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The question the jewish `gods` dont like to answer!!

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posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 05:18 PM
Okay this is not a jew bashing thread, i was born jewish

anyway thats for another topic, however ive asked many times before jewish rabbis, and i mean it im not just saying what ive read on a mesage board, ive physically been in meetings with some, asking them my questions.

I asked (and this isnt a holocaust debate or a how many died debate), if the jewish god loves his people so much, why would he allow millions to be burnt alive, why would he allow his `chosen ones` to be kicked out from country to country for thousands of years, and be litteraly trampeled on and used as everyones scapegoat for `the problems with the world` for so long.

the answer i was given is, `we dont ask questions of god`,

although that infuriated me, i decided to ask another rabbi. i got the same answer

eventually i got one who said that the reason god is strict with the jewish people is its like a father and his child, when a child misbehaves he needs a slap to put him on the right way, same too with god and his `chosen ones`.

that answer infuriated me! how can you compare the two! theres a huge difference between a slap on a tushy and murdering millions of your loved ones!!

next question, why when abraham was comanded to sacrifice his child issac (another test, what a loving amazing god), did god ask him to do it, yet when he was told at the last moment not to sacrifice his child, it was an angel of god who told him to stop! (look it up in the bible)... huh so god finds telling him to murder his child important, but doesnt have the time, or doesnt find it important enough an issue to tell him to stop, and needs to get his angel to tell him to stop?

also, the jewish name for god changes like 7 times throughout the bible.. multiple personalities or more than one.. you choose! ill go with both to be honest

next i asked, what the hell is the jewish gods obsession, with headshaving (all through the scriptures when it comes to talking about the temple and sacrifices), the high priest must always shave his head before every single ritual, a captured non jewish woman who a jew wants to marry must shave her head, a `nazir` after a certain amount of years must too, anyone with diseases must too, if you look up jewish law, its practically all over the place! why is `god` so obsessed with it, why would he care about his `loved ones` appearance!

argh! you see what i mean

theres the same senseless dribble from an `all loving god` who moans and stamps his foot in anger like a pathetic little baby when he/she/it doesnt get its own way!
a god who contradicts itself with almost every phrase!

note how judaism wants you to think that the world is only 5771 years old, they completly dis regard artifacts/fosssils which extremely predate it, and claim `meh its a test from god`

im not an atheist, and this thread isnt to poke fun, its just when i look deeply into jewish scriptures it is full of the whole mumbo jumbo that all the other ancient religions are.
for example the hebrew word for fish is `dag`
yet the `daggan ` who were the summerian fish like gods.. were around 5000 years BEFORE the jewish bible story, and the flood story

why was a huge bright cloud following the jews out of eypt, and onto the mount sinai when moses recieved the commandments, (shechina the hebrew word for it) , supposedly god travels in a huge heavenly cloud

i mean come on -- if that doesnt sound like a modern day cloaked ufo, i dont know what does

in my conclusion, it saddens me to say it
but the jews, just like all the other major religions, who are so dedicated that they would devote their lives, and even die for their `gods`

have all been misled, by entities, who were clearly using humanity for their own interests

any thoughts?
edit on 25-3-2011 by littlezeta because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 05:22 PM
Your never going to get an answer that makes any sense....

The answer I always got when I asked any questions was "you can't understand the mind of God" basically it covers all the inconsistencies. Your not god so you can't understand.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 05:27 PM
the jewish god yaweh, is non other than the saturn of the greeks.
read up about saturn and you will see it is the same "god"
in short saturn, isnt very nice... "eye for an eye"

an intresting side note, jesus of the new testament seems to be modled after neptune, or jupiter.
"turn the other cheek"

so really they are two different gods in those two books.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 05:29 PM
did you get the bit about how it was god who told abraham to sacrifice his son, but an angel of god told him not to....... huh

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 05:41 PM
reply to post by littlezeta

Personally I believe all religious books should be in the Fiction section of the library..
And some authors should be sued for plagiarism..

