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After AZ shootings, Rep. Denny Davis told he’s ‘next’

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posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 11:41 AM

Originally posted by sweetliberty
Do you have any quotes newer than those? The latest quote you show was 9 years years ago as far as I could tell.

Here's a recent one...


There are plenty more and you're welcome.

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 11:46 AM
Rhetoric does have power to influence or they wouldn't be using it. It is rhetoric because they certainly are not suggesting people take them literally, are they? It's just the problem is that maybe a very, very small percentage of the people DO take them literally. If that percentage were somewhat less than one in a million we would have a very serious problem on our hands.

Is more responsible and non-violent rhetoric too much to ask of the media commentators? Not a law but a "pretty-please" perhaps.

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 11:47 AM

Originally posted by sweetliberty
Do you have any quotes newer than those? The latest quote you show was 9 years years ago as far as I could tell.

Awwww... Same age as that little girl.

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 12:23 PM

Originally posted by Erongaricuaro

Originally posted by sweetliberty
Do you have any quotes newer than those? The latest quote you show was 9 years years ago as far as I could tell.

Awwww... Same age as that little girl.

You're right

I imagine her funeral will be packed with people from all over the state and further. She was no doubt precious and special.
Her father is a testimony to this. Ughh, my heart breaks when I think about her and what happened.


posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 12:39 PM
Political Correctness has played a role in this probably more than realized. As of late we see news articles omitting words like "Muslim extremists", we are constantly seeing our rights and freedoms attacked.
For instance, the boy who flew the American Flag on the back of his bike. The American Flag made someone uncomfortable so the boy was told by school authorities not to display it on school grounds. After being bombarded with calls protesting this decision, the boy is now allowed to fly his flag on the school property.

Obama said there would be transparency in Congress, that they would post what was on the table five days before passing anything but he and others seemed to have forgotten this, thus causing sceptisism and a serious lack of trust with many people. This (sensitivity and fighting for our rights) has been going on forever but lately it's become a monster.
I mention those things above to say it seems if anyone opposes they are now labeled.
Most of the men on talk radio have dominate personalities, if they address a recent terror attack and also mention the MSM is no longer allowed to use the word "Muslim extremist" but it was a Muslim extremist group who attacked, ... the talk radio personalities point out the terrorists were a part of a Muslim terrorist group.

Imo, this is the root of the recent uprising in attacking Beck and Savage, ect.

In other words, the "sensitive agenda" seems to have backfired for those who try to distort facts, who are creating laws on top of laws in order to be the one's in control.

The sleepy are waking up, the one's already awake are attentive, the nut jobs are now nuttier.

I think we all have had an awaking in one way or another and are speaking up. This is the last thing the control freaks want. Now they are taking this to the next level which will cause those who oppose to take it to the next level (of speaking up and being proactive)... as the level rises, the nut jobs will not be able to handle things and they will up their level too.

We do need to watch what we say but not to the extent of banning speech. I feel this massacre is enough to teach the politicians and candidates a lesson without censoring.

What if someone on talk radio calls Republicans Repubics? Is that going too far? I don't think so.
How far will this go? What will be allowed and not allowed if the FCC decides to regulate radio? I think this can be a bad thing.


posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 02:12 PM
reply to post by whaaa

You don't have to. People paid a lot more than you wrote the narrative you're riding on now. My guess is you're going to pound on this as hard as you can, so are all the other politicos who used this incident to paint anything "right" as having been accessories to the crime.

So, now we have threats on a democrat from Chicago...How unfortunate.
My guess is we're going to see "threat wars" as a result of the narrative
the Krugman's and Huff Po's of the world wrote in the minutes after the news
of the shooting broke HOPING it would pan out and indict the Tea Party
for a heinous crime.

Political opportunism

It works if you can't win elections on merit...
edit on 11-1-2011 by projectvxn because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 02:16 PM
Do you mean the way the leftwing has implanted into our young women to kill there unborn babies?

