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Are women all evil?

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posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 11:53 AM
reply to post by alilonthecheekyside

now isnt that typical.. If ‘utter rubbish‘ is the sum total of basis of your opposing arguement, may i suggest that it is you who in fact gets a grip... Are you too lazy, feeble minded, or afraid to do your own research? Lol simple denial isnt a very productive form of defence now is. The sun will still rise even if you dont believe it will. Do your own research first, before simply regurgitating what you have been led to believe. Further please stick to facts, dont make assumptions or try & put words in my mouth. I didnt state anything about nature of god. I pointed out an error in translation in the opening line. If you dont like whats being said, then listen with your feet.. B4 certain christians start chanting ‘burn the witch‘ realise this isnt the 1st time such statements have been challenged & wont be last, but those willing to seek out the

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 12:08 PM
Cont... Seek the truth for themselves (rather than simply accost me for saying it) found the same discrepencies. Its not the 1st time & wont be the last that i‘l have to deal with being labeled a heritic & cop abuse, but nor do i need to fear or worry about such ignorance. The stupid stay stupid coz they are too stupid to take the opportunity to learn when its presented to them.. Keep telling yourself whatever makes you happy! Its not my issue..

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 12:50 PM
reply to post by Legend121

Look, I'm not interested in arguing with you because you want to disect the Holy Bible and call it research.

It's all good my ATS sister, peace. Let's just agree to disagree, okay?

"I choose" to let this one go, so as "NOT" to let this be an example for wellsybelieves thread!!!!!
Are women evil?

See ya around.

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 02:36 PM

Originally posted by Legend121
reply to post by orangetom1999

Excuse me! Easy on the stereotyping.. Im attractive, have a brain & know how to use it. Im a sole parent, my house paid for by me & do my own handiwork etc if i need to do a task thats beyond me i get a book & figure it out. Its nice to have a man, but u dont need a man. Where are all the good men, coz i gave up hope on finding one long time ago. It may just be a location issue, but i have many friends in same sitch.. Men are boys here. They can tell u who won the footy, or what latest pc game is, but wouldnt know 1 end of drill from other, or how to plant a tree. Let alone do any of the stuff you mentioned. As for alpha protection -give me a break. They would hide behind me! Caught an ex dipping his wicker else where, so figured he would flog me in2 submission, so i couldnt leave him. Hes the one who ended up on his sorry ass, not me! Show me a real man & i‘

Easy on the stereotyping yourself Legend before presuming to lecture me.

How many of these women where you live/dwell are you prepared to pull the wagon for while they grip and bitch about how big a bunch of "Victims" they are?? Let me state that again for more clarity. How many of the women and their children where you dwell are you going to pull the wagon for while they keep throwing stuff into it for you to pull while riding for free??

I know about the men of whom you speak and have no interest or use for them. They like alot of women are high maintenance. While we are at many of these men are you willing to pull the wagon for while they throw more stuff in it for you to pull??

I too learn from books and mechanical/electrical skills self taught. I am currently investigating the workings of an electrical window in a van such that I can get it to open from its stuck closed position. I will eventually solve the problem but I am not going to let it work me. Same thing with a woman trying to substitute my priorities, beliefs and values with hers.

A woman I know called me yesterday about her dryer cord or plug not matching the plug in the wall. I knew she wanted me to "Flash dance" her through this difficulty. I decided I was not interested in doing it and told her no. She got someone else to flash dance her Through it.. No problem by me..I just took it easy with my time knowledge and monies. Now are all women like women and men can be exactly like this..getting someone else to "Flash dance ": them through life's hurdles. Not for me thanks. My time and labors are valuable commodities in this world.

It is indeed nice to have a man or in my case to have a woman. But they are rare commodities in this world. What you have today is excellent consumers of entitlement maintenance.

Do you think for one minute the women I meet ask me what kind of work I do with a view to understanding what kind of RISKS I take for my monies....or are they thinking how this can be applied to them and or their children for their benefit...status??

