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Will Americans have to resort to such drastic measures as Egypt?

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posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 06:49 AM
I spent alot of time thinking about the the powers that be of this country, their agenda, and the strangle hold they have over the American citizens, and I wonder how would we ever get out of underneath it all, and I just don't see it happening without us being destroyed by another country, or similar protests and rallies such as the ones going on in the Eygpt, it's seems hard to believe, but eventually it may be the outcome, mind blowing
edit on 28-1-2011 by PeoriaAZ because: error

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 06:58 AM
I'm curious if anyone else feels it could be a possibility, or possibly the best choice, to preserve our country, and what it used to stand for.

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 07:12 AM
If you want to take your country back, that is what you have to do.

There is no getting around it, when powers get used to being in-power they tend to resist "CHANGE"!!!

Any thoughts of a color revolution in the US are treated as "TERRORISM"!!

If you are in the US then you are in a 21st century dictatorship that has the EW capabilities to alter your mind and make you docile.

Personally i don't think Americans have the will left inside to fight a clear and present enemy within, everything is locked down and any "DISSENT" or "RESISTANCE" will be treated as "TERRORISM".

Sorry my US brothers and sisters but "TOO BIG TO FAIL " has become "TOO BIG TO OVERTHROW ".!!!

But know this....




posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 07:33 AM
we could potentially have a revolution, and some might say we had a revolution back in november. if not a revolution, it was certainly an alteration in the way federal business is conducted. yes, indeed it was.

what it takes is folks turning out at the polls and being determined to move their communities in a different direction.

it also requires individuals caring enough to stand up, potentially make a sacrifice and perhaps try to get themselves into some of these local, state and federal races.

i believe that is one of the beauties and elegancies of the american political system...revolution doesn't necessarily require folks beating each others' heads in during protests, or throwing molotov cocktails at government buildings.

In fact, this is why progressives and fascists have hated and despised america for so long...because it is often difficult to use political chaos/violence to effect an ideological change, and a simple vote of the people can usurp a would-be dictator from power.

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 07:44 AM

Originally posted by MMPI2
what it takes is folks turning out at the polls and being determined to move their communities in a different direction.

do you know how MANY times,
folks have tried that ???

and no matter the outcome
of an election .....

it's corrupt business as usual
on Monday after inauguration.

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 10:21 AM
I hope they don't resort to what egypt is doing.

I am starting to think that there is a concentrated effort to try and get Americans to start killing their fellow Americans. And I am starting to suspect some posters on here are trying to coordinate an effort in that end.

Basically a conspiracy of people trying to get others to act like Jared Loughner. I find it sick and repulsive and I think that anyone who is seriously thinking of such a plan are sick twisted individuals.

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 10:25 AM

Originally posted by boondock-saint

Originally posted by MMPI2
what it takes is folks turning out at the polls and being determined to move their communities in a different direction.

do you know how MANY times,
folks have tried that ???

and no matter the outcome
of an election .....

it's corrupt business as usual
on Monday after inauguration.

you point out a sad truth, here.

another sad thing that i see is that the people don't stick together about things like this. complacency very often rules the day.

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 10:28 AM
reply to post by PeoriaAZ

I wouldn't worry about anything like that happening in America. Americans simply do not have it in them to protest, and do not have the organization to do so.

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 10:46 AM

Originally posted by whatukno
I hope they don't resort to what egypt is doing.

I am starting to think that there is a concentrated effort to try and get Americans to start killing their fellow Americans. And I am starting to suspect some posters on here are trying to coordinate an effort in that end.

Basically a conspiracy of people trying to get others to act like Jared Loughner. I find it sick and repulsive and I think that anyone who is seriously thinking of such a plan are sick twisted individuals.

You are without a shadow of the doubt the biggest troll on ATS. If there was one quote that could entirely encapsulate your narrow minded way of thinking it would be this:

"Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety" ~ Benjamin Franklin

Our essential liberty has been taken away and anyone that claims otherwise is either in cahoots or just incredibly ignorant. I do not want violence any more than the next person, but unlike you I am not a coward and if violence becomes the last resort then I will not hide from it.

I truly hope that one day you can understand that the only thing, and I mean the only thing that should be important to you is the TRUTH! No matter what the cost. Please wake up and understand that the status quo is fu#$ing DEAD!

A paradigm shift has occurred and sadly the more people like you deny its existence the harder and more painful the transition will be. It does not have to be violence and I hope it is not violence, but in the end if it is violence so be it.

edit on 28-1-2011 by OnTheFelt because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 10:50 AM
reply to post by whatukno

As we already discussed, I agree.

Also, police-state fearmongers take note of what the police are doing in Egypt. Remains to be seen what the military does too.

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 10:51 AM
reply to post by OnTheFelt

No. A "paradigm shift" has not occurred. But someone sure wants us to believe that. Ask yourself who.

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 10:53 AM

Originally posted by whatukno
I hope they don't resort to what egypt is doing.

I am starting to think that there is a concentrated effort to try and get Americans to start killing their fellow Americans. And I am starting to suspect some posters on here are trying to coordinate an effort in that end.

Basically a conspiracy of people trying to get others to act like Jared Loughner. I find it sick and repulsive and I think that anyone who is seriously thinking of such a plan are sick twisted individuals.

For as much as we disagree, I'd have to say you are spot on, 100%, with your comment.

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 11:08 AM
reply to post by OnTheFelt

You know what? Quoting dead founding fathers does not strengthen your argument.

There is something fundamentally flawed with people who want to kill their fellow countrymen. And all the quotes from Ben Franklin and Thomas Jefferson you can muster up does not condone MURDER.

