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No Western Govt Has Ever Claimed The power To Do This! The King Of England! Not Hitler! Not Stalin!

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posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 12:11 AM
reply to post by morder1

Sorry I stopped watching after the first minute because he said "it's the people vs the state". If a revolution as they try to play off is to happen in the USA, It won't be a revolution vs the state. That's not even the case over in the mid-east either. You think they are protesting vs the state they live in???

Dang this post just put me on the Anti-Government list.
edit on 10-3-2011 by ResearchMan because: Dang this post just put me on the Anti-Government list.

posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 12:38 AM
for crying out loud this is a travesty.... whats next?

posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 01:27 AM
reply to post by OldCorp

Your pictures are offensive and disgusting and nothing portrayed by you here has not already been done by Christians and others many years ago. You forget the Spanish inquisition and the Taking By Sword of Jerusalem by Christians ? ( That means EVERYBODY WAS DECAPITATED NO EXCEPTIONS ) These people are SICK no doubt But I think you have a few RACE problems your self.

posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 01:37 AM

Originally posted by morder1
reply to post by SFGirl

Actually, the so called "terrorists" are people just like you and me, they want to be free, and dont like when the USG invades their land, steals their oil and minerals(where do you think the metals in your cell phone come from?????)... If china came over here and occupied our land, and we fought back against them, would you consider yourself a terrorist also??? HELL NO YOU WOULD CONSIDER YOURSELF A PATRIOT... Thats all, they are fighting for themselves. and right to be free from oppression/big brother telling them how to live their life.. keep that in mind when you throw blame around

II give you 10/ 10 for a great post !!!


posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 01:45 AM

Originally posted by Fractured.Facade
It has been a long time coming, I pity those on both sides of the political divide who believe this is all about Obama.

So do I.

I mean...was everyone here asleep during the Bush administration when they tested just how far they could go without a fight?

Seems like this is just the natural progression, but people are too caught up in the "Left or Right" shell game to recognize that we were silent while the framework was being laid.

This isn't Obama's baby.
It's ours.

- Lee

posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 01:55 AM

Originally posted by mickscott
reply to post by OldCorp

Your pictures are offensive and disgusting and nothing portrayed by you here has not already been done by Christians and others many years ago. You forget the Spanish inquisition and the Taking By Sword of Jerusalem by Christians ? ( That means EVERYBODY WAS DECAPITATED NO EXCEPTIONS ) These people are SICK no doubt But I think you have a few RACE problems your self.

Those aren't my pictures, but you're right: They ARE offensive; and they show the true face of Islam - from Indonesia to Gaza - which is, in the end, nothing but a death cult.

And we aren't taking about what happened 500 YEARS AGO, or 1,000 years ago; we're talking about YESTERDAY, TODAY, AND TOMORROW.

BTW. Islam is a religion, not a race.

You have a LOT of work to do if you're going to deny your own ignorance, and part of that learning curve is the understanding that when you resort to personal attacks because you have nothing to back up your claims - you lose.

Goodnight, and have a pleasant tomorrow.
edit on 3/10/2011 by OldCorp because: (no reason given)

edit on 3/10/2011 by OldCorp because: Punkshoeashun

posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 03:19 AM

Originally posted by LeJimster

You don't find too many innocent or wrongly accused firing a weapon at you.

Unless of course, you're in their country, executing an illegal occupation, based on a pack of lies.

"Welcome to Camp Kool-Aid, Killer!"

posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 03:22 AM

Originally posted by SFGirl

However, I will merely remind you it was they who ATTACKED US!

Wake up people or buy a Burka!

Wait, who is they... are you saying that Iraq or Afghanistan did 9/11???

FACEPALM! ...again!

posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 03:25 AM

Originally posted by SFGirl

No one is saying anything about killing the population. Just the Enemy.

So, I guess the 100k+ people that we've killed in Iraq (and who knows how many in Afghanistan) are all the enemy? You sure about that?

posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 03:35 AM

Originally posted by OldCorp

Those aren't my pictures, but you're right: They ARE offensive; and they show the true face of Islam - from Indonesia to Gaza - which is, in the end, nothing but a death cult.

