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Project Blue Beam and the Shadow People

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posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 03:33 PM
How do you get people to believe in aliens that are not real?

Incessant stories about them from every conceivable angle, check.

Decades of set-up, check.

Real flying saucers? Very achievable.

Holograms of fantasic events and things?

How about spiking CDC delivered radiation pills with meth and/ or MDMA (ecstasy)?

It’s my contention in this thread that in order to foster the belief in aliens (which in turn is what gives the N.W.O. dictator/ the Bible’s antichrist his legitimacy), there is a pharmacological conspiracy involved with Project Blue Beam. MKULTRA drug experiments for mind control via the Cities Readiness Initiative – the govt delivering drugs within 48 hours to the entire US populace.

So, let’s talk about Shadow People. All over Coast to Coast AM, paranormal shows, movies, and video games talk about shadow people. “Ghosts” to some. I’m not here to debunk them as I, myself, believe in the phenomenon since I have seen one in a friend’s basement once. I was on no drugs whatsoever, have never tripped in my life. I sat on the couch waiting to hopefully see the ghost of a dead friend in a darkened basement. I saw various geometric shapes in prismatic lines and after a few minutes saw a hand waved in front of my face and then a gray shadow moved in front of me. It had glowing red eyes and it stood in front of me and then hunched down to look me directly in the eyes. Definitely one of the stranger events in my life. Whether it was “real” or just imagined in my mind is irrelevant to our discussion as I’m just describing the phenomenon. A phenomenon that apparently many people have, especially drug users on Methamphetamine and MDMA. Let’s look at how they describe it.

A psychology professor once told his students, if you ever want to know what it's like to be schizophrenic just take a a bunch of methamphetamine and stay up for a few days. The reason he said this is because the symptoms of schizophrenia are identical to amphetamine induced psychosis. Drug psychosis related to amphetamines is common amongst drug addicts. Having experienced this phenomena myself, I will try and describe what it's like.

After being up for a few days on methamphetamine and having taken large amounts of the drug, you begin to dissociate from your thoughts. That is to say that your thoughts begin to run away from you. It's as if you have so much energy that you become hypersensitive to everything around you while at the same time entering a deep fog. Your hearing begins to tune into every little sound you hear. At this point your soul is so fragile that you begin to feel a strange type of fear mixed with energy (paranoia). It's a unique type of fear. It's not like anything you've probably ever experienced before.

You will suddenly become afraid that people are out to get you, yet no one is there, so you will start creating things in your mind and you will be able to manifest those things you've created in your mind in the outside environment. Now obviously these things do not exist, but there if the brain thinks its real then it is. So, if you are sure you see someone hiding behind a tree outside your window you will. These are often called shadow people. It is a strange experience. You see glimpses of people but you can't make out their appearance and you couldn't describe them if you had to tell someone what color shirt they were wearing.

You just know they are there and can see them duck behind a tree or bush every time you try and catch a better look at them. Sometimes you may be so bold as to chase them, but again there is no one there. What this leads to is not the realization that they don't exist, but that whoever is spying on you is very good at not being seen. This leads to more paranoia and creates a snowball effect. Till eventually your screaming at the top of your lungs at people who aren't there.

Actually, every noise meant something—it meant someone was there.
Even my icemaker, even when I knew it was the icemaker, when it made noise, I got up to go see if anyone was there, because while I knew my icemaker made noise, I knew they knew my icemaker made noise, and that was when they would come in.
I never knew exactly who they were. I wasn’t sure if the shadow people and the government agents were working together or independently in their efforts to ruin my high, but they never stopped me. They gave me pause (to hide my baggies and put on some clothes), but that was it. […] Three years ago today, I was in the throes of my last meth binge.

Swim has done mdma many times and most times he would do it with the same group of close friends. Most nights when they were ready to go home they would stay in one friends basement. They would smoke weed and drink these nights as well.

