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3rd Intifada called for against Israel

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posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 12:30 AM
A facebook page was established which garnered more than 350,000 supporters...It was taken down after Jewish pressure groups complained.

It called for a May 15th Uprising against Israel.

If past intifadas are an indication, it will also include the murder of Israeli Women and children. Perhaps on a larger scale this time around.

And heres the propaganda, as found on Youtube.

edit on 30-3-2011 by dontreally because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 12:40 AM
Hmm at least 6000 dead palestinans since 2000..and that is with the atleast being a low estimate, the figure is likely to be higher.

Try having billions of dollars worth of the most up to date warfare being used on civillains trapped in a rundown 20 mile strip. Think of all those dead children? No? okay, they must have brought it on themselves im sure.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 01:32 AM
reply to post by Justice4Gaza

Yep, looks like the israelis are getting ready to mow the strip again and need a cover story.
It will start with a Palestinian kid throwing a rock at an israeli building followed by an israeli jet doing a bombing run.
It will completely miss those slippery "terrorists" and hit babies and women.
Ethnic cleansing at it's finest.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 01:41 AM

Originally posted by g146541
reply to post by Justice4Gaza

Yep, looks like the israelis are getting ready to mow the strip again and need a cover story.
It will start with a Palestinian kid throwing a rock at an israeli building followed by an israeli jet doing a bombing run.
It will completely miss those slippery "terrorists" and hit babies and women.
Ethnic cleansing at it's finest.

You forgot the phosphorus in the schools..
Can't have them evil kiddies reading books..

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 01:45 AM
reply to post by backinblack

Indeed, i think the UN must have missed it when they were not only illegally killing women and children, aswell as innocent men, they were doing it with illegal, absolutely evil weapons. Obviously once they leave libya on their peacekeeping mission straight to israel to save lives right?...right?

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 01:50 AM
reply to post by dontreally

Gee, why would Palestinians wish to rebel?
According to you they all live in the lap of luxury..

Here's a bit on why the 2nd happened..
I sure as hell admire the Palestinians for their patience..
Most would rebel much sooner under similar conditions..

The roots of Intifada 2000

"The explosion of Palestinian anger last September 29 put an end to the charade begun at Oslo seven years ago and labelled the 'peace process.' In 1993 Palestinians, along with millions of people around the world, were led to hope that Israel would withdraw from the West Bank and Gaza within five years and that Palestinians would then be free to establish an independent state. Meanwhile both sides would work out details of Israel's withdrawal and come to an agreement on the status of Jerusalem, the future of Israeli settlements, and the return of Palestinian refugees.

"Because of the lopsided balance of power, negotiations went nowhere and the Palestinians' hopes were never fulfilled. The Israelis, regardless of which government was in power, quibbled over wording, demanded revisions of what had previously been agreed to, then refused to abide by the new agreements. Meanwhile successive governments were demolishing Palestinian homes, taking over Arab neighborhoods in East Jerusalem for Jewish housing, and seizing Palestinian land for new settlements. A massive new highway network built after 1993 on confiscated Palestinian land isolates Palestinian towns and villages from one another and from Jerusalem, forcing many Palestinians to go through Israeli checkpoints just to get to the next town...

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 01:43 PM
I used to blindly support the Palestinian side, but I've since woken up and I support neither side with a slight lean to present Israel, which is pretty surprising for me. I'm fine with you people pointing out how terrible the zionists are, but you always seem to leave out how terrible the "Palestinian" government is, give me Zionists over Hamas anyday, give me Western expansionism over a global muslim caliphate anyday. Israel is what Muslim dictators use to keep their citizens from demanding to be released from the 7th century, it's what they use to distract their enslaved public which is oppressed far more by their govs than by Israel. Khazarians aren't really a Hebrew tribe and only became Jewish because they were surrounded by conquering Christian and Muslim forces. However, plenty of truly hebrew jews were forced to become Muslims once conquered, while at the same time many "Palestinians" (I quote since it's a made up country/culture) are actually semetic, then there are the musta'arabi which are arab speaking jews who have one of the best claims to the land and so of course were the first to be oppressed by the zionists, and then there are the Bedouin which are desert dwelling arabs who support Israel, but then are treated like second class citizens by them. So this ethnicity situation is all very convoluted, what always got me was that regardless, massively immigrating into a country with the plan to create a state for just yourselves, is quite screwed up, no matter if your descendents were formerly on the land (the most contested spot in the world). Though I'd say it's less screwed up than the various Muslim conquests, far more legitimate and peaceful, at first. Then I found out that once many jews arrived there, it caused the economy to start moving and growing, therefore a tremendous amount of arab/Muslim immigration began which many people claim dwarfed the Israeli immigration. So the fact that many of these jews contributed to moving Israel out of the 7th century and this caused many people to flock there, means that these Jews, regardless of how zionist they were, should have been appreciated for that. But of course, Israel got many things seriously wrong and their political system is just as corrupted as ours and they've been part of very questionable things and plenty of civilian deaths, but at the same time look at what Lebanon has had: the PLO, Hamas, Hezbollah. All terrorist organizations which do not want peace, but want Israel wiped off the map, and many want the Jews killed, so where are the ethnic cleansing comments about them? Many people complain about the Israel lobby and it's power, it may have been very strong in the past, but now it is up against a far larger Muslim lobby which is all about silencing people speaking out against radical Islam.

