hand and you are responsible for how you feel and react.

9 - Do you believe in punishment because the offenders deserve to pay? Or you think that penalties are a bad thing but needed to ensure order, also improving the criminals behavior.

When you think about it, the idea of a "penalty" comes from a place of disconnection. It's saying "I'm scared of how you may act so I need to scare you so that you don't act in this way". When you are connected, you are not afraid and you are looking at the best of life and those "criminals" will not be a match to who you really are and will not be attracted to you.

10 - How from nothing was something created?

Something that is eternal could not have been created at all, it would have to be always existing if it is eternal.

11 - Do you believe we are all god living, experimenting, evolving?

Before answering, A defintion of "God" is needed. If god is the energy makeup of the universe itself, then it's only logical that everything is god since everything is energy. That energy is loving, appreciative, blissful, and free and that is our natural state of feeling but sometimes we deviate from that. The purpose is for use to flow from one life to another staying in our flow - which may or may not be easy to do depending on the life we are living.

12 - Who are your "gurus"? (people who spread their message publicly and influenced you)

I guess it would have to be the energy which you were calling "God". I always knew deep down inside my heart that I was suppose to be happy and uplift others while not disrupting my happiness in doing so. I just thought that I had to use "Magic" in order to do it. So I watched a movie called "The Secret" and was drawn to Abraham Hicks, but at core, I knew it all along so I guess I am my own "guru".

If you have anymore questions feel free to ask.

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 10:31 PM
1 - Why do you think people are born in this planet?


2 - Do you think you were here before in another body?


3 - Whats the meaning of difficulties?

Sh!t happens

4 - Do you think destiny exists? Is there things we have to go through? If yes, where is our free will?

I have not resolved free will in my mind yet.

5 - Do you think we should worry about things we cant control?

Of course.

6 - Do you believe in helping people? Or, if we dont harm people, we just have to care of ourselves?

Of course - help people. Wouldn't you want help?

7 - How do you deal with fear?

Study its cause.

8 - We didn't create ourselves. We didn't choose the factors that shaped our personality (culture, genes, family, country, neighborhood, early life experiences, past lives experiences etc). Are we to blame for what we are/do? Is everybody innocent?

Yes, No.

9 - Do you believe in punishment because the offenders deserve to pay? Or you think that penalties are a bad thing but needed to ensure order, also improving the criminals behavior.

Penalties are necessary for prevention. Rehabilitation is also necessary.

10 - How from nothing was something created?

Again, abiogenesis.

11 - Do you believe we are all god living, experimenting, evolving?

I don't understand this question.

12 - Who are your "gurus"? (people who spread their message publicly and influenced you)

Sagan, Einstein, Tesla, Kaku

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 02:20 AM
1 - Why do you think people are born in this planet?
We aren't.
2 - Do you think you were here before in another body?
3 - Whats the meaning of difficulties?
4 - Do you think destiny exists? Is there things we have to go through? If yes, where is our free will?
destiny is from the devil
5 - Do you think we should worry about things we cant control?
the thing you can't control is what you are.
6 - Do you believe in helping people? Or, if we dont harm people, we just have to care of ourselves?
Money does a lot.
7 - How do you deal with fear?
love drives fear away
8 - We didn't create ourselves. We didn't choose the factors that shaped our personality (culture, genes, family, country, neighborhood, early life experiences, past lives experiences etc). Are we to blame for what we are/do? Is everybody innocent?
you're innocent.
9 - Do you believe in punishment because the offenders deserve to pay? Or you think that penalties are a bad thing but needed to ensure order, also improving the criminals behavior.
punishments must be from the heart, locking someone for 30years is too long, people somehow tend to get it after such a period of time. (I suppose and think so)
10 - How from nothing was something created?
the physical is garbage, somehow it seems to work.
11 - Do you believe we are all god living, experimenting, evolving?
we aren't all.
12 - Who are your "gurus"? (people who spread their message publicly and influenced you)
am I my own guru?

