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Nostradamus Libya Prediction WW3

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posted on Mar, 21 2011 @ 09:25 AM
Grain of salt. How many people speak/read French here? How many can read ancient French? Not many.

Everything that you read from Nostradamus has been interpreted, in language and symbolism for you.

If you have an interest in this subject matter, do your own research.
Original Scans of Nostradamus (Slow to load)

In the interest of this conversation, I'll attempt a 'neutral' translation. There are a few terms that I do not know and I dont have an ancient French dictionnaire à portée de main.

The impotent prince, angered, complains and fights,
Of thefts and pillage, by roosters and lybians,
Great (aft? eft?) by ground, by sea, infinite sails
Only Italie will (chaflant?) Celtics

It looks vaguely like what we see in other interpretations. Have fun.

posted on Mar, 21 2011 @ 09:32 AM
reply to post by rightorwrong

Most North Africans do speak and read French because it's their 2nd language. I also found most Arabs in Alexandria of Egypt also speak and write fluent French.

posted on Mar, 21 2011 @ 09:38 AM
reply to post by digipulse

I dont believe in prophecy because it means we as people have no choices in life, and everything we will ever do was laid out before us long before we were born. That life would be pointless so i refuse to believe it.

Even if i did, there is a million things this could mean. France bombed Libyan bases in 1986. At that time Libya had more sway in the Arab world, even though technically they are not Arab.

I think with prophecy you can make anything out to be profound if you look hard enough. Thats why prophetic writings tend to be so vague. If something happens even remotely close, you can point at it and go "Ha! There it is!".

The Wiki article showing the French raid on Libyan bases.

posted on Mar, 21 2011 @ 09:48 AM

Originally posted by digipulse
If Libya was not 'Libya' when he wrote then explain his use of the word from the original text:




Originally posted by AceWombat04

The original translation reads:

"Libyan Prince powerful in the West
Will come to inflame very much French with Arabian.
Learned in letters condescending he will
Translate the Arabian language into French."

It is Libya not Libinique. Where did you get that from?

posted on Mar, 21 2011 @ 09:54 AM

Originally posted by nightbringr
reply to post by digipulse

I dont believe in prophecy because it means we as people have no choices in life, and everything we will ever do was laid out before us long before we were born. That life would be pointless so i refuse to believe it.

You may have been predestined to think " would be pointless so i refuse to believe it."
Think about that.

posted on Mar, 21 2011 @ 09:57 AM
From here

Transcript of an interview with Jean-Charles de Fontbrune

PAR... Émission du mardi 18 mai 1999
Nostradamus, de Fontbrune et l'économie Reconnaissez-vous ce texte sibyllin? " Les simulachres d’or et d’argent enflez, Qu’après le rapt lac au feu furent jettez, Au descouvert estaincts tout et troublez, Au marbre escripts, perscripts, interjettez. " Il s’agit, bien sûr, des Centuries du fameux Nostradamus. fontebrume.jpg (9885 octets) Je ne sais pas pourquoi je me laisse toujours tenter par son délire car, finalement, cela tient un peu du délire, ces prédictions à long terme. Mais il faut se rappeler, pour nous faire prendre conscience des limites de ce genre de prédictions, qu’il n’a jamais prédit la découverte de l’Amérique, que je sache. Ce qui n’est pas un détail dans l’avenir, par rapport à l’époque à laquelle il se trouvait. Il y a plusieurs années de cela, j’ai rencontré Jean-Charles de Fontbrune qui, dans les années 80, avait écrit plusieurs ouvrages sur Nostradamus et déchiffré, à sa manière, certains passages de ses textes. Il avait d’ailleurs eu beaucoup de succès. Des années plus tard, nous avons participé ensemble à des congrès, des colloques sur l’avenir de l’humanité, sur l’ère du Verseau etc. Il vient de faire paraître : Nostradamus de 1999 à l’Âge d’or. Je précise qu’il ne fait pas partie de ceux qui croient qu’on se dirige vers la fin du monde, d’où le titre. Depuis le succès du livre portant sur Nostradamus, en 1981, un certain nombre de maniaques du sensationnalisme et d’exploiteurs du morbide s’évertuent à annoncer la fin du monde en utilisant les prophéties de Nostradamus, rappelle-t-il. Je me souviens qu’il dénonçait cette utilisation douteuse des Centuries dans son premier ouvrage.