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by debz325
Do you mean the way the leftwing has implanted into our young women to kill there unborn babies?

Perfect example. The right claims that the left are all baby killers. Baby killers. Baby Killers! Tiller the baby killer! Why does Bill O'Reilly not harp on that term anymore? Could it be because some right wing nutjob saw docter Tiller as a baby killer and therefor justified killing him in the name of God? Yep!

Keep adding to it. Glenn Beck has spent two years saying that Democrats are really socialists bent on destroying the country. The whole Obama is a Kenyan usurper meme just will not be put down by even the loudest mouths on the right. You remind us about all those baby killers. So when the right spends all its time painting the left as amoral, less than human, foreigners bent on destroying the country. How many "2nd ammendement remedy" speeches does some nut need to act on that irrational fear? Ask Dr. Tiller's widow.

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 04:15 PM

Originally posted by Sinnthia

Originally posted by debz325
Do you mean the way the leftwing has implanted into our young women to kill there unborn babies?

Perfect example. The right claims that the left are all baby killers. Baby killers. Baby Killers! Tiller the baby killer! Why does Bill O'Reilly not harp on that term anymore? Could it be because some right wing nutjob saw docter Tiller as a baby killer and therefor justified killing him in the name of God? Yep!

Keep adding to it. Glenn Beck has spent two years saying that Democrats are really socialists bent on destroying the country. The whole Obama is a Kenyan usurper meme just will not be put down by even the loudest mouths on the right. You remind us about all those baby killers. So when the right spends all its time painting the left as amoral, less than human, foreigners bent on destroying the country. How many "2nd ammendement remedy" speeches does some nut need to act on that irrational fear? Ask Dr. Tiller's widow.

I don't know where to put myself politically as far as Left and Right. I don't favor all-out socialism but I am in favor of building roads and infrastructure which requires a degree of socialism. On the abortion issue I can't get behind the Right, I still think we own our own bodies to include what goes in or comes out of them.

I am so strong on abortion choice that I even could favor retro-active abortion, perhaps to the age of 12 or 18 perhaps. If the kid is a slacker perhaps it's the parents' duty to whack 'er. Extreme, sure, but a sure-fire cure for juvenile delinquency. Not sure if that is just rhetoric or if I actually believe it a little. Shows where rhetoric will take you.

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 04:46 PM
This is not a left or right situation. It's a "our country is on the verge of mass chaos" situation. Unemployment is still running high, weekly UE checks have or will be running out, charity groups are running low or are out of resources, welfare & foodstamp dependancy is at an all time high, taxes are going up, people have lost or are loosing everything they have worked for and our goverment has their head in the sand.

What do the idiots in charge expect to happen? This country is a powder keg with a lit match dangling over it & this violent act is only making matters worse because people are making the choice to give this lunatic power. Instead of the media and government officials trying to place blame on the opposite party, why don't they work together to make damn sure the next Jared doesn't slip through the cracks of society. Work to unite us, not divide us even further.

Okay, rant over.

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 04:47 PM
If this guy was a crazy who was influenced by radical rhetoric I will eat my hat. When something terrible happens look at what is blamed, and who gains from blaming it. This has many levels, and there are plenty of threads discussing it.

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 04:57 PM

Originally posted by whaaa
Rush, Beck, Bork, Sean, Coulter, Savage, Levin, Medved, Mancow Hal Turner, ORilley and Ingraham have planted the seeds and now the Rhetoric is bearing fruit.

Wow, you are really showing your bias and ignorance.

The shooter was a left wing liberal like yourself. So by using your logic, you also must be influenced by Rush, Beck etc. Don't you see how faulty your logic is?

If anything, the shooter was influenced by all the hate speech from the liberals who also made the same type of comments as you mentioned.

You are WAY off base, as usual.