When you watch what today passes for men...they too are like many women..high maintenance. And most women do not want to underwrite a man's maintenance costs. But it is ok the other way around. This is not equality Legend. Not at all.
Where did these men learn to become "High Maintenance." I submit to you that they have had little male influence in their lives. They have lived mostly second hand lives of peer group, television, movies, and mothers flash dancing them through life's hurdles...or government/public education of entitlement thinking.

What you are describing to me Legend is a male who is more competition than an asset to you. I do understand this.
I have had to work with many of these high maintenance type males. I dont care for them when they cannot catch on. I will tell my boss that I don't need or want them on my job. Women like this too. I don't need or want them on my job.

Oh..I have no idea what is a footy..and am not particularly interested in it. I do know one end of a drill from another and can sharpen my own drill bits by hand on a bench grinder. I have literally drilled thousands of holes with machines and by hand.

I also know how to use and make my own lockpicks when well as shims for the same.

Continued in my next post..
edit on 2-1-2012 by orangetom1999 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 03:00 PM
reply to post by Legend121

Continued from previous post.

I don't particularly care how attractive you are Legend. I care about what real life skills you bring to the table when the biology runs out and it strikes midnight Cinderella. Or will you like many women turn into a "High Maintenance Pumpkin." Or were you a "High Maintenance Pumpkin" all along??

I can get women to come over and take off their clothes Legend. This is not a difficult goal to achieve or commodity to acquire. It is not going to go extinct or rare any time soon. So too with beauty values and thinking. Most of this is artificial...ersatz.

What is difficult to get an maintain from a woman is Peace...not Piece...understand now??

The average male I know will settle for Piece without knowing he is cheating himself. What a dummy.

Women who know mostly about Piece and beauty beliefs have little to offer when the biology runs out and midnight comes around.

By the way...Eve's role was as a help meet..not a help yourself meet. Also the responsibility for the garden was to Adam..not to Eve. I have corrected many a male and also females when they go down this path.
Eve was indeed punished and so too was Adam. Eve was not sinless here..but the responsibility was to Adam for dressing and keeping the Garden. It was Adam who primarily failed here.

Eve ate the fruit and knew she was naked...Adam did not know he was naked until he too ate the fruit. But the responsibility was to Adam not to Eve. Her charge was as a help meet. Adam's charge was over the garden and Eve as his help meet. It was his responsibility to God...not Eve's. Both males and females often overlook this view in lieu of today's slanted politics.

I will clear this up for you as I have posted this several times before.

My widowed friend across the river ..we compare notes once in awhile. He told me in a conversation what it is about women which he finally noticed. He told me they come over looking at his potential...the "P" Word. They are looking at what they can get for themselves and their children if they play their cards correctly. What they are not look at is what is missing from "His" life and how they can fill this with their commitment levels. How they can adjust their commitment levels to fill this part of "His" life. They almost all want to privily and stealthy use/misuse sex, beauty, and sexuality to acquire the goods and services with as little RISK to them and the children as possible. This means ultimately putting him in last place while he takes first place RISKS for her and the children. Understand now?? Almost none of the men or males outside of my friend understand this while they focus needlessly on their "Oil Shortage." Oil is not a rare or endangered commodity out here. Neither is beauty.

Almost no men I have ever met can make this explanation of how life is to be found out here. Also so few women are ever called on this phenomenon for what it really is.

There are an exceedingly stupid bunch of males out here who can do a point spread but not much else. I have little use for them. Nor do I have use for "High Maintenance Women or children."

I am not an expendable or disposable commodity in the marketplace such that someone else can substitute their thinking and beliefs for mine.

I do not define what or who I am by physical beauty thinking or sexuality. I think this is a very ignorant non standard by which to define ones self. It is however very marketable to people who cannot think outside the box of what passes for popular thinking today.
I make note quickly of women and men both who have this as their primary modus operandi.
I expect much more from the women on whom I spend my monies earned at great RISKS than this shallow non standard of thinking.
I appreciate the female form as much as the next man..but it is not everything in life to me. It is not life itself.

You should do some thinking on the "Nothing Box." This is something which also escapes the average male. They should be tutored in this as well.

And with that I am retiring to some Peace in my "Nothing Box."