Sa vision est optimiste quant à l’avenir, et peut-être s’appuie-t-elle sur ces paroles de Nostradamus : " Va s’ouvrir alors dans une cinquantaine d’années, le septième millénaire ou ère du Verseau qui apportera à l’homme la paix universelle et la prospérité tant spirituelle que matérielle. " Je n’accorde pas plus d’importance à cela qu’il ne faut, mais je dois dire, qu’à certains moments – est-ce la traduction, ou l’adaptation ou les interprétations qu’en fait Jean-Charles de Fontbrune? –, je suis très épaté de certains des dires prétendus de Nostradamus. " L’un des signes les plus patents de la situation de la planète, sur lesquels Nostradamus insiste particulièrement, est la crise économique mondiale, explique l’auteur. Les soubresauts des différentes Bourses et leur fragilité face aux fluctuations des monnaies annoncent leur effondrement lors de la crise majeure à venir. " Ce qu’il raconte est bien étonnant : " La grande poche viendra plaindre et pleurer, D’avoir esleu : trompez seront en l’aage : Guière avec eux ne voudra demeurer, Deceux sera par ceux de son langage. " Qu’est-ce que cela peut bien vouloir dire? Moi aussi, je me pose la question… Voici comment de Fontbrune interprète cela : " Il est saisissant de voir Nostradamus désigner la Bourse par l’expression " la grande poche ", c’est-à-dire l’endroit où se place l’argent. On viendra donc se plaindre et pleurer à La Bourse. On regrettera d’avoir élu des gens qui tromperont l’opinion publique et bien peu de gens voudront continuer à demeurer avec eux […]. " Il remet tout dans le contexte actuel, bien sûr. C’est ce que certains lui reprochent d’ailleurs. De Fontbrune a hérité de toute une réflexion qui existait déjà chez lui dans la tradition familiale, car son grand-père était un spécialiste de Nostradamus. Puis il a travaillé avec des ordinateurs pour voir comment les mots se combinaient, comment les formules se développaient, etc. Ce qui ne donne pas plus de poids à l’affaire, mais ça apporte plus de sérieux à la technique, pourrions-nous dire. " Le quatrain suivant, explique-t-il, a été attribué, à tort, par la plupart des exégètes à la crise économique de 1929. En effet, Nostradamus précise que tous les papiers (titres de Bourse) et toutes les monnaies s’effondreront, ce qui ne s’est pas produit en 1929. " Voici le quatrain en question : " Les simulachres d’or et d’argent – ce qui tient lieu d’or et d’argent, soit les chèques, les devises, la Bourse, etc. – enflez, Qu’après le rapt lac au feu furent jettez, Au descouvert estaincts tout et troublez, Au marbre escripts, perscripts, interjettez. " D’après de Fontbrune, " les imitations de l’or et de l’argent (titres et billets de banque) seront victimes de l’inflation après avoir été jetés au feu (allusion au feu de la guerre?), avec la fin de la douceur de vivre (lac en latin) et seront tous épuisés et perturbés par le déficit (budgétaire : le découvert); les titres et les billets de banque (prescribere : dire payer en billets) seront mis au pilon. " " Escripts, perscripts, interjettez au marbre ", " les titres et les billets de banque seront mis au pilon "… Je dois dire, qu’à certains moments, c’est assez troublant, mais c’est tout ce que je vous en dirai car je ne veux pas m’aventurer davantage dans ce domaine-là…


... Issuance of Tuesday, May 18, 1999 Nostradamus, and the economy of Fontbrune

Do you recognize this cryptic text?

"The images of gold and silver puffed up,
after the theft were jettez Lake fire,
and dissipated all the descouvert and troubled,
the marble writings, perscription, appeal."

This is, of course, the Centuries famous Nostradamus. I do not know why I always let myself be tempted by his delusion, because ultimately this is a bit of madness, these long-term predictions. But remember, to make us aware of the limits of such predictions, he never predicted the discovery of America that I know. This is not a detail in the future, compared to the time when he was. There are several years ago, I met Jean-Charles de Fontbrune who in the 80s, had written several books on Nostradamus and deciphered, in its way, some passages of his writings. He had also been very successful. Years later, we participated together in conferences, symposia on the future of humanity on the Age of Aquarius etc. He has just published: Nostradamus 1999 and the Golden Age. I said he is not part of those who believe we are headed for the end of the world, hence the title. Since the success of the book on Nostradamus in 1981, a number of manic sensationalism and exploiting the morbid strive to announce the end of the world using the prophecies of Nostradamus, "he recalls. I remember he denounced the questionable use of the Centuries in his first book.

