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A Few Thoughts Concerning ET_Man and World Events

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posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 02:43 PM
reply to post by CosmicCitizen

Some more 9+9+9 numerology, John Lennon was into 27 as well.

Also 27 outs in a regular baseball game.

9 innings x 3 outs

2+7 = 9.
(11) 1+1= 2.
9+2 = 11.

More 9/11's

27's Binary: 11011 11011

There are exactly 27 straight lines in a cubic surface

In a prime reciprocal magic square of the multiples of 1/7, the magic constant is 27.

It is the twenty-eighth (and twenty-ninth) digit in π. (3.141592653589793238462643383279...)
Meaning 27 is 28, 29

The 27th moon of Jupiter is Sinope.
The planet Uranus has 27 moons

Many talented and famous rock/blues musicians died at age 27. These include Robert Johnson, Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, Brian Jones, Jim Morrison, Ron "Pigpen" McKernan, Pete Ham, Richey Edwards, and Kurt Cobain. The musicians who died at this age are often referred to as the 27 Club.

In the United States, the number 27 is associated with the East Bay punk scene. There is also a band from Boston simply called 27.

The modal age of the peak performance year for Major League Baseball position players, according to a commonly accepted theory by sabermetrician Bill James

In WWE's annual pay-per-view event Royal Rumble, four WWE Superstars had won the 30-man Royal Rumble at #27 more times than any others number, including #1 and #30.

Twenty-seven is also:
The total number of letters in the Hebrew alphabet (22 regular letters and 5 final consonants)
The current number of Amendments to the United States Constitution
The code for international direct-dial phone calls to South Africa
The designation (I-27) of a US interstate highway in Texas
The designation (US 27) of a United States national highway from Fort Wayne, Indiana to Miami, Florida
The name of a cigarette, Marlboro Blend No. 27
Alternate name for The Hunt, a book by William Diehl
The number of the French department Eure
Abbé Faria's prisoner number in the book The Count of Monte Cristo
The number of species Captain Jean-Luc Picard has made contact with in the series Star Trek: The Next Generation
One of the anthropomorphic math symbols Lisa Simpson imagines talking to her in The Simpsons episode "Girls Just Want to Have Sums", which, instead of offering the expected pun-based aphorism, rather unhelpfully only says "twenty seven"
In Steven King's novel "It", It returns every 27 years to Derry.

Country music singer Gretchen Wilson also see the number 27 in her life. She has a #27 on a dogtag on her neclace and her official fan club is called Club 27.

"Weird Al" Yankovic is obsessed with the number 27 and hides them all over his album artwork, videos and even in his music. Check out the Weird Al 27 List.

OH, And by the way; "On February 27, 1962 Kennedy signed E.O. 11051 designating FEMA as the authorized agency to implement the above orders, and which authority can be re-designated by the original authority. "

19+6+2 = 27. Feb 27th is coming up.

27 is mentioned/referenced at least four times in the 2nd season episode "August" of the TV show Fringe. I found this site in my quest to figure out why!

To the one who wrote about the georgia guidestones, you said it was erected in 1980? Here's some math for you;




posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 04:38 PM
I have read upon this site for awhile, and yes I read ET_Man's in depth analysis of how he thinks he is some sort of '' time traveler '' thats been given a date of doom.

It's easy to post intellectual thoughts when it's not done live, and with the broad information span the internet has for you to rely upon to prepare selective comments to make your case seem undeniable.

I could make you all believe and write pages upon pages of nicely thought out and reasonable pieces that lured you in like a deer in rut.

I always find it funny how when the 2012 maps and '' safe zones '' first came out from most people like Zeta's and so on, the ones posting it happened to be the ones in the '' safe zones ''.

I have researched it all, with credited people and i'm one of the ones that see 11:11 my entire lifespan and realize it's not confirmation bias. Still.....

My point is, we WILL NOT recieve a specific date of the end days, especially not on a conspiracy site. IMO I have always believed we are not meant to know. Believe what you will.

But something will happen soon, just collect information as you live and prepare and educate for the worse.

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 05:42 PM

Originally posted by JAGx1981

My point is, we WILL NOT recieve a specific date of the end days, especially not on a conspiracy site. IMO I have always believed we are not meant to know. Believe what you will.

Your right I don't think anyone will know specifically.

ET_MAN seems to think he does...

Originally posted by ET_MAN
I have an exact date with an hour specifically know

Yet ever since he has been heavily quoting Scripture.....

...of which this a is a passage he likes to avoid...

Matthew 24:36
No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father

All of a sudden, surprise, surprise, he never meant what he said.

Originally posted by ET_MAN

the major earth cataclysm that I have spoken of happens in October of 2011

speaking of this event....

Originally posted by ET_MAN

More than half of earths population will not make it


Originally posted by KSPigpen
You still didn't answer how many would perish.

