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Sesame Street - Bug out bag - Preparing the nation for megaquake?

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posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 04:38 PM
reply to post by Human_Alien

You would be surprised at what 5 year olds used to do in America and still do in developing countries.

The idea that children should just play with toys, eat candy and watch cartoons from the age of 3 to 13 is a modern Western invention.

When I was in Afghanistan, my unit handed out toys and candy to Afghan children. The parents were furious with us. From the parent's point of view there was work and school to be done and what we gave the children was useless and wasteful. They needed practical things, like pencils and paper for school. Shoes and clothes to wear.

This is something in the West we need to get away from. If there is ever a major disaster like a Dryas event or a lesser disaster like the Great Depression, we will have major issues adapting, while developing countries will adapt far quicker. How Indonesians handled the Indian Ocean tsunami compared to New Orleans having a total breakdown after Hurricane Katrina is a good example.

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 04:50 PM

Originally posted by Human_Alien
reply to post by jibeho

Again, great advice geared toward the adult, not the diaper-wearing toddler or their older Sesame Street watchin siblings. Let them be kids.

It's bad enough they have to watch junk on TV but Sesame Street gives them an hour-long opportunity to get lost in La-La Land.. They don't NEED to be told to pack their emergency bags. Good parenting does that for them and, without drawing too much attention to it either.

Just spare them the worry because lord knows, they're going to have 60 more years of worrying once they grow out of their Sesame Street phase!

And those who think teaching the children (2-10 years old) about HIV really should reconsider having anymore children because THAT'S ridiculous!!!! Especially when you realize that disease was government grown to begin with!
edit on 27-1-2011 by Human_Alien because: (no reason given)

I'm all for letting kids be kids. However, in this day and age so many parents are distracted by the rigors of everyday life that they have lost touch with much of the reality that surrounds us. Everyone is tied to their wireless devices. I see young kids riding bikes and texting. Parents can no longer leave work at the office. It follows them everywhere with their smart phones etc etc.

Something is looming on the horizon and far too many people will be unprepared. What about the kids??

For me, mostly Libertarian, to say that a message like this to our kids is ok is tough to admit. But people are clueless these days when it comes to many of the events around us. Maybe the kids will be able to teach their parents something.

My kids have experienced fire drills when they were 3 and 4 in the building where they attend preschool so this message from Sesame Street does not worry me a whole lot. I'd be more concerned if the message was pushing Obamacare.

Prepare! and take a lesson from the Mormons/Survivalists.

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 04:57 PM

Originally posted by Human_Alien
reply to post by ZombieJesus

It's obvious you don't read, you just blog.

Good luck to you!

If you don't mind me asking, what have I said that makes it so obvious that my intellect is so inferior that I am unable to read?

Please, if you can lay it out in very laymens terms, preferably 1st grade level, so as my feeble sheepish mind my have a chance at understanding.

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 05:19 PM

Originally posted by Human_Alien

Originally posted by MikeboydUS
reply to post by Human_Alien

Most of the people "left behind", a mistake we didn't make with Ike and Gustav, didn't have any emergency preparations. The biggest issue being water. Had everyone had 72 hours of food and water, it would not have been as dire as it was. Lacking 72 hours of prescription medications was another major issue. People have to have those things, otherwise Darwin takes over. People cannot expect FEMA or the government to come and bail them out. There are times when even the government is overwhelmed or not prepared. People need to rely ultimately on themselves.

I hear ya but what the hell does that have to do with 5 year olds?????
That's WHO the commercial was geared toward!

Now a 5 year old has to be responsible for bottling some water (or reminding their parent) all the while of having the stress of becoming a 'productive adult' in this material laced world too?

Most of the people "left behind" were adults who were not "left behind" but simply did not heed the warnings and chose to STAY BEHIND. Others chose to stay behind to take advantage of the looting opportunities. There were some in hospitals who couldn't be evacuated, some in nursing homes who should have but very few who were actually "left behind".

Really, it was not an earthquake or volcano with limited warning. Seeing this thing coming at you for days and being warned to evacuate I'm amazed that people can say they were "left behind".