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 05:16 PM
reply to post by WhatTheory

Thanks, I know when I elicit such a personal attack; I must be doing something right......

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 05:28 PM

Originally posted by whaaa
Thanks, I know when I elicit such a personal attack; I must be doing something right

If you think that was a personal attack then you are only proving my point about always being wrong.

I only showed the major and glaring hole in your flawed logic.

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 05:34 PM

Originally posted by WhatTheory
The shooter was a left wing liberal like yourself.

Where are you getting that from?

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 05:56 PM
YES we must immediately blame conservative and republican talk show hosts and politicians for this guys crime......

Despite the fact that there is absolutely no proof.....

Despite that all the facts point , that it was not politically motivated.....

Despite the fact , that it took less than a day for this fingerpointing to begin

Liberal left always wants us to jump to conclusions unless it doesnt serve their purpose

how bout the guy who flew his plane into the IRS building and the left AGAIN immediately started blaming the right , and once again their rhetoric..........turns out he was a liberal, and was just upset at the IRS

Or how bout that census worker they found dead? AGAIN the liberal left immediately started blaming the right .....turns out it was suicide.......

How many times do you have to be wrong, before you stop this? How many tragedies do you have to take advantage of to push your agenda before Karma and your conscience finally catches up to you?

Remember the Muslim guy that shot all those soldiers at Ft.Hood......and people were speculating that it could have been a terrorist act.......the left was SCREAMING dont jump to conclusions, he might not even be muslim....its very important we dont say that he is, or speculate ANYTHING without the facts.....

One thing is for sure has brought to light the hypocrisy , and total disdain that the liberal media, politicians, and select constituants have for conservatives..........DESPITE the horror, trauma, and heartbreak of the unfortunate souls, caught in the political tug of war......

Enough Waa
edit on 11-1-2011 by ManBehindTheMask because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-1-2011 by ManBehindTheMask because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 07:05 PM
Is someone keeping a scorecard? Tear it up, boths sides probably do it including those in the middle, at the edges, or the ones that defy pigeon-holed description.

It is bad enough to hear violent, bigoted, or just plain B.S. rhetoric on the streets but we get to hear plenty by the media commentators as well. I am sure violent, racist, or bigoted bile is free speech protected under the First Amendment, so that is reason enough to keep it up. Advocate shooting #$^%#ers because it's fun to say, stirs up the m asses, and it's just harmless rhetoric. And no one takes it serious, right?

edit on 11-1-2011 by Erongaricuaro because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 07:39 PM
Guys. When the left speaks like this, it's metaphorical prose. When its the other side it's hateful, rage inciting rhetoric.

I'm serious.

posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 08:46 PM
whaaa, I found this, when I was looking up topics from my memory. The Minutemen . Chilling, as the same once far right, reactionary rhetoric (and cross hairs images even!) passes for current GOP political rhetoric.

I also remember the Posse Comitatus groups from the 1980s. info I think it was either Reagan or Bush senior who went after them. Nowadays their thinking dovetails with GOP tax reform and small govt.

The Christian identity movement ideology sounds as if it was tailor made to question President Obama's legitimacy. Why has this thought been allowed to grow with GOP approval? Is it this racism why Rep Davis is threatened with death?

Why was all this ideology allowed to go GOP mainstream? Why does the GOP allow "paranoid and idiotic libels" (W F Buckley's own terms) nowadays? Ex., Obama's a Muslim who attends a Christian church and follows a black Christian pastor's theology, and he's a Communist and Nazi.

With the push to drive the nation further to the right, no wonder a corporate Democrat is called a Socialist and Marxist (and Nixon a Commie). And with all the extreme-right angry/violence-by-gun talk, amplified, legitimized, and encouraged by prominent conservative media personalities, little wonder we're seeing "acting out" by citizens.

IMO, the GOP made a pact with the devil three decades ago when they enlarged their voting block, their "base", by appealing to paranoia and idiocy. The devil now wants his due.

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