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On the Kabbalah. On Esoteric “Secrets.” A Luciferian Perspective. On the Prophet of the New Aeon

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posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 11:59 PM
Read Tyson's books on the qabalah pertaining to godmaking ritual and perhaps you may see a comparison to a mason ritual where the participant in a ritual is referred to as Immanuel or another name or title?

posted on Aug, 4 2011 @ 12:01 AM

Originally posted by partycrasher
Read Tyson's books on the qabalah pertaining to godmaking ritual and perhaps you may see a comparison to a mason ritual where the participant in a ritual is referred to as Immanuel or another name or title?
Which ritual would that be?

posted on Aug, 4 2011 @ 12:29 AM
Knight Templar

This degree is supposedly for Christians. The description of the initiation is based upon the description provided by the popular author Martin Short.

The words include:

Jesus Emmanuel - Grand word for Knight Templar. Emmanuel appears in the same chapter and the preceding chapter translated from Isaiah to mean Jesus is the Lord. The novice takes part in a stroll around the hall, seven times, which represents a seven year crusade while wearing the costume of a Knight Templar. He is then given a skull and he walks around the hall once more to undergo a years penance.

He swears an oath to protect and maintain the holy Christian faith, under a penalty of loss of life, head chopped off and his skull to be sawn apart such that his brains are exposed to the scorching rays of the sun. He finishes this part by praying to Christ.

He then swears an oath requesting that the spirit which inhabited the skull should testify against him if he should ever willfully violate his obligation as a knight. He then seals this oath by kissing the skull seven times.

posted on Aug, 4 2011 @ 11:21 AM
reply to post by partycrasher

is this York Rite?

posted on Aug, 4 2011 @ 12:44 PM
reply to post by partycrasher

Yeah, Mr. Short didn't quite get that right.

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 07:43 AM
back to kabbalah: yhvh = tetragrammaton. yhsvh one spelling for yuhushuah 'jesus" is a pentagrammaton and so is helel lucifer. notice the repetitive consonants the h for the two and the l and e for helel. now helel and yhvh have the h in common.

One can dig into all of the symbols associated with these letters, similarities and other relationships and perhaps crack the mystique and get to the math or whatever basic knowledge is encoded there.

Personally I feel that LIGHT radiates beyond its SOURCE there is no rebellion, no volition, just pure physics, pure nature. LIGHT is an ACTIVE principle whereas darkness is passive. With light something is being consumed, burned, there is change, explosions, fire, chemicals, biology, energy, electrons, photons, atom splitting/combining, etc. Dark always was and always will be. But light...not eternal. All light burns out but its radiance? at light speed does it continue on for eternity after its source has supernova'd and become a black hole?

The light from dead stars is on its way and some of it just reaching us now.

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 07:24 PM
reply to post by Lucifer777

With my working tools alone I can decide what is truly malevolent and that which is truly good. This "Do what thou wilt" that has been paraded through out these forums is a slippery slope. Freemasonry has made me feel freedom like i never knew i had, and put the power of my fate in my own hands.

The worshiping of devils and other vile entities is ultimately up to you. But it tell you that the sacrificing of life, (i.e Moloch And Baal the storm god) is wrong no matter how you slice it, no pun intended. Foolishly practicing intemperance is another trap of the adversary.

Mastery of oneself does not involve giving in to your animal instincts, if it did, don't complain about wars for resources as that is natural... isn't it Lucifer777?

As far as occultism in Masonry, if i may loosely apply this term: There may be a few Brethren that enjoy the mysteries (I know I do). But from what i have encounters it is usually Outside research that has drawn similarities and has been compared and contrasted, long shots and big leaps of faith.

edit on 24-8-2011 by Themadalchemist because: typo

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 07:47 PM
reply to post by Lucifer777

First of all, a fantastically written and well presented post - one of the best in a long while.
I am currently reading through your presentation and it is through a series of coincidences of late that has caused me to re-study this area of thought.

I shall reply soon with my opinions and questions.

posted on Dec, 17 2011 @ 09:13 PM
I am bumping this thread, because it is one of the most thought-provoking, well laid out, informative, threads I have ever seen on ATS, backed up with numerous links/sources.