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 05:44 PM

Originally posted by backinblack
reply to post by littlezeta

Personally I believe all religious books should be in the Fiction section of the library..
And some authors should be sued for plagiarism..

there are entities, evil evil entities, who have cost billions upon billions, probably trillions of lives out there, who have lied for mileniums
edit on 25-3-2011 by littlezeta because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 05:53 PM
reply to post by littlezeta

What does their book say about Jesus or God's return?

Does it have to do with rebuilding the Temple Mount? :-p

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 05:59 PM
reply to post by littlezeta

Hey Littlezeta I have a question that you can ask a rabbi or you might even know the answer to. Why is it in Genesis God refers to himself in the plural sense? Such as saying, "WE created man in OUR image." And then when eating from the apple, God says, "Now you are like US, knowing good from evil."

I have heard some say that God is including the angels when he says this, but that would mean God is putting himself in a category with other beings when he's supposed to be special and unique.

Do you have any thoughts about this? It seems like the alien explanation is the only one that makes sense.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 06:09 PM
Over the years I have learned to avoid religious discussions like the plague. All that comes of them is both sides being frustrated and sometimes even angry.

There is nothing, NOTHING that an atheist can say to a person of faith to make them discard their faith or change their views on God and religion. Conversely there is nothing, NOTHING a person of faith can say to an atheist to make them accept something on faith with no "proof". So all that happens is the two sides hem and haw at each other and call each other idiots.

I have come to realize that people are who they are, and I accept them as that no matter what it is, or what they believe in that I do not, etc. Perhaps the world would be a better place if we all just got along instead of trying to bend others to our will and way of thinking

edit on 25-3-2011 by Blazer because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 06:49 PM
Wow, what a rant lol. Okay, I am not Jewish, I am a follower of Christ Jesus, so take this as you will. I cannot provide answers to customs/traditions that I am not familiar with and have not studied intently, but I can give you some insight, maybe, to what I have learned through my studies of scripture and early church history. But it will in no way satisfy your fervent need to find these answers you are looking for.

First and foremost, the Jewish are no longer "God's chosen people". They were, past tense, but no longer. Jews deny Christ as the Messiah and once that happened they lost their "chosen people" status. Read the Gospels According to Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John to get a better understanding of how Jesus dealt with them.

Second, God had to choose a people from which His Son would come and His prophecy be fulfilled, so He chose the Jews. If I understand it correctly, it had more to do with fulfilling prophecy than it did with the people themselves. But with that said, there were many humble, God-fearing, Christ-loving Jews (I know, it seems an oxymoron today). No one is perfect and we all make mistakes, no matter where we come from and it's amazing how God can work with and through imperfect people to bring about and accomplish His will. He does it everyday.

Third, when it comes to why God does or allows things to happen that seem horrific in our eyes, well I think that's just it. We are looking at it through our eyes, not His. And don't think that He is not heartbroken by these things just as any parent is when they have to discipline their children. He is a "jealous God", but I do not ever remember Him ever being described as a "cruel, heartless God" by anyone in scripture.

Here's the thing that I am not sure that many Believers or "Christians" if you prefer the term, will admit or tell you, especially in today's ecumenical, all-inclusive, "God loves you" society. Yes, it is true that God is a loving, compassionate, or as scripture states many times God that is full of "lovingkindness" (in other words, full of grace), But that is not all He is. He is also a jealous God. I know it seems like a double standard. Scripture tells us that we are not suppose to be jealous, but it's okay for Him? Well again, we are looking at Him and the world through our eyes, not His. The difference between our anger and His is that His is a righteous anger, our's is not, or at least not most of the time.

As for His many names, well I have three. A first, last, and middle. I also have numerous nicknames that I am known by, why can't He have multiply names as well. They are names given to us at birth or terms of endearment. What's wrong with that lol? It has nothing to do with multiple personalities lol.