Originally posted by ET_MAN
Who could really give an exact figure but I can say in the "Billions"


More than half of earths population will not make it, I do not have an exact figure but I can tell you at least half of earths population during and proceeding this event, in the billions.

But no need to worry people its all just a metaphor..... phew!

After a couple of years of successfully using fear and brainwashing(repetition) to gather a flock to feed his ego we can all relax now, his mission's complete, he didn't mean any of what he said.

Do you get the idea he realized he's about to be totally proven as a liar if billions of people don't die in October, so he's coming up with all sorts of scapegoats. Like "oh I never said that" or "we changed the timeline".. etc etc. Or my favorite is "I never meant that, you misunderstood"

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 05:56 PM
reply to post by polarwarrior

Yes, that date was 10/11/11 was it not?

Think deeply.

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 06:35 PM
This has been brought up many times and it seems to be by etiher someone who hasn't read the thread, read the beginning part, which was written with good intent to wake people up and get their lives in order, this is for awareness, and based on much research. Lucas for example is one also doing very good research. Also based on lifelong experiences and an nde that went very deeply into the nature of our school. The whole thread is about the metaphsyics, and nature of our school here, and how this is only temporal, invovles the Quantum Physics, the Interactive Holographic Universe, and the issues of Time where there is No Time only Infininty without singularity and measurment. So, to speak about the thread only touching on the beginning where he shared the outcome of his experiences, but without going into them unless asked, and only able to go into what should be shared according to inner feelings and seeking answers, ET_MAN's thread is a light, and one of kind.

So one who ony scratched the surface in the beginning would not understand how it developed. We're all time travelers, to join into earth time tests, is to find the recording of this "somewhere in time" where there is no time. We join in for lessons from different recordings somewhere in "time" in the neverending story as well.

Others bringing this up, seem to be really challenged by the message of Love, and what ET_MAN is sharing on his thread from his experiences, and seem to be reacting in a way.

There is no coincidence if the deeper things that the entire thread is based on, goes over someones head, this is possibly due to how they view reality, their own mindsets and readiness.

What I will add about this thread, and the reason I share this with deep feelings, is due to the light I saw immediately, and how it transformed my awareness and brought connections within to my Family and Higher Self and brought simple truths, and protecton from any negative experiences my family had endured and made sense of the positive ones we have continued to experience.

His thread is a gift. It was nothing short of miraculous.
edit on 19-2-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 06:48 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

that date was 10/11/11 was it not?

No, it was 11/10/11 here (and the rest of the world besides the us and canada)

Anyways, the real date he gave was specifically 11/10/2011, otherwise it would have happened almost two millennia ago.

edit on 19-2-2011 by polarwarrior because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-2-2011 by polarwarrior because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 06:53 PM
October 28, 2011 is in the ballpark as well. And Comet Elenin will be swinging by us again around that time. March 15th-ish and October 28th-ish, give or take.

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 07:27 PM
reply to post by polarwarrior

That would also be my point, because I don't care about the order of those numbers, they are universally significant. I remember my posts, bringing up MorningMayans and her beautiful raise your frequency videos, and whale songs and ho'onoponopono on his thread, I did not like the date. I posted, that 11 11 must be a PTB kind of date. Then it started to dawn on me.
edit on 19-2-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 10:21 PM
I have seen 11 11 more times to recall, in some areas it can be confirmation bias, which is totally accurate with some people if your honest with yourself. But to see those numbers every day to the point where you know your not looking for it, it becomes a more mystical number in the mind and overral spirit.

There have been many times I have said I bet the hour is on the eleventh in my mind and looked and there it was. It happens all the time.

My point is, this occurs in alot of people around the world since numbers were a factor in life, so it makes it easier to impose a date of doom with all the trouble we have lying ahead, just the people that believe in 11:11 alone as a sign of some sort, will look for that number to justify what they see and agree with anything that makes it seem possible.

So of course the easiest way to reel a fish in is with the right bait!

2012 is coming up, people's emotions are high, calenders and past prophets final predictions are coming to pass and you are in an atmosphere where alot of people are seeing the '' numbers ''. Not to mention how you turn it on the history channel and watch a program about the end of days, everyday.

I believe personally in the 11:11 theory with it meaning a person with a higher level of emotional conciousness. But you can't believe in that theory if you decline the thought of having faith in a God.

But the end game for me is simple. I think our future will begin with solar storms, then we will use the rest of fossil fuels twcie as fast to compensate, then you will see your Doomdays instead of Doomsday...

But prophets online giving numbers saying they travel in time makes no sense if your a '' person whom has been givin divine knowledge. '' Think about it, if you had that knowledge, what would YOU do?

