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Consciousness creates reality.

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posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 06:56 AM
Consciousness creates reality. We, each of us are co-creators of all creation. The Creator has set us forth blessed with the ability of free will. Thusly we are able to create. Recent experiments in Physics have indicated that this is so, we are able to effect reality. The latter is a detailed explaination of the famous "double slit experiment". "The double slit experiment" basically fires photons through a double slitted screen and into a backstop. Aside from all physics mumbo-jumbo, to me the important part of the experiment indicates that when photons fired through the slit are not observed, they act as a wave. When photon's fired through the double slit are observed, they act as particle's. So from this we may come to the obvious conclusion that the mere act of observation, the interaction of the experimentor's consciousness effects the outcome of the experiment and thereby effects reality. So wouldn't all experiments naturally confirm the most desired outcome of the experimentor? Wouldn't the most deeply desired hypothesis find itself proven through consciousness guided experimentation? Wouldn't this explain the placebo effect? What of "Biocentrism", the concept put forth by Robert Lanza M.D. which basically states that the cosmos was created by the desire of consciousness, biological consciousness.
Do not we seek the like minded? Do we not form clusters of consciousness which share mutual agreement of reality? Isn't that why we, each of us as of yet cannot manifiest our thoughts into form completely and instantaneously? We by doing so bump into the greater, default program of a greater collection of agreed, mutual consciousness. Isn't the great lesson that cooperation of consciousness creates the greater creation. Are we not all ONE? Namaste. Peace & Love to you All.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 07:00 AM
reply to post by HUMBLEONE

Thoughts equal manifestations

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 07:27 AM
reply to post by HUMBLEONE

Double slit...

if the only way to determine the accurate temperature of the inside of an over was to open the oven and place a thermometer into it leaving it there for 5 minutes, you would affect the temperature of the over and therefore NOT get an accurate reading.

By observing the temperature of the oven, you change the outcome.

Not because you looked, but because the method of looking interferes with it.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 07:31 AM
This kind of reasoning is why I personally think something is going to happen around the 21st December 2012, there'll be either so much paranoia or fear building upto that date, or so much hope from the people of the world that all that consiousness is going to have an effect and somethings going to give.
Either that of on December 22nd there'll be such a deflation that the worlds going to sound like a whoopee cushion.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 07:34 AM
reply to post by fixedworld

Exactly! I have been trying it in my daily life and it does work. The difficulty is, if only one person thoughts are focused opon a particular outcome/manifestation and this is in conflict with the thoughts, consciousness which creates reality of a shared intent by ten other beings, guess who wins out? So we cluster together to form shared reality. We agree to tune to the same channel so to speak. I am not digging this particular experience. All of the violence, corruption and inequality aren't resonating. They are nauseatingly opposite my desires and I demand out! I thought that I wanted a reality of peace, love, cooperation and beauty. Now I think I just want to merge with the "Creator", the force, the Oneness. I realize that any reality will be just an illusion, just as this reality is an illusion. Namaste

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 07:42 AM
reply to post by badw0lf

I have never heard of an oven that you had to open, insert a thermometer to measure the temperature therein. In my experience, one never has to open the door. A previous conscious intention had already created a methodology which would not skew the data. If your oven was created without the latter, It was your intention to skew the data to support your hypothesis.-Namaste

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 07:49 AM
reply to post by DataWraith

So we must be very carefull of what we wish for...the collective consciousness will surely make it manifest. If we can agree upon the fact that we can change our reality and our world by our thoughts, then we admit our own divinity. We are sparks of God's divinity (to lessen the illusion of blasphemy to those caught in dogma). So if we are divine, we are immortal, so what would we ever have to FEAR?? Fear not and start thinking about where you want to go next, what new and exciting creation can we collaberate on! -Namaste
edit on 17-2-2011 by HUMBLEONE because: Just because I'm divine doesn't mean I can spell!