As far as the "head shaving", you have to understand that those practices/customs/rituals/traditions are Old Testament and do not apply today. But still some cannot get out of the Old Testament and into the New Testament. It also had to do with cleaniliness (hygeine as well as being in the presince of God) and offering Him holiness void of uncleanliness in His presence (the Temple). Sin, uncleanliness, etc. cannot be in the very same presence of God. God gave them specific instructions on pretty much everything (how they were to live and where, what they should eat and it should be cooked, how they should act, how to worship properly, what offerings were acceptable and how to prepare those offerings, etc). The Jews did not just pull this all out of hat, they were instructed by God through Moses and others. And they still adhere to many of these practices today because they deny Jesus as the Messiah who was the ultimate authority on earth on how to live and act and who was the ultimate sacrifice. New Testament believers do not adhere to those "laws" anymore. Jesus did away with them when he came and was sacrificed.

In response to Abraham's sacrifice of Isaac, yes it was God testing Abraham's faith, but also a foreshadowing of events to come (I will explain in a minute). No I do not believe that God was too lazy to speak to Abraham the same as He did the first time. You have to understand that hearing a message from an "angel of the Lord" is just as good as hearing it from God Himself. The angels of the Lord never speak out of turn or contrary to a message God has for someone. But going back to my "foreshadowing" explanation, you have completely missed the point of that passage of scripture. Yes it demonstrates Abraham's faith, but also the foreshadowing of the fulfillment of prophesy about Jesus. Everything in the Old Testament and New Testament points directly to Jesus. Abraham's willingness to sacrifice "his only son" that he waited so long for and loved dearly is a direct parallel to the sacrifice God was willing to make with His only son, Jesus. He (God) does not ask us to do something He is not willing to do or has not already done Himself.

As far as time and the Jewish calendar, Wow, I have an explanation for that as well, as I wrote a paper on it in my Old Testament class last year, but it would take much more to explain and probably better left for an email lol.

I know this is long and I probably missed some things. I am sorry for that, but I hope it maybe helped in your understanding of a Believers take on some of your questions. God Bless.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 06:54 PM
reply to post by Randall07

I have an answer for you Randall lol. Genesis 1:26 is not about aliens IMHO lol. When God says, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness....." the plural reference is to God Himself, as well as Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. It is the very first hint at the Trinity we get. Yes, I know it's hard to believe, but Jesus AND the Holy Spirit were present in the beginning as well during the creation process. Blows your mind, doesn't it
But it's what I believe.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 07:00 PM

Originally posted by watchdog
Wow, what a rant lol. Okay, I am not Jewish, I am a follower of Christ Jesus, so take this as you will. I cannot provide answers to customs/traditions that I am not familiar with and have not studied intently, but I can give you some insight, maybe, to what I have learned through my studies of scripture and early church history. But it will in no way satisfy your fervent need to find these answers you are looking for.

First and foremost, the Jewish are no longer "God's chosen people". They were, past tense, but no longer. Jews deny Christ as the Messiah and once that happened they lost their "chosen people" status. Read the Gospels According to Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John to get a better understanding of how Jesus dealt with them.

Second, God had to choose a people from which His Son would come and His prophecy be fulfilled, so He chose the Jews. If I understand it correctly, it had more to do with fulfilling prophecy than it did with the people themselves. But with that said, there were many humble, God-fearing, Christ-loving Jews (I know, it seems an oxymoron today). No one is perfect and we all make mistakes, no matter where we come from and it's amazing how God can work with and through imperfect people to bring about and accomplish His will. He does it everyday.

Third, when it comes to why God does or allows things to happen that seem horrific in our eyes, well I think that's just it. We are looking at it through our eyes, not His. And don't think that He is not heartbroken by these things just as any parent is when they have to discipline their children. He is a "jealous God", but I do not ever remember Him ever being described as a "cruel, heartless God" by anyone in scripture.