Whenever they slept in the basement when they were all trying to sleep they would see "shadow people". The "shadow people" would walk around the room they could hear their footsteps and when the friends tried to roll over and ignore them. They said they could feel them above them or siting beside them and could hear their breathing in their ear. The friends have seen them almost every time they do mdma but only when they stay in that basement. In the morning they all asked each other if they saw the "shadow people" too and they all did.

The dose they would normally do would be 0.2g and the occasianal 0.3g each. The mdma was ussualy in rock/crystal form they would crush it up and "parachute" it (wrap it in a zig zag and swallow). They would drink on average 4-8 beers each. They would smoke a quarter 7g on average between 2-3 people. The Mdma was VERY high quaility clean white/clear rocks/crystals. Has anyone experinced anything like this before on Mdma or other drugs maybe?


posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 03:34 PM
Here’s some more about Reptilians and using drugs to perceive them:

In this creation, drugs are often seen as a "bad" thing. I think this misinformation is related to the fact that DRUGS can squeegee your perception and you can SEE the soulless & Reptilians walking amongst you. There are certain compounds, when ingested and metabolized by the body, which DECLOAK the Reptilians walking on earth. It is a VERY unreal experience. You can't "undo" what you see. It's like the Matrix... You can't go back. Here is the thing I noticed after using certain substances that decloak the Reptilians: 1. Reptilians don't "Shapeshift" in the direct sense, rather, there is something inside our BRAINS that make us PERCEIVE them as being "human". When your perception is skewed... You see them as they appear in their "true reptilian humanoid" form. […]
One thing I notice? ALL types of "people" were Reptilians. From the bums panhandling, to the guys in suits, to the construction workers... Pointy noses, hollow eyes. During this trip, one old Reptilian even grabbed their heart and froze in the middle of the sidewalk. He just grabbed his heart and stopped walking. Dude was a rentacop, and I hate rentacops, so I dunno why he grabbed his heart or whatever. In this reality... We are HALF them, I believe... But ultimately, we are NOT them entirely... However, many of the Humanoids walking planet earth... Are 100% Reptilian. If your perception is Skewed and if you take certain drugs, your body projects a frequency that decloaks them. I don't mean you'll see one or two... But rather, depending on the potency and substance... Your body can change the MASSES... every single person you see, you will be able to view them in a different Humanoid form. This is one of the main reasons Drugs are demonized in this creation. If I could hand you a pill, that would skew your perception into seeing that 99% of "Humans" are not really Human...

Think: Vampires, interdimensional hopping greys, grey aliens as demons, reptilian greys, reptilian aliens, shadow people, ghosts, they all point to the same experience: an all encompassing presence of evil beings, whatever you want to call them. Now this is the foundation for a new religion if I ever heard one!

Let’s go back to Project Blue Beam.
Universal Supernatural Manifestations via Electronics

The fourth step concerns the universal supernatural manifestation with electronic means.

It contains three different orientations.

One is to make mankind believe that an alien (off-world) invasion is about to occur at every major city on earth in order to provoke each major nation to use its nuclear weapons in order to strike back. This way, the United Nations Court will require that all those nations which launched nuclear weapons to disarm when the invasion is shown to have been false. And how will the United Nations know that the invasion was false? They will have staged it, of course.

The second is to make the Christians believe that the Rapture is going to occur with the supposed divine intervention of an alien (off-world) civilization coming to rescue earthlings from a savage and merciless demon. Its goal will be to dispose of all significant opposition to the implementation of the New World Order in one major stroke, actually within hours of the beginning of the sky show!

The third orientation in the fourth step is a mixture of electronic and supernatural forces. The waves used at that time will allow "supernatural forces" to travel through optical fibers, coaxial cables (TV) electrical and phone lines in order to penetrate to everyone at once through major appliances. Embedded chips will already be in place. The goal of this deals with global Satanic ghosts projected all around the world in order to push all populations to the edge of hysteria and madness, to drown them into a wave of suicide, murder and permanent psychological disorders. After the Night of the Thousand Stars, worldwide populations will be ready for the new messiah to re-establish order and peace at any cost, even at the cost of abdication of freedom.