13 - Do you like answering these questions.
I don't give a sht.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 04:37 AM

Originally posted by etherical waterwave
13 - Do you like answering these questions.
I don't give a sht.

Lololol, the goal of this thread is to spread light. The questionnaire goal is to guide the answers.

I am really enjoying your answers guys, even the sarcastic and cynical ones.


posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 04:39 AM
5 - Do you think we should worry about things we cant control?

I forgot something very important. Through the power of pray, intention and focus we can influence a lot of things. Its called magic

edit on 2-4-2011 by Manula because: To add more text

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 05:08 AM
reply to post by Manula

1 - Why do you think people are born in this planet?
I believe the soul is continuous, that it lives forever, but it needs emotion which can only be gained in physical form, I believe that emotion is the souls food as it were and we come back to charge the soul with the energy that emotion provides

2 - Do you think you were here before in another body?
Yes many times

3 - Whats the meaning of difficulties?
Difficulties arise from random interaction on the most part, but I feel the soul drives us to experience certain emotion and seeks out certain experiences almost like we can be hell bent to go through certain emotions. I also feel some events are pre destined

4 - Do you think destiny exists? Is there things we have to go through? If yes, where is our free will?
Yes some events are major turning points in our life and we are in a way predestined to experience them, our free will comes from how we handle those events

5 - Do you think we should worry about things we cant control?
That is a difficult question, for example Governments dictate our lives, as an individual we can not change that, so should we worry? Yes because if we band together we can change it however difficult it may be. But I don't think we should worry so much that we stop living our own lives or let it affect our interactions with others

6 - Do you believe in helping people? Or, if we dont harm people, we just have to care of ourselves?
Personally it depends on the circumstances, overall I tend to mind my own business but if I see someone in real distress I want to help them, nor should we turn a blind eye to the suffering of others

7 - How do you deal with fear?
Fear is the worlds biggest cancer, it erodes people, communities and nations, yet I believe fear is necessary for our survival, it is also one of the strongest emotions and I believe our souls crave. I try to deal with fear by taking a logical approach and facing it, I don't always succeed though

8 - We didn't create ourselves. We didn't choose the factors that shaped our personality (culture, genes, family, country, neighborhood, early life experiences, past lives experiences etc). Are we to blame for what we are/do? Is everybody innocent?
We all have free will, we all make choices, if we choose to harm others then yes we are guilty

9 - Do you believe in punishment because the offenders deserve to pay? Or you think that penalties are a bad thing but needed to ensure order, also improving the criminals behavior.
I believe as children we need to learn right from wrong, and sometimes we step over the line and punishment is necessary, it teaches us that their are boundaries in life we cannot cross, as we get older that punishment can lead to incarceration for the protection of others and as a society we need that, but I don't believe in punitive punishment such as the death penalty

10 - How from nothing was something created?
My meditations lead me to believe the following theory (simplified and very abbreviated here) In the beginning there was nothing, literally nothing, this nothing was a vacuum constantly pulling against its own emptiness, this created energy until a point where the pull created a tear in the nothingness then the energy was released that formed the creator, everything came from that

11 - Do you believe we are all god living, experimenting, evolving?
I believe we are all connected through time space and dimensions, all separate and all one at the same time, everything is interconnected, all things, stars, space, all living things here and everywhere in the universe came from one life giving energy, and as such we are all parts of god

12 - Who are your "gurus"? (people who spread their message publicly and influenced you)
My beliefs are my own, there is no public guru that shaped me

Hope that helped, I had to write this before I read others replies
I didn't want to be distracted by others thoughts
no will enjoy reading others replies

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 05:17 AM
1 - Why do you think people are born in this planet?
- it´s our place to bee, i believe we have allways been here. from the beginning of time.

2 - Do you think you were here before in another body?
- do you mean reincarnation? or if human kind was embodied before earths creation?

3 - Whats the meaning of difficulties?-
it has no meaning. its a symptom of the human race inability to cooperate with eachother. the day the human race understands that working together is the key of survival. instead of war and poisonous industries. then difficulties will diminish.