Here's the thing that I am not sure that many Believers or "Christians" if you prefer the term, will admit or tell you, especially in today's ecumenical, all-inclusive, "God loves you" society. Yes, it is true that God is a loving, compassionate, or as scripture states many times God that is full of "lovingkindness" (in other words, full of grace), But that is not all He is. He is also a jealous God. I know it seems like a double standard. Scripture tells us that we are not suppose to be jealous, but it's okay for Him? Well again, we are looking at Him and the world through our eyes, not His. The difference between our anger and His is that His is a righteous anger, our's is not, or at least not most of the time.

As for His many names, well I have three. A first, last, and middle. I also have numerous nicknames that I am known by, why can't He have multiply names as well. They are names given to us at birth or terms of endearment. What's wrong with that lol? It has nothing to do with multiple personalities lol.

As far as the "head shaving", you have to understand that those practices/customs/rituals/traditions are Old Testament and do not apply today. But still some cannot get out of the Old Testament and into the New Testament. It also had to do with cleaniliness (hygeine as well as being in the presince of God) and offering Him holiness void of uncleanliness in His presence (the Temple). Sin, uncleanliness, etc. cannot be in the very same presence of God. God gave them specific instructions on pretty much everything (how they were to live and where, what they should eat and it should be cooked, how they should act, how to worship properly, what offerings were acceptable and how to prepare those offerings, etc). The Jews did not just pull this all out of hat, they were instructed by God through Moses and others. And they still adhere to many of these practices today because they deny Jesus as the Messiah who was the ultimate authority on earth on how to live and act and who was the ultimate sacrifice. New Testament believers do not adhere to those "laws" anymore. Jesus did away with them when he came and was sacrificed.

In response to Abraham's sacrifice of Isaac, yes it was God testing Abraham's faith, but also a foreshadowing of events to come (I will explain in a minute). No I do not believe that God was too lazy to speak to Abraham the same as He did the first time. You have to understand that hearing a message from an "angel of the Lord" is just as good as hearing it from God Himself. The angels of the Lord never speak out of turn or contrary to a message God has for someone. But going back to my "foreshadowing" explanation, you have completely missed the point of that passage of scripture. Yes it demonstrates Abraham's faith, but also the foreshadowing of the fulfillment of prophesy about Jesus. Everything in the Old Testament and New Testament points directly to Jesus. Abraham's willingness to sacrifice "his only son" that he waited so long for and loved dearly is a direct parallel to the sacrifice God was willing to make with His only son, Jesus. He (God) does not ask us to do something He is not willing to do or has not already done Himself.

As far as time and the Jewish calendar, Wow, I have an explanation for that as well, as I wrote a paper on it in my Old Testament class last year, but it would take much more to explain and probably better left for an email lol.

I know this is long and I probably missed some things. I am sorry for that, but I hope it maybe helped in your understanding of a Believers take on some of your questions. God Bless.


my religious beliefs are this

Christ is the son of God, and all the good people who come to earth are good entities with a mission to help waken us up.
i do believe in Christ

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 07:05 PM

Originally posted by watchdog
Wow, what a rant lol. Okay, I am not Jewish, I am a follower of Christ Jesus, so take this as you will. I cannot provide answers to customs/traditions that I am not familiar with and have not studied intently, but I can give you some insight, maybe, to what I have learned through my studies of scripture and early church history. But it will in no way satisfy your fervent need to find these answers you are looking for.

First and foremost, the Jewish are no longer "God's chosen people". They were, past tense, but no longer. Jews deny Christ as the Messiah and once that happened they lost their "chosen people" status. Read the Gospels According to Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John to get a better understanding of how Jesus dealt with them.

Second, God had to choose a people from which His Son would come and His prophecy be fulfilled, so He chose the Jews. If I understand it correctly, it had more to do with fulfilling prophecy than it did with the people themselves. But with that said, there were many humble, God-fearing, Christ-loving Jews (I know, it seems an oxymoron today). No one is perfect and we all make mistakes, no matter where we come from and it's amazing how God can work with and through imperfect people to bring about and accomplish His will. He does it everyday.

Third, when it comes to why God does or allows things to happen that seem horrific in our eyes, well I think that's just it. We are looking at it through our eyes, not His. And don't think that He is not heartbroken by these things just as any parent is when they have to discipline their children. He is a "jealous God", but I do not ever remember Him ever being described as a "cruel, heartless God" by anyone in scripture.