I have to agree with Human_Alien a lot of the preparations are too much for young children to absorb and interpret correctly. Be a good parent and prepare, let them know you have so if/when something happens they know you are ready for it, and then let them go out and ride their bike.

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 05:36 PM

Originally posted by Human_Alien

Originally posted by MikeboydUS
reply to post by Human_Alien

What the heck happened to telling kids the truth?

RIP Easter Bunny, Fairy Godmother and Santa.

Ya happy now?

This is a little over the top though.

I thought everyone knew they would be back as soon as they were finished guarding Barry's BC

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 05:40 PM
I don't see anything at all wrong with this.

I've seen how Japanese kids react in earthquakes. They might be young enough to freak out at the sound of thunder, but in a quake they know exactly what to do, and they do it. Because they've been prepared.

The OP seems hung up on letting kids be kids, but I'd suggest that not teaching them to be prepared will stop them from being kids in a much more profound way, ie. being caught in a shower of broken glass or pinned under a bookshelf because they didn't know what to do. That's certainly the reality in this country.

Nothing robs kids of their childhood like being in an emergency. Things happen that are beyond the control of adults: tornadoes, earthquakes, fires, hurricanes, floods... and teaching kids (who will eventually become adults) how to prepare for those things is what responsible adults should do.

Be prepared. I learned what that means when I was 7, and both my childhood and adult life have been better for it.

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 05:47 PM
reply to post by Human_Alien

A lot of house moms will leave the TV on while they fix dinner so their two and three year olds will be entertained. And we all know house wives are the most fearful people for their kids...easy advertising.

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 05:58 PM
reply to post by vox2442

Once again, this is not the job of the media but the parent (should they choose to involve their toddler of such an event).

Watching Sesame Street should be a time for children to relax, daydream, pretend and be kids while their parents are hopefully, packing up their goodie-bug-out-bags.

How does a two or six year benefit from or even prosper from this?

Only thing I see is creating stressful kids who are in fear and totally insecure of knowing that being comfortable at this stage of their young NOT an option!
It's ridiculous and uncalled for.

So that brings us back to the PTB's intent.
TPTB are creating dutiful, fearful, insecure and obedient children thanks to the lax of good parenting.

Do yourself a favor. Throw out the damn television set and YOU be their source entertainment and life lessons!!
Because I have a feeling, if this commercial did not air, kids will still be okay if they were brought up properly.

And if parents NEED commercials like this (as a reminder or source to educate their children) then perhaps you shouldn't contribute to the world population anymore.

edit on 27-1-2011 by Human_Alien because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 06:04 PM

Originally posted by freedish
reply to post by Human_Alien

A lot of house moms will leave the TV on while they fix dinner so their two and three year olds will be entertained. And we all know house wives are the most fearful people for their kids...easy advertising.

With that in mind...there are now, more television sets per household then people.

Yup. Everything is OKAY so go back to watching that damn idiot box people and for god sake, do NOT communicate with one another especially while eating dinner and/or putting your children to sleep every night. The television is your source of EVERYTHING.

Therefore, everything is OKAY!

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 06:07 PM

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 06:22 PM
I know I am about to go way off topic but.....
You want to teach your children grown up stuff at the age of 2-10 years old?

Perhaps, next time you're swinging your children on the swing, laughing, playing and just may want to point out those chemtrails that AREN'T contrails.

Maybe that's a good start into the world of reality rather than stupid, bug out bags that ought NOT be their concern.

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 06:26 PM

Originally posted by Human_Alien

Originally posted by freedish
reply to post by Human_Alien

A lot of house moms will leave the TV on while they fix dinner so their two and three year olds will be entertained. And we all know house wives are the most fearful people for their kids...easy advertising.

With that in mind...there are now, more television sets per household then people.

Yup. Everything is OKAY so go back to watching that damn idiot box people and for god sake, do NOT communicate with one another especially while eating dinner and/or putting your children to sleep every night. The television is your source of EVERYTHING.

Therefore, everything is OKAY!

I know right. I often compare America to ancient Rome in the sense that they were obsessed with entertainment like us.