When you start wanting to kill your fellow countrymen for whatever reason you should understand that your ideology is fundamentally flawed. We are Americans. Cops are Americans. Even the politicians in Washington DC are Americans. And to think that you can buy freedom at the end of a gun is beyond flawed.

Some people need to grow up and realize that the idea that they can shoot their way to freedom is insane and stupid.

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 11:16 AM

Originally posted by ~Lucidity
reply to post by OnTheFelt

No. A "paradigm shift" has not occurred. But someone sure wants us to believe that. Ask yourself who.

From your response I can only assume you've just returned from Mars.....Please allow me to be the first to welcome you home. You have a lot of catching up to do, so here's a brief summary of the current paradigm shift that is occurring:

Economic and financial meltdown has occurred on so many levels and in so many places it is uncanny. Scarily enough, there is so much of it that we are becoming immune to the non-stop corruption and thievery that has taken place. It is so common place that it just seems, "Business as Usual."

This all seems to be based on pure greed. It's a paradigm shift that is destroying the world.

You have banks selling and marketing worthless derivatives. You have commodities, stocks, bonds, and even precious metals that are being "naked shorted." This is a term that describes a security that one purchases on the open market. However, in the case of "naked shorting" one is purchasing something that doesn't exist. Since everything is computerized now, they just put a marker in your on-line account that shows you purchased it. But you haven't purchased anything. They've just taken your money and driven down the price of the security by filling the market with invisible securities.

The politicians seem to have forgotten that they are sworn to uphold The Constitution. They also seem to forget that they were elected to represent the People. They represent who they want or who pays them off, apparently. They could care less about the people who elected them or about doing their jobs.

The S.E.C. is so busy watching pornography that for ten years, with hard data that Bernie Madoff was stealing billions of dollars from his clients, they can't even be bothered to look into his business.

Bailing out for-profit corporate banks who are largely responsible for creating this mess; bailing out for-profit insurance companies; bailing out for-profit automobile manufactures and then giving the company to the Unions who are largely responsible for the companies collapse...

All with U.S. tax-payer dollars.

Countries are going bankrupt. Tens of millions of people have lost their jobs and their homes. Yes, it is a paradigm shift and it isn't a good one.

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 11:21 AM
nope... america does it bigger and "better"...

imagine if people had taken notice of JFK when he gave his speech about secret societies...!

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 11:27 AM

Okay. Got that out of the way. Americans are unique. We are not going to start shooting each other. THAT is exactly what TPTB (?) (I never thought I'd use that term) want us to do. Divide and conquer. "Race" wars, "Rich" vs "Poor" wars, they try to polarize us.

The Founding Fathers created a wonderful document and created a great country. Our enemy is not from the outside but is a sickness from within. We have allowed ourselves to forget what it is like to be free, noble, independent. We rely on the government for this, for that, so much so that it's like a junkie trying to justify their addiction to heroin.

We need to just stop relying on our "fix". We can take care of ourselves. We can teach our own children, save for our own retirements, make agreements with doctors ourselves. We don't need government intervention on health, our food, our houses, our schools, our workplace, our lives!!!!!!!!!

Rant over now.
Carry on.

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 11:29 AM

Originally posted by whatukno
reply to post by OnTheFelt

You know what? Quoting dead founding fathers does not strengthen your argument.

There is something fundamentally flawed with people who want to kill their fellow countrymen. And all the quotes from Ben Franklin and Thomas Jefferson you can muster up does not condone MURDER.

When you start wanting to kill your fellow countrymen for whatever reason you should understand that your ideology is fundamentally flawed. We are Americans. Cops are Americans. Even the politicians in Washington DC are Americans. And to think that you can buy freedom at the end of a gun is beyond flawed.

Some people need to grow up and realize that the idea that they can shoot their way to freedom is insane and stupid.

I have never in my life advocated murder...I know it's very convenient to just categorize free thinking people with the like of JLL. I know it helps you sleep at night, so hey do what you gotta do.

I am just thankful that you are the minority and not the majority.

It is easy to take liberty for granted when you have never had it taken from you. Always remember, that our founding fathers did not cross the Atlantic Ocean in search of new soil but rather to secure liberty for their souls!

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 11:36 AM
reply to post by OnTheFelt

I'm distracted watching the events in Egypt, so I'm going to give this to you straight.

If, based on the post by WUK that you were replying to, you said what I inferred you said about not being a "coward," which to me implies that you see sense in violent revolution, then let me just say I think you're being manipulated. And I also think you might be having trouble putting a "face" on the enemy, and so may be of the faction that fears or is "angered by" the police state and government and even other Americans. Also, if you believe that that majority are of the opinion that the only or inevitable or even a viable solution is violent revolution, then you have more thinking to do. Hope you can figure out what I mean by this. If not...well that's really all I have to say. And if I inferred anything incorrectly, my apologies in advance.

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 11:51 AM
reply to post by ~Lucidity

Fair enough and thank you for your response. My point is that as much as violence is a deplorable act, the OP's initial post is a very valid question, and I believe a question that every single person should search in their heart.

It is not until we are prepared to lose everything that we can gain anything. Violence hopefully does not have to be the way but there should never ever be any limitations on how free people can ensure their liberties.

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 02:38 PM
reply to post by PeoriaAZ

Egypt is a totalitarian regime supported by western USA.

Ditto Tunesia...

What we have in both case is an explosion of population in the 15-25 year old bracket...and no jobs or opportunity.

Their parents were guaranteed jobs by the Gov. with all the bells and wistles...this generation? Zilch.

In Tunesia, Habib ruled for 27 years until this uprising, in Egypt Hosni Mubarek has ruled for 30 years....he is 82 years old and won't step down or even discuss transition.

In short...we will see more of this in that region, but it is not the USA.

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