Here's the thing that I am not sure that many Believers or "Christians" if you prefer the term, will admit or tell you, especially in today's ecumenical, all-inclusive, "God loves you" society. Yes, it is true that God is a loving, compassionate, or as scripture states many times God that is full of "lovingkindness" (in other words, full of grace), But that is not all He is. He is also a jealous God. I know it seems like a double standard. Scripture tells us that we are not suppose to be jealous, but it's okay for Him? Well again, we are looking at Him and the world through our eyes, not His. The difference between our anger and His is that His is a righteous anger, our's is not, or at least not most of the time.

As for His many names, well I have three. A first, last, and middle. I also have numerous nicknames that I am known by, why can't He have multiply names as well. They are names given to us at birth or terms of endearment. What's wrong with that lol? It has nothing to do with multiple personalities lol.

As far as the "head shaving", you have to understand that those practices/customs/rituals/traditions are Old Testament and do not apply today. But still some cannot get out of the Old Testament and into the New Testament. It also had to do with cleaniliness (hygeine as well as being in the presince of God) and offering Him holiness void of uncleanliness in His presence (the Temple). Sin, uncleanliness, etc. cannot be in the very same presence of God. God gave them specific instructions on pretty much everything (how they were to live and where, what they should eat and it should be cooked, how they should act, how to worship properly, what offerings were acceptable and how to prepare those offerings, etc). The Jews did not just pull this all out of hat, they were instructed by God through Moses and others. And they still adhere to many of these practices today because they deny Jesus as the Messiah who was the ultimate authority on earth on how to live and act and who was the ultimate sacrifice. New Testament believers do not adhere to those "laws" anymore. Jesus did away with them when he came and was sacrificed.

In response to Abraham's sacrifice of Isaac, yes it was God testing Abraham's faith, but also a foreshadowing of events to come (I will explain in a minute). No I do not believe that God was too lazy to speak to Abraham the same as He did the first time. You have to understand that hearing a message from an "angel of the Lord" is just as good as hearing it from God Himself. The angels of the Lord never speak out of turn or contrary to a message God has for someone. But going back to my "foreshadowing" explanation, you have completely missed the point of that passage of scripture. Yes it demonstrates Abraham's faith, but also the foreshadowing of the fulfillment of prophesy about Jesus. Everything in the Old Testament and New Testament points directly to Jesus. Abraham's willingness to sacrifice "his only son" that he waited so long for and loved dearly is a direct parallel to the sacrifice God was willing to make with His only son, Jesus. He (God) does not ask us to do something He is not willing to do or has not already done Himself.

As far as time and the Jewish calendar, Wow, I have an explanation for that as well, as I wrote a paper on it in my Old Testament class last year, but it would take much more to explain and probably better left for an email lol.

I know this is long and I probably missed some things. I am sorry for that, but I hope it maybe helped in your understanding of a Believers take on some of your questions. God Bless.

i dont know how to multi quote id like to comment on a couple of things

first of all, if ANYONE is or ever will be the messiah, it will be Christ

second of all, are you saying that bllions being murdered only seems bad, becase thats how `we look at it`, and otherwise its a good thing on gods eyes?

third of all, in judaism, all the ancient rituals will apply when their temple is rebuiilt and their messiah returns, its the basis of their belief that the messiah will come, and will rebuild the temple and all the jewish laws will reapply

fourth of all, in the bible after abraham pased the test, he was then praised and was told `your children shall multiply and will be the chosen ones` he was praised heavily!
so it obviously seems very important
why did god need to say it through an angel,
it looks like an arguement between a merciless `god` and an entity who is like `nah come on this is riduclous dont sacrifice your son`

see i have done my research long and hard, and have jewish family who i love dearly
im out to bash nobody, but things simply dont add up, and really in 2011 we can not settle for a `we dont question god` anymore..
that may have worked when they were burning people alive for witchcraft, but not nowadays

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 07:30 PM
Lol I do not know how to multi quote either so you are not alone.