Its vision is optimistic about the future, and maybe she relies on the words of Nostradamus, "Go then opened in fifty years, the seventh millennium or age of Aquarius which will bring human universal peace and prosperity both spiritual and material. "I do not put more emphasis on what he should do, but I must say that at times - is it the translation or adaptation or interpretation by Jean-Charles de Fontbrune? - I am very impressed by some of the alleged sayings of Nostradamus. "One of the most obvious signs of the situation on the planet, which places particular emphasis Nostradamus, is the global economic crisis, says the author. Upheavals of the various stock exchanges and their vulnerability to currency fluctuations announce their collapse during the major crisis ahead. "What he says is surprising:" The large pocket will complain and cry, having chosen: the mistake will be his age: Guier not want to stay with them, will Deceux by those his language. "What does that mean? I also ask myself the question ... is how Fontbrune interprets this: "It is startling to see Nostradamus designate the Exchange by the expression" great bag ", that is to say, where is the place money. It will thus complain and cry at the Exchange. We regret to have elected people who deceive the public and very few people will want to continue living with them [...]. "It puts everything in context current course. This is what some accuse him elsewhere. Fontbrune inherited a reflection that was already home to the family tradition as his grandfather was an expert on Nostradamus. Then he worked with computers to see how words are combined, how the formulas were developed, etc.. This does not give more weight to the case, but it brings more serious art, we might say. "The following quatrain, says he was assigned wrongly by most scholars to the economic crisis of 1929. In fact, Nostradamus states that all papers (securities trading) and all the currencies' s collapse, which does not happen in 1929. "Here is the quatrain in question:" The images of gold and silver - which takes the place of gold and silver, or checks, currency, the stock market etc.. - bloat, after the theft were jettez Lake fire, and dissipated all the descouvert and troubled, the marble writings, perscription, filed. "According Fontbrune," imitations of gold and money (banknotes and securities) are victims of inflation after being thrown into a fire (referring to the fire of war?), with the end of the good life (lake in Latin) and will all be exhausted and disturbed by the deficit (budget: the short); securities and bank notes (prescribers: ie pay bills) will be pulped. "writings, perscription, appeal to the plate", "securities and bank notes be pulped "... I must say that at times is quite disturbing, but that's all I'll tell you because I do not want to go more in that area ... [/ ex]

posted on Mar, 21 2011 @ 10:04 AM
Good post, but Libya has # for a military so please stop saying they will conquer France or anything of the sort. I believe it's possible other countries could get involved but saying Libya will attack France is total garbage. How would they get there? no navy.... a few # airplanes.... Let's be realistic here, half of the people responding to good posts spew # out of their mouths.

posted on Mar, 21 2011 @ 10:10 AM

Originally posted by romanmel

Originally posted by nightbringr
reply to post by digipulse

I dont believe in prophecy because it means we as people have no choices in life, and everything we will ever do was laid out before us long before we were born. That life would be pointless so i refuse to believe it.

You may have been predestined to think " would be pointless so i refuse to believe it."
Think about that. WOULD be pointless if everything is laid out before us long before we are even born.

In that world, we would THINK we have choice, but really we do not. That life IS pointless. Do you see the point to a life that was pre-destined long before there was even man on earth?

That is not a life, that is living out a movie.

This is the main reason (besides of course real reasoning, there is no logical reason to believe in prophecy), that i refuse to believe in prophecy.

edit on 21-3-2011 by nightbringr because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2011 @ 10:18 AM

Originally posted by OrionHunterX

It is Libya not Libinique. Where did you get that from?

Read my post on page 7, the second one.
It's 'libinique' in the original French.
edit on 21-3-2011 by Xadaz because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2011 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by nightbringr

Originally posted by romanmel

Originally posted by nightbringr
reply to post by digipulse

I dont believe in prophecy because it means we as people have no choices in life, and everything we will ever do was laid out before us long before we were born. That life would be pointless so i refuse to believe it.

You may have been predestined to think " would be pointless so i refuse to believe it."
Think about that. WOULD be pointless if everything is laid out before us long before we are even born.

"Pointless" from your perspective. So then the question is what IS the point? Could it be you have chosen to close off your mind to predestination without any consideration because you were predestined to do exactly that?

posted on Mar, 21 2011 @ 10:32 AM
The bottom line here folks is that Nostradamus was & is famous & courted by the French royal's at the time for one reason.....he was accurate. He had to code his predictions rightfully as he could have been burned as a heretic at the time. The problem we now have is how to decipher what he wrote. In this case, however, it seems to me very obvious what he said & what will be the outcome here.

I do not doubt what he saw. I,m only curious as to how he 'tapped' into this 'timeless' zone. It's not supernatural in my opinion - it is within the realm of modern physics & Einstein worked this out too.