Thanks for your post,

edit on 2-1-2012 by orangetom1999 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 04:04 PM

Originally posted by brindle
Men invented alcohol to take away the pain women have bestowed on man.
it was more likely invented by women so men would get drunk, pass out & no longer be a problem... Men hurt women & women hurt men - if you aint happy, move on & find someone who does make you happy.. Or just stay single & find some good hobbies that make you happy... If you find someone who is good for you, then dont take them for granted. Booze is a depressant so maybe thats the real source of pain...

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 05:18 PM
I may be getting wrong impression but it seems you are saying if a womans attractive, then shes gota be a gold digger who can only get by in life using her charms. What bs! It has nothing to do with gender & everything to do with what type of PERSON they are. If my tyre goes flat, i dont start flashing womanly charms. I grab the spare & change it. So as such your assumption that women cant fend for themselves is wrong. There are people who are needy & dependent & they are found in both gender groups & they are found in all physiques.. From ugly to beautiful. I would rather change the flat tyre myself, coz if you allowed a man to help you, despite claiming hes happy to help, the majority of men would be figuring that now you owe them something & it wont be baked cookies. When ive had to get tradies in, alot of them try it on, yet they take it as paid in full when a bloke contracts them. Not to mention the fact i usually end up having to redo the job again myself

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 05:18 PM

Originally posted by Legend121

Originally posted by brindle
Men invented alcohol to take away the pain women have bestowed on man.
it was more likely invented by women so men would get drunk, pass out & no longer be a problem... Men hurt women & women hurt men - if you aint happy, move on & find someone who does make you happy.. Or just stay single & find some good hobbies that make you happy... If you find someone who is good for you, then dont take them for granted. Booze is a depressant so maybe thats the real source of pain...

Defining ones self by Booze is as stupid as defining ones self by their sexuality. You have to go to public school to get this stupid.

I am not against booze/alcohol. I just have better things to do than define myself and my life by such.

One of the best machinists I have ever met is a career alcoholic. I learned much form him on the job..but have no desire to drink my life away or succumb to the demon in the bottle. My monies come to hard to spend them on such nonsense. As a matter of fact..a career in the bottle doesn't even make good nonsense to me..male or female and I have seen both who are career drunks.


posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 05:38 PM

Originally posted by Legend121
I may be getting wrong impression but it seems you are saying if a womans attractive, then shes gota be a gold digger who can only get by in life using her charms. What bs! It has nothing to do with gender & everything to do with what type of PERSON they are. If my tyre goes flat, i dont start flashing womanly charms. I grab the spare & change it. So as such your assumption that women cant fend for themselves is wrong. There are people who are needy & dependent & they are found in both gender groups & they are found in all physiques.. From ugly to beautiful. I would rather change the flat tyre myself, coz if you allowed a man to help you, despite claiming hes happy to help, the majority of men would be figuring that now you owe them something & it wont be baked cookies. When ive had to get tradies in, alot of them try it on, yet they take it as paid in full when a bloke contracts them. Not to mention the fact i usually end up having to redo the job again myself

Your getting the wrong impression in your defensiveness..but that is ok.

Good for you that you can change your own tire. Most of the women I know would not try it whether they have learned to do it themselves or not. They will take it when a man comes along to "Flash dance " them through the hurdle.

I am saying that I require more from a woman than physical attractiveness. For these are a dime a dozen.
For example ..the nightly news around here as ruined blonde's for me. To many of them abounding like ripe a xerox machine copy. Dark hair, brunettes or red heads are become more rare today. However ..they to must have more than just physical beauty.

Changing a tire for a woman or woman and children is not peaceful to me. I can spend more time in my "Nothing Box."

On the other hand...I find that many women feel that since I am a male and should automatically, by default as a male, know these skills ..this is called stereotyping...I should, by the same default, be willing to make myself expendable and disposable in order to flash dance them through these hurdles without stress and without difficulty/risk on their part.

As a matter of fact ..some years ago..I was with another woman at a park and we were kite flying using my olde fishing pole. This other woman I knew fussed with me for not coming to her aid and helping to fix her flat in the park parking lot.

