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The "If everyone was gay we wouldn't have children" argument

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posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 03:21 AM
reply to post by ag893

It's not true, Nature shows us that many animals have same sex relations (penetration included) all the TIME! now why would animals do it if God deemed it immoral? After all I thought animals had no souls yadda yadda.

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 03:22 AM


posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 03:27 AM
reply to post by Nobama

(well maybe not, because once your dead that's it)

Oh, wow. So just how do you know this?

But anyway, I agree that religion is probably best left out of this debate.

.....Oh, so NOW the emoticons work properly.

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 03:29 AM
Reply to post by Nobama

So your saying people who live in deplorable conditions, who starve daily, are suppose to live with no hope such as yourself? Yeah that makes sense. Then they shold probably kill themselves as well right? I mean, there's no hope for them? Their not ever going to be rich. So why should they hope for something better beyond this life?

You know, you kill me with your logic. I don't understand how anyones walks this Earth thinking like yourself. You don't know when you could die. Are you really prepared to risk eternity in Hell? I know the God the bible is real because it convicts the world of its deeds. Everyone who is not a christian seems to have a strong opinion of Christians. Have you ever thought about why no one has the same anger and opinions toward other religions which also have a hell? Its only the Bible's laws and sayings about hell which makes people so angry. Because the holy word of God convicts them of what they know is true. Salvation isn't just about going to Heaven. Its about living a life for Christ and in worship to the man who payed the ultimate price so you could live and breathe today. Living a holy life fufills me as a person. I'm not always holy or in holiness but when I am, it fufills me. Worshipping Christ fufills me as a person. He gives me my worth in this world. He's the reason I don't believe I am worthless. He's the greatest man on Earth and to be in prayer and a relationship with him makes me so happy. It makes my heart rejoice. I know he's real and heaven is real and hell is.

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posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 03:29 AM
The loony leftists who aggressively defend homosexuality and shout about so called "equal rights" really don't care about homosexuals at all. They only wish to be seen as some 'progressive' civil rights hero. No one can deny that homosexuals (especially the men) live a very destructive lifestyle. What does that say about the people who encourage them to 'be themselves' and continue on a destructive path? Homosexuals, both male and female, have a significantly shorter life expectancy than heterosexuals. The homosexual culture itself is extremely perverse and self-destructive, all the while taking pride in it and aggressively trying to force all other people to accept it. No one can deny that gay culture itself discredits any pleas of 'acceptance' and 'tolerance'...and I'm referring to the whole 'gay movement' facade that has been so pervasive within the last decade. Homosexuals have always engaged in whatever behavior they wished to...they just haven't always tried to force their lifestyle down other peoples throats and demand it be accepted like a toddler throwing a temper tantrum. Why must you have others accept your lifestyle in order for you to be comfortable with your sexuality? I think that says a lot about your own feelings and insecurity towards your choice to engage in homosexual activity.

Another thing, I can't believe anyone has the nerve to use animal behavior as a justification for anything. No other species can rationalize, use logic, and make sound choices to the extent of human beings. Comparing humans to animals is a very dangerous ideal. God forbid if THAT become pervasive...standards of human beings would drop tremendously (even worse than they already have) and primitiveness would take precedence over civility. But of course, that's already happening.

Give up the 'equal rights' game. Homosexuals don't have any less rights than heterosexuals and everyone knows it. It's only because of egos that need to be fed that homosexuals and leftists in general even try to pretend that there's any need for crying "discrimination" or "oppression". Homosexuals are the ones who act as if their sexuality is such a big deal- by trying to shove it down people's throats and demand people accept it. As I said before, homosexuals have always engaged in whatever activity they wished, they just didn't expect people to be so gullible as to buy it as 'equal' to heterosexuality, or a legitimate sexual orientation.
edit on 23-3-2011 by HarmonicNights because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 03:30 AM

Originally posted by ag893
Reply to post by Somehumanbeing

It's not love in the slightest. It's lust in the biggest sense of the word. I know it hurts to hear that but its true.
Posted Via ATS Mobile:

The same areas of the brain are accessed, in the same ways, in response to seeing ones lover, regardless of sexual orientation. If there is a difference in the experience of love, it should be measurable. So far it has not been found to be different. Not only do anecdotal reports on love sound strikingly similar whether professed from a gay or straight, but brain imaging finds no difference.

There were differences in brain structure detected, but no difference in response to seeing their romantic partner.

The Brain Reaction to Viewing Faces of Opposite- and Same-Sex Romantic Partners

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 03:32 AM
Reply to post by HarmonicNights

True. Very true. 100% true.