I’ll go over what the Rapture actually is in this scenario and what the Project Blue Beam messiah says in my next thread. But for now, let’s focus on the 3rd orientation, “The waves used at that time will allow "supernatural forces" to travel through optical fibers, coaxial cables (TV) electrical and phone lines in order to penetrate to everyone at once through major appliances. Embedded chips will already be in place. The goal of this deals with global Satanic ghosts projected all around the world in order to push all populations to the edge of hysteria and madness, to drown them into a wave of suicide, murder and permanent psychological disorders.”

When they say, “supernatural forces”, they mean mind control/ lies/ propaganda which when people believe it becomes “possession”. They view people who believe their lies as being “possessed”. Anyway, global Satanic ghosts projected through electronic devices push people to insanity, suicide, murder, and permanent mental disorders. Sure, we’d be freaked out if something strange popped up on our tv’s, but it would drive us to insanity?

Now THIS would drive me to insanity (from the Ring movie):

The woman coming out of the TV is a shadow person. Maybe a reptilian, interdimensional alien, vampire, ghost. And it’s the thing that will make people worship the Antichrist Lucifer (light to dispel the shadows). Why would people be taking hallucinogenic dosed anti-radiation “Prussian Blue” pills? Because when the UFO’s show up, various govt’s use their nukes on them and multiple cities get nuked along the way too.

edit on 10-2-2011 by jcrash because: quotations

posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 03:38 PM
Is Blue Beam on schedule?
Will it actually be blue?

posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 03:39 PM
Ohhhhh, David Icke.. Ok, right. Bye. Gotta go.

posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 03:44 PM
I read this at 4:44 spooky. Which if my numerology is correct - its my guide telling me not to listen to this at all

edit on 10-2-2011 by Bonified Ween because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 03:54 PM

Originally posted by jcrash
How do you get people to believe in aliens that are not real?

Wait, wait. Let me get this straight. Its your position that the entire UFO phenomenon itself is completely illegitimate?

posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 04:04 PM
I think its time to knock the drugs on the head mate..

posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 04:12 PM
What you are proposing is an interesting concept but it sounds like it was cooked up by someone that can not seperate reality from fiction. Drugs do give you supertype abilities like better hearing and better vision. But your mind is working so fast that your brain begins to develop its own theories you do not outright see a reptilian in your living room or an alien in your basement if you did no one would do drugs they would all stop. But putting your self near death and fasting heightens your conscious brain to be able to interpret things differently than your brain is normally programmed. It takes a strong mind and setting out to get a different interpretation on drugs to acheive that goal. The thing with drugs is when really dumb people do them they skip right over a lot of those effects and just feel the high. And when they do experience things they quickly dismiss them or become afraid ive seen it happen to many people.
Suggesting that drugs are essentially creating phenomonen is ridiculous. Denying that there are things that can not be explained is also ridiculous. What is reality to one person could seem like fiction to others.

posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 04:13 PM

Originally posted by cluckerspud
Is Blue Beam on schedule?
Will it actually be blue?

well the holograms that are CURRENTLY being used during fashion shows are indeed blue:

posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 04:17 PM
It is an interesting theory combining the pharmaceutics with blue beam. What about the way to much fluoride in the water calms the people, or how many different ingredients are placed into the food supply. For me it was the Roswell case that decided there was something going on, I know the military is going to lie a lot more than some officer who came across something generally unexplainable. This was before my experimentation stage in life. Here is a link to a list of drugs used in mind control

posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 04:17 PM
Those are like holograms from the 60's dude. We're just getting them now

posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 04:23 PM
reply to post by Bonified Ween

yes...I was simply stating that they are currently being used as in not theoretical and they are response to Cluck asking if they would indeed be "blue"...

