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Alyshas Anti love and anti valentines day thread...

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posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by andy1033
reply to post by ChaosMagician

What in your world there is no such thing as a sensitive male, lol.

What are most priests and buddhist monks?

There are plenty of sensitive males. Putting words in people's mouths doesn't support your argument.
i just know an attention whore when i see one and that is what cobain was. He loved making people feel sorry for his twisted world. the mofo probably isn't even dead. yes, it was all very genius but if anyone think love could have had the power to break him down that way... they are simply not seeing the star that he was.. and he KNEW this. Don't even kid yourself. Have you even watched nirvana material? He was a pretty fearless performer... and thing many people would not have the balls to do, yet still people fall for this screwed in the head sensitive guy act. He did things that the majority of the population could not find the nerves in their body to do...but he's supposed to be this helpless little victim. I just see past it so don't make this a gender thing just because you don't like females. That crap doesn't have anything to do with me.

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 05:27 PM
reply to post by ChaosMagician

I think with respect you are are wrong.

Even the most softest male, can get up and do strange things that seem brave. He was not putting his lif eon the line or doing anything other than singing, something he did very well.

Go and watch him sing stay away, and tell me thats not a sensitive male.

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 05:28 PM

Originally posted by andy1033
reply to post by KilgoreTrout

I can understand what you mean about him being really sensitive.

Another problem he had probably is he was attracted to her aggressive nature, thats the problem in passive males. That woman was very wild, and aggressive and it was probably alot of the attraction for him. You know there was plenty of rumours about her before he died. He was also too passive for her, and she just used him to get herself off the floor. Them types of females always seem to want aggressive males really, not someone sensitive.

Remember all the times kurt wore womans clothes. One thing for definate he was not a masculine male.

What that man needed if he wanted a female was something steady, not going to live so much on her emotions.

Those sorts of females she is, do not understand males are sensitive too. They just think all males have parts and they are all the same, which they are not.

But like i said so many times he should of stayed alone, he would of been better off, than females using him as some sort of ego booster, because he was famous.
edit on 2/5/2011 by andy1033 because: (no reason given)

To be honest I don't know a great deal about him, I was never really into Nirvana, I prefer bouncy music as a rule. But no I don't think Ms Love is a very nice lady, and I think that the relationship was disturbing in many respects, but sometimes we should look a little more closely at our own lives before we go judging others, and having been in a retrospectively disturbing relationship myself, I know how normal they can seem from the inside, when you're there at the time. So to speak. His choices. At the end of the day nobody pulled the trigger but him, but could his journey have been made smoother by those who claimed to care for him? Probably.

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 05:29 PM
I cried when piggy died because he had so many health problems in his life... and for those things to take away such talent is a damn shame. It really really is. I loved Layne staley work as well, he is one of my favorites, but i didn't feel as sorry for him. Not because he brought it on himself but because I really think he knew all along how this would end and I think in a way he wanted it to be that way. I think he was way more sensitive than cobain but not sensitive compared to many others who can handle life. I think neither of these men were pushovers by any sense of the word. I think staley just self fulfilled a prophecy and he embraced it. A lot of his work came out of embracing this bitter sweet notion. He left a legacy and it is sad but he is probably in a better place. It's definitely a choice he made.

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 05:30 PM
reply to post by KilgoreTrout

Yep of course we will never know, but i will always say he would be here today if it was not for her.

Thats life.

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 05:33 PM

Originally posted by andy1033
reply to post by ChaosMagician

I think with respect you are are wrong.

Even the most softest male, can get up and do strange things that seem brave. He was not putting his lif eon the line or doing anything other than singing, something he did very well.

Go and watch him sing stay away, and tell me thats not a sensitive male.

I agree, for some people, no matter how desperately the need to express themselves, creatively, placing yourself in front of an audience can be terrifying. Barbra Streisand won't perform without subtitles because once she completely froze and forget all the words. It takes alcohol and copious amounts of drugs to get some people out in front of an audience or that is the easy, quick buck way to get them out there that is. And it has always been that way, which is why the peddlars are always so readily at hand...and which is why rehab is the new growth industry.

