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why are you americans so silent ?

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posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 02:16 AM
reply to post by sara123123

we don't have any freedom in iran.
when you go protesting if you do anything you can be sure that they will find you and take you to prison and may be they let other prisoners rape you. most of the people that have issued something about the government or the dominion are kept in prison.(most of them have proof for what they say). people are mostly are fooled because they are naive .they are fooled by local media or by social networks in the internet. local media claims that we have the best government in the world and social networks in internet are claiming by the help of america we can have a great government.

and as I am writing these lines for you , i know that most of the people do not believe what I am saying.

I beleive that there is more freedom in america and because of that I started this thread.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 02:23 AM
Americans do protest check out this video of the G20

Look what happens

But, there are also other events from the older generations that seem not to have such a bad outcome from police like the Restoring Honor event

Not all Americans are lazy and we do try to fix things, every Government on the planet currently in my opinion are overreaching and often get corrupted from the power overtime. This is the fundamental problem that happens with all governments. Big government can lead to complete tyranny fast and thats why it is important for our government to be restricted to the confines of our constitution, giving the people the power. unfortunately, there are good and bad factions within our government and hopefully the good ones will win and restore our republic. A good representation of what most Americans stand for in government are the policies and beliefs of Ron Paul, a texas congressman.
edit on 25-2-2011 by Deja`Vu because: a positive aspect as well

edit on 25-2-2011 by Deja`Vu because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 02:29 AM
reply to post by grumpydaysleeper

I just was replying some one.

I always oppose violent protests and I don't incourage any one to do so.
what we iranian are doing is ailent protest that is worrying the government verry much. and what we are saying is ' you can not fool us with your governmental media '. what I am saying is why american don't oppose what media is doing with them. why american people do not check what their government is doing ?

this is the main idea.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 02:56 AM
reply to post by randyvs

good question.
as you know our nation had a revolution about 32 years ago. one of our mostly repeated demand were 'freedom' and 'independence'.as you know when some clergy men took the leadership they were claiming ' there will be freedom '. and as they took the power they killed most of the people they opposed. because we were so naive nation we thought that religious dominion will do the best for us but it didn't. as they took the power they took over the mass media and began to give wrong information to people. and after that they were just government animals.(because we don't speak english so accesing true information sources is not possible). although our people are so ppolitical active but they can't get true information source.

in the recent years foreign governmental tv networks began activity and they are playing big role in the recent protests.but as you know foreign governments do not help other nations for godsake.

what I am doing in this thread is to find some ways to wake up the sheeps our government has grown.
we are doing it by our interaction , questions , answers , ....

thank you.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 03:09 AM
reply to post by Angelicdefender2012

I don't know the answer as I don't know the answer about my people. we are here to find the answer.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 03:12 AM
reply to post by hmdphantom

Obviously you haven't heard of anonymous, check them out!!

They have a voice and are using it, as far as I can tell, for good.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 04:10 AM
reply to post by hmdphantom

The Iranians are blocked from "true" sources of information yet you as an Iranian in Iran found your way here? I'm not buying it.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 04:23 AM
We are mostly silent because we really have no choice and we are so wrapped up in our own lives, to sincerely care about anyone else's. Sure it is sad that children die in the crossfire of violence but only a hand full of people do anything about it, and it continues to happen. What is so different with what our government is doing? We are a nation of consuming, self serving, T.V. lovin individuals. Our normal is teen pregnancy(myself included), almost every kid is medicated(myself included), kids not going to a real college(MI) and "just gettin' by" attidude. Its hard to say where it all started, but I say our parents. Not in a bad way though. A lot of our parents had it pretty rough. Even though they love us, and want us to have it better than they had it. We all want that for our children, but a lot of us turned into a bunch of spoiled brats. It seems like It's been on the rise since the early eighties. If you mix hopes, dreams, illusion and reality, you get a whole bunch of different and weird crap. Pretty soon you cannot tell what is what or where we are going. We are so broken as a country and a government that we figure that there is nothing we can do and go back to our little worlds. Plus we would probably end up getting shot. That is why you don't see any uprisings. We are more likely to riot in mass after a championship game than we would after an outrageous vote or other poor political action. Long story medium... We are screwed.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 04:24 AM
reply to post by hmdphantom

here's a little example from germany. we're the worst when it comes to protest or something like that.

our Defense Minister got caught. he plagiarized large sections of his dissertation (like 70%) and we still love him. 73% of the germans still think he's a good guy. he is still in office and will not resign.


posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 05:21 AM
reply to post by hmdphantom

I think we americans havent started a protest/revolt against the system, the government because we have not yet lost all or most our rights yet. Im not sure why we sit so idly and let them get away with their corrupted tendancies. I believe we have become mindless boobs. maybe we are afraid to do anything. Im hoping this wisconsin protest will continue to spread and open into a full scale government revolt. We americans need to clean the house and the only way we can do this is to vote them all out. every last one of them. The problem here in america is we get stuck on a political party for the sake of family and community views. We have lost the ability to listen to what the candidate has to offer, cifer out the best of the worse and vote for the person best suited for the country. No we vote republican because we are raised republican, we vote democrat because our parents brainwashed us into believeing there party is the best adn true american party, both sides. We dont protest because we have lost our will to stand up for what we believe in.

I`d say the NWO/government is doing a darn good job braninwasihing the people to be sheeple

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 05:38 AM
The short answer? We're comfortable

(for the most part)

(for now)

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 07:04 AM
SO BE IT.....THATS the motto for the happy spot.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 07:21 AM
the usa has always been a controlling entity. it's just been since the cold war socilaism and the rise of technology, that things have become obvious and less than ideal. all governments exert control over their citizenry. it's a fact of life. we just notice it more now, because we see more of it now and are just now noticing that it doesn't seem to match what it says about itself in our school books. that is easily resolved, but the socialists have to want to let it return to a representative republic and they are too deeply rooted in it now. they've gotten use to the gravy train that they've erected on the fossilized corpse of the original government.

this was most apparent to me while watching the news channels. both conservative and liberal news channels were cheering on the egyptian revolution. both seem to be hinting around to the citizenry that we need to revolt. and the citizens are like, :"Say WHAT? Get your acts together. Don't force us to be your parents. Or expect us to die in bloody insurrections/riots/revolutions when you could fix this thing to begin with.. Knock off the BS and do your dang jobs, and quit trying to take over the bleepin world. "

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 07:32 AM
Exactly. Why ARE WE so silent?

There are a multitude of reasons for this---but here are a few:

1) The American people are largely made up of "Sheeple---" people who just follow along in flocks. They don't have to think too much, which suits them just fine.

2) We have been purposely "dumb downed" by television, the media and our horrible education system. Most people aren't smart enough to see things for what they are. The people who are smart enough are part of the SYSTEM---and they're happy with the way things are. Why rock the boat?

3) I'd say that a majority of Americans are unhappy with our Government (look at the poll numbers) but we've been taught by the media that speaking out and taking a stand is an unpopular thing to do. Look at how the media has treated the Tea Party.

4) Money is God in America. We worship at the throne of the dollar bill. Most people are too busy buying things and focusing on material goods to care about the world around them. The ignorance in America, to me, is the saddest thing of all.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 07:47 AM

Originally posted by MRuss
Exactly. Why ARE WE so silent?

There are a multitude of reasons for this---but here are a few:

1) The American people are largely made up of "Sheeple---" people who just follow along in flocks. They don't have to think too much, which suits them just fine.

2) We have been purposely "dumb downed" by television, the media and our horrible education system. Most people aren't smart enough to see things for what they are. The people who are smart enough are part of the SYSTEM---and they're happy with the way things are. Why rock the boat?

3) I'd say that a majority of Americans are unhappy with our Government (look at the poll numbers) but we've been taught by the media that speaking out and taking a stand is an unpopular thing to do. Look at how the media has treated the Tea Party.

4) Money is God in America. We worship at the throne of the dollar bill. Most people are too busy buying things and focusing on material goods to care about the world around them. The ignorance in America, to me, is the saddest thing of all.

5. We don't like shooting each other, stabbing each other, sawing each other's heads off, hanging each other, burning each other at the stake, poisoning each other, beating each other with whips/canes/ and etc.

6. We like life. We aren't in a death cult

7. We pay our politicians to do their jobs, and expect them too, just like we do when we have jobs.

8. We weren't prepared for a hostile takeover. And now that it's here and we recognize it, we're asking it to change itself back into a representative republic, instead of expecting everyone else to change to match it.

9. Most of us know the extent of american technology is beyond what we read. It's a no brainer that the tech would naturally include really horrible ways to die. Personally, i've been dead once already.

