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Doctors Warn About 'Facebook Depression' In Teens

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posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 03:19 PM
Wow. So are they suggesting that before facebook kids weren't exposed to their more popular peers who have more & better 'stuff'?
I mean, that's life! It has nothing to do with facebook... if you're someone with low self esteem who is so drastically affected by others' fortunes, then regardless of whether your on facebook or not, you'll have problems.

It's more of a regular depression than a "facebook depression".

Silly "doctors"

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 05:07 PM
reply to post by xFloggingMaryx

I do not think anyone really intends to imply that this started when facebook became main stream. But, only that it is only something to keep piling on top of the existing problems making it that much harder to see the forest for the trees and how to fix those issues. In other words, another distraction.

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 06:09 PM

Originally posted by Skewed
I do not think anyone really intends to imply that this started when facebook became main stream. But, only that it is only something to keep piling on top of the existing problems making it that much harder to see the forest for the trees and how to fix those issues. In other words, another distraction.

That makes sense also... I have noticed that there are many more mental "afflictions" being defined lately. It could just be an excuse to prescribe more drugs to those who are diagnosed with said "new" afflictions. Or as you said, it's another distraction to get people to worry about things that don't warrant worry.

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 06:48 PM

Originally posted by blackcube
reply to post by Solasis

Psychiatry is not the same thing as psychology

btw I graduated as psychologist
I am pretty sure that I know what is the difference between
edit on 28/3/11 by blackcube because: (no reason given)

Oh, you knew what I meant
(Seriously, though, I'm glad you corrected that one. Sorry for the mistake; I do it a lot. Stupid similar words referring to similar but distinct fields!)

Originally posted by dolphinfan
reply to post by Solasis

OK, they certainly don't suggest that it "kills", but they do suggest that it is yet another vehicle to which creates a hirerachy within the social structure.

Which is exactly what I said, basically.

These are the same tools who ultimately did take the dodge ball out of school, pushed for the no score keeping in sports, eliminated the school yard picking of teams and the rest of the rubbish. They are also the folks who pushed for mainstreaming handicapped kids with significant physical and emotional issues into regular classes and pushed for the dumbed down grading and teaching methodology currently used in schools.

Er, are you sure about these being the same people? I think most of that was over-sensitive over-concerned parents groups, not psycholiatrists.... And exaggerated by your nostalgia for having balls slammed into your face...

The article is also not about bullying. Its about how a kid who has tons of friends makes a kid who is unpopular feel bad. It is about a wealthy kid posting about vacations and purchases making a poor kid feel bad. It is all about that kind of thing and it is absurd.

Er, and? That kind of thing can hurt, and there's no harm in pointing that out, or in pointing out that facebook is a realm in which that can be more directly shown to kids. I still don't think that the article is a call for facebook to be shut down. At worst, it is a call for parents to be cautious about allowing their kids onto facebook and, perhaps, to talk to their kids about their economic situations and the nature of social interaction. Which they should be anyway. In fact, from the article...

The guidelines urge pediatricians to encourage parents to talk with their kids about online use and to be aware of Facebook depression, cyberbullying, sexting and other online risks.

Yep, talk to your kids. Dont' shut down facebook, talk to your kids.


She said the benefits of kids using social media sites like Facebook shouldn’t be overlooked, however, such as connecting with friends and family, sharing pictures and exchanging ideas.

‘IT CAN GO TOO FAR’ “A lot of what’s happening is actually very healthy, but it can go too far,” she said. Dr. Megan Moreno, a University of Wisconsin adolescent medicine specialist who has studied online social networking among college students, said using Facebook can enhance feelings of social connectedness among well-adjusted kids, and have the opposite effect on those prone to depression. Parents shouldn’t get the idea that using Facebook “is going to somehow infect their kids with depression,” she said.

If you think Facebook is an unhealthy thing for your kid, simple solution. Don't let them use it.


Originally posted by xFloggingMaryx
That makes sense also... I have noticed that there are many more mental "afflictions" being defined lately. It could just be an excuse to prescribe more drugs to those who are diagnosed with said "new" afflictions. Or as you said, it's another distraction to get people to worry about things that don't warrant worry.

These could-bes ignore a lot of other information. for one thing, our understanding of the human mind is constantly increasing. There are more, and bigger, divergences from the human "norm" that can be identifiable. Furthermore, those with some of the more quietly debilitating, such as severe clinical depression, have a better chance of surviving day-to-day life. (Though that ones' just speculation)

It also ignores the fact that no one's trying to prescribe anything for this, and they're actively saying that it's not going to require more kids to go to see psycholotrists (hehe):

Parents shouldn’t get the idea that using Facebook “is going to somehow infect their kids with depression,” she said

(Also: Er, Er, Er,!)
edit on 28-3-2011 by Solasis because: I didn't have enough "Er,"s in the post.

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 07:03 PM
If these folks weren't depressed over Facebook they would be depressed over something else. We have Facebook depression because some people are shut ins! The remedy is simple. Destroy all electronics on Earth and institute a propaganda campaign against technological progress and turn everyone into Luddites and hippies.

edit: Btw, even though the article doesn't mention social isolation, there is not a doubt in my mind, that's the cause. You will find the excuses in the article. These people have no lives. Kind of like us over here on ATS eh? Jk. Kind of. so... addicting... agh. Hmm, I thought of a new slogan for ATS. Say no to drugs, say yes to ATS! Actually, this site is probably just as bad.
edit on 28-3-2011 by sliceNodice because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 10:07 PM
just another
example of old people who are afraid of technology.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 10:05 PM
reply to post by dolphinfan


OP, I don't disagree with what your saying in regards to how the topic of adolescent mental health is often exaggerated or over-analyzed. However, I disagree with your response to the article.

Take into consideration that pretty much anything that affects our lives (weather, sport, the volume of your alarm clock - anything) can be percieved in either a negative or positive light, dependant upon the perception and thought processes of the individual.

Take into consideration that as long as people suffer from depression, they will strive to find new sources for this depression.

Depression is not caused by these things that influence our lives, but rather our perception of them functions to either excacerbate or relieve this mental state. I do not think that health care professionals, overall, or atleast in this instance, are attempting to sensationalize the issue. But forever they shall strive.

I believe that that is the point the article is making is that Facebook is a major exacerbator of these negative emotions and self perceptions. But in the end, it is only the individuals perception reflecting upon themself.

Perhaps your being overly cynical?
edit on 29-3-2011 by RenegadeScholar because: corrections

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 10:27 PM
reply to post by dolphinfan

I agree. This is Nutz. The Dr's can claim any new disease they wanna make up to con folks into paying more money to the pharmaceutical companies for their damn drugs.

Hey, Lets all go to our dr's and claim we are suffering depression due to Obama having mucked up the country. Think they will impeach him on grounds he's a public health menace?

It's all about the drug companies and has nothing to do with true health. Drug companies pay for the equipment used in medical schools. They give dr's incentives to bring people to them. I'm 43 and don't take any drugs. If the day comes a dr. tells me i have to take his poison to save my life i will laugh at him, call him a quack and leave telling others what a fraud he is.

There are many natural cures/treatments that work as well as pharmaceuticals. They know this - why else do you think they want to do things like outlaw vitamins and health foods - make them prescription only - sure you can believe their hype that it's for your own good cus it's not regulated for safety. That's a BS double standard - pharmaceuticals kill more people each year and do more harm than any vitamins or health product - yet they refuse to do their job and out law these killer drugs?? Well folks see the FDA is all about keeping the drug business going not about whats truly safe for you. If it has the FDA stamp of approval, Run away as fast as you can.

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