4 - Do you think destiny exists? Is there things we have to go through? If yes, where is our free will?
every second we make choices that make our destiny. and yes we must go through life. we have allways free will to choose our path in life. the outcome however we can´t control. we only have to accept the result of our choices.

6 - Do you believe in helping people? Or, if we dont harm people, we just have to care of ourselves?
we MUST help eachother allways. and never harm another person/soul and that includes animals. egoism is a disorder. it disturbs the harmony in the consciouss organism. if i hurt someone else. i hurt myself.

7 - How do you deal with fear?
i´m content knowing life goes on after death.

10 - How from nothing was something created?
they need eachother to exist.

Alien Pancake

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 05:47 AM
1 - Why do you think people are born in this planet?

To serve God

2 - Do you think you were here before in another body?


3 - Whats the meaning of difficulties?


4 - Do you think destiny exists? Is there things we have to go through? If yes, where is our free will?

yes, no, don't know but it's obvious we have it.

5 - Do you think we should worry about things we cant control?

I don't think we should worry about anything.

6 - Do you believe in helping people? Or, if we dont harm people, we just have to care of ourselves?

If they want to be helped.

7 - How do you deal with fear?

Know thy enemy.

8 - We didn't create ourselves. We didn't choose the factors that shaped our personality (culture, genes, family, country, neighborhood, early life experiences, past lives experiences etc). Are we to blame for what we are/do? Is everybody innocent?

As an adult you are responsible. Factors are not excuses. Yes. No in fact no mortal man is innocent.

9 - Do you believe in punishment because the offenders deserve to pay? Or you think that penalties are a bad thing but needed to ensure order, also improving the criminals behavior.

If you can not live by the law. Then you will absolutly die by the law.

10 - How from nothing was something created?

It was spoken.

11 - Do you believe we are all god living, experimenting, evolving?


12 - Who are your "gurus"? (people who spread their message publicly and influenced you)


If you have other questions you like to answer fine, do it. If you just feel like answering some of them, its ok. Just spread your light.

13. What was the point of these cockeyed questions ?

You got me there.

edit on 2-4-2011 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 05:48 AM

Originally posted by Manula
1 - Why do you think people are born in this planet?
because it sustains life's needs
2 - Do you think you were here before in another body?
all the time (infinitely)
3 - Whats the meaning of difficulties?
to understand and create wise judgement through acceptence
4 - Do you think destiny exists? Is there things we have to go through? If yes, where is our free will?
no such thing as individual free will just the illusion of it
5 - Do you think we should worry about things we cant control?
together as a collective it can be reshaped
6 - Do you believe in helping people? Or, if we dont harm people, we just have to care of ourselves?
I am everyone on a deeper level and by helping others I am helping my self
7 - How do you deal with fear? it real? if so acceptance and necessary action
8 - We didn't create ourselves. We didn't choose the factors that shaped our personality (culture, genes, family, country, neighborhood, early life experiences, past lives experiences etc). Are we to blame for what we are/do? Is everybody innocent?
I as an individual self ,I am responsible for all my actions and can no longer blame anyone for my actions after the age of 21

9 - Do you believe in punishment because the offenders deserve to pay? Or you think that penalties are a bad thing but needed to ensure order, also improving the criminals behavior.
Because of the true nature of the fox you do need some kind of restriction to keep the fox out of the hen house
10 - How from nothing was something created?
imagination is incredible stuff
11 - Do you believe we are all god living, experimenting, evolving?
I "self" live in god and have my being
12 - Who are your "gurus"? (people who spread their message publicly and influenced you)
"shiny" fellow beings ( everyone and everything can shine )

If you have other questions you like to answer fine, do it. If you just feel like answering some of them, its ok. Just spread your light.

Thank you

edit on 1-4-2011 by Manula because: To add another question (8)

edit on 1-4-2011 by Manula because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-4-2011 by xsheep because: fix the color blue

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 07:34 AM
reply to post by Manula

1 - To learn, experience, to grow and evolve.