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 10:46 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

Originally posted by Unity_99
reply to post by polarwarrior

That would also be my point, because I don't care about the order of those numbers, they are universally significant. I remember my posts, bringing up MorningMayans and her beautiful raise your frequency videos, and whale songs and ho'onoponopono on his thread, I did not like the date. I posted, that 11 11 must be a PTB kind of date. Then it started to dawn on me.
edit on 19-2-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

Ok i'm confused about what the 20 means in 2011. Lets go with the rarer, non-sequential date format used mainly in the U.S. and Canadian so the date would read 10/11/2011. What does the 20 represent?

Let just assume for your sake that the 20 magically doesn't exist because it spoils the metaphor and go with the short hand version that some people use. (despite the fact he himself often used 2011 during the start of the thread but lets forget that happened)

In fact i'm not sure you even have an answer for what the ten represents, let alone the 20, as you keep citing 11:11. Yet 11 11 pops up in dates all the time, so why aren't they prophetic? Why didn't the 11/11/10 that has already passes bring cataclysm but 10/11/11 does ? Why didn't anything happen in centuries past when the date came up? why not next century? All around the world they use different orders for the date so why when this date come up before didn't it mean anything? ET_MAN's date already happened in china last year where they write year-day-month.

If you keep saying 11 11........... then why isn't it the 11th of NOVEMBER 2011?, wouldn't that make for a better metaphor? (assuming you delete the 20 and make sure people know your not talking about two millenia ago). I'm yet to hear what the zero represents and why it has to be in the american format.

edit on 19-2-2011 by polarwarrior because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 10:54 PM
reply to post by polarwarrior

Because the numbers leap out and they also repeat at times. Ie. 01 01 2011 and 01 02 2011 for example. But all this year you have have the 11. 0's 1's and 2's are like binary power numbers to me. Aside from that, I see on my clock things like 11 11, 12 12, 11 12, 10 10, 10 11, and so all the time. 0's, 1's, and 2's.

As for the rest, I am not into numerology. I have watched Rik Clay's interview, he was suicided and other videos concerning the mystery school numerology. It seems to be important to them.

To me its math. I suppose its creational, and related to frequency and harmonics. Probably mathematics is a language, and akin to the Word. This would probably relate to the coding of dna, and creation. Matter is condensed energy waves, and its exotically configured. Probably via binary math.

But I am not mathematically inclined. I would require a bigger cpu.

edit on 19-2-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 11:09 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

But 2 is not a digit in binary. In a thousand years if another person like ET_MAN came, would you be "aware" of 11/10/3011?

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 11:11 PM

Originally posted by 547000
reply to post by Unity_99

But 2 is not a digit in binary. In a thousand years if another person like ET_MAN came, would you be "aware" of 11/10/3011?

I don't believe anything on this planet will be the same within a few years. I see really advanced cities and a cosmic world. Think theres going to be a transformation. 2.'s are a part of the numbers and often the repeats. But the 11 11 stands out all year long, several times in some months.

edit on 19-2-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 11:38 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

Numerology is interesting and all (you know your last post was 11:11 in the time zone i have it set to)... but its getting a little bit away from my point.

ET_MAN specifically says cataclysm with billions dying in october of this year. Now what if people had made plans like he suggested, what if they quit jobs, moved to safe areas, warned everyone they knew. What if they blew their life savings and career trying to make plans, maybe even separated from family and all because et_man manged to convince them of this event... and now all of a sudden he's backing out on his original claim.

How would those people feel do you think?

Would they be content to sit around discussing neurology 11 11 numerology?

I feel for those people, because he made it clear what he meant. I don't think anyone reading that would pick up that he didn't mean cataclysm would happen on the 11th of October 2011 especially when he makes statements like these.

Originally posted by ET_MAN
An earth catacylsm will take place October 2011

..and sounded so sure...

Originally posted by ET_MAN
The event will take place October 2011, it has never been delayed I can tell you this WILL happen.

I know the best way for gullible people to learn is through their mistakes but sometimes I just cant sit back and watch it happen, I feel I gotta stick up for people less intelligent who cant see through his very clever methods. That's mainly why I don't just ignore all this. The real victims in all of this don't even know they have been toyed with yet.

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 11:48 PM

Originally posted by polarwarrior
reply to post by Unity_99

I feel for those people, because he made it clear what he meant. I don't think anyone reading that would pick up that he didn't mean cataclysm would happen on the 11th of October 2011 especially when he makes statements like these.

Originally posted by ET_MAN
An earth catacylsm will take place October 2011

..and sounded so sure...

Originally posted by ET_MAN
The event will take place October 2011, it has never been delayed I can tell you this WILL happen.

I know the best way for gullible people to learn is through their mistakes but sometimes I just cant sit back and watch it happen, I feel I gotta stick up for people less intelligent who cant see through his very clever methods. That's mainly why I don't just ignore all this. The real victims in all of this don't even know they have been toyed with yet.