1. I absolutely agree with you that Christ Jesus is the ONLY Messiah.

2. I am not here to bash or disagree with anyone either. I am simply here to state my opinion and beliefs on the subject at hand.

3. No I am absolutely not saying that "murder of billions" is only bad in our eyes and if I made it sound that way, I apologize. It is certainly bad in God's eyes if done by men and not done, how do I put this, not with His permission. Remember, I said He is a jealous God, not a cruel God. Let's take Sodom and Gomorrah or the flood even. He (God) wiped them out, They were given multiple chances. He sent people there to warn them of their "wickedness" and they were instructed to change their ways, but ignored God's warning. It was rampant with idolotry, sexual perversion, morally corrupt and bankrupt. This all goes back to He is a jealous God. And though we (through human eyes) see as His actions as possibly being "bad or horrific", it's just not the case when it comes to His judgement. That was His judgement on them. But I do not think that He took that action likely and in fact Genesis 6:6 tells us that ".....He was grieved in His heart." Doesn't sound like a cruel God tome.

4. I am not here to argue about customs, beliefs, traditions. If they believe "their" Messiah will come that's fine. My Messiah has already come and will come again. Christ Jesus is my Messiah and He is the Temple.

5. The passage about Abraham and the sacrifice of Isaac is extremely important in regards to Abrahams faith and shows us what faith really looks like, but it's not the ONLY important message in that passage.

6. God spoke in many different ways. He spoke in dreams, visions, directly to someone, a burning bush, Jesus, the Holy Spirit. Just like I speak in many different ways, letters, email, telephone, in person, posting replies and comments on ATS, sending a message through someone else, so what does it matter how He speaks to someone. It doesn't lessen the importance of the message being sent lol.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 07:50 PM
As a schizophrenic who's read the Quran I can tell you it was written by a religious schizophrenic and not worth a moment of cognitive thought,with regards to Christianity it to does not pass rational analysis you have to take an imaginary friend as your personal Lord and saviour because a woman made from a mans rib,who was created from dirt,ate an apple given to her by a talking snake,with the holy trinity it could be said Jesus sacrificed himself to himself.In Judaism you have provided proof there are also illogical premises.These Religions or information memes or contagions are supposed to be absorbed like downloaded software without question to tune you into the relevent Archon false reality created for each one,in the days these religions were created the superstitious masses did not question their spiritual leaders.

With technology,science and rational thought any human with reason should be able to discount these Religions as what they are the false creation of maleavalent beings/humans fallible and redundant.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 07:55 PM
I do not think God is so controlling of this world where he stops all bad stuff from happening. He created us, and after setting things in motion sat back and watched. That is His right to do so.. he can let half the earths population be wiped out by a Hitler type and that's o.k... because He's God. He may even have a very good reason to do so, like population control.. it's his built in safeguard perhaps so this planet will not be overrun and destroy itself. all in His Plan.. sure we can question all the why's but if we don't get the answers we like or understand.. we just have to have faith that This guy here knows what he's doing. Fine by me.

I think the truth is that we "they" don't know the whole truth and are never going to. We only have what was written - but what was written was handed down from mouth to mouth for thousands of years before it was ever written down. This may have been twisted somewhat and the translations are bad.. even the original ones.

I think the head shaving thing is to keep the hair from catching fire when the high priest goes into the holy of hollies and opens the ark of the covenant. The Ark is still today where the Jews brought it during to roman occupation of Jerusalem in an Ethiopian church. This churches high priests guard it closely and Only this one priest can ever go near it till he dies. The priests every one of them suffer with blindness and other health issues all the same, till they die. This is due to the radioactivity leaking from the Ark.

If you study the Ark and what it did and how it did it, you will see it was a weapon of some sort and has all the characteristics of something being radioactive.