Give me zionists over the Muslim Brotherhood (or any Muslim organization rather) anyday, with that said, they're both seriously in the wrong, stop getting suckered by the "we're all innocent" Muslim propaganda. What about all of the innocent people who were killed or converted during the various Muslim conquests? What about the family which were mudered in there sleep (including an infant) by Palestinians, and then there were celebrations, what about those innocents? Getting rid of Israel is like people saying we should stop drilling and using nuclear energy, well that's great and all, but that only causes far more problems and helps only the Illuminati. Making the zionists pay is a great idea (even though they're the only ones who have given up land), but the only options on the table cause huge problems (WW3 threat) and help only the Illuminati (Post-WW3 NWO or just big step up for global caliphate). That's the problem with many of the college kids who support Palestine, they seem to think they're completely innocent, which is what the Libs have brainwashed them into believing, just like the Right has brainwashed itself into believing Israel can do no wrong. Don't forget: Problem - Reaction - Solution, if you have the same solution as Leftists, the MSM, and the Illuminati, you should be concerned about that.
edit on 28-4-2011 by SincerelySarcastic because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 05:44 PM
reply to post by SincerelySarcastic

In the General, Palestinians, Arabs, and Muslims, and all supporters of the palestinian arab cause are in the wrong, and anyone who understands the history - both Jewish history, and the history of palestine in the last 100 years or so, understands that.

In this sense it is a white and black issue.

Now, when we move into the particular, there are many things that the Israeli government does that are wrong, and illicit and offensively corrupt. I dont say this in reference to the palestinians either; but moreso to Israels own citizens.

Do you know what kind of political system Israel has? It is the MOST undemocratic in the democratic world. To even call Israel a democracy would almost be a misnomer. Israel doesnt have MKs (representatives) of different regions, and so when electing in a new government one has to vote for a party, and not a representativwe of a region like most democratic nations do. When one is limited to voting for a party, then theres the possibility of a gross misrepresentation of one view over another, even if the other represents the majority position. Another major issue is the lack of decisiveness is Israeli government. There are many major parties (Labor, Likud, Kadima etc) and one party needs to have the majority in order to form a government. Since one party never forms a majority, all the major parties have to come together to form a government; and this produces a government with essentially the same policies of earlier governments.I cannot tell you how many times in Israeli politics that one person campaigned against a certain policy, and yet when they won, ACTUALLY carried out that policy they fervently campaigned against.. An example would be Ariel Sharon. He clamored against Ehud Baraks desire to kick 10,000 Jews out of the Gush Katif area and you would have been duped into believing in his sincerity. When he was reelected prime minister, a year later he disengaged from Gaza, and kicked 6000 or so Jews out of Gush Katif.

Theyve perfected the art of lying, of double think, and of saying one thing and doing the other with a semblance of justification.

Israel in this particular sense is as corrupt as the american/european establishment is corrupt. But they are not special and "zionists" is an absolutely made up idea meant to direct the mind towards Jews, because zionism is a Jewish movement, and whether ignoramuses desire to acknowledge it or not, most Jews are zionists.
edit on 28-4-2011 by dontreally because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 01:39 AM
I think you fail to realise that this is a protest - link which is on a world wide scale. Nice job trying to twist this into pro-Zionist propoganda. This is a protest not a call for a 3rd intifada.

posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 01:44 AM
reply to post by dontreally

Do you know what kind of political system Israel has? It is the MOST undemocratic in the democratic world. To even call Israel a democracy would almost be a misnomer.

Nice admission from you mate, though I do now wonder why in another thread you stated Israel was the only democracy in the ME...
Obviously you don't think it is truly a democracy..

posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 02:30 AM
reply to post by dontreally

Israel isn't as bad as some people try to make it out to be, that being said the Palestinians have every right to be p***ed off at the Israeli government for turning their homeland into an open prison and their homes, schools and hospitals into piles of rubble. Peace will never be achieved if the people let bombs and bullets do the talking.

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