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why are you americans so silent ?

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posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 03:40 PM

This is just my opinion, but I believe that violent protest takes one in the opposite direction. Plus, We have to believe that our leaders will eventually do the right thing and/or we need to elect a leader to do the right thing. Half of the news that comes to us not entirely the full story. Not that they lie, we just aren't presented with all the facts.

You really, honestly believe that national leaders will "do the right thing", and that the general public still has a say in which leaders are elected?

This goes to show that there is still an astounding level of naivety out there, even among people who claim to be "awake".

Leaders are not elected by the public. Leaders are elected by those behind the MSM who decide to tell the public which person running they should vote for. Last time, TBTB decided that Barack Obama would be their front man, next time maybe it will be Obama again, although Trump seems to be getting some traction right now.

Whomever TPTB decide that they want as President, will be President. The sheeple of the USA are too easily manipulated by MSM to be able to make up their own minds.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 04:24 PM

Originally posted by hmdphantom
I have always wondered despite of all freedom you have.( more than our nation)

and lots of acts that your government been caught in with pants down.

why the american people do not go into any protest ??

a will appreciate your precious opinions.

I'm not American and only visited that country once for a week long wrestling trip with friends but my belief on this is that people in the west are so engrossed in distractions such as whatever Lady Gaga is wearing or whatever terrible reality show is on that real issues don't matter and people thinking against the norm are labeled "nutjobs".

Meanwhile places such as Iran have protests calling for government changes are made headline news because it seems like a sort of "look at these peasants in a relic of a country standing up against their leaders, how unique and unusual".

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 04:29 PM

Originally posted by babybunnies

This is just my opinion, but I believe that violent protest takes one in the opposite direction. Plus, We have to believe that our leaders will eventually do the right thing and/or we need to elect a leader to do the right thing. Half of the news that comes to us not entirely the full story. Not that they lie, we just aren't presented with all the facts.

You really, honestly believe that national leaders will "do the right thing", and that the general public still has a say in which leaders are elected?

This goes to show that there is still an astounding level of naivety out there, even among people who claim to be "awake".

Leaders are not elected by the public. Leaders are elected by those behind the MSM who decide to tell the public which person running they should vote for. Last time, TBTB decided that Barack Obama would be their front man, next time maybe it will be Obama again, although Trump seems to be getting some traction right now.

Whomever TPTB decide that they want as President, will be President. The sheeple of the USA are too easily manipulated by MSM to be able to make up their own minds.

Not necesarily.

Here in the UK, we DO elect our leaders democratically. The morons who voted Labour despite that party almost making us a Third World country in terms of poverty and crime continued to do their sheeple act while the Conservatives clearly had the better, more realistic and helpful policies and the Liberal Democrats appealed to the airy fairy types who believe in getting rid of all of our defence measures by making policies like scrapping tuition fees that would be stupid to agree with in their attempt to grab votes with idiotic policies.

What's even more stupid is, idiots actually voted Lib Dem and now we have stuck with those same morons protesting about tuition fees going up for rich people (if you're poor, you don't have to pay anything until you have a job that earns more than £25,000 per year but they conveniently ignore that in their protests) and calling the Lib Dems liars for not fulfilling their policy pledges if elected without realising that the Lib Dems only made those policies to be different for the sake of it not expecting to be a part of government.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by hmdphantom

Simple: Panis et "Zanexes"...

We're overstimulated and over-entertained, overburdened and overdrugged. It's overwhelming, to be quite honest.

The Florida Governor, who was part of the biggest Medicare fraud in the nation's history, is not tackling our Pill Mills because the more the synthetic heroin flows (and the real heroin from Afghanistan) and the cheap beer and flat screen 3D infotainment Justin Bieber labotomy continues, the less there will be any cohesive confrontation against the military industrial complex.
edit on 25-2-2011 by Sphota because: spelling