2 - Yes

3 - It's only as difficult as you want it to be.

4 - Yes. We have to go through certain areas, but not all. We all have free will.

5 - We can control everything, it's up to you to do it.

6 - I would answer both with a yes to it.

7 - Fear is based on physical impulses, the physical is not important.

8 - We did create ourselves. We did choose the factors that shaped our personality (culture, genes, family, country, neighborhood, early life experiences, past lives experiences etc). Blame no one but ourselves. Innocent, yes in a way.

9 - Yes, but to teach a lesson.

10 - It/we are becoming one.

11 - Yes, we create our own reality and are G-ds.

12 - Don't have any, majority are their for money only.


posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 09:27 AM
reply to post by Manula

people are born on earth. .because we as a human species are to mature, to ripe. .to evolve, to gain experience. .to know everything. .
Evryone here is connected to each other by a matrix, contributing something together to a human species
That's wot I think about why we are here.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 09:30 AM
1 - Why do you think people are born in this planet?
This is a planet of Karma hard-clensing and express-evolution. people are born here to attain both.
2 - Do you think you were here before in another body?
I know.
3 - Whats the meaning of difficulties?
Depends on how you perceive them. Meaning is an attribute of the discursive mind. I suppose you learn from them.
4 - Do you think destiny exists? Is there things we have to go through? If yes, where is our free will?
I feel a plan is being executed,but we are our own planners. There are a few personal markers on a background of lessons common to all. If you have mastered a lesson you will simply act accordingly as soon as it unfolds. Like any plan, things don't turn out exactly as planned, but that is not necessarily bad. It is what it is.
5 - Do you think we should worry about things we cant control?
I think we should never worry. Even with things we can control.
6 - Do you believe in helping people? Or, if we dont harm people, we just have to care of ourselves?
I believe that is what I am here for. If we help, guide, understand, value, link to, forgive, etc., people we are taking care of ourselves. We are one.
7 - How do you deal with fear?
I pay attention to it, recognize it and accept it.
8 - We didn't create ourselves. We didn't choose the factors that shaped our personality (culture, genes, family, country, neighborhood, early life experiences, past lives experiences etc). Are we to blame for what we are/do? Is everybody innocent?
Blame? What is that? Innocence? What is that? I don't articulate judgement. This is just a game.
9 - Do you believe in punishment because the offenders deserve to pay? Or you think that penalties are a bad thing but needed to ensure order, also improving the criminals behavior.
Order, or should I say illusion of order, is better than disorder. As for wordly justice, it can only go so far. I believe in regeneration though, so I think we should ponder the penalties wisely.
10 - How from nothing was something created?
Potential is nothing and everything always. I don't play with absolutes, and time is space-time is an illusion anyway.
11 - Do you believe we are all god living, experimenting, evolving?
I think we are all living, experimenting, evolving. You forgot creating. And we are one. So why should God have anything to do with it?
12 - Who are your "gurus"? (people who spread their message publicly and influenced you)
Me, you, son, wife, mother, sister, in-laws, coleagues, you get the point. Being close to them is approaching myself. As for the question, I can say Buddha, Osho, Drunvalo, Wilcock, Kavassilas, Rinpoche, and many others I have read and heard and witnessed that tought, inspired and lifted me. They are all basicly me talking to me. We are one.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 09:55 AM
2 - Do you think you were here before in another body?
=yes, i believe in reincarnation..
3 - Whats the meaning of difficulties?
=to see how much you can gain with every difficulties. .experience it.
4 - Do you think destiny exists? Is there things we have to go through? If yes, where is our free will?
=there is a point B which I will call destiny, u r at point A, nw its on u, to go from A to B either linearly, or non-linearly or either choose someother point Rather than B..

