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Is Lindsay Williams being used for Disinformation on the "Elite's Plans" unwittingly?

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posted on Mar, 5 2011 @ 08:03 PM
I was going to post these comments in "the end of the road" thread but this is too tangential and deserves it's own:

Re Pastor Lindsay Williams: especially since "they" knew that he was not keeping the confidence of previous revelations (he was even threatened) and now has a new "source" of "elite insider plans" it is entirely possible (if not probable) that he is being used as a disinformation conduit. I understand all about their "code" of having to tell their victims what they are going to do (like some voodoo vampire) but if so, then why was he threatened for telling us, the collective victims? More likely since their other more proven and more powerful modus operandi is their focus on the endgame not on the ethics of what it takes to bring it to fruition; ie, the machiavellian "ends justify the means." To go back to his previous prediction as to the rationale for taking oil prices down in 2008 (over $100/bbl in half a year); you will recall that it was to bankrupt the arabs. They didnt keep it down long enough to accomplish that. Maybe they just want to take advantage of running the market to big extremes and profiting from same. If their goal is two fold: profit and taking market share from the arabs (perhaps buying up their reserve assets cheap if they get into financial trouble) then they will use this market run up to get the price high enough to sell forward and lock in via futures hedges several years worth of production at the old highs ($147) while the rest of the world is buying thinking that we are going to $150-200 and then these prices will send us back into a recession perhaps even a depression with an across the board deflating of commodity prices along with real estate and stock equity values (lowering demand for crude oil) and then cause another sharp reduction in prices along with the economy. Concomitant to these middle eastern revolutions in their early stages their goal could be for coalition forces to take over some of these countries and secure the oil while bringing about peace (thus contributing to lower oil prices once the back of the economy is broken). Perhaps their goal is to have the coalition states allow these large oil companies to take over oil operations of most of the middle east countries (acquiring them at "fair market value" of the proven reserves once they take the price back down agajn essentially pulling off a coup of OPEC. After they have a true monopoly we could see them control the supply and run the prices back up - way up and then open those other fields that Williams talked about (whereby he was given part of the truth afterall). For these people it isnt just about the profits - it is about the control and if you control OPEC you essentially control the world (certainly at least the price of oil). At least this is a theory based on pastor Williams receiving and disseminating disinformation. Thoughts?
edit on 5-3-2011 by CosmicCitizen because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-3-2011 by CosmicCitizen because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-3-2011 by CosmicCitizen because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2011 @ 08:31 PM
reply to post by CosmicCitizen

I think he could be being used to pass disinformation unknowingly. But my thought is he is being used as an outlet to tell folks what is going on as it happens or shortly before it happens. The things he is telling us are set in place long before he reports them and there is little if anything that can be done to alter the results. The elite want us the know what is going on so when it does happen its not as big of a shock as it would have been otherwise.

I liken it to being in the dentist office on gas and strapped in. The dentist tells you what he is going to do and does it, but you are pretty much just along for the ride.

As I said on the other post, we have to leap ahead of them and figure out the end game and short circuit it, if we are to have any chance of stopping this.

I think we know the end state is - NWO - One world government over a smaller submissive population. How they get us to that point is the mystery (the game).

posted on Mar, 5 2011 @ 08:32 PM
reply to post by CosmicCitizen

My thoughts are we need to come up with something other than running on a predominately oil society. I'm not saying stop using oil but cut the use of it as much as possible.

Why not use Hemp as an alternative? Just like oil you can use Hemp to make plastics, fuel, medicine, etc (Wikipedia say's 50,000 products).

Hydrogen is another alternative. I've read other posts where people argue you can't make enough versus the power usage. I disagree. Not only is a hydrogen generator easy to make you could power it with a solar panel or wind turbine and batteries. Where is the loss there? You could heat your home without oil or natural gas.

I guess my point is there is no cure-all to leaving oil dependance completely at first but we can take big steps using these other methods.

This would take the power from these oil tycoons and Lindsay wouldn't have to be the messenger.

edit on 5-3-2011 by TheLieWeLive because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2011 @ 11:05 PM
He could be. One thing that I keep feeling is that part of the elites plans for America require us to "rise up." Our Constitution is a limit that they chafe at, and if they stage a coup, they can be hung for treason. I feel as if they are going to try to set it up so that WE the people are our own undoing.