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 04:40 PM
I am an American and I understand what the non Americans are saying, not that I agree with everyone but most of America is asleep and there lives consist of going to work and then going shopping and watching all those crap TV shows, they are all stuck in there own little world. All they think about is what I can buy next where should we go shopping and what bar should we go to tonight. Most but not all Americans need a good slap in the face or something big to happen to wake them up, but there is nothing we can do by ourselves we need everyone to come together to be able to accomplish anything against our own Government. Its much easier said then done.
But do not judge us all, we are not all the same we are individuals and happen to live in the same country.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 04:45 PM
American's have this false sense of security and thinks their govt is here to protect them. This country's been asleep for many yrs and standing on a corner holding a sign isn't going to change anything.
In the last yr I have written and called my local and state rep's, senators, White house, Governor, State school officials, city councilmen and probably a few other I can't remember. One thing I have found in corresponding with these officials and their staff is they have NO logical answers to my questions as a concerned citizen and they're as CLUELESS as clueless gets. I was actually dumbfounded at what little common sense and knowledge they have when confronted with the simplest of questions. We need a firm footed course of action until then rinse and repeat.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 04:48 PM
Seems pretty clear that it is our job to get the word out to those that are ignorant... My question is how do you do that? Do we wait around for everyone to realize it or take over a news station and broadcast all the sh*t you can dig up on the government which isn't hard to do? (not that I am suggesting that but it would be an option)

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 04:50 PM
Good question, a question that has interested me for a while now. I have some brilliant American friends and we have talked about this subject often.

Some views that as a Scotsman are my own : I think the American ideology, the way of thinking is a hurdle to making change of any kind, on any subject. Americans are attracted to the "Big Plan" that requires perfection instead of a good plan. Im sure someone will remind me of who said " The perfect plan is the biggest downfall of a good plan" and thats what happens.

The hollow words, "take my last bullet from me" or " we are armed and god help them if they push us to hard" are meaningless and just another way of making the solution deliberately outlandish and unatainable. This is the American way of thinking.

You actually have the power over them but refuse to use it because it would cause you inconvenience. You dont need to organize a demonstration or street rebellion that could get you hurt and getting shot or hurt is your reason for not doing anything.

A suggestion : Dont do anything ! simple eh? Organise a strike, stay at home dont go onto the streets thus dont get shot. Or, would that, as I think be too much of a burden?.

You have the power, but choose not to use it.

Respects to you

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 04:52 PM
Its a good thing that Americans are fat, because they are heading for some lean times. I am an American, I love my country, but I hate what the corporate owned government has done to this great nation. The banks, the corporations, and the corrupt politicians have run this country into the ground, absolutely buried it. Not enough Americans have actually felt the pain yet, we have not yet reached the tipping point to protest.

In my opinion, the majority of my fellow countrymen are arrogant, egotistical, self-centered, apathetic and ignorant.

It is also my opinion, that all this will change very soon, we, as a country are going to be experiencing rough times that will make the depression look like a walk through the park.

I long for the economic crash, to wake people up, to make them think, to care about this country, to care about others, to understand why poor people revolt, to understand why wars for profit are bad, to understand why we must oust our current leaders.

America, is said to be the home of the brave, but all I see is a bunch of fat, vain, assh_les.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 04:58 PM
For example to show how dumbed down people can be, just go to any pro sporting event and watch the reaction of the crowds. Pro wrestling, is a very good if not one of the best examples. This is North America, where fights break out at basket ball games, hockey players duking it out on the ice, and some of the other places in the world where riots break out. Rock concerts, can be another arena of insanity. All you got to do is watch, how the masses are controlled through these little moments of entertainment that takes you to another realm of existence where in some cases just about anything goes.

And then there is the sitcoms on T.V., some of the most idiotic dumbed down, stupid type of what they call comedy, b.s. that makes Americans and Canadians look like total immoral idiots with no minds. Not to mention the reality shows, and the idol shows.
Then there is the MSM, as I recall one commentator refer to them as "dung heads" that's about as good a description as any.

The priorities of a lot are in the wrong place, and that's just how the controllers like it.
edit on 25-2-2011 by hawaii50th because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 05:15 PM
reply to post by hmdphantom

Because the media over here never speaks of it, unless you do your own research and dig for it, the average Joe has never heard of anything bad about the U.S. since his time of birth.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 05:15 PM
reply to post by hmdphantom

In my opinion: we dont protest as much because you said it "we have more freedom" than almost any other country in the world. Gas is relativily priced (compared to the rest of the world), our unemployment though bad is much worse outside the US, whether people here want to admit it or not if we dont watch tv or listen to the news our days go by without much incident or reason for us to be upset and protest.