Such ignorance, and from someone that otherwise seems to be "on" about other subjects (based on your blog). So, since when did the acts of a few extremists justify the annihilation of countless innocents? Watch FOX news much in the last 11 years? Seriously!

posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 04:14 AM
Nice one Greyling2012. Keep slaying those brainwashed ignoramuses.

They are the types of people that if living in 1930/40s Germany would no doubt be in full support of Hitler and buying all the arguments presented by his propaganda.

edit on 10-3-2011 by Azp420 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 04:38 AM
reply to post by OldCorp

You just offended a WHOLE religion ?
Because of your own lack of understanding,
As you said from Indonesia to Gaza these are SEPARATE RACES and Islam is a RELIGION practised in many different ways just as Christianity is ? And not everybody in Indonesia and Gaza is Muslim.
Its the sly smugness that people find offensive by the way.

edit on 10-3-2011 by mickscott because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 05:34 AM

Originally posted by spolcyc
Now I know this would never, EVER happen. But the best way to collapse our govt? EVERYONE QUIT THEIR JOBS. How will the govt fund all these disgusting things they are doing without us, the SLAVES working FOR them?

Just food for thought but it would work. I for one, would make the necessary sacrifices, and barter and trade on a personal level. (and already do to a major extent) I just wonder what the govt would do...? Interesting thing to think about.

Hi spolcyc
I like the judge. I never watch him on fox I watch him on AJ's broadcast and when he does other shows.
I liked him under bush because he did call him out too. And he agrees with Ron Paul no matter the regime we are under.

And your idea,
Ya I don't think they need our money at all. They just don't want us to have our money. I can't afford to travel to DC to protest so it's working for them. I think we all can still afford to make it to our state capital city though.

They print the money. It's all about power and control. As long as the world excepts the money they print when it's needed for more war machines, it'll go on forever. Hell they probably are buying the supplies with all the gold they confiscated from the American people decades ago. "Executive Order 6102" 1959

We could take our states back and force them to discontinue the federal tax rape. Lets keep our tax money in our own states. Why give it to the FEDS and then get blackmailed to get it back with so many strings we choke.

I am all for starving the feds. But lets drag the local scum out. We don't even have to hurt them just force them out on mass, wash over them like a tsunami of citizens. Then hold another election the next day with a warning of hanging to any office holder, who even proposes any bill that we the people say is unconstitutional. Not the paid off judges but we the people.

We need to form armed militias to protect our power plants and water plants from the feds. Turn the feds back at the boarders. We have many military bases in our states just waiting for us. Have the States repo the land and property on it. Change the flags on the uniforms to state flags.

Sorry to rattle on
I just think us being unemployed is what they want.

Even if, as some here think, our government loves us and is trustworthy, I say hope for the best fine, but plan for the worst. It's in all of our best interests to make sure they don't turn us into a third world style country.

posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 06:30 AM

Originally posted by SFGirl
reply to post by LeJimster

First of all, you have to realize that this is not a criminal matter. We are at WAR with a group of people who wish to destroy our way of life and subjugate us to their law, religion, and culture. Our mission as a nation is to defeat the enemy by any means necessary - or at least that what it should be. We are certainly not there to arrest, try, and incarcerate them.

Hi LeJimster
Sounds like you are referring to the federal government right in the first paragraph. We are not becoming less free and living in forced servitude to anyone but the corrupt scumbags in DC. If a foreign army was on our soil would you not fight back anyway you could? Sounds like yes. Would you than be called a terrorist? Yes you would.

We are the invaders of many countries. Are we entitled to do whatever we want anyplace we want, I think not. I know we have interests, well we have interest here too. We are not at WAR with any country but our own, and ourselves. It is a criminal matter, we have criminals running our country. There has not been a declaration of WAR since WWII, if I'm not mistaken. Every invasion has been a police action of humanitarian intervention. This bypasses congress by the way.