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posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 03:33 AM
reply to post by ag893

LOL have you even read the bible? there's so much in there that is illegal, YET it's deemed right in the bible, so let me ask you how does one live by the word of God if it's illegal to do so? Oh and I never said anything about no one having hope, I simply said Religion provides a false hope....and my logic is bad?
edit on 23-3-2011 by Nobama because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 03:33 AM
reply to post by AngryOne

I don't, but how do you know it's not true?
edit on 23-3-2011 by Nobama because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 03:37 AM
reply to post by HarmonicNights

What? I want proof for some of the things you just said

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 03:43 AM
reply to post by Nobama

Like what for example? You can easily do your own research on homosexual stats, including how it correlates with child molestation, domestic violence, pervasive promiscuity, disease, ect. Just catching a glimpse of 'gay pride' parades will paint a picture of gay culture in general- the very thing they take pride in.

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 03:52 AM
reply to post by JohnnyTHSeed

Are you sure about that?

And just why do you find that hard to believe?
Religion has absolutely nothing to do with my beliefs; rather, I use this thing called logic(which is the main reason why I reject religion to begin with).

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 03:53 AM
reply to post by HarmonicNights

No one can deny that homosexuals (especially the men) live a very destructive lifestyle. What does that say about the people who encourage them to 'be themselves' and continue on a destructive path? Homosexuals, both male and female, have a significantly shorter life expectancy than heterosexuals. The homosexual culture itself is extremely perverse and self-destructive, all the while taking pride in it and aggressively trying to force all other people to accept it. No one can deny that gay culture itself discredits any pleas of 'acceptance' and 'tolerance'...and I'm referring to the whole 'gay movement' facade that has been so pervasive within the last decade.

Okay I have never heard of Homosexuals having a shorter life expectancy, I'm going to assume your stereotyping with the idea that Aids is a common disease among gays.

Gays live a destructive lifestyle? oh I wanna see where you got this one from.

and for the last bit of that paragraph, I have a lifetime friend whose mom's side of the family is mostly gay, and not once have I met a single homosexual who was self-destructive and forcing their beliefs on me (unlike some other people)...

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 03:56 AM
The only reason people put this stuff up is to try to justify their way of life. Either you can accept who you are and can not be rattled by those who think different - or you are insecure enough you have to keep justifying what you are and what you do even though you don't understand that the reason you justify is something inside disturbs you. If tyou have to justify it - you aren't secure in it, so get out.

It's simple and the reasons for doing so are phycological and well as social, spiritual and everything else

This doesn't just apply to homosexuals, it applies to all sorts of lifestyles and beliefs and phycologists will spend much time explaining why people do this.

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 03:58 AM
Forgot to add:

People have brought up the 'sterile' argument. When people are sterile, it's considered a reproductive problem, yet people wish to pass off homosexuality as just another sexual orientation that's just as normal as heterosexuality.

People have brought up the point that heterosexual couples use birth control and have sex just for the pleasure, with no intention of reproduction. The point is that they have the drive to have heterosexual sex, which exists in order to continue the species. There's no reason for a male to have the drive to copulate with another male. So the conflict here isn't so much the act itself, but the natural drive that exists within humans in order to reproduce.

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 04:03 AM
reply to post by Nobama

You're seriously trying to deny the pervasiveness of AIDS in the gay community?
Everyone knows gay men are extremely promiscuous, which is a destructive lifestyle in itself.

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 04:07 AM
reply to post by HarmonicNights

Oh and I guess we could add blacks to that list as well? Please please show me one study done that actually proves there's a increase of Aids among the gay community. While your at it show me proof of everything else you said as well..

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 04:09 AM

Originally posted by madnessinmysoul
It's stupid. Just making sure that's clear before people post.

Why is it stupid? Well, if everyone was a woman we wouldn't have children either. Same with if everyone was born male. Hell, if everyone was born sterile we wouldn't have children. Does this make being a woman, man, or sterile wrong? Of course not.

In fact, there simply isn't a good argument for calling homosexuality immoral. All of them are as ridiculous as the aforementioned.

If everyone was a woman, male or a dog......there wouldn't be gay people either.

Nature makes women & men so a race reproduces. It doesn't make "gay" animals it would be counter productive.

I think it is a learned behavior not one your born into..that's just me though.

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 04:11 AM
reply to post by mwood

Ah, but you see there are countless videos, studies, sightings, etc that show Animals can infact be gay

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 04:35 AM
reply to post by madnessinmysoul

Actually it really isnt that stupid of a statement. Fact is, if everyone were gay then we would not have children.

I fail to see what is so "stupid" about this statement.

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