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 08:10 AM
reply to post by HUMBLEONE

So, HUMBLEONE, I take it that you haven't been in this forum recently. I swear, if I see another one of you guys coming in here and pretending to be ignorant of the fact that 30 of you guys were just here yesterday I'm going to put a curse on this forum to kill off everything so that we can start over.

Is there some kind of Willy Wonka factory that spits you dudes out somewhere? I just don't get it. It's like you're all the same guy with dozens of board personas. Each of you makes the same grand statement as if it's fact, and then you toss in that double slit experiment as if it actually backs up what you just declared. Then a rash of others like you rush in and star and flag you, and the rest of us just shake our heads and wonder if it's worth bothering to post a reply. After all, it's not as if any of you robots actually read.

And each of you has some sort of name that completely contradicts the way you eventually present yourselves if actually challenged.


It's like a goddamn conspiracy around here sometimes.
edit on 2/17/2011 by NorEaster because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 08:15 AM
reply to post by HUMBLEONE

Consciousness creates reality. We, each of us are co-creators of all creation. The Creator has set us forth blessed with the ability of free will. Thusly we are able to create.

This is exactly true, but one must remember a human soul cannot become a Creator out of the box, it takes much learning and personal training of the mind, and an understanding and control of human emotions. A Creator cannot become angry, or hold vengeance, nor can a Creator be cruel, or bloodthirsty. Earth is a school for student Creator Gods and Goddesses. Some must go to school for many years to attain higher knowledge and be able to pass the tests thrown at it.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 06:59 AM
Wow NorEaster! I guess I hit a nerve. Check your anger, because it's yours. If you don't like what your hearing, change the channel. Don't tell me or anybody else what we are experiencing. If you don't dig it, then be on your way. I think deep down, the changes are causing fear in you and so you lash out to protect your little paradigm. Or you wish to spread dis-info. Either way, I bid you peace.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 04:46 PM
reply to post by HUMBLEONE

Don't tell me or anybody else what we are experiencing. If you don't dig it, then be on your way

I don't think anyone is questioning what you are experiencing, only the conclusions and assumptions you draw from your experience.

As long as private subjective experiences are filtered through the mind, there is always the potential for delusion and mistaken interpretation.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 07:16 PM

Originally posted by HUMBLEONE
Wow NorEaster! I guess I hit a nerve. Check your anger, because it's yours. If you don't like what your hearing, change the channel. Don't tell me or anybody else what we are experiencing. If you don't dig it, then be on your way. I think deep down, the changes are causing fear in you and so you lash out to protect your little paradigm. Or you wish to spread dis-info. Either way, I bid you peace.

Oh HumbleOne, HumbleOne....

You humble one you.....

Your accent just shifted. What's up with that?

"If you don't dig it, then be on your way."

Who tossed that riff in with the rest of your transcendental patter?

You think I'm afraid of changes? Hell, I got changes for you. You want changes? How about new information that proves the notion that the human mind can grasp and can also realize the factual nature of existential genesis? Or maybe proving the notion that the human mind can grasp and can also realize the factual nature of the being that we've titled God. How about establishing the notion that the human mind can grasp and can also realize the factual nature of what it actually is and always has been? Is that enough change for you? Me, afraid of change? Ha! I got a boatload of change right here.

You guys are still pushing centuries-old dogmas, and trying to pretend that you're breaking new ground. I'm just calling you on it. Deal with it or don't deal with it. I don't care. I'm here, vetting a premise that will make it clear that the human mind - the human being in the corporeal state as well - is fully capable of understanding all of what people like you have been (and still are) insisting is beyond their capacity. You insult all of us with this stuff, and I won't allow you guys to bully me or anyone else around here on the issue.

Do what you want, but if you're going to start a sales and marketing thread for your bag of lies, then I'm going to walk right in on you and you'll have to defend your premise in public. If you can't handle that, hire someone else that can effectively promote your organization and its ideology.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 07:25 PM
Completely agree with OP. We are all the Divine. It is the only logical solution to understand existence.
Once you understand this, everything else falls into place.