This! Yup...So what does happens when the date he provided comes and passes and nothing happens? He can't go back on his words now, he already stated it is set in stone numerous times.

What then?

More numbers? It didn't happen because too much information was leaked? The dates were managed improperly and it actually meant a more distant future date? I accidently beamed into a different age in time when my spirit lifted my soul out my body to the wrong planet? I slingshoted through the wrong wormhole and clipped the 5th sun disabling the part of my brain we haven't unlocked yet? I zigged when I should have zagged?

I mean really?

edit on 19-2-2011 by JAGx1981 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 11:59 PM
reply to post by polarwarrior

I'm not going to continue with the numbers because this isn't my metaphor, but the 11 11 has some meaning concerning infinity, that is significant to ET_MAN, and 10 was shared with me, could have been infinite souls and planets, or infinite 1111111111111...........'s. In any case, you can see where I am going with this, it didn't mean an actual date.

I wish to emphasize that this has been posted repeatedly throughout the thread and the time issue emphasized many times so you must have not read it, or blocked out certain information for your own slant on this message.

He has practically shouted over and over that this has spiritual meanings and is not what people think.

If you truly had read the thread then you would have already known the answers of why it was presented in the way it was. ET_MAN emphasized about TIME over and over in the thread and that things for now are happening to us according to our perception of time. We each have a unique and different level of awareness and perception of that thing called time but if we pause it down and infinitely cut it in half we get pause mode and clip to clip/frame to frame.

For ET_MAN whether he knows roughly when an event will happen or not it makes no difference to him and he's not focused on the physical but it's the Eternal spirit that counts. He has shared with me that there is nothing to fear for that life is much much better beyond this life existence so it's akin to a wonderful upgraded vacation paradise, and this is the reason every soul came into this world was to pass these tests and to reach this level of paradise.

Originally posted by Valeri

What ET-Man has been saying, hinting here and there for the entire thread and saying it directly for the last 40 pages or so is that the DATE of OCTOBER 11. 2011 on itself is no different than any other date out there, because time does not exist. BUT, like he said, it is a date BY WHICH to be SPIRITUALLY PREPARED. By that date you should be ready SPIRITUALLY, but since there really is no "TIME", then October 11. 2011 is RIGHT NOW! So prepare spiritually RIGHT NOW.

It is NOT a DATE to worry about or fear, but it is a time line of importance, it was not given accidentally. Everything has a reason and purpose behind it.THIS DATE is significant in the sense of being READY and PREPARED on a SPIRITUAL level, so everyone will always be prepared to the best of their

This and similar has been posted so many times.

So I think its up to you, to read that thread more, because you havn't read or understood that others did see clearly.

edit on 20-2-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 12:21 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

He mislead people in the beginning of the thread then.

He stated that we needed to know the date which he gave then he called for the thread to be closed in giant letters because he had already given the date and the purpose of the thread he said was only "to give the date".

He didn't mention that later on he would be saying, ohh but you see "whats is time really" ohh its not about the date anymore but about spirituality... etc etc he should have just said that from the beginning rather than making a 180 half way through the thread, months down the track when god knows how many people have already left the thread because he called for its closure like he wouldn't be posting anything more.

He mislead them into thinking a catcalysm was happening on that date. Seeing that he deliberately mislead people that is deception.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 12:34 AM

Originally posted by Unity_99
For ET_MAN whether he knows roughly when an event will happen or not it makes no difference to him


...but... but...

Originally posted by ET_MAN
I have an exact date with an hour specifically know

All of a sudden its become roughly so that he doesn't contradict the other scripture he quotes.

sheees I give up.

I'm not disagreeing with spiritual preparations being more important or time being an illusion or anything like that. For the most part I don't think any of these trivialities matters anyway.

I'm calling him out on the deception. Not how good his excuses are about why said event wont happen anymore.

The excuses are many. This shouldn't be overcomplicated.

The very simple fact is... if the event doesn't happen then he's wrong, and his deceit will be exposed to all intelligent enough not to buy the new excuses.

If it doesn't happen on the date he says then the thread will end up in the hoax bin due to his clear statement that the only purpose of the thread was to give the date and we can move on. Hopefull people will think twice before paying so much attention to an attention whore again, or maybe not.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 12:36 AM
reply to post by polarwarrior

I think enough has been said. I read the thread and there is a division on how people read it and what they understood, based on the questions they asked.
edit on 20-2-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 01:03 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

If I said "I will kill you. Literally hold you down and cut your neck. You will bleed and die a painful death" I don't think later saying "Oh, I was just being metaphorical" will cut it. Weren't you yourself convinced there would be a cataclysm earlier in the thread? So, do we still agree that we will see a second sun or a brown dwarf in the sky, or was all that research metaphorical too?

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