10. We love our families. They know this. They love their families too. Mutually shared destruction only appeals to people who don't have kids and spouses.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 07:58 AM
I don't know. I think you will be surprised when it comes down to the wire what we Americans will do. I think when and if an uprising occurs, it won't be just a few thousand, it will be the whole country.

And what could also be a factor is almost everyone here is armed. I know I would think twice about doing a demonstration on a hotly debated issue if I know some one could shoot me from the sidelines because they oppose my views.

I can see us fighting the end all battle. But only a few will fight for the stuff that is happening right now.

But don't listen to me, as I am one of the uniformed sheeple that doesn't know all the happenings of todays current events.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 08:02 AM

Originally posted by FarArcher
reply to post by leaualorin

Hey, genius! Why don't you mine your own damned gold and silver?

Probably same reason that the entire Middle East Oil industry from wells to infrastructure was built by Westerners - heavily British and American - because you either can't or won't.

Large projects take know-how and even more important - capital.

Those who can - do.

And as far as why Americans are silent - some aren't.

The ones that can be relied on are busy cleaning their weapons and stockpiling ammunition.

Just so peaceful cleaning and stockpiling.

capital you say?
Damm you are all so stupid!

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 08:13 AM

Originally posted by hmdphantom
I have always wondered despite of all freedom you have.( more than our nation)

and lots of acts that your government been caught in with pants down.

why the american people do not go into any protest ??

a will appreciate your precious opinions.

Us Americans are too busy chasing after the gilded carrot everyday to really care much. As long as we have our cell phones and iPods we are good! And..........wait......I am getting a text, hang on..........................



Ok, and did you see what lady gaga did yesterday? Wow! and Lindsey and Ozzy!!! Jump Jiminey Xmas, what were they thinking. Oh, and I can't wait for Harry Potter 12 to come out!! I am so excited! I think I want to sit in the very middle of the theater eating my unhealthy popcorn and gallon sized Coke! God, it is getting ......Wait I got another text, hang on............................ ....................... ............................ yea, it is getting harder and harder to walk up the theater steps now, I think I need to loose some weight. Geezz, did you see the Springer show yesterday, I can't wait for today's show! I don't think what's her face was treated right on Dancing with the Stars and that jerk that won on American Idol, what a mistake!!

That is why Americans don't protest.......we have a lot wrong here and the only Americans that seem to notice are labeled as domestic terrorists, wacko, paranoid, lizard believing conspiracy theorists that post on forums like this. Thanks to the MSM, our own government and our religions.....

that is my 2 cents, off my soap box.................I have a game to play on my iPod before I go chase my carrot to work.............

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 08:46 AM
I'll tell you why they are silent.

"What ever happend to Gary Cooper, the strong silent type. That was an American. He wasn't in touch with his feeling's, he just did what he had to do. See what they did'nt know was, once they got Gary Cooper in touch with his feelings, that they would'nt be able to shut him up.
And then its disfunction this and disfunction that and disfunction bafancu."

(It was a joke, quote by Tony Soprano)
edit on 25-2-2011 by Dr Cosma because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 08:52 AM
Why ask only the U.S. why are you silent in your own countries?

Some lame arguments flying round on here. Like football is Americas end all be all. Is that no different than how most of the world feels about Futbol (Soccer)? You guys dont have riots in the stands and kill each other and players over it? Oh American Idol? Really? Our shows were inspired by shows like UK's Got Talent and Pop Idol they arent American orignials this is your crap. Like China doesnt walk around with the latest gadgets long before they hit our shores. SK has plenty of gamers who die at the keyboard. But we are the blind sheeple only and the rest of the world is enlightened.

WI, is protesting right now along with others in Ohio and other states. There is a war beginning on middle to lower class folks daily. The reason American citizens are quiet is because they arent pissed enough yet, its simple. Not enough of us are hurting. Let unemployment rise a little more let the Unions die, and let us fall into discontent until the majority feel the pain there will be only the status quo. Right now unions are the devil. People who are unemployed are just lazy, rich pay too much taxes, and anyone can attain the "American Dream" still. *sarcasm*

Knock it off with your hypocritical double talk. If you have eyes that can see, feet that can walk, and a mouth that can speak how bout you start in your own country. And to the Americans who allow this and continually state your ashamed and we are corrupt and the cause of the worlds woes. Get off your knees! It didnt start in the states it wont end in the states. This is Global and always has been. Do we play dirty. Yes! Who doesnt? Do we work every advantage Yes! Who doesn't? Do we spy on our allies and enemies? Yes! Who doesn't?

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