I told her to grow up. I was with another woman giving her my full attention. I was not paying attention to her flat tire. It did not interest me. It was her tire..change it or call someone and pay them to change it.

I was a bit startled by the silence at the other end of the line. I don't believe she had ever been held to account by such male thinking. She was accustomed to defaulting through on the "Victim Dictum." I have little use for the "Victim Dictum."

Guilt thinking does not work on me...which is why I find much of today's be is become mostly guilt conditioning by the "Victim Dictum."

Female sexual politics does not work on me as well..because of the same fingerprint.

Once again...I have little use for this fingerprint from both males and females.

I have no idea what is a "tradies"....I am thinking you are in the UK by the usage of your language structure.

I only recently found out what is a boot sale so the difference in the language takes some getting accustomed.
Same thing with a "Footie." I think that was the word you used.

By the way..I seldom contract out much work if I can do it myself for the same reason..I often have to redo it myself. Welcome to the real world.

Equality is a wonderful thing. Equal Opportunity to Labor as well as RISK.

edit on 2-1-2012 by orangetom1999 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 06:19 PM
Cont.. As for pulling the wagon for a bunch of freeloaders - what would i do? Tell them the wagon wont be going anywhere anytime soon til they pull their own weight. We have skills we can utilise. We have the power of speach as well. Have you heard of such concepts like sharing, communication, cooperation, delegation, decision making, respect, freewill etc if you dont like it, speak up! Just keep in mind god gave you 2 ears & 1 mouth for a reason. If they have good reason to complain, then find a resolution. If bitching for sake of it, then FIFO! If you continue to accept the behaviour, the behaviour will continue to happen, but you also need to consider your own actions. If your dumb enough 2 pull that wagon, then dont whine. Instead ask why you‘ve ended up in this sitch & how do you change it. Theres a breed of people who want all the perks without any of the responcibility, but are found on both sides of fence -male & female... As for your take on adam & eve, we all interpret the scriptures differently, but that debate would be for a new thread.

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 07:19 PM

Originally posted by Legend121
Cont.. As for pulling the wagon for a bunch of freeloaders - what would i do? Tell them the wagon wont be going anywhere anytime soon til they pull their own weight. We have skills we can utilise. We have the power of speach as well.

I wont be pulling the wagon as well. I have better things to do with my time labor and RISKS than pull someone else's wagon...including nothing in the Nothing Box.

Have you heard of such concepts like sharing, communication, cooperation, delegation, decision making, respect, freewill etc if you dont like it, speak up! Just keep in mind god gave you 2 ears & 1 mouth for a reason. If they have good reason to complain, then find a resolution. If bitching for sake of it, then FIFO! If you continue to accept the behaviour, the behaviour will continue to happen, but you also need to consider your own actions. If your dumb enough 2 pull that wagon, then dont whine. Instead ask why you‘ve ended up in this sitch & how do you change it.

Precisely my sentiments. Thank you.

Theres a breed of people who want all the perks without any of the responcibility, but are found on both sides of fence -male & female I have stated..I have little use for either males or females like this. High maintenance and tend to be drama queens. "I'm a victim!!" "Its someone else's fault!!"

... As for your take on adam & eve, we all interpret the scriptures differently, but that debate would be for a new thread.

I can handle myself pretty well here. I take exception to such modern nonsense about the scriptures from either sex. I dont buy into the Victim politics concerning the Scriptures which is so popular today. Alot of this stuff is Occult philosophies/principles entering in and trying to pass off as scripture without being seen..which is what occult implies. To my surprise when reading and learning about Occult principles ..occult teachings are become very popular today..even in politics. And politics is an occult religion at work. Hidden and concealed.
This is how alot of women work subtle...quietly ...hidden..concealed..also the effeminate male in politics.

The last guy who tried this around me was Eddie down at work..about Adam and Eve. I was surprised he gave up so easily. To my surprise the conversation just broke right down. Eddie tried it with another co worker...Faye. It didn't pan out once I explained it to him. Most never think it through sufficient to what is actually said in the scriptures.