5 - Do you think we should worry about things we cant control?
=yes, we should worry, learn about it, learn how much its away from our control...
6 - Do you believe in helping people? Or, if we dont harm people, we just have to care of ourselves?
=helping others, you are helping yourself..
7 - How do you deal with fear?
=try to accept my fear, than analyse why i'm fearing, face it and tame it. .
8 - We didn't create ourselves. We didn't choose the factors that shaped our personality (culture, genes, family, country, neighborhood, early life experiences, past lives experiences etc). Are we to blame for what we are/do? Is everybody innocent?
=everybody is innocent and everybody is responsible too. .its a complex thing. .
Evry action u do, it counts now its upon you that your action was knowingly or unknowingly. .
You have to break the illusion. .or else evry action is to blame. .
9 - Do you believe in punishment because the offenders deserve to pay? Or you think that penalties are a bad thing but needed to ensure order, also improving the criminals behavior.
=still puzzling to me
10 - How from nothing was something created?
=nothing to something and again from something to nothing. .its a cycle and will exist foreva..every species have to understand it
11 - Do you believe we are all god living, experimenting, evolving?
=yes, we are god when we are good, nd devil when we are bad,
12 - Who are your "gurus"? (people who spread their message publicly and influenced you)
=every other things from living to non living
Thank you :

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 10:20 AM

Originally posted by Manula
1 - Why do you think people are born in this planet?

2 - Do you think you were here before in another body?

3 - Whats the meaning of difficulties?

4 - Do you think destiny exists? Is there things we have to go through? If yes, where is our free will?

5 - Do you think we should worry about things we cant control?

6 - Do you believe in helping people? Or, if we dont harm people, we just have to care of ourselves?

7 - How do you deal with fear?

8 - We didn't create ourselves. We didn't choose the factors that shaped our personality (culture, genes, family, country, neighborhood, early life experiences, past lives experiences etc). Are we to blame for what we are/do? Is everybody innocent?

9 - Do you believe in punishment because the offenders deserve to pay? Or you think that penalties are a bad thing but needed to ensure order, also improving the criminals behavior.

10 - How from nothing was something created?

11 - Do you believe we are all god living, experimenting, evolving?

12 - Who are your "gurus"? (people who spread their message publicly and influenced you)

If you have other questions you like to answer fine, do it. If you just feel like answering some of them, its ok. Just spread your light.

Thank you

edit on 1-4-2011 by Manula because: To add another question (8)

edit on 1-4-2011 by Manula because: (no reason given)

I belive we were born on this earth to lie a heavenly life, I believe our higher connecetion with God of the Soul

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 10:35 AM

Originally posted by Manula
1 - Why do you think people are born in this planet?

2 - Do you think you were here before in another body?

3 - Whats the meaning of difficulties?

4 - Do you think destiny exists? Is there things we have to go through? If yes, where is our free will?

Answer to all the above is "I don't know".

5 - Do you think we should worry about things we cant control?

No. Worry is one of the most useless pastimes I can imagine. I believe we should ACCEPT things we cannot control.

6 - Do you believe in helping people? Or, if we dont harm people, we just have to care of ourselves?

I believe in helping people. We are all brothers and sisters on this planet and love, compassion, acceptance and caring for each other are very important.

7 - How do you deal with fear?

I'm not afraid of much, but when I am afraid, I usually face it and deal with it because it's not going away unless I banish it.

8 - We didn't create ourselves. We didn't choose the factors that shaped our personality (culture, genes, family, country, neighborhood, early life experiences, past lives experiences etc). Are we to blame for what we are/do? Is everybody innocent?

I don't agree that we didn't create ourselves or choose aspects of our lives. I don't know how we were created. We are responsible for what we do. And no, not everyone is innocent.

9 - Do you believe in punishment because the offenders deserve to pay? Or you think that penalties are a bad thing but needed to ensure order, also improving the criminals behavior.

I believe in punishment because the offenders deserve to pay.

10 - How from nothing was something created?

11 - Do you believe we are all god living, experimenting, evolving?

I don't know.

12 - Who are your "gurus"? (people who spread their message publicly and influenced you)

Deepak Chopra
Anthony De Mello
Cesar Milan

Buffy, the Vampire Slayer
edit on 4/2/2011 by Benevolent Heretic because: (no reason given)

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