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The Proof That God Exists

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posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 09:08 AM
reply to post by autowrench

God is a word, but what it points toward is wordless. Everything and nothing is contained within consciousness (god). I can not be separate from god, i can only imagine that i am. In the imagining, i create another. There is no other. I am that i am.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 09:27 AM

Originally posted by Itisnowagain
God is a word, but what it points toward is wordless. Everything and nothing is contained within consciousness (god). I can not be separate from god, i can only imagine that i am. In the imagining, i create another. There is no other. I am that i am.

Exactly! Well said my friend.

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 09:54 AM
reply to post by autowrench

AutoWrench-- just for a thought let's just vision this. What if the Creator was neither male nor female. Yeap..I know that is hard for our thought processing. But just play along with me and I will explain.

This planet is all we know. So here we have male and female, to survive here and keep all species going. We are perfect for this type of environment here on Earth. We can manipulate our planet to our needs. ( We also appear to be very parasitic to me,) Because this life here on Earth is all we know, it is a road block for us and it is hard to think things are possible outside of this planet.
Many vision humanity in the (image) of God, as a human form. Does God need to breathe air? or need hands, legs, etc...God is God..why would He need any of those things? We are in the image of so much that we are sentient beings as God is sentient.. We think ..and can do things that others species on this planet cannot... because of the the human body form. Good design..perfect for this Planet..

edit on 20-2-2011 by ellieN because: Not good with words.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by IAMIAM

Originally posted by Terrormaster
As an atheist I found this to be a rather interesting point of view. What it all boils down to is semantics... God didn't create the universe... God IS the universe.

However one of the arguments I can see coming from the theist side of this that they see God as a spiritual entity that can be communicated with through prayers. A being whom can in turn cause/create "divine" events and miracles sometimes thought to be answers to said prayers.

You can communicate with God and you do not need to be a theist to do so. Everything ANYONE asks of God, and they believe they will receive, it is granted.

Can an atheist pursue a a math problem and find answer without believing the answer is possible? Where does the answer come from to a previously unknown problem? Where is the thought that is the answer born?

It comes from within and is a representation of what is without!

2 apples plus 2 apples = 4 apples. You can see this within your mind, and it is proven in the physical world outside the mind. How are they connected? I do not know. What is within, is a representation of what is without.

more practically,

The Amputee argument.

Why doesn't God heal amputees.
Same reason the easter bunny or santa doesn't

HE DOES. God is WITHIN you!
You could say the same for the easter bunny or santa

Medical advances are on the verge of reconstructing limbs as we speak. Soon, amputees will be able to regrow limbs or have new ones sewn on. It has already been done. How did God do it? The God inside some Doctor revealed the methods that that Doctor relentlessly pursued and believed was possible.
Rubbish! Why did god wait so long to reveal this knowledge did he have something against all previous amputees?

Hence, God is within you. There are as many unknown to human consciousness as there are in the universe out side that consciousness. If there wasn't, they would be KNOWNS.

What are miracles? Something that defies the laws of physics or something that we cannot explain at present?

With Love,

Your Brother

What ! Your just replacing one argument with another less viable one "god did it"

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 12:27 PM

Originally posted by Hellspike
What ! Your just replacing one argument with another less viable one "god did it"

I am not replacing any argument. The whole argument is because people have forgotten what God is. I was merely clarifying the matter.

You do not buy it? No problem.

You tell me then, where do your thoughts originate from? What is the source of all your desires?

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 12:51 PM
My thoughts originate from me the bible just does not make any sense to me at all its full of mistakes and contradictions which means its more than likely written by man.

Let me ask you something

Do you believe that god is infallible ? Do you believe he is all knowing ?

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 12:54 PM

Originally posted by Hellspike
My thoughts originate from me the bible just does not make any sense to me at all its full of mistakes and contradictions which means its more than likely written by man.

This is wise and true. However, the teachings of Christ contained in the Bible are truth.

Let me ask you something

Do you believe that god is infallible ? Do you believe he is all knowing ?


With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 01:03 PM
Ok so if god is infallible and all knowing then he must already have known the outcome of the original sin why then must we be punished for his mistake (us) and if god makes mistakes he not infallible thats what i cant get my head around.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 01:09 PM

Originally posted by Hellspike
Ok so if god is infallible and all knowing then he must already have known the outcome of the original sin why then must we be punished for his mistake (us) and if god makes mistakes he not infallible thats what i cant get my head around.

God is not a tyrannt. He is all loving. As such, he endowed Man with free will to do what they want. He asked only that they love one another and multiply. Man chose not to love one another. Man is going against God's will. God will not punish man, he waits for us to return on our own to doing his will.

If you think that this is a flaw of God, then what you seek of a God is one that will rule you with an iron fist.

That kind of God has been ruling Man for many years in the form of our systems of iniquity, our governments, religions, and money. That is the God I am trying to free people from.

Is it really so hard to love each other equally? Is that too much for God to ask?

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 01:15 PM
That didn't answer my question that just skipped round it its simple either god made a mistake or he didn't and if he didn't then i can only assume the gains pleasure from his creations suffering

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 01:20 PM
Ok think about it this way

If i gave a child a gun (free will) and that child shot someone then am i not equally responsible?