I'm sure what is actually possibly into today's age is more than "blue"...and pretty damn believable just as this one:

edit on 10-2-2011 by Sly1one because: atrocious spelling

posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 04:23 PM
Great post, S&F. Now if I could only find out where those MDMA pills are being stored, my weekend would be looking good!


posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 04:23 PM

The woman coming out of the TV is a shadow person. Maybe a reptilian, interdimensional alien, vampire, ghost. And it’s the thing that will make people worship the Antichrist Lucifer

uhm its a movie, and a bad remake at that.
radiation pills spiked with ecstacy, dont mean to be rude , but youre not making much sense .

posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 04:29 PM
S&F my friend. Well put together.

I will not heckle or make fun of this situation. I believe strongly that something of this sort will happen when TPTB are about to lose control. Control that will not be let go of... I believe that this scenario, maybe not exactly as stated, will go down at some point in the future. This will be the ultimate trump card in the deck for TPTB.

What will the military industrial complex spend all of the tax payers money on if there is no wars, or these wars are finally deemed unnecessary? Why not focus the war away from earth? Kill all of the alien scum in space. What is it that we are doing in Iraq and AFG.? We are taking the battle to the enemy. Hit them before they get a chance to on our territory.

This is the most out there plan that I see as a possibility. Maybe not as stated, but maybe the plan has morphed or changed with the times. I guess we will all see when "ET" comes and vaporizes a city huh.

posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by Student X

Originally posted by jcrash
How do you get people to believe in aliens that are not real?

Wait, wait. Let me get this straight. Its your position that the entire UFO phenomenon itself is completely illegitimate?

I believe that the ufo hype is really military craft. I have not seen one shred of evidence of any of these so called craft being from another planet. That is the greatest disinfo campaign of all times.

To take it a step further, I believe that the govt abducts people to make them think that they were abducted by "aliens". This is just as a sound theory as aliens coming from who knows where and when, just to take a semen specimen.

I know I will get alot of flack for this statement. I am in no way saying that someone didn't get probed. I just believe the probing was done for other purposes.

posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 04:41 PM

Originally posted by kwakakev
It is an interesting theory combining the pharmaceutics with blue beam. What about the way to much fluoride in the water calms the people, or how many different ingredients are placed into the food supply. For me it was the Roswell case that decided there was something going on, I know the military is going to lie a lot more than some officer who came across something generally unexplainable. This was before my experimentation stage in life. Here is a link to a list of drugs used in mind control

I was searching the list of drugs and found this.

* Cannabis (aka Marijuana, a sedative, change in perception, colors and sounds more distinct, time distorted. This drug is not used much in Monarch Programming because it IMPEDES mind control. It has been experimented with in combination with other drugs as an interrogation tool. The CIA listed it as being used in MK-Ultra, but it served as an experimental drug rather for programming.)

It looks like I will be ok. No programming here.

posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 04:42 PM

Originally posted by liejunkie01

I believe that the ufo hype is really military craft.

How do you explain the fact that the UFO phenomenon, whatever it is, is much older than our ability to produce military aircraft?

edit on 10-2-2011 by Student X because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 04:47 PM

Originally posted by Student X

Originally posted by liejunkie01

I believe that the ufo hype is really military craft.

How do you explain the fact that the UFO phenomenon, whatever it is, is much older than our ability to produce military aircraft?

edit on 10-2-2011 by Student X because: (no reason given)

Which case are we talking about? I have heard the Texas one and of course the Egyptian stories.
Did these nations of people not have militaries?

posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 04:47 PM
I don't know for sure (who does?) but if I was trying to cover the existence of ETs at any cost this would be a perfect solution. Too perfect. It plays on peoples drug paranoia, distrust of government, distrust of "crazy space technology", and just in general seems perfectly put together to cater to people's paranoia.

Imagine you know ETs are real, Imagine you decided the populace can't know about them, now imagine you know this info will leak no matter what. What do you do?

Well you create an elaborate plot to trick a populace into thinking they are being fooled when they are seeing the real thing. The getting back to my rule of conspiracy cover up: Confuse them until they no longer care.

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