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 04:40 AM
reply to post by badw0lf

I believe you nailed it on the head. It doesn't matter if what is doing the observing is conscious or not.
edit on 19-2-2011 by 547000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2011 @ 02:31 AM
reply to post by NorEaster

Thank you! One knows one is on the right track in these threads when "Agents of the Matrix" chine in with whining negativity in a vain attempt to thwart the message. I can't thank you enough, you've made my day!!!


posted on Feb, 23 2011 @ 03:18 AM
Here's a very interesting scientific article on the subject interviewing the late eminent physicist John Weeler. Though the article is a bit old (2002) it brings up some interesting points and experiments that seem to point into the direction that consciousness is indeed creating our reality.

Does the Universe Exist when We're not looking? :

posted on Feb, 23 2011 @ 11:00 AM
Hooray for science and spirituality starting to merge

Now we just have to wait for it to become common knowledge.

posted on Feb, 23 2011 @ 11:02 AM
No, the atoms did not want the experimenters to see, so they made them hallucinate.

posted on Feb, 23 2011 @ 11:24 AM

Originally posted by NorEaster
You think I'm afraid of changes? Hell, I got changes for you. You want changes? How about new information that proves the notion that the human mind can grasp and can also realize the factual nature of existential genesis? Or maybe proving the notion that the human mind can grasp and can also realize the factual nature of the being that we've titled God. How about establishing the notion that the human mind can grasp and can also realize the factual nature of what it actually is and always has been? Is that enough change for you? Me, afraid of change? Ha! I got a boatload of change right here.

You guys are still pushing centuries-old dogmas, and trying to pretend that you're breaking new ground. I'm just calling you on it. Deal with it or don't deal with it. I don't care. I'm here, vetting a premise that will make it clear that the human mind - the human being in the corporeal state as well - is fully capable of understanding all of what people like you have been (and still are) insisting is beyond their capacity. You insult all of us with this stuff, and I won't allow you guys to bully me or anyone else around here on the issue.

I think you are quite off base here, but if you are actually speaking about new information then I would appreciate some links. While similar in name (existential genesis roughly means personal creation) the concept of creating your own reality and especially as it relates to Quantum Physics is quite different to existentialism and definately hasn't been around for as long (Except in various religions/spiritualities). Science is just catching up

In Existentialism one still believes in an objective reality and in fact the tensions and personal dilemas faced in existentialism all resolve around this confrontation with a cold, hard reality. If I understand your term right, "Existential Genesis" basically means creating your own meaning for your life. Filling your life with the things you want and assigning meanings (which are arbitrary) as you see fit. The arbitrary part is important though, because in existentialism it all comes back to the idea that in the end its just your own creation and your own meaning which means nothing in the grand scheme of things. God may or may not exist as some external force which you feel disconnected from.

What we are saying is that there is NO objective reality - ONLY the subjective. Each person's subjetive reality is different but it is still valid and it still exists (this part is tricky to conceptualise). We collectively create aspects of our realities to be identical (shared) if it serves a common goal (e.g. Being able to breathe). This is a much more "alive" concept than existentialism and naturally can't result in Existential depression (which sucks IMO having been there) - because you are intimately connected with the universe. It implies an intimate relationship with your life and your experience.

It is scary however, because you end up with no-one left to blame but yourself and I think that's where a lot of people balk at the idea. That and the idea that "No-one would create bad things for themselves!" for example. Yet that is how we learn and if we haven't yet learned to create consciously then we create subconsciously instead.

Literally that you can make of the world what you will.

posted on Feb, 23 2011 @ 11:51 AM

Originally posted by NorEaster
reply to post by HUMBLEONE

I just don't get it. It's like you're all the same guy with dozens of board personas.

Now you are starting to understand the truth. Ha Ha.

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