I think the fall of America will be similar too.

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 06:43 PM
I'm not worried about any of it. FEMA has some real nice camps for us to stay in..They have merry go rounds and slides.It will be just like a vacation at Disney land there.They will be overly respective of us, our wives and our children. I even heard that TSA may help them with the strip searches and pat downs so no "BAD" people will get in that might want to hurt us.......... I can't wait....I love you FEMA.....I have put all my fears to rest since you've been on the scene.......What would us little people do with out someone to watch out for us....Thank you Barry Sotoro for keeping FEMA..Maybe you'll come to our vacation villa and visit us when the time comes.....We'll keep the light on for you........

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 07:07 PM
reply to post by beezzer

could I get some help on the bob bags as well as food storage I am in az. and have stared preps but I need more info.

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 07:20 PM
reply to post by Human_Alien

So people are getting conspiracies from Sesame Street and puppets now?
come on guys...COME ON!

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 07:30 PM
Hey today a lot of the little kids..who in my opinion are never kids..are the ones to TELL Mom and Dad..."we need to have a bug out bag Mom n Dad! Guess that's the way things are now. commercials are aimed at them too because they decide what most of the groceries will be that are bought lol.

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 08:17 PM
Theres nothing wrong with being prepared....the sooner people learn this stuff the better IMO.
I was never taught anything about survival as a kid.

The problem i see with a lot of people on here is that they feel by stocking up on ammo, food etc they will be in a better position than others. BUT you have to remember.....if you have all this stuff people will want it, and will kill to get it. So, in short you are digging your own grave if things were to go pear shaped.

Theres plenty of bad people out there that wouldnt think twice about beating you for a phone, or cash, even whilst there is nothing to really fear. If things did go wrong, these people are the people that will have no quarms about murdering you and your family for your stuff.

Its all very well saying "ive got a load of ammo so im alright" but have you got the balls to use it?? I think the answer for most people would be no.

Back on topic about Sesame street.....seriously???? You really think this is a clue as to what our future holds???
I think your reading too much into it to be honest. If TPTB wanted to depopulate i dont think they would be teaching kids how to survive. If anything these kids are getting help....which doesnt make sense if you believe the depopulation thing. Why would they be teaching them how to survive a disaster if they wanted them dead???

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 09:15 PM
I'm a teacher's aide in a preschool and although I'm not sure it's really going to hurt the kids to see the sesame street commercial, I really don't think most of them will really understand the whole concept anyway. We have fire drills and tornado drills at our school. They are required, in fact, but most of the kids don't really grasp the whys of the things. We always instruct them that they can tell their parents about them, but that there was not an actual fire or storm. They are young children and they don't understand gray areas, so sometimes parents get to hear about our fire. Then we have to explain to the parent that it was a drill. I'm not really sure BOB are something they really need to know about from Sesame Street. If parents make up one and care to explain it in an age appropriate manner, fine, but children can be easily worried even if they don't talk about their fears. I can remember hearing about killer bees on the news when I was a child and being scared to death. I didn't tell my parents for a while, but I was terrified of the thought of bees killing me. Children are in fact being pushed to grow up too fast, too young. Yes, they need to gain more freedom as they get older, but what I see is too much sexualization and mature concepts being pushed too young. We have students who play Twilight and make fun of other kids because they don't wear Ugg boots. These are 3 and 4 year olds . They should not be watching Twilight or know Ugg is a trendy brand. There is too much TV and commercialism and not enough real parenting. Parents are too tired to be parents or to caught up in their own lives to do their job correctly. But back to Sesame Street, I can remember when the producers agonized over how to approach the delicate topic of death to their young viewers without upsetting them when Mr. Hooper passed away. I think they handled that situation beautifully and with great concern for the kids. I'm not sure if this commercial is as well thought out.

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 09:58 PM
reply to post by Human_Alien

You're obviously too young to remember Mr. Hooper.

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 12:16 AM
Everyone needs to know that YES there is going to be widespread famine. This will most likely be during a time of high of solar activity. Earth quakes may be in the picture a little...

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