No matter what, we need to protect the legitimacy of our government. Not the individual politicians, but the government itself, and the Constitution.

We need to be careful not to get tricked into handing our country over to them.

posted on Mar, 6 2011 @ 12:38 PM

Originally posted by Illusionsaregrander
He could be. One thing that I keep feeling is that part of the elites plans for America require us to "rise up." Our Constitution is a limit that they chafe at, and if they stage a coup, they can be hung for treason. I feel as if they are going to try to set it up so that WE the people are our own undoing.

No matter what, we need to protect the legitimacy of our government. Not the individual politicians, but the government itself, and the Constitution.

We need to be careful not to get tricked into handing our country over to them.

Well said.

I see this is the path we are taking:

- Oil goes above 150 - prices on everything goes up. Europe will feel the impact first.

- Due to the inability of congress to balance the budget and put the national debt in check the value of the dollar will further be diminished

- China will continue to push for the new world reserve currency to hedge their losses due to dollar devaluation. They will get more and more support from Russia and other countries along these lines.

- Congress will continue to be ineffective due to left /right bickering and we will have more dead lock.

- The Euro will fail as a result of the weakened dollar and the lost of value vs the Chinese currency.

- The president through executive order will declare a national emergency due to the financial crisis and will strip the congress of its power to control the budget, spending etc. He will site their inability to pass a budget as the cause of the crisis.

- The president along with the Federal reserve will raise taxes, impose austerity measures and more QE.

- After these events the public will rise and protest due to the austerity measures imposed by the president and inflation, as they are in the middle east.

- The president will again use an executive order to declare marshal law to quell the protest and keep a rebellion from taking hold.

At this point the US would be done as a republic for all practical purposes.

In order to stop these things from happening we have to stop one or more of these events. The best way is as you said, ensure our current government does not fail and be replaced with executive orders.

We need our congress to step up and do the right thing and balance the budget and begin reducing the debt. They need to make the hard choices even if it means they wont get re-elected. Even if these choices means cuts to defense, entitlements, etc. They have to strip the president of his ability to use executive orders to take their own powers.

They have to do this also without raising taxes. They should reduce regulation and red tape in order to see increased revenue instead of raising taxes. Higher taxes will only help the globalist weaken the economy and reduce the dollar value.

We have to get back to the nation that our founders outlined in the constitution and not the nanny police state we have become.

Call your senators and representatives and tell them to get the budget balanced.

posted on Mar, 6 2011 @ 12:44 PM

Originally posted by EssenceOfSilence

We need our congress to step up and do the right thing and balance the budget and begin reducing the debt. They need to make the hard choices even if it means they wont get re-elected. Even if these choices means cuts to defense, entitlements, etc. They have to strip the president of his ability to use executive orders to take their own powers.

The problem with this is they have absolutely no incentive to do this, and every incentive to seek reelection.

The new law allowing even more corporate contribution to political advertising only gives them less incentive to listen to us.

I would say that at this point, calling, petitioning, etc., our politicians is pointless. What we need to do is to bypass the stable of corporate owned politicians altogether and elect a "fresh" herd of politicians and push through campaign finance reform in one fell swoop.

If we dont change the way campaigns are funded we will never get politicians who are responsive to the people.

posted on Mar, 6 2011 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by Illusionsaregrander

Originally posted by EssenceOfSilence

We need our congress to step up and do the right thing and balance the budget and begin reducing the debt. They need to make the hard choices even if it means they wont get re-elected. Even if these choices means cuts to defense, entitlements, etc. They have to strip the president of his ability to use executive orders to take their own powers.

The problem with this is they have absolutely no incentive to do this, and every incentive to seek reelection.

The new law allowing even more corporate contribution to political advertising only gives them less incentive to listen to us.

I would say that at this point, calling, petitioning, etc., our politicians is pointless. What we need to do is to bypass the stable of corporate owned politicians altogether and elect a "fresh" herd of politicians and push through campaign finance reform in one fell swoop.

If we dont change the way campaigns are funded we will never get politicians who are responsive to the people.

The unfortunate part of this is we do not have time to wait until the next election to get things turned around. The process I outlined above that the globalist are on is upon us today. It wont wait until the 2013 congress and president is sworn in.

posted on Mar, 6 2011 @ 01:02 PM
reply to post by EssenceOfSilence

I dont disagree. Unfortunately, we totally threw away our opportunity to get a new Congress in because of the hijack of the Tea Party by the Republican party.