May not be for everyone. I'm still reading through it. Extremely interesting. THIS, is what ATS is here for, for all you newbies starting threads which lack much thought.

It's unfortunate OP's such as this one, aren't coming on ATS as much, and are being replaced by a new generation full of negativity and illiteracy.

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 08:07 PM
reply to post by Lucifer777

There are no great secrets to happiness. All human beings seek economic security; to have sufficient food, shelter and technology; they also seek erotic happiness; to love and to be loved; to have friends and lovers. There is no secret of happiness which can be purchased from any religon; however it is probably a universal secret of happiness to avoid all forms of organised religion.

This is pretty much where I depart. Such a materialist view point and in it, you are the sole inhabited and central key, and that's what a complete lack (or avoidance) of faith will do.

I also note that your whole existence seems to be about making excuses for a view based on "do as thou wilt".

I'm chiming in because happiness is natural. If you say that happiness is contingent on money, good ex etc, you are wrong. It's obvious of course. If you take away the "I won't be happy unless I have xxx " you can happy all the time.

I learned this from spiritual guru's who, like you, understand the nature of majick.

Pretty sad

posted on Sep, 7 2012 @ 11:31 PM
the righteous side of "do what thou wilt" is not mentioned or written but I have said it and will say it again...

Each man should be free to do whatever he wills himself to do ( ultimate liberty)
As long as he does not impinge on anothers liberty in any way ( ultimate liberty again)

We need to have a Higher level of awareness, a higher and deeper perception not only of what each of us wants but also an understanding and respect of others desires and liberties so that each of us can explore our liberties but we do not in any way disrupt others freedom.

If someone tried to write this into legalspeak it would grow so complex and so controlling it would turn into a monster instead of an ultimate freedom.

It must be written into the heart it must be written on the conscience, the consciousness and practiced every waking hour a true exercise in self mastery.

But I can see for the most part we are not ready.

posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 11:19 PM

Originally posted by partycrasher
the righteous side of "do what thou wilt" is not mentioned or written but I have said it and will say it again...

Each man should be free to do whatever he wills himself to do ( ultimate liberty)
As long as he does not impinge on anothers liberty in any way ( ultimate liberty again)

We need to have a Higher level of awareness, a higher and deeper perception not only of what each of us wants but also an understanding and respect of others desires and liberties so that each of us can explore our liberties but we do not in any way disrupt others freedom.

If someone tried to write this into legalspeak it would grow so complex and so controlling it would turn into a monster instead of an ultimate freedom.

It must be written into the heart it must be written on the conscience, the consciousness and practiced every waking hour a true exercise in self mastery.

But I can see for the most part we are not ready.

The way I see it is that this is where black occultists fall apart. It is a matter of seperativeness to be entirely selfish = do as thou wilt and to add "as long as it doesn't impinge" ... it is an impossible task at that.

The end result is that those who "do as though wilt" must look for the bigger plan and conform themselves to it (to be affective at magick) so that they don't separate themselves from the source.

It is a good maxim because it asks the person to take their selfishness to the limit, which invariably is inclusiveness.

posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 11:30 PM
anyone who denies the higher positive aspect of do what thou wilt is the whole of the law is one who either-cannot fathom because of their own personal lack or

one who only seeks personal profit and cares nothing for wholism or profit for all

Although I am not a judeo christian I quote the verse-the potter out of the same lump of clay makes two vessels, one of honour fit for glory and one of wrath fit for destruction.

You may be past the fork in the road but for those who can see the higher path may take it or not.

I see many of the posters on ATS either were born without that internal light or and more likely gave up their light willingly for a small bowl of porridge.

Sad but predestined.

posted on Sep, 27 2012 @ 10:08 AM
I feel that this post may have misrepresented thelema somewhat. The law of thelema is not so simple as "release your inner animal". In fact, the symbolism of thelema indicates that a taming or harnessing of the animal nature is what is in order. The higher nature is what is to be followed. For a clearer picture on why thelema is not a license to sloth, hedonism, or any other vice, please read the introduction to the essay in this link.
De Lege Libellum

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 02:16 AM
reply to post by Lucifer777

Fascinating stuff, thanks for taking the time to make a comprehensive compilation of all this information, I appreciate it.

posted on Oct, 8 2012 @ 10:34 AM
Just found this thread, 23 pages... not too much to read... but if there is not one reference to any of the work by Gershom Scholem, and only to books about the tradition written by new-age gentiles, I'll have to excuse myself from the discussion...