I believe there is no such thing as a miracle as we generally think of it - only misunderstood and undiscovered principles of science. I am a believer in God and faith and have seen miracles myself and even helped in the preforming of them according to scripture. These things described in the Bible was not understood by primitive man 4000 years ago when they encountered technology (the ARK) and science from an advanced race (God, the Angels etc) I do not believe God and the rest were aliens as we think of them today.. God, The God, God our Father, may be our Creator and his heavenly Host may be real angels, demons etc. and He may even be the Father of all beings everywhere. We choose to believe that on faith, but for all the things they could do would look very much like an advanced alien race to us - back then man did not know of any thing like an alien race or advanced technology so they had nothing to compare to.

Quantum Physics is slowly closing the gap in our understanding of how these miracles could have happened in light of new scientific discoveries that seem to blow everyday conventional science out of the water.

There are many similarities between the God of the Jews and other Gods in recorded history. Many of the things happening in the Bible are described in many other religions - the Great Flood and other such accounts. I do not believe the Jews or Christians mean to believe the earth is only 6000 years old.. we know the earth is much older - they do this out of ignorance. It's called Blind Faith. They are literalistic. They fail to realize you cannot be literal about things that were written down via man from word of mouth for centuries then badly translated. Everyone likes to claim the whole of the Bible is "Gods Inspired Word". This can still remain true even if some of the details are sketchy or even falsified to make a point. The "Point" being in that it teaches us concepts of how we are to live and treat others. Focusing on everything as written being literally the stone truth is silly and negates true Faith as that would make us believe that Man also is infallible.We know this is true because many of the translators of the bible have recorded they added to the text or translated text wrong to suit their purposes as a matter of historical record. Therefore we must have Faith that Gods True message is going to cut through all that - For those to have ears to hear let him hear as stated in the Bible many times, Seek the wisdom of God and His Righteousness and all these things you do not understand will be explained to you by his divine spirit - That negates any wrongly understood or mistranslated text.

As a Christian my church teaches that the Trinity as we understand it is a false concept and is in fact derived from many religions of the ancient world. The scriptures that deal with the Trinity are simply misquoted or taken out of context. The early Church in the bible did not have a concept of the Trinity. This concept was only created by man 300 years after the death of Jesus. Many people choose to incorporate a belief in the Trinity and that is o.k... as it does not negate the importance of faith on God's Son Jesus.

edit on 25-3-2011 by JohnPhoenix because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 08:19 PM

Originally posted by JohnPhoenix
I do not think God is so controlling of this world where he stops all bad stuff from happening. He created us, and after setting things in motion sat back and watched. That is His right to do so.. he can let half the earths population be wiped out by a Hitler type and that's o.k... because He's God. He may even have a very good reason to do so, like population control.. it's his built in safeguard perhaps so this planet will not be overrun and destroy itself. all in His Plan.. sure we can question all the why's but if we don't get the answers we like or understand.. we just have to have faith that This guy here knows what he's doing. Fine by me.

I think the truth is that we "they" don't know the whole truth and are never going to. We only have what was written - but what was written was handed down from mouth to mouth for thousands of years before it was ever written down. This may have been twisted somewhat and the translations are bad.. even the original ones.

I think the head shaving thing is to keep the hair from catching fire when the high priest goes into the holy of hollies and opens the ark of the covenant. The Ark is still today where the Jews brought it during to roman occupation of Jerusalem in an Ethiopian church. This churches high priests guard it closely and Only this one priest can ever go near it till he dies. The priests every one of them suffer with blindness and other health issues all the same, till they die. This is due to the radioactivity leaking from the Ark.

If you study the Ark and what it did and how it did it, you will see it was a weapon of some sort and has all the characteristics of something being radioactive.

I believe there is no such thing as a miracle as we generally think of it - only misunderstood and undiscovered principles of science. I am a believer in God and faith and have seen miracles myself and even helped in the preforming of them according to scripture. These things described in the Bible was not understood by primitive man 4000 years ago when they encountered technology (the ARK) and science from an advanced race (God, the Angels etc) I do not believe God and the rest were aliens as we think of them today.. God, The God, God our Father, may be our Creator and his heavenly Host may be real angels, demons etc. and He may even be the Father of all beings everywhere. We choose to believe that on faith, but for all the things they could do would look very much like an advanced alien race to us - back then man did not know of any thing like an alien race or advanced technology so they had nothing to compare to.