Just a footnote......anyone hear the current reports coming out of the LHC regarding 'sending messages back in time'? Did you also know the LHC is on the French-Swiss border & not a million miles away from Salon de Provence (where he lived).

Read's interesting to say the least.
From the above: "However, if scientists could control the production of Higgs singlets, they might be able to send messages to the past or future."

Is there a connection here? Perhaps!

edit on 21-3-2011 by digipulse because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-3-2011 by digipulse because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2011 @ 10:40 AM
reply to post by romanmel

I truely dont think you grasp the issue. If EVERYTHING is predestined, you have NO free will.

There is no exceptions. You as a person, in a world where prophecy exists, have no choise of anything you will ever do. You need to try and wrap your mind around this before you truely see how pointless a universe where prophecy can exist would be.

Read this for a little taste of what i mean.

If a true God exists, i would like to believe the one thing he cannot do is see the future. If he can existance as a non-omnipotent being is truely pointless.

edit on 21-3-2011 by nightbringr because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2011 @ 10:57 AM
reply to post by nightbringr

You continue to use the word "pointless" without stating what exactly the point is. If life has a point then it would follow that that point would have to exist prior to our existance. To accept predestination is not to exclude free choice. To accept predestination is to say there is a grand design and that foreknowledge of ones choices does not take away ones right to free will. It merely shows the grand design took into account those free will choices each of us makes, and implies the designer having foreknowledge of those choices we would make. We see in the present only, so we have little understanding of what "the point" is.

posted on Mar, 21 2011 @ 11:01 AM
reply to post by digipulse

So I guess it's actually French "Lé Tomahawké" Missiles raining down on Libya. Duh.

It's a US led air campaign with a couple second class seats for the French and British to make it look like an "international coalition" on TV. The fact the French have a Frigate and three airplanes involved does hardly make it a French war.

The 3rd world war did not erupt during one of the quadrillion occasions that were predicted by Nostradamus followers during the past couple of decades and it will not erupt this time in Libya.

I could clearly predict that this morning by looking at my magic mirror, consisting out of tiny fragments of common sense, mystically aligned with military and geostrategical knowledge.

posted on Mar, 21 2011 @ 11:10 AM

Originally posted by romanmel
reply to post by nightbringr

You continue to use the word "pointless" without stating what exactly the point is. If life has a point then it would follow that that point would have to exist prior to our existance. To accept predestination is not to exclude free choice. To accept predestination is to say there is a grand design and that foreknowledge of ones choices does not take away ones right to free will. It merely shows the grand design took into account those free will choices each of us makes, and implies the designer having foreknowledge of those choices we would make. We see in the present only, so we have little understanding of what "the point" is.

You dont see the issue? If a "designer" as you put it knows millions or billions of years even before we are born what our ultimate destinies will be, they are unchangable. After all, if an omnipotent god is infallable, he therefore cannot be wrong. If he cannot be wrong, we are not "free" to change our destiny.

I suspect either you are a very religious man or simply cannot grasp that basic truth. Please explain to me how someone infallable can know my actions before i do them, yet i am still free to "change" those actions, thereby excersizing my free will. I bet you cannot.

edit on 21-3-2011 by nightbringr because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2011 @ 11:10 AM
This is yet another muslim war.We have North Korea who may attack South Korea.Also have Israel who may attack Iran.Yemen,Saudi Arabia,Bahrain,Syria, and of course Egypt who all have fired on and killed protesters.Where does this stop.I think it is gonna be WW3.

posted on Mar, 21 2011 @ 11:11 AM
Hi all,

In reaction to the WWIII prophecies: The WWIII, according to definition has started let's say the latest in 2003, when the US with allies have invaded Iraq. Since then the No of conflicts around the world (with alleged links to Al-Qaeda) has been rising - just remember all the African countries like Somalia, Eritrea again, some fighting in Kenya, DRC etc.

All the conflicts, including Afghanistan and Iraq, have been quite far away from both, the USA and Europe to influence everyday life there. The same applies for the newest African conflicts. Now there's this sudden phenomenon of Arab revolutions. Started with Tunisia (just to the West from Libya - and has been a "small" test of success), going through Egypt (right to the East from Libya and beeing the most important Arab country from diplomatic and peace-making POV) to other Arab countries like Yemen, Bahrain etc. Note that news coverage has been mostly given to Tunisia, Egypt and Libya. Bahrain is beeing reported but not as much, as it is an ally of the West, having also used military support from another ally - Saudi Arabia - to suppress protesters.