Every day we call for the overthrow of one country or another yet it is a federal crime to call for the overthrow of our own, nice how that works out for them. If I was to call for the overthrow of our scumbags in office. I would go to gitmo. but why bother just shoot me in the head as an enemy combatant without a uniform. First amendment gone

ATF gun running to mexico to blame it on the american people to ban small arms. Hitlery Clinton selling us out to the UN signing small arm ban agreements. Second amendment gone.

Sorry but this is not being done by any hajji. It's being done by our overloads here at home, or if you like domestic terrorists in DC.

I know it sucks to be the bad guys now and sure it's hard to except but man we kill millions of foreign citizens all the time and we expect them to sit down and shut the F up. Never going to happen. They will always fight tooth and nail, as would we. Now that our government has agreed to share military with Canada and Mexico they are going to make it a federal crime to shoot them in the face too. I am not even a violent person but gees Should we not attack foreign troops on our soil? I know how it is, I am an old military brat. I know the games. I know our guys like to play who can shoot the hajji in the face.

Our Office holders are doing it to us not any sand racer.

No personal offense intended by any of this, I'm just saying.

All we have to ask ourselves is who is taking our Constitutional rights away?

posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 06:45 AM

Originally posted by SFGirl
reply to post by mickscott

Why don't you go to Arlington and tell me that. Why don't you tell the young man, whom I helped through his training so that he could make his Dad proud of him, and he could wear the same Uniform his Father did in Viet Nam Proudly.

I can take you to his grave in Arlington, I can show you the photos of his wife, crying in my husband's and my arms, I was his XPO I was responsible for him and I let him down, because I did not bring him home to his wife.

Why don't you tell my Husband that who lost his sister on 9/11. My husband who had just retired as a Lt. Colonel after 30 years of service right before 9/11. His career that began in a Huey over the Rice Paddies of Viet Nam so long ago. My husband who begged to get back in the Army then spent two tours in the Sand Box!

Oh I could go on and on and on, and on.

My brothers and sisters in uniform are not Murderers! They are defending our nation and you and should have the very, very same right to defend themselves by any means allowed under the Geneva Convention. Which pretty much allows anything in this case. There is an old saying about the Geneva Convention that those that were in the military might remember - and know is true.

However, I will merely remind you it was they who ATTACKED US!

Wake up people or buy a Burka!


Who sent you to be killed? They attacked us? If you were protecting our boarders like you should be, the terrorist would not be able to just walk in. Who is terrorizing the world now? My whole family has server one way or another and we are sick, SICK I say, of how we have been turned into the bad guys. Do you really think we could not take a few nukes into any of these countries and turn them into parking lots if we wanted to. Yes they could. But why when they can send our troops over to die and terrorize and yes murder. It might not be you who has out right murdered but I hear every day from service personal how they mow down whole crowds because someone shot at them. Not there not shot at. hello.

If you think some sharia law is going to make us do anything, you don't know America well. Hell we are not going to let our own government disarm us. Let alone burkatize anyone here.

posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 07:44 AM

Originally posted by Greyling2012

Originally posted by OldCorp

Those aren't my pictures, but you're right: They ARE offensive; and they show the true face of Islam - from Indonesia to Gaza - which is, in the end, nothing but a death cult.

Such ignorance, and from someone that otherwise seems to be "on" about other subjects (based on your blog). So, since when did the acts of a few extremists justify the annihilation of countless innocents? Watch FOX news much in the last 11 years? Seriously!

Sometimes I wish I WAS a Right or Left-winger: then I'd only have to suffer the slings and arrows of one side; BUT this is what happens when you TELL THE TRUTH without any left/right bias at all. Nevertheless, I will continue exposing evil and corruption - whether it comes from from George Bush and Dick Cheney or Hasan Nasrallah and Barry Hussein Soeroto - and you can continue to be a "respected foe" of the truth.

BTW: I don't have cable. I get nearly all of my news from the Internet. You should stop making assumptions. It makes you look foolish.