Thanks for your time and posts,

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 07:30 PM
You say ive interpreted it wrong, but then follow with a statement that reinforces that im right. Perhaps you have an overinflated view of yourself, or you‘re 50 & trying to date 20 yr olds, or you simply dont know as many women as you think you do, or its fantasy land & you simply perceive damsels in distress, to feed your ego or self-delusions or maybe you truly believe in what you are saying.. Regardless dark ages are over!! Women are flying planes, fighting in armies, fixing cars, working as scientists, the list goes on. Say or claim what you want, the facts speak for themselves. For your opinion to be reality, you would have to be living under a rock, so i consider your sitch to be more a reflection on yourself than the reality around u. You give the impression of being a very arrogant, self absorbed, selfish & extremely narcistic individual, with a superiority complex. If some1 asks for help & they can do it for themselves no is a fair call, but if they ask & cant do it,

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 08:21 PM

Originally posted by Legend121
You say ive interpreted it wrong, but then follow with a statement that reinforces that im right. Perhaps you have an overinflated view of yourself, or you‘re 50 & trying to date 20 yr olds, or you simply dont know as many women as you think you do, or its fantasy land & you simply perceive damsels in distress, to feed your ego or self-delusions or maybe you truly believe in what you are saying.. Regardless dark ages are over!! Women are flying planes, fighting in armies, fixing cars, working as scientists, the list goes on. Say or claim what you want, the facts speak for themselves. For your opinion to be reality, you would have to be living under a rock, so i consider your sitch to be more a reflection on yourself than the reality around u. You give the impression of being a very arrogant, self absorbed, selfish & extremely narcistic individual, with a superiority complex. If some1 asks for help & they can do it for themselves no is a fair call, but if they ask & cant do it,

Know as many women as I think I do.? Why would I want to do that?

I would like some Peace in my life..not just Piece!! Do you even understand the difference??

How many men are you supporting with your career earnings?? Do you expect to support any...ever??
You know..medical...home, utilities, vacations, clothes..etc etc etc. I mean supporting..not just helping once in awhile.

How many women do you know who marry a man with children from a previous situation?? I know a few...but most of them are men marrying women with children from a previous situation.
This means that men by rote and thinking consider themselves more expendable and disposable than do the women...translate that ...vulnerable...and often with their lives and fortunes.
I do not find this pattern much among women..and especially women of "Equality."

I am not particularly interested in a damsels distress..simply because as you many women out here are doing what men are doing ...and of course doing a better job of it. They can take care of it safety net to fall into.

Regardless dark ages are over!!

I don't think all. I think they are coming back..and with a vengeance. Intelligent gnostic wise men leadership is going to guarantee this...if for no other reason than simple economics. There are very few western governments who are not spending the future of their people and nation down the drain...male and female.
I cannot imagine what you are thinking here. Sorry but you come across more as emoting than thinking.

Women are flying planes, fighting in armies, fixing cars, working as scientists, the list goes on.

LOL LOL many do you personally know?? Not from a magazine or television program. I know a few who are engineers...I also know some in Hazardous work/occupations..but they mostly cease this after so many years and go to occupations which offer more options..not necessarily more responsibilities..particularly in what are called the death occupations.
How many of these women of Equality do you know who are in the death a career.
You know...occupations where the danger factor is through the roof..but they may pay more..but have more danger and harsher conditions.

My younger sister fixes her own cars..but she has not spent alot of her time in magazines and pop culture. What she cannot fix she takes to the shop and pays to get fixed. She does not look to be flash danced through these hurdles by someone else's RISK Taking. She is a RISK Taker. I admirer and respect her for this. She too has little use or respect for what passes for much of today's women as well as much of today's males.

For your opinion to be reality, you would have to be living under a rock, so i consider your sitch to be more a reflection on yourself than the reality around u. You give the impression of being a very arrogant, self absorbed, selfish & extremely narcistic individual, with a superiority complex. If some1 asks for help & they can do it for themselves no is a fair call, but if they ask & cant do it,

It does not matter to me what you think of me or my situation. We are going to find out as our economies begin to collapse. We will find out who looks for and gets more government tit to feed off without RISK and without labor.