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 01:21 PM

Originally posted by Hellspike

That didn't answer my question that just skipped round it its simple either god made a mistake or he didn't and if he didn't then i can only assume the gains pleasure from his creations suffering

Well if that is the conclusion you arrive at, who am I to argue with you??

Personally, I know he doesn't take pleasure in the suffering of others. Therefore I make it my duty to relieve suffering when ever I come across it. Afterall, God is within me and I owe it to him to be a reflection of his divine benevolence.

Like I said though, that is just me. It is far easier to point fingers and say it is someone else's fault there is suffering than it is to do something about it.

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 01:27 PM

Originally posted by Hellspike

Ok think about it this way

If i gave a child a gun (free will) and that child shot someone then am i not equally responsible?

You were taught by God to love one another. You came into this world loving. You survived because someone loved you enough to care for you. You hit puberty and again the pangs of love haunted you.

The problem is, you suffered a lot of heart break along the way and have forgotten the lesson.

Love is the greatest joy of life. It is that way because it is God's will for man. We do not grow it in our lives, we allow it to whither and die.

God did not give you a gun, god gave you life and love. Man takes both of those away with his judgements against one another.

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 01:31 PM
I believe in the knowing of good and of evil either you do good or you do evil every person knows which one they are i think that if there is a god then it is he who installed that knowing in all of us thats why i dont think you need to read bibles go to church praise god donate money to churches or any of that stuff.
edit on 20-2-2011 by Hellspike because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 01:35 PM

Originally posted by Hellspike
I believe in the knowing of good and of evil either you do good or you do evil every person knows which one they are i think that if there is a god then it is he who installed that knowing in all of us thats why i dont think you need to read bibles go to church praise god donate money to churches or any of that stuff.

Very wise. I agree with you. God is within you. He is the highest Master. He is who you SHOULD be learning from.

This is what Christ was teaching.

Love one another.

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 05:28 PM

Originally posted by Hellspike
I believe in the knowing of good and of evil either you do good or you do evil every person knows which one they are i think that if there is a god then it is he who installed that knowing in all of us thats why i dont think you need to read bibles go to church praise god donate money to churches or any of that stuff.
edit on 20-2-2011 by Hellspike because: (no reason given)

I think I know what you are trying to say. There is a negative and a positive for everything in the Universe. A necessity. Just my opinion ..but I think it is the negative side that drives us to create, to discover, and the positive side holds us in ck.
Good and evil are both very powerful. It seems that evil is stronger, not so.. both are equal. but the good stuff is not that interesting on the news. So bad stuff takes the front row seats.When fighting an example..good uses the sames means to overpower evil., but is forced to do so. While evil just seems to really not care how it is achieved.
Churches are good for many..because they need that connectiveness to others that share their belief.. There are others that simply use God's church, the Earth and Universe. It's your choice.

edit on 20-2-2011 by ellieN because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 10:04 AM
reply to post by IAMIAM

Since this is your thread, I wanted to say something to you. I have read your posts on other threads that I have visited. You have inspired me very much. You seem to have something that all of us yearn for. Total security in what you believe.
You have helped me get over the feeling of quilt about the Old Testament. I was feeling pain for not believing every word as literal and inspired by God. I was trying so hard to figure out why God would do those things to his children and still say He loved all. A good human parent does not take sides with their children when they are fighting but tries to settle the dispute. They don't say ....go out and smite your brother for what he has done to you.
Thank you very much..I feel happy now.

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 10:10 AM

Originally posted by ellieN
Since this is your thread, I wanted to say something to you. I have read your posts on other threads that I have visited. You have inspired me very much. You seem to have something that all of us yearn for. Total security in what you believe.
You have helped me get over the feeling of quilt about the Old Testament. I was feeling pain for not believing every word as literal and inspired by God. I was trying so hard to figure out why God would do those things to his children and still say He loved all. A good human parent does not take sides with their children when they are fighting but tries to settle the dispute. They don't say ....go out and smite your brother for what he has done to you.
Thank you very much..I feel happy now.

I am overjoyed that you have found comfort in the things that I have shared, but I cannot take any credit. Thank our Father that he gave me the words, and you the understanding.

I did nothing.

Has your daughter found her way here? She sounds like an angel on her own mission to save souls. I do hope she is doing well.

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 10:48 AM
reply to post by IAMIAM

Yes..she came up to visit me last night. I told her about your thread. She was very anxious to read it. She is not a member of ATS..but that might change. She doesnot like to get into debates over religion or like to watch violence of any kind on TV. If people ask her for advice she will tell them ...You ask for this freely and you may not like what you hear..People come to her for the way she gives off a feeling of peace, love and concern for them. So mostly she just gets movies and books that inspire her to move onto a higher level and does meditation as often as time permits her. She has moved onto a job that permits her to help others and she has done a great job.
She also ..(as I said before.)..has acquired some healing ability and affects electrical appliance when she is upset. She talks about Jesus pretty much the same way you do. So as you can see she believes what Jesus said that if you have faith you can move mountains. And she believes He actually meant it that way.
You have helped me to see that side of her in a different light and you have helped me to move on. I was stuck in the dark ages of keeping a Wraithful God and feeling fear if I did not.Thank you, you also come across as an angel, who is trying to help those of us who are struggling with our demons.
edit on 21-2-2011 by ellieN because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 12:47 PM
That was very interesting to read thanks

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