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 05:36 PM
Where is the love???

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 05:42 PM

Originally posted by andy1033
reply to post by ChaosMagician

I think with respect you are are wrong.

Even the most softest male, can get up and do strange things that seem brave. He was not putting his lif eon the line or doing anything other than singing, something he did very well.

Go and watch him sing stay away, and tell me thats not a sensitive male.

yes, soft males can do brave things... that doesn't automatically mean cobain was soft or that love took advantage of his softness.

Cobain once exposed himself on stage in front of the camera as a punk lash out against stardom... and we are just supposed to believe he was this tortured artist. He could get out an any time if he wanted, he had the riches to do so... but he did not. he was fully aware of how he could pull on people's emotions by performing for them as this tortured artist who gets all this attention that he can barely even handle. if you can't see that he is totally playing on this in old nirvana material, then you might be someone who can't discern acting from true feelings. He was good.... yes he was, he was talented. You need to understand this... really. He had a very smart fearless side to him and yes, he could have got mixed up in a vulnerable moment but to not be able to work his way back out of that downside of his moods and emotions... is not likely due to courtney love, it is much more likely due to drugs which confused him and played tricks on his own mind... however genius it might have been.

what do you think she did... abused him? because she was aggressive? Even if she was aggressive, he was a grown man and he was stronger than her physically... she did not abuse him physically. What does her aggression have to do with it? That does not make a person kill themselves.

Here's my problem with your argument.. You have not given one piece of evidence to show how she physically or mentally abused him. You are just assuming that because she is a screwed up person. You really can't make assessments that way. i am making a judgment, yes I must admit... but it is by watching the both subtle and outrageous actions of HIS. He was clearly unstable. To automatically blame her because she was the woman in his life is basically just making the statement "I hate woman and will blame them for anything based on nothing" really says nothing about cobain.

You have made your dislike for women apparent on multiple occasions and you are using rumors to back it up and I think that is very closed minded and very yellow thing to do.

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 05:43 PM
...whats this thread about?...

..."i hate all women, thats why i talk about em all the time"?...

...blaming a woman for a drug addict's choice to commit suicide?...

...valentines - whats love got to do with it?...

...or, maybe, its more along the lines of this...

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 05:43 PM

Originally posted by KilgoreTrout

Originally posted by ChaosMagician
you know he could have if he wanted to... a person does make choices in life. Everyone always blames her but who do you know would kill themselves over this woman? why would kurt cobain? I think he had serious issues that weren't necessarily having anything to do with her and I think he was a #. Seriously. I think the drugs that he did made him bipolar into a sometimes depressed/sometimes megalomanical #. Either he was murdered or he CHOSE to leave his daughter, friends and family behind and I'm not saying that wasn't hard or that's what makes him a # but to know that, all you really have to do is watch old videos of him being an "out-there" pretentious #. The things he put into his body did not help him to be a level headed person. Clearly.

I locked myself in my room for three days when River Pheonix OD'd. Cried my heart out, it was so...unexpected. As is often the case, with the benefit of retrospect, you see a car crash waiting to happen, but at the time, there is a veneer over the angsts and demons that creates that verite of artistic expression. The money-making machines, keep the skeletons in the closet for the time when they only have a corpse to profit from, because they know from experience that that time will come, and they make sure they buy that person lock stock and barrel for that eventuality.

Everyone got their pound of his flesh before he was worn down. There are always, in these cases, people on the sidelines encouraging behaviour from those that they know lack the judgement to always be trusted with such decisions and situations. That is sometimes what genius is about. And too often, these people are chewed up and spit up and used up and #ed over even after they're dead. There are
a lot of human to human parasites in this world.

i cried for the weeks and stay home from school i was devestated

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 05:49 PM

Originally posted by alysha.angel
i cried for the weeks and stay home from school i was devestated

Haha! Excellent, I'm not the only freak! Pleased to meet you!

I still cry everytime I hear 'Fire and Rain' by James Taylor, because it reminds me of him. Sometimes I play it specifically because I need 'a cry' and know it'll do the trick in a jiffy.