As to arrogant and self absorbed...Do you mean to imply that I should get up to speed with "Modern" beliefs and expectations and give up my belief systems/expectations and replace them with yours or someone else's ..sort of a automatic default to play politics today. By guilt if by nothing else?? Please clarify this for me.

I will choose by and for my own reasons as to whom I will help. I am not interested in someone else's default settings when my time labor and RISKS are involved.

Thanks for your time and posts,

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 09:05 PM
Cont.. Then shame on you. Not coz its expected from a male, but coz u are human, & have 2 share world with others. By helping others you help yourself. Dont spit in the well, as u may need 2 drink from it one day... Who will be there for you when old & frail? Perhaps no1, as they will have better things 2 do with their time & who would blame them. As for your occult reference lmao!! You are again showing your ignorance. Its like saying you read a few chapters of the bible & as such have the expertise 2 form opinions about all forms of christianity. Omg u really are a tool! What systems did you review? Did you explore alchemy? How does it relate 2 chemistry & quantum principles. Did u research any manifestums? which 1‘s? Whats true essence of philosophers stone & how can it be utilised in 2days search 4 free energy? Do u even no what free energy is? Whats the secret of the mysteries? Are you aware of how much science & anthropology now support occultism? Ignorance is no excuse for stupidity!!

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 09:31 PM
reply to post by alilonthecheekyside

thats ok, i forgive you!! My bad for assuming you may have been making an informed objection & be able to bring some actual substance to your claim its rubbish & need to get over myself. Now you‘re claiming im trying to disect bible coz i stated a couple of pointers, sigh! Then try to backpaddle out with a bitchy exit. Dont know about evil, but some women really are that stupid!!!!

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 10:04 PM

Originally posted by Legend121
Cont.. Then shame on you. Not coz its expected from a male, but coz u are human, & have 2 share world with others. By helping others you help yourself. Dont spit in the well, as u may need 2 drink from it one day... Who will be there for you when old & frail? Perhaps no1, as they will have better things 2 do with their time & who would blame them. As for your occult reference lmao!! You are again showing your ignorance. Its like saying you read a few chapters of the bible & as such have the expertise 2 form opinions about all forms of christianity. Omg u really are a tool! What systems did you review? Did you explore alchemy? How does it relate 2 chemistry & quantum principles. Did u research any manifestums? which 1‘s? Whats true essence of philosophers stone & how can it be utilised in 2days search 4 free energy? Do u even no what free energy is? Whats the secret of the mysteries? Are you aware of how much science & anthropology now support occultism? Ignorance is no excuse for stupidity!!

I agree..I am human..and this world takes all kinds. I have little interest in being stamped out or expected,..or even taken for granted. That is me. Because I am human ....I automatically owe..others..I dont think so.

I will pick and choose those I will help. It is not an automatic default setting. Dont take me for granted.
There is no sanity in such indentured servitude in this kind of taking for granted.
I told you about guilt politics..did I not???

Are you aware of how much science & anthropology now support occultism? Ignorance is no excuse for stupidity!!

Yes I am ...because in some arenas these disciplines are becoming Kabbalistic in their nature...just as is politics which finances much of this.

I dont spit in the well. I get my own water.

Speaking of that ..I am reading a book on digging a well..or another way of putting it sinking a pipe by washing it down with water. Once one finds the water level..marks it should be a matter of hooking up a pump. The filtration method is the one which concerns me the most. I am also looking into a reverse osmosis system.
But more research needs to be done on this. Do women of equality do this?? Or do they just show up when it is all done and expect to direct the results of someone else's labor and RISK taking ??

You know..while I am thinking about it..regarding "spitting in the well." Some years ago after Hurricane Isabelle..I had the only generator on this block.
Since I had a neighbor with kids I ran one 115 volt line over to their house such that they could at least run their washing machine on cold water.
I only had a 4000 watt generator in those days.

After about an generator was making a horrible noise and would hardly run. Gasping and loading up. It was laboring hard.