People know what we need to do, they just spin the wind trying to figure out how to do it. The MSM is just too damn effective at guiding people to conclusions, or actions.

posted on Mar, 6 2011 @ 01:06 PM
Some good points but let's not forget that the elites to whom Williams is talking are oil executives not necessarily members of secret societies (ie Illuminati) altho they may be members as well. As oil exec there is a conflict of interest in some points of interest of other elites such as alternative energy projects (unless they can control them also). If they share the desire to control the world they will use control of energy (at least control of the oil) to facilitate it. It could be that they are in total sync with the NWO and plan to set the stage for an inflationary depression here and import civil unrest from the mid east and then a well timed FFA* to create a predictable executive response for martial law (thus ending the republic as we know it). It could very well be also that these oil execs want to see carbon taxes (altho not what Hilary had in mind by taxing the oil firms directly) and then create some form of carbon credits for a new currency. A carbon credit (cc) could replace the dollar as the world's reserve currency and be equal to 1/100th of a barrel of oil and could be exchangeable for an equivalent of BTUs from other energy sources (nat gas, solar, geothermic, etc). IF they based a world currency unit on energy then to paraphrase Mayer A. Rothschild, "I care not who makes the laws, he who controls the money controls the world" and if the money is tied to energy then he who controls the energy markets controls the world. So creating an energy based (carbon credit) currency unit and introducing world wide carbon taxes would allow them to not only control the money supply but also give them a global tax base that is not necessarily income dependent. But I have heard nothing of the sort from pastor Williams.

*FFA=False Flag Attack
edit on 6-3-2011 by CosmicCitizen because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 6 2011 @ 01:08 PM
Just another con-artist.

What he's talked about is easily discernible.

I recall back in 2006 knowing that we'd already reached cheap peak oil.

I remember putting the pieces together around 2008 or 2009.

I've been saying the same thing on this site for over 18 months about the cycle of cheap peak oil.

Does this make me an insider as well?!


It means I'm not ignorant and have thought how the fact that we're in the beginning phase of cheap peak oil, causes a cyclical rise and fall of our economies, and the speculative prices of commodities. This is very clear to see for anyone who's paying attention.

posted on Mar, 6 2011 @ 01:14 PM
reply to post by CosmicCitizen

Im not sure I believe that what we are seeing is the work of an "Illuminati" or some organized plan being unfolded. I tend to suspect that we see what appears to be coordinated action on the part of the worlds powerful and elite because they are the same kind of people with the same kinds of personalities, and their goals often are in harmony because of that.

Historically, we also see them happily cut one anothers throats and eliminate one antoher to take their stuff, so I personally doubt they are really in it together in a more solid way.

Human beings are more alike than different, and this fact makes us behave in very similar ways that might look as if we have conspired, when in fact we are just following self interest. It hasnt escaped me that one of the ways the elite of the world con us at the bottom into going along with their schemes is by appealing to OUR greed, and OUR lack of real concern for others.

One of the things that makes me sad is that most of us really arent opposed to what is going on, we just dont want to be on the receiving end of it.

posted on Mar, 6 2011 @ 01:27 PM


posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 12:25 PM

Click on the above link to the CFTC's Commitments of Traders report for Crude Oil futures and look at the Net Positions line for Commercials (red) which includes large oil producers. As of the late Friday report they are net short a record 391,113 contracts. Compare this figure to the spring of 2008 when we crossed $100 on the way to $147. Much more than double the number of net shorts now vs then. You might also look at the net pos of the blue line for Large Speculators. Large Specs are much more long compared to 2008 as the commercials are short. The people that Lindsay Williams has been talking to are classified as Commercials. One could interpret this chart as follows: the 2008 run up in crude oil was not fully taken advantage of by commercials to lock in via hedging future production at the high prices and this current rally has been hyped to get large speculators (including hedge funds) to speculate long while the commercials are selling it to them in record quantities. The large speculators are astute and have been right so far but the commercials are seldom wrong in the long term...and this chart implies that a) the oil companies are shorting the market and b) that we are at an extreme in commercial shorts and therefore we could be close to a top in price at these levels - not $150-200 (with the large speculators expecting closer to $200). A picture is worth a thousand words (and in this case millions of dollars for commercials at the expense of speculators).

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