Now Egypt has been changed forever, suddenly right after the Egyptian army has taken over the power, the Libyan "revolution" starts. Where? In the very East of the country! Close to Egypt! Officialy, the Libyan rebells have been getting weapons from the Egyptian army. Certainly the West had a great share in it, which can't be reported in the news. I can't imagine, the Egyptian army would be supplying Libyan rebells officialy. If they did, you wouldn't find it on the news. So it must have been the West anyway.

Gaddafi has been reporting foreign agents in his country since the beginning, youngsters with guns beeing supplied with drugs etc. I'm not a fan of Col. Gaddafi, but I guess he was right this time... The Libyans are traditionaly quite xenophobic and any sign of an external intervention would stick them together against the invaders - the Iraqi people are much more open to foreigners and see how much they stuck together!

Now to the point: As I already said, all of the other conflicts have been quite far away from the US and Europe. Now it's Libya. It got very close Europe! Gaddafi could even use missiles to hit Spain or the South of France. Gaddafi, unlike Saddam, did have (and so probably still has) chemical and biological weapons' programme. Have you noticed any news regarding the possible use of chemical or biological weapons by Colonel? Not too much spoken about it, right?

Gaddafi has already proven in the past that he doesn't hesitate to use his agents in other countries to commit some sort of attacks (Lockerbie). So in case that he does have chemical and / or biological weapons, he will use them maybe along with conventional explosive devices. And he will use them around Europe. IMO this is how the WWIII will start for us. By beeing finally directly hit on the continent. Can you imagine the chaos and security measures taken after a single attack at any of EU member country? It would surely mean some sort of martial law for the whole EU plus tight security measures.

So I mean to say that we've been experiencing the WWIII since almost ten years now but except for a few "bombings" haven't felt it appart from everyday news from conflict zones, beeing watched only by a few interested. Now it will come. It will come to our neighborhood. It will come to Europe in whatever form Gaddafi will be able to commit. It's a wonder it has taken so long. The war is not starting, it is just getting closer. Too close!

posted on Mar, 21 2011 @ 11:12 AM
reply to post by digipulse

I was just thinking about the whole WW3 thing the other day and began to dig for information on war itself. I looked the official definition of world war and it is defined as: a war in which the major nations of the world are involved.

What are the major nations of the world? The top ten nations of the world according to are USA, China, Russia, India, U.K., France, Germany, Brazil, Japan and Turkey. There is a list of the top 42 nations on that sight.

So, then I needed to know what the official definition of war was. According to the same online dictionary, war is defined as

a. A state of open, armed, often prolonged conflict carried on between nations, states, or parties. b. The period of such conflict. c. The techniques and procedures of war; military science.

Next, I went to see just how many nations were at war today and compared it to the number of nations involved in WW2. According to , there were 51 Allied countries fighting the 3 Axis countries. So 54 in all. There were others that were dragged into it involuntarily.

Now, let's jump to today. How many countries are a war today? Now the UN defines war as a military conflict with 1,000 or more deaths on the battlefield in a years time. This question is better answered by asking what countries are not at war today. and another web" target="_blank" class="postlink">

So, I pose the question to you; "Are we in the middle of WW3
edit on 10/25/2010 by cloudwatcher because: brain works faster than my fingers!!!

posted on Mar, 21 2011 @ 11:12 AM

Originally posted by H1ght3chHippie
reply to post by digipulse

So I guess it's actually French "Lé Tomahawké" Missiles raining down on Libya. Duh.

It's a US led air campaign with a couple second class seats for the French and British to make it look like an "international coalition" on TV. The fact the French have a Frigate and three airplanes involved does hardly make it a French war.

Sorry but you're wrong. US are 'handing over'. Please do your homework before commenting.

Read this from AP News:

ON BOARD A MILITARY AIRCRAFT (AP) — U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Sunday that the U.S. expects to turn control of the Libya military mission over to a coalition — probably headed either by the French and British or by NATO — "in a matter of days."

So as you can see France has a 50% chance of taking this over & leading. Why? Because due to massive defence cuts the UK is no longer in a position to lead this type of campaign. NATO? I doubt needs a unified existing force to 'direct'. In previous NATO campaigns the US always lead (even though it was NATO on paper) NATO has never 'led' NATO - it ALWAYS needs a country to lead & oversee....This only leaves France & as I said prior Nostradamus is right on time, right on track. Open your eyes!!!
edit on 21-3-2011 by digipulse because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-3-2011 by digipulse because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2011 @ 11:15 AM
reply to post by Misoir

Britain and Germany were the ones who wanted the muslims here to make Europe an Islamic state though.

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