I went over and pulled out all the plugs and then plugged them in one by one. I found out a that the one over to the neighbors house was the one causing the problem. I walked over to see what he was running. Come to find out his wife wanted the air conditioner to run. He has one of the largest heavy duty 115 volt airconditioners made. He was overloading my generator. I unplugged the line and took it back. He can do without electricity if he is going to spit in the well. I was using a fan over here...even to help dry the laundry on a wooden clothes rack.

You see how easy it is...when you are a "Nice guy."

I am not saying being a nice guy is wrong. I should have been more discerning about the nature of people. If this guy and his woman had damaged my generator we would all have been out of electricity. To this day he does not have his own. I've since purchased another one...some 7500 watts of power..but I am not going to run him a line next time. Because I have prepared and he has not..does not mean I am expendable and disposable for his slackness.
My olde 4000 watt generator is going over to my parents house. In the last hurricane I took my 4000 watt generator back and forth to my parents house in the daytime and back to mine in the evening charging up our refrigerators and freezers. Under this well spitter we would all have been out of electricity.

But that is what happens out here in the real world.

Don't attempt to make me disposable and expendable for your causes or beliefs. I own my labor and what I produce with my labor and knowleges. It is not be default available to That would be indentured guilt politics.


posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 11:03 PM
Oops wrong planet, like seriously dude! So by own admission your sisters a fine example that proves self suffient woman do actually exist. Do you expect her 2 cook your dinner when shes finished fixing her car? As for all the women with kids, it wasnt immaculent conception & where is the daddy? If you dont want to care for some1 elses kids dont date single mothers-no brainer. As 4 supporting men, i had 2 soley support a mans mistakes & failings, which i didnt ask for or deserve. You‘re the 1 playing poor victim 4 men here. I raised my child on own merits & wallet. Where was the daddy in all this? Busy screwing up other womens lives & dodging maintenance. I raised a beautiful child & thats what counts. Do i hate men coz he became an oxygen thief. No coz facts prove that great men do exist, who are good fathers & husbands. Would i support my partner thru hard times? If he was a good man, damn straight. If he was a freeloader, he‘d be shown the door long b4 it even got 2 be an issue.

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 11:22 PM
Ok nice try but no soup 4 u. Make sure u have a hand pump with a spare if 1st 1 dies, in case no power. Gravity feed is best option, so pay the extra. Also have a way 2 distil water & if radiation is potential go for glass components 4 stil.. What i shouldnt know this coz im a girl?? And answer took 0.5 secs so didnt need 2 google it either. Can i have my lolliepop now

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 12:38 AM
I guess jesus said it best “forgive them for they no not wot they do“ perhaps they are drinking too much flouride water. Yes some peeps take kindness & decency as a sign of weakness. With others u give an inch they take a mile. You did well actually with that couple. If they pulled that crap here they may well have found themselves buried with the a/c. But no doubt the generator would have been stolen b4 then. Idiots are global, not confined 2 any 1 place sadly. U get rid of 1 & 3 more take their place. But if u let them turn u bitter, they win. I refuse 2 sink down 2 their level, raise it or FIFO. But compassion never erodes. Feed a fish & live 4 a day. Teach 2 fish & eat 4 lifetime. I hate seeing what parasites are doing 2 our planet & they just dont get they r cog in wheel. They will only care when its all gone, but despite its futility i will keep doing what i can. I wont sink in2 cant beat em so join em mentality. As for occult, its the intent that makes any religion good or bad.

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 06:19 AM
So what we‘ve established then is that people, not women, are evil. Most who think they are on right path & doing good wont be. Like your neighbour thinking he was doing good with ac 4 wife, not realising or perhaps caring they may be harming others in proccess. Perhaps we should be asking what defines evil... Many so called good religions do far more harm & evil with their godbothering sheep mentality. Many so called evil religions do great & good things but dont need to advertise these feats, instead prefering 2 put that energy in2 doing more good, dont pass collection plate, knowing god will provide & dont need 2 convert followers, with claims their way is only way. Isnt such pride what got satan kicked out of heaven in first place? They keep their promise to god to be guardians for earth & dont breach this promise with pursuit for bigger & better churches & would prefer to feed a hungry child than buy a gold idol or sit in a/c luxury to worship, saying look what we can do.

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