Quantum Physics is slowly closing the gap in our understanding of how these miracles could have happened in light of new scientific discoveries that seem to blow everyday conventional science out of the water.

There are many similarities between the God of the Jews and other Gods in recorded history. Many of the things happening in the Bible are described in many other religions - the Great Flood and other such accounts. I do not believe the Jews or Christians mean to believe the earth is only 6000 years old.. we know the earth is much older - they do this out of ignorance. It's called Blind Faith. They are literalistic. They fail to realize you cannot be literal about things that were written down via man from word of mouth for centuries then badly translated. Everyone likes to claim the whole of the Bible is "Gods Inspired Word". This can still remain true even if some of the details are sketchy or even falsified to make a point. The "Point" being in that it teaches us concepts of how we are to live and treat others. Focusing on everything as written being literally the stone truth is silly and negates true Faith as that would make us believe that Man also is infallible.We know this is true because many of the translators of the bible have recorded they added to the text or translated text wrong to suit their purposes as a matter of historical record. Therefore we must have Faith that Gods True message is going to cut through all that - For those to have ears to hear let him hear as stated in the Bible many times, Seek the wisdom of God and His Righteousness and all these things you do not understand will be explained to you by his divine spirit - That negates any wrongly understood or mistranslated text.

As a Christian my church teaches that the Trinity as we understand it is a false concept and is in fact derived from many religions of the ancient world. The scriptures that deal with the Trinity are simply misquoted or taken out of context. The early Church in the bible did not have a concept of the Trinity. This concept was only created by man 300 years after the death of Jesus. Many people choose to incorporate a belief in the Trinity and that is o.k... as it does not negate the importance of faith on God's Son Jesus.

edit on 25-3-2011 by JohnPhoenix because: (no reason given)

hi i will be reading your full reply in a bit, when i have a moment, but upon glimpsing through it, it looks like youve researched your stuff -- great

same with the other guy, its so much better discussing this with people whove actually studied these things

and yes im well aware of the ark being some kind of radioactive device

it was taken to war, and when they would open it at the enemies, the enemies would weaken/die or flee

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 08:58 PM

Originally posted by watchdog
reply to post by Randall07

I have an answer for you Randall lol. Genesis 1:26 is not about aliens IMHO lol. When God says, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness....." the plural reference is to God Himself, as well as Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. It is the very first hint at the Trinity we get. Yes, I know it's hard to believe, but Jesus AND the Holy Spirit were present in the beginning as well during the creation process. Blows your mind, doesn't it
But it's what I believe.

I know the explanation above. I am also a Christian so the Christian view is that "We" or "Us" refers to the Trinity.

However, I don't think that would be the Jewish explanation. And being that Genesis comes from the Torah, I am interested in the Jewish perspective of what it means.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 09:18 PM

Originally posted by Randall07
reply to post by littlezeta

Hey Littlezeta I have a question that you can ask a rabbi or you might even know the answer to. Why is it in Genesis God refers to himself in the plural sense? Such as saying, "WE created man in OUR image." And then when eating from the apple, God says, "Now you are like US, knowing good from evil."

I have heard some say that God is including the angels when he says this, but that would mean God is putting himself in a category with other beings when he's supposed to be special and unique.

Do you have any thoughts about this? It seems like the alien explanation is the only one that makes sense.

hi well a lot of words in the bible are plural

a word for god `elohim` plural
star `kochavim ` plural again
heaven is always `shomayim` plural again

a lot of words which talk about a higher real or celestial body are plural, and that really leads me to believe that the god in the bible is multiple

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 12:02 AM
reply to post by littlezeta

any thoughts?

First thought:

Why did this thread get moved from the Rant Forum?

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