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 02:27 AM
Wow! Great info. I haven't finished reading your lead info (it's actually pretty late here where I'm at). I was curious about something. The first Tree of Life picture, is that from The Book of Law? I haven't read the book as is obvious. I tried to read it a long time ago, but I found it confusing and hard to understand. However, to be honest I didn't put all my effort into understanding it at that time. But anyway, I hope you're still active, and I'd welcome the information! Thanks.
edit on bSun, 27 Oct 2013 02:40:08 -0500am299America/Chicago10amSunday27America/Chicago by brazenalderpadrescorpio because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 02:46 AM
reply to post by Lucifer777

Thanks for the post.
Its a stargate. Sounds far fetched I realise that and I am not going to troll your excellent thread by declaring how I come to that belief, its a stargate.
God made day and night, man tied it to hours and minutes to make sure a routine a timetable of control was adhered to.

posted on Nov, 27 2013 @ 09:50 AM
reply to post by Lucifer777

It is my view that we are bisexual creatures, as are most of the higher animals. The experience of same gender sex allows us to experience both active and passive roles. We all contain male and female hormones; we are all partly hermaphroditic; indeed often when Mother Nature is portrayed in Kabbalistic art, it is often as a divine hermaphrodite; the Holy union of male and female; thus a bisexual creature is more “godlike.” Generally bisexual experiences makes us more loving people, which is to say that we become more divine (godlike), whereas those who are homophobic are generally filled with hatred of others and self hatred, which is to say that they are ungodly. In modern Western culture, images of homoerotic relationships between women are generally considered to be erotic, even by exclusively heterosexual and homophobic males; it is love between males which is probably the greatest taboo and an ultimate “sacred cow” to be slaughtered in order to reach a world of love; the New Heaven.

I have been highly curious about this for a while now. I have been thinking about all of the aspects of society that is seen as being taboo, are in reality something much 'higher' and are forbidden to keep us from are true nature.

I have begun to see that bisexual relationships, as you put it, allow man/woman to develop their passive/dominant traits just like masculine/feminine energies....It is Yin-Yang made into the flesh....

However, I can honestly say, that I've only ever had a brotherly sort of love for men, and not the erotic, sexual kind of love....Can I still reach my god-consciousness?
edit on 27-11-2013 by VeritasAequitas because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 01:05 AM
reply to post by Lucifer777


Operation: G.O.D.
(((General Ordinance Development)))

Codename: A.D.A.M.
(((Actual Design And Mandate)))

Left Pillar Of "Brute Force":
2) Chevron: Trade and commerce...

4) Bend: Health and life...

7) Saltire: Food and material welfare...

Right Pillar Of "Gentle Persuasion":

3) Pile: Arts and sciences...

5) Pale: Dissemination and conservation of knowledge...

8) Cross: Revealed religion...

Middle Pillar Of "Order":
1) Chief: Tribal coordination and racial cooperation..

11) Canton: Cabal law...

6) Fess: Advanced tribal relations...

9) Bars: Domestication and utilization of animals [and ignorance]…

10) Pall: Conquest of all predatory animals [and ignorance]…

The Rites:
Swords: Priests And Scholars...
Clubs: Rulers And Warriors...
Cups: Farmers, Merchants, Hunters, And Craftsmen...
Coins: Unskilled Laborers...

The Sub Ordinaries:
10 are the "Rights Of The People"...
12 are the "Barred Practices"...
note: 22 in total, which are designed to incorporate and excommunicate a variety of affairs... 12 diagonal/3 vertical & 7 horizontal.

You can call them the paths.
The rites you can call... the elements.
The heraldic badges... are commonplace themes which interlock with the aged lay system. You can call them spheres/sephirots.

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