I am not chest pounding but even with the world economy what it is, we still have it pretty damn good...(i know not as good as some of you Startrek extremists would want it, but it is good)...

Signed a happy American...

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 05:20 PM
reply to post by hawaii50th

Your funny, ever watch a European football game or South American...? They know every football (soccer) players name and stats but cant remember what their wife's brithday is...

Horrible example you used agains the soccer fans are as much or more sheaple than Americans...

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 05:28 PM

Originally posted by hmdphantom
I have always wondered despite of all freedom you have, (more than our nation) and lots of acts that your government been caught in with pants down.

Unlike the government in Iran (the location on your profile), the United States is based upon a democracy built upon a republic. When one of our leaders breaks the law, we have a justice system in which holds them accountable. We do not need to protest when someone breaks the law, for we know they will be met with the full extent of the law.

Iran is built upon a fake democracy, which is controlled by a communist dictator regime. Even though you folks vote for a front man, the real power resides upon those behind the curtain. I cannot remember who they are specifically, but they rig your elections and force extreme socialistic values onto your society. When you say that we have more freedom than Iranians, you should understand that we have 'way-way-way more freedom than Iranians'.

At this point in our history, we are trying to prevent communism from taking over. During the last ten to twenty years, the Democratic party has been taken over by communists and socialists. We call them 'Progressives'. I kind of wish we had laws, which can be used to prosecute them for treason.
edit on 25-2-2011 by Section31 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 05:44 PM
reply to post by hmdphantom

Never underestimate the power of Brain-Washing!

The vast majority of the US population never sees what goes on in the rest of the world. Especially the "3rd world" or "have not" or "war torn" countries (including the ones USA invaded). If you haven't lived it, breathed it, smelled it and tasted it, it ain't real.

Most (not all) of my known fellow countrymen (non ATS ok), including family, friends, and associates are like little jackrabbits plugged into a hot date, while watching American Idol etc and taking their anti-depressants and going on good-health kicks.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 05:48 PM
Fox news = the state the American people are actually in. They are fed complete rubbish. To me it is een worse propaganda than the old Soviet media.

Wake up and switch off your television sets. It's killing you.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 05:51 PM
I cannot speak for others, but I can speak for myself. I do not protest as an American because things are pretty good where I am. I do not expect perfection or paradise. I have a job and a family. We have a house with food and clothes. We sleep at night without worrying about someone kicking in the door. We can go to doctors if we are sick. The wife goes to church on Sunday. We socialize with our friends and family fairly regularly. We have hobbies that we enjoy when we are not working. We are not rich but we are not poor. I was born, raised, and shall pass as working middle class. This is my lot in life. I am grateful for it.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 06:00 PM
reply to post by hmdphantom

All you need is 4 or more people standing on a street corner talking about dissent and you'll be arrested after the FEMA, FBI, CIA, SWAT have finished shooting rubber bullets, electrocuting and Blasting you with the Sound Canons.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 06:20 PM

Originally posted by Section31

Originally posted by hmdphantom
I have always wondered despite of all freedom you have, (more than our nation) and lots of acts that your government been caught in with pants down.

Unlike the government in Iran (the location on your profile), the United States is based upon a democracy built upon a republic. When one of our leaders breaks the law, we have a justice system in which holds them accountable. We do not need to protest when someone breaks the law, for we know they will be met with the full extent of the law.

Iran is built upon a fake democracy, which is controlled by a communist dictator regime. Even though you folks vote for a front man, the real power resides upon those behind the curtain. I cannot remember who they are specifically, but they rig your elections and force extreme socialistic values onto your society. When you say that we have more freedom than Iranians, you should understand that we have 'way-way-way more freedom than Iranians'.

At this point in our history, we are trying to prevent communism from taking over. During the last ten to twenty years, the Democratic party has been taken over by communists and socialists. We call them 'Progressives'. I kind of wish we had laws, which can be used to prosecute them for treason.
edit on 25-2-2011 by Section31 because: (no reason given)

Yup spoken like a true tea party member

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