Originally posted by mickscott
reply to post by OldCorp

You just offended a WHOLE religion ?
Because of your own lack of understanding,
As you said from Indonesia to Gaza these are SEPARATE RACES and Islam is a RELIGION practised in many different ways just as Christianity is ? And not everybody in Indonesia and Gaza is Muslim.
Its the sly smugness that people find offensive by the way.

edit on 10-3-2011 by mickscott because: (no reason given)

Sorry, but I don't debate with people who can not read EMBOLDENED AND CAPITALIZED statements accurately, especially when I'm short on time. But you just go ahead and post some more of your extremely uninformed nonsense OK? I'll be back this afternoon to rip it to shreds.


posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 07:56 AM
reply to post by HenryPatrick

Just in case someone hasn't already put the link here. This was the first story on The Daily Show last night

posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 08:41 AM

There will be no further personal attacks on other members. Discuss the topic NOT each other.


ATS member and mod

posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 08:43 AM
reply to post by lee anoma

At least someone "gets it" ... Well done.

By the way, a bit of news, we are moments away from a hearing on Capital Hill on "The radicalization of Muslims in the USA" .... Of course, it is now a matter of "vital national security" So maybe at some point in the near future "radical Muslims" in the USA can be rounded up, and/or abducted, sent to Guantanamo for indefinite detainment, transfers to foreign countries for rough interrogations including torture and returned to Guantanamo where they can be held for life, with or without trials/tribunals?

posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 09:03 AM

Originally posted by TheWalkingFox

Originally posted by Gooey6
Who primed it is the only intelligent thing you said here. You are too concerned with party lines.

Again a steady progression is evident no matter what "party" is in power. Troops are increased by both sides, civil rights are reduced by both sides, etc etc

You can read the same news story on any other news website, like, chicago tribune, etc...but I'm sure they all have right-winged agendas, right?

In short what I'm saying is, who cares what the source of the information happend. And it scares me deeply that your primary concern is what television channel aired it and not the INHUMANITY of what our country just did.

Truly sad on your part.

If that's what you got out of my post, then all I can say is that there used to be things like tigers, tar pits, and steep cliffs that weeded that sort of oblivious unawareness from our species.

Of course it happened. I did say that, and I certainly don't support it in the least. However, the source is important.

Not too long ago, Fox news was in support of these sort of policies. Every day Americans were told that these "terrorists" needed to be locked up. They were told that trials would cost money and that these "terrorists" would attack America if they went free. Americans were terrorized by Fox News, with the notion of "terrorists" being put into their neighborhood. The message from Fox News was, very plainly, keep them locked up no matter what.

And Fox news has now changed its stance, now that obama has done just what they were supporting for so long. And their viewers - perhaps yourself included - have all of a sudden discovered how unconscionable indefinite incarceration is.

While the change is nice, one has to realize, it'll change right back, and the viewers will go with that change, at a moment's notice. Further, the sudden criticism from this quarter has nothing to do with the morality of the move. Fox news is, of course, presenting it as that devil obama's doing. No mention of, as you like, "who primed it."

Basically, the source is only taking its stance because of who is in office. It is doing so after long supporting these same measures, and scaring US voters into supporting them as well. It is abundantly clear that if Obama backs down on it, Fox news will, once again, loudly support indefinite detention. And they will, as usual, bring their gleefully blind voting viewers along for the ride.

Of course this "executive order" is unconscionable. We're in agreement there. However, I think that pointing out the partisan duplicity of the source being used is also important. Apparently, you can't accept any questioning of that source.

I would agree with you if FOX News was the only news outlet that had an issue with it....but they are not.

I agree with you in that FOX News is a propaganda news source nearly all of the time, but in this case they are reporting something that all sources are reporting.

More importantly, if you watch the video they openly criticize Bush for signing laws that he "had no intention of enforcing".

IMO this is one of the most unbiased reports ive ever seen on the channel.

Alas, I think you are destined to disagree with me again here, but I think my point has been made. Let's focus on the issue at hand and keep the FOX News hate to other forums.

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