Hehe...I love being a girl!

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 05:55 PM
reply to post by KilgoreTrout

Sounds like ya need a date with a real man, huh??

If ya ever in old Kentucky ya can give me a call, hon

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 05:58 PM
reply to post by andy1033

He was a grown man and responsible for his own actions. No one made him do anything.

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 06:00 PM

Originally posted by inchworm
reply to post by KilgoreTrout

Sounds like ya need a date with a real man, huh??

If ya ever in old Kentucky ya can give me a call, hon

Well gosh, that's jolly tempting but I don't get out much, and certainly not that far from my door step.

Awfully kind of you though. I'll bear it in mind, should the opportunity arise

edit on 5-2-2011 by KilgoreTrout because: j

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 06:00 PM

Originally posted by KilgoreTrout

Originally posted by alysha.angel
i cried for the weeks and stay home from school i was devestated

Haha! Excellent, I'm not the only freak! Pleased to meet you!

I still cry everytime I hear 'Fire and Rain' by James Taylor, because it reminds me of him. Sometimes I play it specifically because I need 'a cry' and know it'll do the trick in a jiffy.

Hehe...I love being a girl!

i was inlove with river for years when i was a teenager i was thoughly convinced he was my soul mate lol...

* from 13 til i was 18
edit on 5/2/11 by alysha.angel because: (no reason given)

edit on 5/2/11 by alysha.angel because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 06:04 PM

Originally posted by alysha.angel

Originally posted by KilgoreTrout

Originally posted by alysha.angel
i cried for the weeks and stay home from school i was devestated

Haha! Excellent, I'm not the only freak! Pleased to meet you!

I still cry everytime I hear 'Fire and Rain' by James Taylor, because it reminds me of him. Sometimes I play it specifically because I need 'a cry' and know it'll do the trick in a jiffy.

Hehe...I love being a girl!

i was inlove with river for years when i was a teenager i was thoughly convinced was my soul mate lol...

* from 13 til i was 18

No, no,'re mistaken there...that was him and me...haha! you ever feel, well just wrong, at how yummy he still looks in Stand by that allowed? He was very young and then so was I...but now not so....

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 06:06 PM
reply to post by KilgoreTrout

i loved him in running on empty and his later stuff.

ooo yummy ill fight you for him

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 06:06 PM
Watch the piggy cam!...

Chaosmongers! YES!

I was checking out piggy's new guitar he designed that he used on his last tour before he died.
I have seen it before but a small detail of it seems to stand out now... because it must have been something he was really interested in to be put on his guitar.... I guess?

I'm looking for a pic... even though all should seriously sift through videos to find it.


posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 06:15 PM

Originally posted by KilgoreTrout

Originally posted by inchworm
reply to post by KilgoreTrout

Sounds like ya need a date with a real man, huh??

If ya ever in old Kentucky ya can give me a call, hon

Well gosh, that's jolly tempting but I don't get out much, and certainly not that far from my door step.

Awfully kind of you though. I'll bear it in mind, should the opportunity arise

edit on 5-2-2011 by KilgoreTrout because: j

So ya wanna come over, huh??

Cant' say I blames ya

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 06:22 PM
ok...what showed up wasn't chaosmongers but i am totally glad i found that because I don't have all the albums and some of the one's I have are cassette and the rest are cds and they are all in... well, that's not important. My point is this is easier, mixed up and different. A conitiuous VOIVOD video stream.... YAYYYYY! WOOO HOOOO!

I should stop calling cobain a # to prove he isn't helpless and sinless and clean up while listening to VOIVOD....WOOOO HOOOO!

Oh crap, I still haven't found the guitar picture.

anyway.... I know this is the anti-valentines day thread but why is it that again? I'm going to have to go back and read the OP again.
I am anti valentine junk but I am not anti valentines day. I want a Valentine on valentines day.
I'm not going to have one. I'm seriously probably going to cry on Valentine's day.

Oh well, we're all going to be dead soon so... I guess it's all good.
edit on 5-2-2011 by ChaosMagician because: (no reason given)

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